Victorieux Luxury Yacht

EVE University Database

Intaki Syndicate
Luxury Yacht Class


  • 1 Ship Attributes
  • 6 Patch History

Developed for use by station governors and other well-connected members of the Intaki Syndicate, Victorieux-class Luxury Yachts combine opulent accommodations with state of the art cloaking and propulsion systems. The Victorieux enables comfortable and discreet travel for business or pleasure, from Poitot to Intaki and beyond.

The Syndicate has steadfastly refused to answer inquiries on how they obtained the technology necessary to enable simultaneous cloak and warp drive activation on this yacht.

In early YC117, Silphy en Diabel announced that the Syndicate would be sponsoring an invitational tournament and making limited run blueprints for the Victorieux available to all capsuleer supporters of the winning team.

Role Bonuses: 100% bonus to warp speed and warp acceleration 100% bonus to Interdiction Nullifier duration 100% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement • Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device 80% reduction in Interdiction Nullifier reactivation delay and max lock range penalty

what's this? and without .
Opux Luxury Yacht Class

Ship Attributes


The Victorieux Luxury Yacht was awarded to every account on the winning server of the Worlds Collide event which took place at Fanfest 2015. The event was a tournament match between City of Angels, representing Serenity (the Chinese server of EVE), and Camel Empire, representing Tranquility (the rest of the world's server). Camel Empire won 3-1, and so every account on Tranquility was gifted a Victorieux Luxury Yacht.

Despite its limited release, the Yacht has found a niche as a low volume, high value nullsec hauler, owing to being the only ship that had the combination of interdiction nullification, covert ops cloak, 8 AU/s warp speed, cruiser-level HP (resistant to smartbomb camps), and sub-2s warp capability. The Great Escape update in May 2021 turned the Yacht's passive nullification into a high slot module.

Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Victorieux Luxury Yacht for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.

No sub-article about Victorieux Luxury Yacht roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.

When the yacht had passive interdiction nullification, it only had one high slot. When the passive nullification was removed and the high slot interdiction nullifer was added on 18 May 2021, this meant that pilots would have to choose between cloaking or nullification. CCP added a second high slot to the ship the next day, rectifying that issue.

Patch History

A long, long time ago...

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- 2015-03-21 03:07:06 UTC

It also has 10kk Mass and .4x agility, which gives it roughly a Cynabal's align time.

So... how should this thing be fit?
- 2015-03-21 04:53:28 UTC
- 2015-03-21 10:50:32 UTC Dealer


- 2015-03-21 10:59:52 UTC
- 2015-03-21 12:00:53 UTC
- 2015-03-21 19:21:04 UTC
Low slots
Sevice staff (hookers)
Security staff

Eat dessert first!

- 2015-03-21 20:43:32 UTC
- 2015-03-25 15:31:31 UTC

- 2015-03-25 15:49:07 UTC
- 2015-03-26 18:59:18 UTC  | 
- 2015-03-26 19:04:24 UTC

Spring for a Corelum A-Type MWD. Shaves another 13% off the signature when it's on.
- 2015-03-26 19:05:47 UTC

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.
- 2015-03-26 19:06:41 UTC

Spring for a Corelum A-Type MWD. Shaves another 13% off the signature when it's on.

I wouldn't actually want to use the MWD with possible hostiles around :p This boat is just ment to warp as fast as possible.
- 2015-03-26 19:08:13 UTC

It lists at 6, but it also has a 50% bonus. Haven't had the chance to undock mine yet, but EFT seems right if I can still read bonuses. Guess I'll know later this afternoon or something.
- 2015-03-26 19:15:28 UTC

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.

Unfortunately you're right. I undocked mine and warped to a rando object ot see how fast it really was including boni. The 50% warpsepeed bonus is allready included in the 6 AU/sec. That's a real shame :/
- 2015-03-26 19:23:30 UTC

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.

Unfortunately you're right. I undocked mine and warped to a rando object ot see how fast it really was including boni. The 50% warpsepeed bonus is allready included in the 6 AU/sec. That's a real shame :/

Sorry to be a party pooper lol
- 2015-03-26 19:28:06 UTC  | 
- 2015-03-27 11:00:59 UTC
- 2015-03-27 16:40:36 UTC

Negatory ghost rider....this baby has decent ehp.. Going to take atleast 6 or more BS to pop this beauty.
- 2015-03-27 17:55:03 UTC

Plug in an em-703 and slap on some low friction nozzles and save yourself buku isk


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Posted - 2015.03.21 03:07:06 - [ ] -

It also has 10kk Mass and .4x agility, which gives it roughly a Cynabal's align time.

So... how should this thing be fit?


Posted - 2015.03.21 04:53:28 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.21 10:50:32 - [ ] -

and it's the kind of laugh that gives normal people shivers."


Posted - 2015.03.21 10:59:52 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.21 12:00:53 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.21 19:21:04 - [ ] -

Low slots
Sevice staff (hookers)
Security staff

Eat dessert first!


Posted - 2015.03.21 20:43:32 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.25 15:31:31 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.25 15:49:07 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.26 18:59:18 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.26 19:04:24 - [ ] -

Spring for a Corelum A-Type MWD. Shaves another 13% off the signature when it's on.


Posted - 2015.03.26 19:05:47 - [ ] -

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.


Posted - 2015.03.26 19:06:41 - [ ] -

Spring for a Corelum A-Type MWD. Shaves another 13% off the signature when it's on.

I wouldn't actually want to use the MWD with possible hostiles around :p This boat is just ment to warp as fast as possible.


Posted - 2015.03.26 19:08:13 - [ ] -

It lists at 6, but it also has a 50% bonus. Haven't had the chance to undock mine yet, but EFT seems right if I can still read bonuses. Guess I'll know later this afternoon or something.


Posted - 2015.03.26 19:15:28 - [ ] -

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.

Unfortunately you're right. I undocked mine and warped to a rando object ot see how fast it really was including boni. The 50% warpsepeed bonus is allready included in the 6 AU/sec. That's a real shame :/


Posted - 2015.03.26 19:23:30 - [ ] -

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.

Unfortunately you're right. I undocked mine and warped to a rando object ot see how fast it really was including boni. The 50% warpsepeed bonus is allready included in the 6 AU/sec. That's a real shame :/

Sorry to be a party pooper lol


Posted - 2015.03.26 19:28:06 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.27 11:00:59 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.27 16:40:36 - [ ] -

Negatory ghost rider....this baby has decent ehp.. Going to take atleast 6 or more BS to pop this beauty.


Posted - 2015.03.27 17:55:03 - [ ] -

Plug in an em-703 and slap on some low friction nozzles and save yourself buku isk


Posted - 2015.03.28 03:49:46 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.28 13:34:19 - [ ] -


Posted - 2015.03.28 16:23:54 - [ ] -

As long as you've have more than 2,400 EHP for your lowest resist you should survive one volley from a disco BS. I whipped up a hull tanked version in eft , comes up with 50k+ ehp to lowest resists and even fits a 1mn mwd for burning back to the gate if you happen to get unlucky on the cloak..(it happens). Cargo gans, biomass, etc. Also, it aligns faster due to not having the armor plates. I myself would probably not fly this version, I like having my align under the 2 sec mark and I dont warp gate to gate, but even fit for fast align times, the ehp is still good enough to survice smaller disco camps.

[Victorieux Luxury Yacht, Iwouldntflythis]
Damage Control II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Inertial Stabilizers II

Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
Medium Transverse Bulkhead II

EHP 50k+ aligns in 3.3 sec(too slow)
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eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

  • Victorieux Luxury Yacht

Role bonuses

eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

 Type ID
Tech Level
 Meta Level
Repackaged Volume
 Base Price
Shield recharge time
  • Opux Luxury Yacht
Powergrid Output
CPU Output
Capacitor Capacity
Capacitor Recharge time
Turret Hardpoints
Launcher Hardpoints
High Slots
Medium Slots
Low Slots
Rig Slots
 Rig Size
Maximum Locked Targets
Maximum Targeting Range
Ladar Sensor Strength
Magnetometric Sensor Strength
RADAR Sensor Strength
Gravimetric Sensor Strength
Signature Radius
Scan Resolution
Maximum Velocity
 Warp Speed Multiplier
Inertia Modifier
Drone Capacity
Drone Bandwidth

Required skills



 Portion Size

Produced by

eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

 Warp Speed and Acceleration Bonus
Cargo Scan Resistance
Capacitor Warfare Resistance
Stasis Webifier Resistance
Weapon Disruption Resistance
Rig Slots
 Heat Attenuation
Item Damage
Power Load
Ship Warp Speed
CPU Load
Type ID34590
Faction ID500004
Graphic ID21076
Sound ID20074
Group ID
Meta Group ID
Race ID8
Faction Namesyndicate
Variation Parent Type ID635


Developed for use by station governors and other well-connected members of the Intaki Syndicate, Victorieux-class Luxury Yachts combine opulent accommodations with state of the art cloaking and propulsion systems. The Victorieux enables comfortable and discreet travel for business or pleasure, from Poitot to Intaki and beyond. The Syndicate has steadfastly refused to answer inquiries on how they obtained the technology necessary to enable simultaneous cloak and warp drive activation on this yacht. In early YC117, Silphy en Diabel announced that the Syndicate would be sponsoring an invitational tournament and making limited run blueprints for the Victorieux available to all capsuleer supporters of the winning team.

eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

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eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

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  Destroyed Rank Lost Rank Eff. %
Ships 3,908 1,057 13,968 296 21.9
Points 5,687 1,533 35,916 294 13.7
ISK 4.84t 378 4.30t 254 53.0
Ships 28 1,614 112 346 20.0
Points 85 1,576 366 326 18.8
ISK 5.72b 1,493 95.95b 260 5.6
Ships 0 1,868 9 302 0.0
Points 0 1,868 30 304 0.0
ISK 0 1,868 3.34b 270 0.0
Dangerous Snuggly 134 Solo Kills
Dangerous Snuggly Gangs 7 Solo
Dangerous Snuggly Gangs Solo
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(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)

(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)





(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)

(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)

(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)

(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)
(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)

(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)

(Victorieux Luxury Yacht)

eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

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Victorieux Luxury Yacht Now In Redeeming System

eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

Tranquility emerged victorious from Worlds Collide ! First off we want to congratulate the champions of Tranquility, Camel Empire, on their victory over Serenity and consequently all of you for the victory. The audience in Harpa was absolutely amazing and the Serenity guys garnered amazing support regardless of them being the visiting team. They had an amazing time despite the defeat and the long Friday dinner the two teams had together shows that being frenemies is definitely a thing in EVE Online.

All accounts that were subscribed at the time of the event earned the right to a  Victorieux Luxury Yacht and these have now been deployed in your redeeming system . If you did not get yours despite having an active subscription on Friday the 20th of March 2015, please submit a ticket to customer support and your problem will be handled.

Additionally, the complete fittings submitted for Worlds Collide have now been published. You can find them in their entirety here .

Enjoy cruising around New Eden in style!

eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

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eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

Use a Unique Ship Symbol for the Victorieux Luxury Yacht

Hi, it would be cool if there is a different insignia/symbol for the Victorieux Luxury Yacht. Right now the Yacht uses the generic cruiser symbol which is the pentagon. The Yacht is different from cruisers and it is in its own unique category. Most if not all cruisers serve an offensive or logistics role with bonuses for either, but the Yacht does not. I am not aware of the costs of changing the ship symbol on the part of CCP, but I don’t believe it involves a lot of coding, so it should be a small change. The Yacht deserves its own symbol.

why ? no other ship has their own special symbol ! and a yacht is a cruiser sized hull so it has the cruiser symbol ! doesnt matter if it can shoot or rep you ! mining ships also have the cruiser symbol ( not 100% sure … could be the BC symbole ) ! they have no combat or logistic role !

no, mining ships don’t. play the game and check them out next time you see them

In terms of weight classification, isn’t it a cruiser though?

youre right… looks similar but still different !

and still cant see any reason why a rarely used ship like the yacht need to have their own ship symbole oO

Yes, about the same. But a Venture also has roughly the same weight as other frigates but a different symbol. This symbol applies to all its variants.

Like the Venture, the Yacht is also in a class of its own, and so I argue it should have its own symbol.

Well venture is a mining ship so, all mining ships are slight varient.

And a venture is more used than the yacht.

I think having a rare ship like yacht a unique symbol is a target

from EVEUni Despite its limited release, the Yacht has found a niche as a low volume, high value nullsec hauler, owing to being the only ship that had the combination of interdiction nullification, covert ops cloak, 8 AU/s warp speed, cruiser-level HP (resistant to smartbomb camps), and sub-2s warp capability.

It might make the most sense to use a hauler icon for it.

but CCP dont classified it as hauler ! i´m not 100% sure because i didnt look for a source but i think they classified them as “cruiser sized luxury shuttle” as they implemented them years before !

I’m just thinking that, considering what I used this ship for, having a run of the mill icon that doesn’t call any undue attention to it or scream “Hey, I might have high value cargo” is something of a plus more than a minus.

its just my opinion but i would never fly high value stuff in a special ship like a yacht xD they are expensive ( for just being a shuttle ) and if you have a competent gatecamp then your still fugged ! always use intercptors and gatepings on high traffic low sec systems to avoid smartbombs ! in 12 years of playtime ive only once got killed by transporting high value stuff and this was 2 jumps away from jita by not using my instadock xD

Considering the symbols are tied to overview category at present, hard -1 to anything that fucks with that or putting yachts into their own category.

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  1. EVE Online

    eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

  2. Gotta Go Fast... Victorieux Luxury Yacht Review

    eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

  3. Fit: Victorieux Luxury Yacht, sub 2 sec align by tigeryi

    eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

  4. Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

  5. EVE Online Корабль для перелетов Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit

  6. Opux Luxury Yacht

    eve online victorieux luxury yacht fit


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  1. Fit: Victorieux Luxury Yacht, sub 2 sec align by tigeryi

    Fit: Victorieux Luxury Yacht, sub 2 sec align by tigeryi | EVE Workbench. Market. Support the site. Get your Omega codes here. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time!

  2. Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    Summary. The Victorieux Luxury Yacht was awarded to every account on the winning server of the Worlds Collide event which took place at Fanfest 2015. The event was a tournament match between City of Angels, representing Serenity (the Chinese server of EVE), and Camel Empire, representing Tranquility (the rest of the world's server). Camel Empire won 3-1, and so every account on Tranquility was ...

  3. Search through our fitting database!

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  4. Victorieux Luxury Yacht Fitting : r/Eve

    It's only to get the align time under 4 seconds (without it, your align is 4.16 seconds, with a 5-second warpout time due to server ticks). You lose about 1.5k armor EHP, which is half a volley from one smartbombing battleship fitted with faction SBs.

  5. Victorieux Luxury Yacht Fitting

    24. Luxury Yachts have a pretty standard fitting High slot Luxury suite with Jacuzzi and mini-bar Mid slot Full range Casino with nightclub and 5-star restaurant Low slots Service staff Security staff Hookers Doctors Fit is made to damn near perma tank anything that comes at you. I wouldn't fit mine any other way.

  6. EVE Search

    Luxury Yachts have a pretty standard fitting High slot Luxury suite with Jacuzzi and mini-bar Mid slot Full range Casino with nightclub and 5-star restaurant Low slots Service staff Security staff Hookers Doctors Fit is made to damn near perma tank anything that comes at you. I wouldn't fit mine any other way. Ralph King-Griffin Lords.Of.Midnight The Devil's Warrior Alliance 9128

  7. r/Eve on Reddit: Victorieux Luxury Yacht with less than 2 second align

    Four tech 2 istabs and three tech 2 low friction nozzle join rigs aligns in more than 2 seconds. Rigs can reduce the number of faction istabs you need, but you need at least one or implants/boosts. For the mids, you have 18,800 EHP already (close to double the average travelceptor).

  8. [EVE News] Victorieux Luxury Yacht Now In Redeeming System ...

    They had an amazing time despite the defeat and the long Friday dinner the two teams had together shows that being frenemies is definitely a thing in EVE Online. All accounts that were subscribed at the time of the event earned the right to a Victorieux Luxury Yacht and these have now been deployed in your redeeming system.

  9. Gotta Go Fast... Victorieux Luxury Yacht Review

    Gotta Go Fast... Victorieux Luxury Yacht Review | EVE OnlineI have bought yet another beasty little quirky ship that has made my day. This thing is super coo...

  10. Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    Description. Developed for use by station governors and other well-connected members of the Intaki Syndicate, Victorieux-class Luxury Yachts combine opulent accommodations with state of the art cloaking and propulsion systems. The Victorieux enables comfortable and discreet travel for business or pleasure, from Poitot to Intaki and beyond.

  11. Victorieux Luxury Yacht Cov Ops Cloak 5 second timer?

    As for insta-lockers, the fit has sub 2sec align time for insta-warp and the Covert Ops Cloak can be activated immediately after clicking 'Warp to'. Only a cloak can save from insta-lockers, true. The sub 2 sec aling time isn't a condition for safe travelling. There can be nasty scenarios with two gate camps in a row.

  12. [Q] What's your favorite Victorious Luxury Yacht fits

    Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II. With a Low Grade Nomad set and a EM-704, this fit is below 2sec Align time while keeping a small signature (150). It is squishier than the most common fit I saw, which looks like : [Victorieux Luxury Yacht, Fit 2] Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers. Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers.

  13. Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    Victorieux Luxury Yacht: 3,908 ships destroyed and 13,961 ships lost. ... Will request killmails and save fitting scopes. Please support zKillboard by disabling your adblocker. ... Shaufrall Nephthys (Victorieux Luxury Yacht) EVE Zillow: Dii minores (2) LowSechnaya Sholupen: 04:15 465.28m: 0.0 J5A-IX. Fountain:

  14. Victorieux Luxury Yacht Now In Redeeming System

    All accounts that were subscribed at the time of the event earned the right to a Victorieux Luxury Yacht and these have now been deployed in your redeeming system. If you did not get yours despite having an active subscription on Friday the 20th of March 2015, please submit a ticket to customer support and your problem will be handled.

  15. A4E

    Buy and sell order depth of 'Victorieux Luxury Yacht' Amount of items available at a specific price Last updated: 15.07.2024 03:37 | The Forge | DB: 0s, Sys: 0s

  16. A change to the Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    I am petitioning CCP to make one simple change to the Victorieux Luxury Yacht. Adding one high slot for the purpose of fitting a Core Probe Launcher. Additionally, if possible, I would love to rename the ship to something like the 'Katia Sae Luxury Yacht' or have a Katie Sae themed skin produced for the ship. In my opinion the Victorieux Luxury Yacht is basically designed for sight seeing ...

  17. Search through our fitting database!

    Fitting results. Sort: Default (relevance)Date addedVotesEstimated priceVideoAscendingDescending. Load more fittings. Become our patron on. Support the site. Get your Omega codes here. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! EVE Workbench. Partners.

  18. Use a Unique Ship Symbol for the Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    Hi, it would be cool if there is a different insignia/symbol for the Victorieux Luxury Yacht. Right now the Yacht uses the generic cruiser symbol which is the pentagon. The Yacht is different from cruisers and it is in its own unique category. Most if not all cruisers serve an offensive or logistics role with bonuses for either, but the Yacht does not. I am not aware of the costs of changing ...