Boyard Croisière


Embarquez sur rêvolt'.

Cap sur Fort Boyard pour 2h30 de croisière inoubliable à partir de 46€/adulte et 30€/enfant – Collation offerte


Approchez vous au plus près de ce fort légendaire ! D’une manière unique à bord de notre nouveau catamaran à voile de 15 mètres de long par 8 mètres de large…150m2 avec vue sur mer pour seulement 30 passagers…à vous les grands espaces de liberté.


Vivez 2h de partage aux couleurs magiques entre amis ou en famille 65€/Ad 45€/Enf – Boissons & Buffets inclus


Salsa, New Orleans, Jazz, Rock ou Funk… à chaque thème nous vous embarquons également dans une découverte culinaire! Laissez nous vous surprendre. Tarif Unique pour 3h à bord – 100€/pers tout compris


Cet été profitez d’une croisière pleine d’émotions avec votre famille, votre équipe ou entre amis et rattrapez le temps perdu…

Prenez le large, naviguez avec nous …

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Tout le monde l’a déjà vu à la télé mais, vous, vous allez le voir en vrai depuis la mer.

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L’apéro est le moment convivial par excellence. Vivez cet instant en mer face au soleil couchant.

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Partagez ces instants avec vos proches en privatisant ce superbe catamaran.

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Plusieurs soirées à thèmes organisés en mer à bord de nos bateaux.

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Toutes les occasions sont bonnes pour gâter ceux que vous aimez. Etonnez-les.

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L’estuaire de la Charente est un lieu qui attire les amateurs de nature préservée.

Croisière Fort Boyard en catamaran

Croisières en catamaran autour de fort boyard.

Profitez de votre croisière autour de Fort Boyard pour découvrir quelques hauts lieux de la Charente Maritime depuis la mer.

Ile d’Aix

Fouras Port sud

Fort Boyard

Ile d’oléron

catamaran charente maritime 1


Pour les croisières vers fort boyard.

Embarquez sur Rêvolt’, notre catamaran, pour une croisière Unik. Découvrez notre magnifique région et les trésors qu’elle vous offre.

catamaran charente maritime 1

Informations COVID-19

Pour les croisières vers fort boyard :.

Afin de respecter les mesures sanitaires en vigueur l’embarquements se fait au Port Sud. Une place pour personne à mobilité réduite permet de déposer une personne en fauteuil afin de rejoindre le ponton accessible à tous.

Possibilité de se garer au parking du Fort Vauban (gratuit)

Au départ de Port Sud à Fouras et selon la marée vous embarquerez à bord de Rêvolt’ pour une croisière à la voile de 2h30 à 3h afin de profiter pleinement de notre Grand Site en toute sécurité.

catamaran charente maritime 1

Actualités et événements

Toute l’actualité autour de nos croisières à Fort Boyard, de notre région et du célèbre Fort.

Le travail saisonnier

Hors saison, on se croise les bras ! Non je plaisante, le travail hors saison est presque aussi important qu’en pleine saison. Petit aperçu de nos activités durant l’hiver !… Lire l'article

Que fait-on hors saison ?

Excursion Fort Boyard

Rendu célèbre par l’émission télévisée, Fort Boyard fascine autant par sa stature que par son histoire pour le moins insolite. Mais, que sait-on vraiment de cet édifice vieux de plus d’un siècle? Excursion vers Fort Boyard… Lire l'article

Excursion à Fort Boyard – Peut-on visiter Fort Boyard?

Construction catamaran partie 4

Quelque part en Charente, une poignée de passionnés construisent un catamaran. Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que le chantier avance bien. Regardez plutôt… Lire l'article

Construction du catamaran – Partie 4

Construction catamaran partie 3

Petit à petit, les pièces du puzzle s’emboîtent et le catamaran commence doucement à prendre forme. Il reste beaucoup de travail mais ça ressemble à déjà à un bateau… Lire l'article

Construction du catamaran – Partie 3

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Voir tout nos conseils

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Embarquez pour un voyage unique

Naviguez! Faites une croisière pour admirer Fort Boyard au plus près à la voile au cours d’une sortie en mer d’environ 2 heures 30. Le tout par petits groupes (30 passagers maximum). Partez à la découverte du Fort, des îles d’Aix, d’Oléron et Madame. Mais aussi de fort Enet et de fort Vauban. Une activité nautique incontournable en Charente Maritime à faire en famille ou entre amis au gré des marées.

Embarquez sur Rêvolt’, notre catamaran accessible à tous, pour une croisière à Fort Boyard. Découvrez, en plus, notre magnifique région et les trésors qu’elle renferme.

catamaran charente maritime 1

Informations au +33 6 62 53 60 62



Croisières à la voile

Fort Boyard, Ile d’Aix, et croisières sur mesure Découvrez nos balades en mer à l’île d’Oléron et en Charente-Maritime



Le catamaran Ile ou Aile est le spécialiste des croisières à la voile au Fort Boyard sur l’île d’Oléron au départ de Boyardville. Une balade en petit comité commentée autour du Fort Boyard, une croisière pour la journée à l'île d'Aix, fêter un événement sur la côte atlantique (enterrement de vie de garçon / de vie de jeune fille, une sortie apéro coucher de soleil, un séminaire team building, assister à un départ de course) ? Ile ou Aile se fera un plaisir de vous proposer la croisière à la voile adaptée à vos envies. Les personnes à mobilité réduite peuvent embarquer sur le catamaran sans problèmes.

Voir et Approcher le Fort Boyard

Nos Vidéos :

Nos croisières au Fort Boyard, à l'île d'Aix et nos croisières à la carte

2 superbes vidéos sur la préparation 2017 du catamaran et sa descente de la rivière la Charente ainsi que sur l'accessibilité de la voile à tous

Voile et Handicap

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Charente Maritime 2 / Pierre Follenfant

                                      / philippe pallu de la barrière,                                       / j f fountaine.

Caractéristiques :

Longueur : 25.90  m  puis 22.85 m

Largeur : 13.20 m

Poids :  11.00 t puis 9.50 t

Hauteur du mât :   m

Corde du mât :  32 m pour le mât aile de 22 m².

Tirant d'eau : 0.50/3.20 m

Matériaux : Fibre de verre Polyester/ Klegecel/Carbone/Kevlar

Surface de voile au près : 278 m²  

Surface de voile au portant : 698 m²

Architectes : Michel Joubert / Bernard Nivelt

Calcul de structures : Jean Berret

Directeur construction :  

Constructeur dérives :  

Chantier :  Pinta / Geab Sea

Mât :    - Voiles :  

Mise à l'eau :   1984  

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Histoire et palmarès :

La suite logique de Charente Maritime 1 , une extrapolation version XXL et sister-ship du Fleury Michon VII . Moins sophistiqué dans la construction que le catamaran de Philippe Poupon, il sera doté néanmoins de safran high tech et d'un plan de voilure toujours à la pointe de l'innovation. Les deux sister-ship vont se livrer une belle bagarre, mais la concurrence est rude à l'époque avec entre les maxi Royale II , Formule Tag , Jet Services IV , etc. Au fil du temps le catamaran est optimisé et pour le tour de l'Europe, il reçoit un énorme mât aile (voir la photo lors d'une étape à Toulon). Malheureusement, celui-ci tombe dans le Golf de Gascogne à son retour à la Rochelle. Il est de nouveau équipé d'un mât classique. Le bateau durant sera souvent freiné dans ses courses par la rupture de sa poutre avant. Fin 1986, il est décidé que les bateaux ne doivent pas mesurer plus de 22.85 mètres pour la réduction des coûts. C'est la fin des maxi en courses. Charente Maritime 2 rentre en chantier et est découpé aux étraves et à l'arrière. Une deuxième vie commence pour le catamaran Rochelais.

En 1988, le bateau est retiré de la course au large. Il y a un projet de série télé sur TF1 avec Florence Arthaud, qui ne verra jamais le jour. 

En 1989, le bateau est entreposé sur le terre plein de chez Pinta à la Rochelle. Mais fin 1989, le bateau est racheté pour effectuer une tentative de record au tour du Monde en solitaire par un quasi inconnu. L'histoire se terminera devant le tribunal entre lui et le sponsor. Le bateau est de nouveau mis en vente. Sans succès le département réarme le bateau pour des relations de RP. En 1992 la société Tonic Atlantic rachète le catamaran. Un accord entre Tonic Atlantic et Tilt Productions le fait apparaître au générique de l'émission télé Fort Boyard.

Fin 1992, le bateau est racheté et transformé pour effectuer, à partir du nouveau port de la Rochelle des sorties à la journée.

1998, le bateau est de nouveau à vendre, il sert à des RP.

1999, le bateau est drossé sur le quai à la Rochelle (Voir galerie photo), après une énorme tempête (Lothar), mais les dégâts bien qu'impressionnant ne sont pas très graves. 

Finalement vendu en 2001, il part pour du chater dans les Antilles et à travers le Monde. Il aurait été détruit en 2004 à St Domingue par le cyclone.

1984 : Québec/St Malo 2ème

1984 : Grand prix de la Rochelle 4ème

1984 : Route de la Découverte 2ème

1985 : Trophée des Multicoques avec 1 victoire de manche

1985 : Master des Multicoques abandon suite à la collision avec Tag

1985 : Grand prix de Brest 3ème

1985 : Tour de l'Europe 6ème ne participe pas à 1 étape poutre cassé gagne 2 étapes

1985 : 26 octobre démâtage

1985 : Pendant l'hiver le bateau est optimisé, revu et doté d'un mât classique

1986 : Au 24 h de Brest 6ème

1986 : Trophée des Multicoques 3ème

1986 : Route de la Liberté 4ème avec la poutre avant qui casse le dernier jour

1986 : Tentative de Record de l'Atlantique Nord en équipage avec Royale II abandon

1986 : Grand prix de la Rochelle 5ème

1986 : Route du Rhum abandon sur rupture de la poutre avant

1986 : Longueur ramenée à 22.85 m

1987 : La Baule/Dakar 5ème

1988 : Grand prix de Brest 3ème

1988 : Québec/St Malo 3ème

Construction de Charente Maritime 2

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A Guide to Sailing in Charente-Maritime, France

The Ile de Ré is a must-visit spot for visitors to Charente-Maritime

Charente-Maritime, facing the Bay of Biscay in southwest France , offers scenic seaside villages and islands for seafaring souls to explore. Start in La Rochelle before hopping over to Ile-de-Ré and Île-d’Aix, scooping up oysters and Cognac on the way. Here are some top tips for navigating this magnificent Atlantic coastline.

Sail around the most amazing coastline gems with Culture Trip’s Sailing Trips.

What to see and do

La Rochelle will likely be your main port of call in Charente-Maritime. This city is often referred to as La Ville Blanche (White Town) due to its limestone buildings. La Rochelle offers museums, an ultramodern aquarium and several 14th-century towers guarding the harbour. The town also dishes up plenty of seafood delights – like fresh mussels and oysters (plus charcuterie for non-seafood-adoring folks).

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Since you’ll have your own sailing vessel, the islands of Charente-Maritime, like Ile-de-Ré and Île-d’Aix, near La Rochelle, are within easy nautical reach. Aix boasts an oyster harvesting lifestyle on an island with almost no cars, plus several ancient forts. Ré, on the other hand, is quite large, with beaches, attractive villages and marshes for recreational sailors and holidaymakers to discover.

people cheering on a mountain

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The Ile d’Aix lighthouse is a key landmark on the coast of Charente-Maritime

The expansive Gironde estuary should attract sailors interested in spotting bird species like grey heron and little egret living in wild, marshy landscapes. The estuary is also home to Vauban’s Blaye Citadel, troglodyte caves, forts, lighthouses and vineyards. Naturally, Margaux and Patiras islands are on the menu as well.

Best mooring locations

Port de Plaisance des Minimes (VHF channel 9) is an expansive Atlantic marina in La Rochelle with 4,588 berths for pleasure craft. The Port of Saint Martin de Ré can get crowded in summer, but it’s a good spot when visiting Ré island, with around 50 berths for visitors. Port Médoc, near the mouth of the Gironde estuary, allows for arrivals and departures all day throughout the year. The port at Meschers-sur-Gironde has berths for about 15 visiting vessels. For more berths and moorings, head over to the Port de Royan, at the northern entrance of the Gironde estuary.

The 12th-century Romanesque church of Sainte-Radegonde in the Gironde estuary

Where to eat and drink

If you’re a fan of oysters, you’ll be in heaven in this part of the world, as it’s home to some of the top cultivation techniques. The region is also famed for its Cognac, drank as a digestif and Pineau, sipped as an aperitif. If you’re looking to push the boat out on the restaurant front, book the three Michelin-star Christopher Coutanceau in La Rochelle. The smart beach-facing eatery has tasting menus to tickle the tastebuds, with a fine selection of wines to go with each course. For vegetarians, Brille Soleil, which is set back from the waterfront in town, offers a fantastic spread of organic produce and a cosy atmosphere.

The famous gastronomic restaurant of Christopher Coutanceau has three Michelin stars and attracts gourmets from across the planet

Where to get groceries

If you’re looking to stock up on supplies before setting sail from Port de Plaisance des Minimes, there is a good-sized Carrefour less than a 10-minute drive away and deliveries can also be arranged. For smaller shopping trips, there is an independent supermarket right by the marina. On Ré island, there is an expansive E.Leclerc and Intermarché Super with everything one could need.

Key annual sailing events

As one of the best-known sailing venues in Europe, there’s always something on the calendar at La Rochelle. Popular events include the Grand Pavois La Rochelle, one of the largest boat shows in the world. It has been running since 1973 and is generally held in late September. The Plymouth to La Rochelle race is also a historic event, although it has been on hiatus over recent years with many choosing to break record times independently.

Visitors to Le Grand Pavois in La Rochelle

Climate and weather

La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime and the surrounding regions are some of the sunniest spots in France, with around 2,300 hours of sunshine per year. The winters are fairly mild, while summers are warm with temperatures around 20C to 25C (68F to 77F). La Rochelle does face the Bay of Biscay, which means strong winter storms are a possibility. January tends to be the windiest month, while September sees the average wind speeds fall. Gusts can blow in from the mainland, as well as from the Bay of Biscay, with powerful westerlies churning up the Atlantic coastal waters from time to time.

The old port of La Rochelle is a hub for visitors and locals alike

How to get there

If flying into Paris — Charles de Gaulle or Orly airports — you can take the high-speed TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) from the Paris Montparnasse train station directly to La Rochelle in two to three hours. The La Rochelle – Ile de Ré airport, about 5km (3mi) outside of town, serves La Rochelle directly, with some direct flights between La Rochelle and other international destinations, like London, Luxembourg City and Manchester.

Did you know – Culture Trip now does bookable, small-group trips? Pick from authentic, immersive Epic Trips , compact and action-packed Mini Trips and sparkling, expansive Sailing Trips .

Sadie Whitelocks contributed additional reporting.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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Our Catamarans

Isla 40

Explore our models in a different way thanks to the virtual marina

Efficiency through design

Efficiency through design

A feel for the sea: sailboats first and foremost

A feel for the sea: sailboats first and foremost

When volume transforms to real space

When volume transforms to real space

Innovation as a foundation

Innovation as a foundation

  • Smart Electric
  • Virtual marina
  • Experiences

Energy Observer, a true floating laboratory

21 April 2023

Event location


Energy Observer, a source of inspiration and experience for Fountaine Pajot, allowing the development of the first production hydrogen-powered cruising catamaran.

Fountaine Pajot recently collaborated with EODev , a company specialized in  hydrogen solutions , to develop its  zero-carbon emission boat , the  Samana 59 Smart Electric REXH2 . This new generation catamaran, prefiguring the future of boating, has benefited from the technologies developed on board the Energy Observer , catamaran, a true floating laboratory of  new energies , which has been sailing the world’s seas for several years. In this new podcast, on the occasion of the partners’ village organized by Fountaine Pajot in La Rochelle, we meet  Louis-Noël Viviès , General Manager of Energy Observer, to talk to us about the history of this legendary boat, rich of +40 years of evolution, as well as their experiences and the technical choices they had to make to achieve this project. He also talks about the interest of  hydrogen  as an energy source and its future in the  nautical industry  for the next years.

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What future for hydrogen in the marine industry? | Energy Observer

Louis Noël Viviès, can you explain and present us what Energy Observer is?

“Energy Observer is one of the first and oldest large racing catamarans. It was originally called “Formule Tag”, the first large catamaran built by Canadair in 1983. So the boat celebrates its 40th birthday in April, which is very interesting from a  life cycle analysis  perspective. It was famous by Peter Blake, because he beat the round-the-world speed record at the time with this boat. It had 450m² of sail area, and weighed 15 tons. Today,  Energy Observer  weighs 35 tons, and it has only two small vertical wings on each side of 32m², but they are very efficient.

So it’s very symbolic that the first production  cruise boat  using these hydrogen propulsion technologies, with the  Samana 59 Smart Electric REXH2 , is from  Fountaine Pajot . Because it is also here, in La Rochelle, that the famous catamaran “Charente-Maritime” was built, one of the first racing catamarans that made headlines at the time.

So this is the story of a legendary racing boat, which has been modified and lengthened countless times and which is today the first floating laboratory for  renewable energies . Today, we are working on new generations of flexible  solar panels , on variable pitch propellers and of course on  hydrogen …

Indeed, it was a world first to have an  electrolyser  on a boat, back in 2017, when we launched the boat, which allows us to produce our own hydrogen on board. We have sailed more than 50,000 miles with this technology, the equivalent of two round the world tours. It is a very efficient laboratory with  engineers and sailors  from the merchant navy on board. It’s really very efficient.”

What are the challenges that Energy Observer had to face to implement a complete hydrogen system on board?

“It was the fact that it was really innovative, there were a lot of standards and regulations to respect. However, as we were really the first, we were quite well followed and accompanied. But very clearly, on the first departures, when we were refueling with hydrogen, with the cables laid directly on the dock by a small truck, it was not easy. We also had a lot of problems with the electrolyser  to produce our own hydrogen  on board, at the beginning it didn’t work, we must be clear. Today, we still have a lot of work to do on the compression, because yes we use gaseous hydrogen and not liquid, so we have to compress the hydrogen to store it. Indeed, there were no small compressors on board, so we had to design custom-made compression systems.

At each step, we had to innovate, make reliable, break and replace. But on the hydrogen part, since the boat has been equipped with a  Toyota fuel cell  from the automobile industry,  to convert hydrogen into electricity , it is much simpler than with our prototype fuel cell. These fuel cell are subject to strong constraints, such as a marine environment, with humid and salty air, shocks, temperature variations… Not to mention fine particle pollution. It may seem trivial, but there are a lot of diesel boats in the ports, and these fine particles must not be enter the fuel cells, because that would damage the system, so we have worked a lot on air filtration systems. Not to mention the cooling system which is an exchanger using sea water as a cooler…

So everything had to be invented, it was step by step. I salute the enormous work done by the engineers on board, even if the average speed of the boat today is around 5-6 knots with peaks of 12 knots. But when we think back to the first big boat of this type, Planet Solar, a big German boat that was 125 tons and that ran only on  solar energy , it only went around the world at an average of 1.8 knots.

Today, after five years, Energy Observer 1 is almost at the end of its development. We are now doing a lot of  reliability  work, we are trying new generations of solar panels… but of course we are still trying a lot of things in terms of hydrogen, especially everything concerning the corrosion on board.

To be honest, when we launched the boat in 2017, I didn’t think it would work so well, but it works! That’s why today we’re very proud to see  production boats  adopting these solutions, because we’re convinced that’s really the future, we don’t see any other solution.”

Thanks to the experience you have acquired with Energy Observer, how do you see the future of hydrogen implementation in the maritime industry?

“To be precise, we think that on the “small” boats we will use automobile technologies, for several reasons. First, because it is much cheaper because they are manufactured in large series. You should know that this year (2023-2014)  Toyota  has a production target of 30,000 units of  fuel cells , the same one that is present on Energy Observer and the  Samana 59 REXH2 of Fountaine Pajot . So we are no longer working with fragile prototype fuel cells, with a virtually unknown lifespan. We now have a track record, with extremely reliable data on the ageing of the boat and on the corrosion of the membranes. So we have life expectancies that are really becoming compatible with maritime use. Then, I think that we will use more and more these industrial fuel cells because, in addition to being inexpensive, they are very reliable, light and compact. The hydrogen will be stored in a gaseous state, because in the automobile industry it is gaseous, with pressures of up to 700 bars, which is the standard in this sector.

Of course, on very high-powered boats such as super yachts or cargo ships, which are the big projects we are working on today with Air Liquide and CMA CGM, we will switch to liquid hydrogen, cooled to -252 degrees. These are truly innovative technologies. In my opinion, we are back in a cycle of real innovations, breakthroughs and development, as we did at the time for Energy Observer 1.

However, the boundary between  gaseous hydrogen , which I would qualify as standard and mass market, and  liquid hydrogen , which is the future of heavy maritime transport, will become increasingly porous. We realize that the heavy truck industry is investing a lot in small liquid hydrogen tanks. But there is still a long way because behind it there is not yet the technology to process what is called “vapor lock.” When you cool hydrogen to -252 degrees there is evaporation with a loss of about 10 to 15% per day. So if you have a cargo ship that uses energy continuously, both during its navigation and dock phases, this hydrogen evaporation can be used, of course. But with a  sailing boat  that will spend 7 days at sea, then after several days or months at dock with nobody on board, it is less coherent to lose 15% of your tank per day. You have to have permanent consumption for it to be interesting, so in my opinion it will be reserved for professional ships, passenger boats or fishing boats. […] ”

Pour synthétiser vos propos, vous imaginez donc l’avenir avec de l’hydrogène liquide pour les navires professionnels et transport maritimes lourds, et de l’hydrogène gazeux pour des bateaux de type croisière comme le Samana 59 REXH2 ? Quand est-il des solutions de recharge ?

« Oui c’est ce que je pense. Après, bien évidemment, aucun de ces bateaux n’a d’intérêt à produire son propre hydrogène à bord, comme nous le faisons. Cela dépend donc surtout du déploiement de stations de recharge à hydrogène dans les ports. Toutefois, de l’hydrogène, il y en a des quantités industrielles partout. Pour faire 1 litre de diesel vous avez besoin de beaucoup d’hydrogène. Le Diesel et l’Essence sont fabriqués à partir de pétrole brut qui est raffiné avec de l’hydrogène. Donc dès que vous avez une raffinerie, vous avez des quantités énormes d’hydrogène.

Le problème, c’est le lien entre ces grosses quantités d’hydrogène liquide (le plus vert et décarboné possible) et comment le faire parvenir aux bateaux. La solution, c’est ce qu’on appelle un “dispenser”. C’est une station qui prend cet hydrogène liquide, le compresse à la bonne température pour qu’il devienne gazeux et stable, pour ensuite l’injecter dans le bateau. Ça ne demande pas beaucoup de place. Ce sont des investissements qui ne sont pas énormes, mais on trouve que le déploiement est long, le temps que les collectivités et les ports s’emparent du sujet. C’est toujours l’histoire de l’œuf ou de la poule, il n’y a pas de consommateur aujourd’hui, ou très peu. C’est pour ça qu’on compte beaucoup sur des gros événements, comme les Jeux Olympiques de 2024 , qui veulent promouvoir l’hydrogène , afin de pouvoir créer une demande un peu soudaine qui justifierait l’investissement. La religion des Jeux Olympiques c’est que chaque investissement ait un usage derrière qui rende pérenne l’investissement, donc on compte sur cet évènement. Mais c’est un peu une bagarre de tous les jours avec à la fois les énergéticiens, qui investissent dans ces systèmes et puis avec les collectivités locales, qui aujourd’hui voit encore un peu l’hydrogène comme quelque chose de futuriste, alors que ça ne l’est pas du tout ! […]

En clair, tout ceci, c’est du concret. Et surtout ça a un usage direct et immédiat pour plein d’applications, comme avec le Samana 59 REXH2 , par exemple. Donc nous sommes très heureux, on a la sensation qu’on a la même culture, qu’on a la même approche, qu’on est hyper pragmatique. […] »

Louis-Noël Viviès, Directeur Général d’Energy Observer.

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Yacht charter Charente Maritime

Our teams select the best boats for charter in each destination. Whatever your sailing programme, the model of boat you want, your crew or your skills, our advisors are on hand to find you the best deal available.


48 Boats in Charente-Maritime

Sun odyssey 349 (2015).

La Rochelle (France) 2 Cabins • 6 Berths • 34 ft

From 1 885 €

Sun Odyssey 379 (2013)

La Rochelle (France) 3 Cabins • 8 Berths • 37 ft

From 2 228 €

Ovni 395 (2006)

La Rochelle (France) 3 Cabins • 8 Berths • 42 ft

From 2 388 €

Pogo 30 (2020)

La Rochelle (France) 2 Cabins • 6 Berths • 30 ft

From 1 450 €

Sun Odyssey 45.2 (2001)

La Rochelle (France) 4 Cabins • 10 Berths • 46 ft

From 2 571 €

Pogo 12.50 (2014)

La Rochelle (France) 3 Cabins • 8 Berths • 41 ft

From 3 750 €

Lucia 40 (2017)

La Rochelle (France) 4 Cabins • 8 Berths • 38 ft

From 2 475 €

Pogo 36 (2019)

La Rochelle (France) 3 Cabins • 6 Berths • 36 ft

From 2 050 €

Types of boats available for charter in Charente-Maritime

Sailboat charter charente maritime.

From 1 140 €

RIB charter Charente Maritime

Catamaran charter charente maritime, motor boat charter charente maritime.

Prices on request

Don't miss it in Charente-Maritime

Yacht charter la rochelle, yacht charter oléron.


catamaran charente maritime 1

Palma Grand Tourisme

    a fast cruising catamaran for the price of a 3 cabin monohull.

Palma 30- AV GT.png

Innovative, stat e-of-the-art design   The Palma Line builds upon the expertise of Nicolas Purnu, a long-time associate of Marc Lombard for multi-hull designs, and of Jean-Noel Lebrun, with 40 years of fiberglass works.

We offer fast, safe, very light yet exceedingly comfortable catamarans with overall lengths between 30 and 35 feet. Their modular designs meet the sharpest family cruising requirements. The Palma Grand Tourisme  features a composite coachroof.    

Hulls are optimized for performance & stability. The deck designs reduce aerodynamic drag while optimizing the space available for  the crew as well as movements  on bo ard . The yachts are built in France in Charente-Maritime. The sandwich hull,  deck, frames, and bulkheads use PVC foam for increased strength, weight savings, and durability.

02 GT GV C0.jpg

Built for performance   With a square top mainsail, bowsprit, chine hulls, a 6.2 0 m beam for a 3.6 tons light weight the Palma Grand Tourisme is a fast and stiff yacht across all wind conditions. The Performance Package offers up to 84  m2 for upwind sailing.  A carbon rotating mast from AGPlus is also available and will add over 4 m2 . Flexible navigation plans  Palma cats have two fins with a maximum draft of 0,99 m to let you sail and beach deep inside lagunas and harbours, further extending your navigation reach.

Palma 30 17-09-2021_edited.png

Great for friends & family cruising     Each Palma GT catamaran  offers two aft cabins with 1.40m wide double-berths and 1.90 m headroom and  may add  smaller cabins forwards, directly accessed from the companionways. Each yacht is equipped with a fu ll bath on Starboard and may host a second bath or a small office on Port. An owner's dressing room is also available on Starboard.

Palma 30 GT Base.png

A choice of deck configurations The  Palma GT offers two choices of kitchen configuration: U-shaped behind the mast or L shaped at the yacht center.  

Options for long range cruising  

All Palma units may be fitted with a water-maker, a 130 liter deep-freezer, solar panels,  and e-pods to sail in full autonomy for extended periods of time.  

GT Interior.jpg

Quality equipment All Palma cats are equipped with Incidences sails, Z-Spar masts, Harken & Ant al gear, two 70 cm steering wheels, suspended rudders, Lancelin ropes, Ruchaud upholstery, Vectran lifelines, Lewmar Delta anchors, as well as a choice of  NKE or Raymarine electronics and autopilots. Standard configurations include a 13 m long mast.  The Performance package delivers extra power with a 14 m long mast, a bowsprit, two  high-end Aramide & CZ laminate sails, and two extra winches. As options we also offer synthetic teak from Flexiteek for the platform and c ockpit floor s as well as a composite wall between the aft cockpit and the deck saloon. Your choice of engines The Palma GT is equipped with  two 20 HP outboards engines, or one electrical engine.

catamaran charente maritime 1

Easy to handle The twin helm stations provide excellent visibility across the horizon and all around the yacht.  With up to five winches, controls remain always at your fingertips. All  new  Palma units ar e equipped with two steering wheels  and suspended rudders , The powerful yacht mainsail is  controlled through a  dedicated winch located at the center of the aft cockpit bench. The low blocks of the mainsail tackles are mounted on Harken big-boat carts & rails to allow for fast and precise adjustments. To free the gangways and to facilitate movements along the yachts, the shroud chainplates are bolted on the roof sides instead of the hulls. Davits are available as an option to store your tender behind the transom beam . 

Palma 30 arrière.png

The right choice for the environment The light weight of the Palma catamarans means their construction is a smaller drain on our planet resources compared to heavy cruising cats. Palma cats will also save you money Equipped with two 20 HP outboard engines and two sails, the Palma GT starts at 228  000 € plus VAT.   

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Windpearl Yachts 2 rue du Minage

17000 La Rochelle, France

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Aldabra Yacht Charter Catamaran

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Aldabra Yacht Charter Catamaran - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024) world clock

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

City coordinates

Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


Moscow Metro Font


Moscow Metro is a multi-line display typeface inspired by the Moscow underground map. It comes in Regular and Color versions.

Moscow Metro is ideal for posters and headlines, neon signage and other artworks.

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Designed by: Nadira Filatova Website

License: free for commercial use.


19th Edition of Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology

  • Victor Mukhin

Victor Mukhin, Speaker at Chemical Engineering Conferences

Victor M. Mukhin was born in 1946 in the town of Orsk, Russia. In 1970 he graduated the Technological Institute in Leningrad. Victor M. Mukhin was directed to work to the scientific-industrial organization "Neorganika" (Elektrostal, Moscow region) where he is working during 47 years, at present as the head of the laboratory of carbon sorbents.     Victor M. Mukhin defended a Ph. D. thesis and a doctoral thesis at the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (in 1979 and 1997 accordingly). Professor of Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. Scientific interests: production, investigation and application of active carbons, technological and ecological carbon-adsorptive processes, environmental protection, production of ecologically clean food.   

Title : Active carbons as nanoporous materials for solving of environmental problems

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    Catalysis Conference is a networking event covering all topics in catalysis, chemistry, chemical engineering and technology during October 19-21, 2017 in Las Vegas, USA. Well noted as well attended meeting among all other annual catalysis conferences 2018, chemical engineering conferences 2018 and chemistry webinars.