South Shore Yacht Club

A Brief History of the Club

LilyE 20

There were several important years since then - milestones in the growth of the Club:


The Club was organized


The schooner LILY E is purchased to serve as a floating Clubhouse.


South Shore Yacht Club and the Steel Mill Yacht Club join in forming one club


The LILY E succumbs to age and is scuttled; she is buried under the parking lot
and lies just outside the main gate.


The present Clubhouse is dedicated, and the famous Queen's Cup ® Trophy
is deeded to the Club.


The first bank of slips is built.


The Club celebrated her 75th Anniversary!

The past 100 years have seen good times and bad times, in fact, during the Depression, some of the members found it difficult to afford the $5.00 annual dues!

But the Club persevered and grew into one of the largest on Lake Michigan, through hard work and the dedication of it's members. The present Clubhouse was completely built by the members. That same dedication persists today.

So, from a very humble beginning in 1913, SOUTH SHORE YACHT CLUB has grown to a Club that is the envy of many other Clubs on the Great Lakes.

South Shore Yacht Club

2300 e nock street, milwaukee, wi 53207, (414) 481-2331.

[email protected]

Lake Michigan Yachting Association

South Shore Yacht Club

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South Shore Yacht Club

Why Join South Shore Yacht Club and How do I Join?

SSYC will keep you busy as you want to be with our full calendar of events for the year.

  • Commodore’s Ball
  • Monthly Dinner / Theme Parties
  • Ensenada Tune Up Race
  • Catalina Cruises
  • Harbor Cruises
  • Duffy Days (Dock N Dine, Scavenger Hunts)
  • Annual Holiday Boat Parade
  • Join a Cruise – Learn to boat
  • Join a Race – Learn or Sharpen your Racing Skills
  • Weekly Hibachi Races (June – August)
  • Dine on the Race Committee Boat
  • Reciprocal Privileges with other Yacht Clubs
  • Full service clubhouse affiliation - NBYC

South Shore Yacht Club has a simple application process and a 30 day posting period/trial period. Below is a Membership Application. After filling it out, submit via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak4f0a06eec1dc919e6769db0126707c56').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy4f0a06eec1dc919e6769db0126707c56 = 'info.southshoreyc' + '@'; addy4f0a06eec1dc919e6769db0126707c56 = addy4f0a06eec1dc919e6769db0126707c56 + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_text4f0a06eec1dc919e6769db0126707c56 = 'info.southshoreyc' + '@' + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak4f0a06eec1dc919e6769db0126707c56').innerHTML += ' '+addy_text4f0a06eec1dc919e6769db0126707c56+' ';

SSYC Member Application

South Shore Yacht Club

Our Yacht Club offers a full list of benefits that can be seen in the 'How to Join' section. Our calendar is full of social, racing and cruising activities...

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 04
6:30pm - 8:00pm

Wednesday, October 02
6:30pm - 8:00pm

If you have any questions about South Shore Yacht Club please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

  Call Us: (949) 646-3102

   [email protected]

   1099 Bayside Dr          Newport Beach, CA 92660

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Our Mission

Southern Shore

The Southern Shore Yacht Club (SSYC or Club) is a powerboating organization in Chicago, IL, which enjoys a reputation driven by our club values to promote safe boating, camaraderie, and community service.

Pictured: 2024 Board of Directors

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110 Years and Still Counting                                      

The Southern Shore Yacht Club has grown from just a dream of eleven Chicago power boatmen to one of the most popular and respected yacht clubs on the Great Lakes.

Today, the large Cape Cod clubhouse in the inner harbor at Jackson Park on Chicago’s South Side, plays host to visiting yachtsmen from across Lake Michigan.  The inner harbor is widely recognized as one of the safest and most beautiful harbors on the lake’s southern shore.

But it wasn’t like that back in 1912, when the small group of power boaters decided that they were going to form a yacht club of their own.  It wasn’t only that they wanted a private club; they felt they actually had to have it to save the sport of power boating on Chicago’s South Side.

In those early days, the only club in Jackson Park was in the larger outer harbor where the sailing fleet was anchored along with the few power boats then active.  The majority of the club’s members were sailboat men and the club offered little to those who leaned towards power.

All eleven original members agreed and they promptly organized the South Shore Power Boat Club.  That was in the early summer of 1912, when automobiles had not yet come into general use.  There was no gasoline tank in the harbor and fuel was difficult to obtain.  About the only way a skipper could fill his boat’s tank was to lug the gas in five-gallon cans across the park from Stony Island Avenue, some five or six blocks away.  That took a lot of the joy out of power boating.

But the founders of the new club persuaded a local gasoline dealer to bring a tank wagon down to the outer harbor every Saturday afternoon.  That helped quite a bit, and also got the club several new members.  When non-members attempted to buy gas from the wagon driver, they found they needed applications.   And the only one who had the applications was the secretary of the SSPBC.  They got the gas if they joined the club.  They joined.

Meetings were held that year aboard the old Santa Maria, a replica of Columbus’ flag ship anchored in the outer harbor.  By the spring of 1913, the club was granted a charter by the Secretary of the State.

Now a new problem confronted the club.  Its membership had outgrown the Santa Maria and most of the members wanted their own clubhouse.  The anxious skippers found what they wanted moored on Lake Calumet, a few miles south of Jackson Park.  They collected $700 from members and made their purchase.  The entire SSPBC fleet turned out to tow the new clubhouse down the Calumet River, along the lake front to the outer harbor.  It wasn’t long before the boat was anchored to the south shore of the outer harbor.

But the troubles of the new South Shore Power Boat Club were just beginning.  Late in November, a northeaster kicked up the lake and bounced the old tub against the harbor’s rocky bottom.  That was more than the aging hull could stand and when members came down the next day, they found their prized clubhouse half under water.  Out went an immediate SOS to the other members and in no time, the houseboat was hauled onto shore where it was safe from the water.

But it wasn’t safe from thieves.  Someone broke into it and stole everything of any value.

By this time, the members had decided that the only place to have the club was in the unused inner harbor.  At first the Park District thought otherwise and promptly vetoed the plan.  But those charter members were determined.  The Park Board learned this before long and granted them permission to moor the houseboat on the western shore of the inner harbor on May 26, 1914.  The present clubhouse occupies the same site.

Once again, the entire membership turned out to tow the clubhouse to its new location.  Everything went along fine until they tried to tow the houseboat under the bridge spanning the channel separating the two harbors.  The boat was too high and the bridge too low.  Since the bridge couldn’t be raised, the resourceful SSPBC members lowered the boat.  They flooded the clubhouse just enough to permit it to pass safely under the bridge.

In 1921, the Park Board began charging for moorings.  Fees ranged from $7.50 for boats under twenty feet to $40 for those up to sixty feet.  SSPBC members protested and even took their case to court.  After a lengthy legal battle, the court ruled that although the Park District owned the land under the water, it did not actually own the water.  Therefore, the court decided the Park Board had no right to charge mooring fees.

But the victory was short lived.  Boat owners decided it would be cheaper to pay the Park Board than to furnish their own moorings.

As the years rolled by, new members joined the club and old pals dropped out.  Boats were bought and sold, although not as frequently as they are now, and the membership had new faces every year.  This, coupled with the driving spirit of the charter members still active made the organization grow.  The South Shore Power Boat Club, which was changed to Southern Shore Yacht Club in 1930, was rapidly becoming one of Chicago’s leading boat clubs.

Then came 1934 – the Century of Progress, the Great Depression, and disaster to the club.  They year got off to a promising start and no one could have foretold the gloom with which it was to end. 

The harbor needed dredging and the Park District decided to get it done.  The entire lagoon was drained dry before the season opened.  A few members watched the dredging with keen interest.  They hoped to recover some prized possessions lost overboard the summer before.  But, all that was found was an empty old safe, which had been dumped into the harbor by some burglars, and a rusted lamp post, a remnant of the 1890 World’s Fair.

After the dredging, the boating season of 1934 followed the usual pattern. Everyone had their share of joys, troubles, and adventures. 

Most of the boats had already been put in dry-dock when the big blow came.  It struck without warning on the night of October 10.  Just a small spark at first, then flames, roaring flames, and the old houseboat was completely gutted.

For a while it looked like the end of the Southern Shore Yacht Club.  That was in 1934, remember, and most of the members were virtually broke.  The club treasury couldn’t stand the expense of a new building.  One might never have been built had it not been for the complete and wholehearted cooperation and determination of the entire membership.

For some members, the burning of the old houseboat appeared to be a blessing in disguise.  The boat had been entirely inadequate as a club for the expanding membership and many had campaigned avidly for a new building.  They viewed the fire as an incentive to get what they wanted.  And they got it – with the help of the rest of the members.

One of the members, an architect, drew up plans for the new clubhouse.  One of the eleven founders, was chosen as general contractor, and the club got creative in obtaining building materials.

Most of the wood used for studding, rafters and beams came from the old Deering plant which, conveniently, was being dismantled about that time.  In addition, a North Side crib was being torn down and timbers were often found floating in the lake off the Jackson Park harbors.  But they weren’t floating there long.  Each time a club member’s boat returned to the harbor, a couple of these huge timbers would be trailing behind.  After a few days, most of the beams which had floated south were stacked neatly alongside the remnants of the old clubhouse.  The portholes in the clubhouse came from the Pirates Cove at the World’s Fair and were purchased for just $2.50 each.  But the biggest find was yet to come.  An old brick home on Harper Avenue was being torn down and the bricks were left unattended near the street.  It wasn’t long before one of the yachtsmen had brought several automobile loads down to the harbor.

The smart looking new Cape Cod clubhouse was completed in the spring of 1935.  Opening Day that year was a gala affair.  One hundred twenty persons were served dinner that evening and the club was given a full-page picture spread in Chicago’s Sunday Tribune.

As the years passed by, more and more Chicagoans became interested in power boating.  For many years, virtually every mooring in the harbor was in use.

More recently, the club has once again found itself facing challenges.  Historic water levels in Lake Michigan meant that many boats were unable to pass under the bridge separating the inner and outer harbors.  Moorings in the inner harbor remained empty.  High water and termites also took a toll on our beautiful clubhouse floor, which now needs a total replacement.  Additional building repairs to the 85-year-old clubhouse are needed.

But once again, a dedicated group of boating enthusiasts has stepped forward to overcome these challenges and guide SSYC in the years ahead.

Please join us.  According to 2022 Commodore, Ken Mason, “The best is yet to come!”

Our Core Values

  • The Southern Shore Yacht Club seeks to operate in an environment where people show respect for others and their property. Respect is defined as consideration for the well-being of another’s person, feelings, and possessions, to ensure no damage or deprivation is caused to any of them.
  • The Southern Shore Yacht Club seeks to operate in an environment, which is free from harassment. Harassment is defined as any action directed at an individual or group, which creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment.
  • The Southern Shore Yacht Club seeks to operate in a non-discriminatory environment. This means that every Member shall have an equal opportunity and shall receive fair treatment in accordance with the law as well as the Club by-laws, rules, and regulations.

Harbor of Hospitality

Welcome to the biggest, friendliest and most inclusive yacht club on Lake Michigan, bringing together folks from all walks of life. While we have our blue-blazer traditions, no one ever called us stuffy. What you'll find is a more laid-back vibe that invites people to just be themselves, away from the pressures of life in general. We're a busy gathering place year round, unlike typical yacht clubs that go into winter hibernation.

Dues and slip fees are surprisingly affordable, in part because our passionate members help maintain the place. Being a major Great Lakes yacht club, we host an exciting sailing and power boating scene. Yet, a growing segment of members don't even own boats. For them, SSYC is all about fellowship, in the most romantic spot on Milwaukee's lakefront. Smack in the heart of the city's most happening neighborhood.

The Best Experience at a Reasonable Price

What's it like to be a member? It's different for everyone. You can carve out your own experience and pick your context. But we believe one thing is true across the board. Among private clubs in metropolitan Milwaukee, South Shore Yacht Club gives you one of the best experiences for the money.

for Potential Members

By appointment, click here for details, social activities.

The Entertainment Committee hosts various parties, including:

  • Kentucky Derby
  • Review of the Fleet
  • Oktoberfest
  • New Year's Eve

and many other, less formal, events throughout the year.

Sailing and Racing

You can learn more about the various racing fleets by clicking here.   And the racing schedule (for all fleets) is available here.


In addition, our power boaters host a number of events, usually on Thursdays as well as many weekends.

Click here for additional information.

Click here to learn more about the Junior program, and here to find out more about the Kaszube Cup regatta.

South Shore Yacht Club

2300 e nock street, milwaukee, wi 53207, (414) 481-2331.

[email protected]

VIDEO : Crew rescued from stricken yacht Spirit of Mateship off NSW south coast

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5 Wildly Luxurious Lake Houses for Sale That Are Worth Blowing Way Past Your Budget

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5 Wildly Luxurious Lake Houses for Sale That Are Worth Blowing Way Past Your Budget

With just a few weekends of summer left on the calendar, we wanted to dream big.

Sure, you could spend the remaining warm days of 2024 at a modest lake house with your battered folding lawn chair perched precariously on the shore. But why not toss aside the faded Tommy Bahama gear you bought at Costco, in favor of something a little more plush?

Visions of private docks, peaceful waters, and luxurious amenities flickered through our minds as we pondered the approaching signs of fall.

So we scoped out listings across the country in search of the ultimate in lakeside life. Budget? Ha! Instead of our usual weekly look at five homes under a certain price point , we found five dreamy lake houses priced over $4 million. Yes, we know these are out of reach for most, but the desire to gawk at the best lake houses on the market is undeniable.

Scrolling through this quintet of waterfront homes, you may find yourself transported away from your humble, everyday life. Or, like us, you might be wondering if your Igloo cooler can possibly fit another boozy beverage as you head for the lake. Either way, we’re sure you’ll enjoy these lakefront lovelies.

1. 330 Ridge Watch, Alexander City, AL

Price: $5,450,000 On Lake Martin: Smack-dab in the middle of Alabama, this five-bedroom retreat promises “stunning sunsets.” And as evidenced in the listing photo below, the agent is telling the truth. You can enjoy the views from an inner tube on the lake, the shore outside your home or, perhaps best of all, the backyard pool. There’s also a large patio complete with a fire pit.

If you choose to stay inside, no worries. Views of the lake are visible from most rooms in the home including the large family room, which features its own bar area. Cheers!

Alabama lake views


Alabama lake house

2. 14 Yacht Club Way, Lake Placid, NY

Price: $11,800,000 On Lake Placid: This tiny town may conjure up memories of the 1980 Winter Olympics for folks of a certain age. But it’s also home to quite a few multimillion-dollar lake homes for buyers looking for a real escape. Closer to Montreal than Manhattan , this luxurious, nine-bedroom getaway is known as Camp Longview.

Set on over an acre, the property offers a main house, guesthouse, and boathouse. Best of all, the residence filled with rustic decor is being sold completely turnkey, which means the vintage table-hockey game in the rec room stays put. Do you believe in miracles?

Lake Placid views

3. 1709 Lakeshore Blvd, Incline Village, NV

Price: $8,600,000 On Lake Tahoe: This modestly sized, three-bedroom home is less than 2,800 square feet, which means the price per square foot clocks in at an astronomical $3,151. But it’s nearly impossible to put a price on the limitless lake views.

You can enjoy those vistas from your own private pier, which comes with a hoist for your boat. Meanwhile, the three-level home features a well-appointed kitchen, retractable walls to let the outdoors in, and a small home theater.

View of Lake Tahoe from the dock

4. 16509 Macallister Ct, Loch Lloyd, MO

Price: $4,500,000 On Loch Lloyd:  Offering vibes that scream Southern California rather than Missouri-Kansas border, this midwest lake house is a chic departure from the norm.

Located in a private and gated community, the four-bedroom residence overlooks the blue lake below. Enjoy those water views from the heated, infinity-edge pool.

Inside, the decor is modern, and the many windows offer endless opportunities to gaze out at the lake.

Missouri infinity pool over the lake

5. 2475 Dunwoody Ave, Orono, MN

Price: $7,995,000 On Lake Minnetonka: If you’re looking for a brand-new lake home, the Land of 10,000 Lakes might have just the thing. Recently finished, this five-bedroom residence is modern and stylish, with water views from nearly every room in the house.

Stairs lead down to over 120 feet of private shoreline—a welcome spot to plant your comfiest chair and enjoy the serene surroundings. And inside, there’s an array of upscale features to enjoy when the weather is forbidding: a wellness center, golf simulator, and a media room.

Lakeside locale

Erik Gunther loves to talk about celebrity homes, luxury properties, and strange real estate stories. Send tips to erikg [at]

Twitter Follow @egnonstop

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Tri-State Regatta Party returns to St. Joseph River Yacht Club

ST. JOSEPH, Mich. (WNDU) - One of Lake Michigan’s most anticipated social events of the summer returned on Saturday.

The annual Tri-State Regatta Party, hosted by the St. Joseph River Yacht Club, brings together members of the community with sailors from Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and beyond sailing into town.

All three meals were served throughout the day and the club was transformed into the ultimate party destination when the sun went down, complete with live music for everyone to enjoy.

The Yacht Club’s mission is to build on the rich history of boating and socializing in a unique nautical environment, something they hope to accomplish with events like this.

Copyright 2024 WNDU. All rights reserved.

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Superyacht sinks latest: Investigators reveal where bodies were found as probe looks at 'crew's responsibility'

Italian officials revealed at a news conference there could be "a question of manslaughter" as they opened a shipwreck investigation and said the probe is also looking at the "crew's responsibility".

Saturday 24 August 2024 18:33, UK

  • Superyacht sinking

Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player

  • Prosecutor: There 'could be a question of manslaughter'
  • Probe 'concentrating' on crew's responsibility
  • Seven bodies recovered after five-day search of superyacht wreckage off Sicily
  • Saturday's papers pay tribute to youngest victim Hannah Lynch
  • Hannah's sister pays tribute to 'my little angel'
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  • Live reporting by Niamh Lynch

We're ending our live coverage for this evening but here is a recap of what we know:

  • Prosecutors have opened a manslaughter investigation into the Bayesian sinking;
  • Officials have revealed more details on their investigation and the difficult five-day rescue mission;
  • The six bodies found during the search in recent days were all in cabins on the left-hand - and highest - side of the ship. Five were found in the first cabin and the sixth was found in the third;
  • Prosecutors said the six passengers were most likely asleep when the boat sank;
  • The probe is now focusing on the crew and their responsibilities, with the captain set to undergo more questioning.

Monday 19 August

The Bayesian yacht, flying a British flag, sinks at around 5am local time when the area was hit by a tornado.

Fifteen people are rescued from the 56 metre vessel - including a mother and baby - but another seven remain missing.

One body, later confirmed to be the yacht's chef Recaldo Thomas, is found near the wreck.

It emerges that British technology tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah are among six people that remain missing.

Tuesday 20 August

The search continues for the six tourists missing.

It is reported that among those missing are Morgan Stanley International chairman Jonathan Bloomer; his wife, Judy Bloomer; Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo; and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

Police divers try to reach the hull of the ship, resting at a depth of 50 metres.

Italy's fire brigade Vigili del Fuoco say early inspections of the wreck were "unsuccessful" because of limited access to the bridge and furniture obstructing passages.

The operation is later described as "complex", with divers limited to 12-minute underwater shifts.

Tributes pour in for Mr Thomas, with his friend Gareth Williams saying: "I can talk for everyone that knew him when I say he was a well-loved, kind human being with a calm spirit."

Wednesday 21 August

The search for the six people unaccounted for enters a third day, with crews carrying out inspections of the yacht's internal hull.

A team of four British inspectors from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) arrive in Porticello to look at the site of the sinking.

A helicopter is drafted in to help with the search effort and remotely controlled underwater vehicles are being used, with naval units and cave divers also taking part in the search.

Five bodies are found inside the yacht on Wednesday afternoon. Only four of them are brought to shore.

Body bags are seen being taken to Porticello in the afternoon where dozens of emergency services staff wait.

Searches finish for the day just before 7.30pm.

Thursday 22 August

The search resumes for the remaining missing person.

The body of the fifth missing person, found but not recovered the previous day, is brought to shore.

A fire service boat with flashing blue lights returns with a blue body bag to the port of Porticello just after 8.45am local time on Thursday.

Tributes pour in for Mr Lynch and Mr and Mrs Bloomer after they are identified as having died.

The search is called off at around 8pm in Sicily, with divers expected to begin again at 6.30am on Friday.

Friday 23  August

The search continues for the final person missing from the wreck of the Bayesian, Hannah Lynch.

Vincenzo Zagarola, of the Italian Coastguard, says the search for Hannah has not been "easy or quick", comparing the sunken yacht to an "18-storey building full of water".

The coastguard confirms in the late morning that her body has been found.

A green body bag is brought to the port of Porticello from the site of the sinking.

A spokesperson announces on behalf of the Lynch family that they are "devastated" and "in shock" after the deaths of Mike and Hannah.

Hannah's sister Esme pays tribute to her "little angel".

Saturday 24 August

A press conference is held in the court of an Italian town, Termini Imerese.

Public prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio tells reporters that his office has opened an initial investigation against unknown persons into manslaughter and negligent shipwreck.

As the focus now turns to the manslaughter investigation, here's another reminder of the seven victims of the sinking and the 15 people who survived. 

A close friend of the Lynch family has added to the chorus of tributes for British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, who died in Monday's superyacht sinking.

Susannah Gurdun, who lives in Suffolk, recalled being "daunted" when she first met Mr Lynch at a dinner party, before discovering he was "so much more than the corporate cliche".

"He was riveting.  He was funny, and kind, and endlessly interesting; capable of talking about anything and everything," she said.

Ms Gardun said the businessman also had a "thrilling ability" to make complicated subjects "accessible to those of us less blessed with a science acumen".

"In particular, he was wonderful with children.  I will never forget hearing him explain to a group of them - including our ten year old son - the physics of why the sky went pink at sunset," she said.

She went on describe Mr Lynch as a "true genius" and "phenomenal creative".

Ms Gardun said his daughter Hannah was also showing "serious literary promise", and added that it was "beyond tragic that we will never know where her own particular brilliance might have led".

"I still feel blessed to have shared that time with them in Spain.  Not just because I witnessed Mike’s incredible storytelling; but because I was given a chance of understanding what that moment said about all four of them as a united vibrant loving family," she said.

"He was an extraordinary human being and it was - truly - a privilege to have known him."

A yacht crew member who survived the sinking has paid tribute to Hannah Lynch, calling her a "diamond in a sea of stars".

Sasha Murray, chief stewardess of the Bayesian, has released a statement after divers recovered the final missing body from the wreckage, which is believed to be 18-year-old Hannah.

"Those who knew her will know that Hannah was a diamond in a sea of stars," she said.

"Bright, beautiful and always shining. What most people may not have seen was the extraordinarily strong, deep and loving relationship she shared with her parents, whom she adored more than anything. 

"While swimming with them she often said, if anything ever happened she would save them. 

"I have no doubt that the Irish, Latina fire that burns in her soul kept that spirited determination alive."

Ms Murray's statement comes as a new image of Hannah Lynch and her father Mike Lynch is released:

Prosecutors announced in this morning's news conference that they have opened a manslaughter and negligent shipwreck investigation.

Officials were unable to answer several queries from the media, saying they needed time to establish the facts, but what are the key questions facing prosecutors? 

Why weren't passengers who remained on board the vessel warned about escaping from the yacht?

The prosecutor in charge of the case, Raffaele Cammarano, suggested that some passengers may have been asleep when others were awake.

Asked why they were not woken up or alerted, he said that is something investigators are trying to work out from the statements of the survivors.

He called it an "essential" part of the inquiry.

Why were several of the passengers in one cabin?

The press conference heard several bodies onboard the sunken yacht were found in a single cabin which was not theirs.

Mr Cammarano said investigators currently do not know the reason for them being discovered in the same cabin.

The chief of the Palermo fire service, Bentivoglio Fiandra, said the yacht pinned to the right and suggested people tried to go on the other side, taking refuge in cabins in the higher part of the wreck.

Why did the boat sink?

The vessel had been deemed "unsinkable" by its manufacturer - Italian shipyard Perini Navi.

The Bayesian was hit by a downburst, according to Mr Cammarano, which are powerful winds that descend from a thunderstorm and spread out quickly once they hit the ground.

Officials will look into the safety equipment on the sunken vessel.

Mr Cammarano was asked about whether there is a black box and if the hatches were left open.

He said investigators do not have exact information about the black box and that the first phase of the inquiry will look into it.

Why were nearby vessels not similarly affected?

Another yacht, the Sir Robert BP, was about 150 to 200 metres from the Bayesian when extreme weather hit.

Its crew helped to rescue 15 people from the stricken vessel.

Italian officials said they would be looking at how the downburst could affect one vehicle and not other nearby vessels.

What weather warnings was the Bayesian alerted to?

Maritime director of western Sicily, Rear Admiral Raffaele Macauda, said the weather at the time of the yacht's sinking was abnormal and there was nothing to suggest such an extreme situation would arise.

He said there were forecasts of winds and a storm alert, but there was no warning of a tornado.

"Given that the conditions were such, there wasn't anything to suggest there could be an extreme situation arising," he said.

"There are vessels that can monitor, after all, these events and one would have thought that the captain had taken precautions."

How long will it take to recover the sailing vessel?

Mr Macauda could not confirm how long it would take to retrieve the shipwreck of the sunken yacht.

"Everything depends on the availability of the owners and the timeframe of the retrieval of the wreck and of course all that has to be submitted to the port authorities and in parallel of course there will be the inquiry results and it's only really then that we will be able to authorise the operation," he said.

"I can't say, like some experts who have already spoken on the subject, [said] that it will be eight weeks."

He made clear that the owners will bear the full cost of retrieval, although he could not estimate the figure.

Italian authorities detailed the challenging and meticulous rescue operation to recover the six missing people from the Bayesian wreck (see 9.18am post).

But why was the five-day search so difficult? 

Read more below...

More on this morning's press conference. 

One of the main updates from prosecutors was that they have opened manslaughter and shipwreck investigations after the deaths of seven people in the Bayesian sinking. 

Watch the announcement below...

Prosecutors have given a lengthy news conference this morning on their investigation into the sinking of the Bayesian. 

Read the full report on the prosecutors' probe below...

Marine investigator James Wilkes has been speaking to Sky News after this morning's press conference.

"Naturally, there are more questions than there are substantive answers at the moment - that's the nature of investigative work.

"Something forced that yacht to roll beyond its nominal stability limits, such that it wasn't able to right itself with the ingress of a certain amount of seawater that was coming into the yacht. 

"So the investigators are going to ask themselves one initial question - what must the conditions have been for this to happen? 

"Then they are going to look at the contributing factors to the yacht, sinking, and, and the unfortunate loss of life." 

Prosecutors said this morning that the future of the investigation is reliant on recovering the wreck. 

Mr Wilkes said the yacht is a "major piece of physical evidence in and of itself." 

"It's lying at 50 metres, which is a recoverable depth. 

"If it was significantly deeper, then I'm not sure they'd be considering salvage at this stage or certainly, the salvage question would be a lot more complicated to answer. 

"But if there was the ability to raise that yacht in one piece safely, then it gives the investigators physically more to look at."

Mr Wilkes said he was unsure if the yacht would have a "black box" - called a voyage data recorder in shipping. 

"It would record things like GPS position, heading speed, engine telemetry, whether the radars were on, what they were recording, alarms, communications from the yacht itself, any audio on the bridge.

"But more often than not, these are on merchant ships. The yacht was a commercial yacht in the sense that it could be chartered out so it's quite possible it has a voyage data recorder on, but I'm not sure that it does. I don't know that as a matter of fact," he said.

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Michigan Shores Club

south shore yacht club about

The club is situated 19 miles north of Chicago in Wilmette, Illinois. Driving time from Chicago is approximately 30-40 minutes via Interstate 90/94. Nearby railway access is provided on Metra’s Union Pacific North Line. Travel time via rail from Chicago is approximately 30 minutes. The historic clubhouse overlooks Lake Michigan.

  • Country Club
  • Conference & Meetings

south shore yacht club about

Michigan Shores is a private members-only social club. Nestled along Chicago's North Shore, Michigan Shores Club has a rich history dating to 1898. A landmark of the community, MSC offers exquisite dining options, iconic meeting/event spaces, and state-of-the-art fitness facilities overlooking the turquoise waters of Lake Michigan. The Oak Room offers a-la-carte dining, in the fall, winter and spring seasons. Reservations can be made by contacting the front desk at 847-251-4100.

  • Dress Code Oak Room Elegant or tasteful business dress is required. A jacket is preferred for men. At a minimum, men must wear collared shirts or sweaters. Women must be appropriately dressed. No caps, hats, or athletic attire is permitted. Children: appropriate attire in keeping with the above. Fitness Center Proper workout attire (i.e. shirts, shorts, athletic shoes, etc.) must be worn at all times in the Fitness Center
  • Age Restriction Children must be supervised by parents at all times in the Oak Room or common areas of the club. Children are not allowed in Fitness Center.
  • Dogs Dogs are not allowed in the clubhouse.
  • Smoking Smoking is not permitted.

Opening Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:00am – 9:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am – 9:00pm
Thursday 9:00am – 9:00pm
Friday 9:00am – 9:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 9:00pm
Sunday 9:00am – 9:00pm

More Information

Additional Charges 18% Service Charge on all dining purchases.

  • Tel +1 847 251 4100
  • Fax +1 847 251 2404
  • Web htttp://
  • Mail [email protected]

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home > destinations > miami > all hotels > Shore Club South Beach

Shore Club South Beach

south shore yacht club about

The Shore Club first called our attention with the excellent rates that are offered, especially if we consider its prime location and the higher rates charged by surrounding properties. It is located just a short walk to most of South Beach attractions and to our favorite restaurants and cafes in town. By the time we checked in at this boutique hotel we were also surprised by its unique concrete design, and the charming outdoor ambiances. The restaurant where a delicious breakfast is served is delightful, and at night the patio and bar around it gets even more alluring with candlelights, and some days of the week it hosts a DJ and small parties (our room did not suffer from any noise, but you’d better check with reception if you are noise sensitive). The two pools available are a perfect addition to the beach service, with chairs and cabanas (hope umbrellas are not charged anymore), and where snacks are also served. Bedrooms are not as spacious as you can get from other larger hotels, bear in mind this is a boutique property, but they are quite pretty, overall white coloured and pastel hues, large bathrooms and good amenities. If possible book a room with a balcony and sea views, depending on the hotel’s availability the extra charge is small and quite worth it.

1901 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA

Check availability, become a partner, shore club south beach >>.

South Shore Yacht Club

South Shore Yacht Club

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Use the link to access the MySSYC portal, your all-in-one portal for everything South Shore Yacht Club!  MySSYC offers a wide array of features to enhance your club experience, including access to:

  • Club Calendar
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  • Food and Beverage Menus
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  • Your member account (statements, current charges, monthly minimum spending)
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  • Roster of SSYC Club Members with Boat Data
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  • Membership Class Change Request Form
  • Shared Membership Opt In Form

Experience the convenience of MySSYC and stay connected with your club community. Access MySSYC now to get started!

For Members

2300 e nock street, milwaukee, wi 53207, (414) 481-2331.

[email protected]


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  1. South Shore Yacht Club

    South Shore Yacht Club 2300 E Nock Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 481-2331. [email protected]. Directions. Links. Club Hours. Careers ...

  2. Club Overview

    South Shore Yacht Club 2300 E Nock Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 481-2331. [email protected]. Directions

  3. SSYC History

    So, from a very humble beginning in 1913, SOUTH SHORE YACHT CLUB has grown to a Club that is the envy of many other Clubs on the Great Lakes. Location. South Shore Yacht Club 2300 E Nock Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 481-2331. [email protected]. Directions. Links. Club Hours.

  4. Our Origins

    South Shore Yacht Club 2300 E Nock Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 481-2331. [email protected]. Directions

  5. South Shore Yacht Club

    South Shore Yacht Club, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 3,203 likes · 54 talking about this · 19,276 were here. Welcome to the biggest, friendliest and most inclusive yacht club on Lake Michigan. South Shore Yacht Club, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 3,200 likes · 35 talking about this · 19,185 were here. ...

  6. South Shore Yacht Club

    SOUTH SHORE YACHT CLUB 2300 E. Nock St Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-481-2331 Founded in: 1913 Annual Meeting: September Regular Meetings: 3rd thursdays, March, June, September, December Initiation Fee: $850.00 Annual Dues: $1120.00 plus $40 minimum restaurant/bar monthly. Commodore: Mark Humphrey:

  7. South Shore Yacht Club

    About South Shore Yacht Club. We are known to be the "friendliest" Yacht Club in town! SSYC is one of the oldest yacht clubs in Newport Harbor, founded in 1957 and is a full accredited organization with membership in US Sailing, Association of the Orange Coast Yacht Clubs and Southern California Yachting Association, where it is a senior ...

  8. South Shore Yacht Club

    SSYC 2024 Bridge

  9. South Shore Yacht Club

    If you have any questions about South Shore Yacht Club please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Call Us: (949) 646-3102. [email protected]. 1099 Bayside Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660. Stay In Touch. Follow us. Don't miss important updates. Follow us on Facebook ...

  10. South Shore Yacht Club

    South Shore Yacht Club has a simple application process and a 30 day posting period/trial period. Below is a Membership Application. After filling it out, submit via email to [email protected]. SSYC Member Application. Please contact SSYC at (949) 646-3102 or email us at [email protected].

  11. Club Calendar

    Grounds Conversion and Tent Take Down. 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Private Event

  12. Home

    Southern Shore Yacht Club Learn More "SSYC Club House" - Jackson Park Inner Harbor, established 1912.

  13. South Shore Yacht Club

    South Shore Yacht Club, Newport Beach, California. 609 likes · 1,438 were here. For over 50 years, SSYC has been providing its members and guests a long tradition of fun, friendlin South Shore Yacht Club | Newport Beach CA

  14. The Member Experience

    South Shore Yacht Club 2300 E Nock Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 481-2331. [email protected]. Directions

  15. History

    The South Shore Power Boat Club, which was changed to Southern Shore Yacht Club in 1930, was rapidly becoming one of Chicago's leading boat clubs. Then came 1934 - the Century of Progress, the Great Depression, and disaster to the club. They year got off to a promising start and no one could have foretold the gloom with which it was to end.

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    The Annual Tri-State Regatta Party, hosted by the Saint Joe River Yacht Club, brings together members of the community with sailors from Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and beyond sailing into town ...

  17. South Shore Yacht Club

    South Shore Yacht Club - Harbor of Hospitality - Milwaukee Wisconsin ... Welcome to the biggest, friendliest and most inclusive yacht club on Lake Michigan, bringing together folks from all walks of life. While we have our blue-blazer traditions, no one ever called us stuffy. What you'll find is a more laid-back vibe that invites people to just ...

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    2. 14 Yacht Club Way, Lake Placid, NY. Price: $11,800,000 On Lake Placid: This tiny town may conjure up memories of the 1980 Winter Olympics for folks of a certain age.But it's also home to ...

  20. South Shore Social Beach Club

    69 likes, 1 comments - southshoresocialbeachclub on August 26, 2024: "We've had a SENSATIONAL 2024 season at the beach. With 3 weeks left you still have time to stop by and enjoy the last days of summer with us! Closing day is Friday, September 13th! If you haven't visited the beach club what are you waiting for? Don't let summer end without spending some time with us at South Shore ...

  21. Tri-State Regatta Party returns to St. Joseph River Yacht Club

    The Annual Tri-State Regatta Party, hosted by the Saint Joe River Yacht Club, brings together members of the community with sailors from Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and beyond sailing into town ...

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  23. Join

    South Shore Yacht Club 2300 E Nock Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 481-2331. [email protected]. Directions

  24. Superyacht sinks latest: Investigators reveal where bodies were found

    Monday 19 August. The Bayesian yacht, flying a British flag, sinks at around 5am local time when the area was hit by a tornado. Fifteen people are rescued from the 56 metre vessel - including a ...

  25. Shorehouse

    Shorehouse. Crocus City Mall, MKAD 65 - 66 Km (+7) 495 727 26 78 more than a year ago. share post a comment. Perhaps it's not quite the marina of Monaco, but Shore-House restaurant by the yacht club at Crocus City is the only place just within Moscow's city limits that can come close. During the summer months this restaurant/poolside ...

  26. Michigan Shores Club

    The club is situated 19 miles north of Chicago in Wilmette, Illinois. Driving time from Chicago is approximately 30-40 minutes via Interstate 90/94. ... Nestled along Chicago's North Shore, Michigan Shores Club has a rich history dating to 1898. A landmark of the community, MSC offers exquisite dining options, iconic meeting/event spaces, and ...

  27. Fleets

    South Shore Yacht Club 2300 E Nock Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 481-2331. [email protected]. Directions

  28. The Shore Club is located just a short walk of South Beach attractions

    The Shore Club Hotel is located just a short walk to most of South Beach attractions and to our favorite restaurants and cafes in town

  29. Members Home

    South Shore Yacht Club 2300 E Nock Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 (414) 481-2331. [email protected]. Directions

  30. Body recovered near sunken Sicily yacht believed to be that of chef

    The bridge of the yacht - the room where the captain controls the vessel - is full of electrical cables Divers are unable to see inside the yacht , though a possible entry point could be through a ...