CTC Nederland

Catamaran en Trimaran Club Nederland

ctc trimaran

CTC Nederland

CTC is de afkorting van Catamaran en Trimaran Club Nederland. Sinds de oprichting in 1968 heeft de vereniging als doel het zeilen in schepen met meer dan één romp te bevorderen en waar mogelijk de belangen van multihullzeilers te behartigen. Onze levendige vereniging organiseert al ruim 50 jaar bijeenkomsten, wedstrijden en tochten. Ook delen wij kennis, informatie en adviezen met leden en niet-leden. Daarnaast ontvangen leden elk kwartaal het inspirerende magazine CTC-Nieuws met artikelen over zeilen en bouwen, grote zeilreizen, projecten, ontwerpen en multihullnieuws.


De vereniging kent drie regio’s: Noord, Midden en Zuid. Voor alle leden zijn er elk seizoen interessante activiteiten. In samenwerking met de regiocommissarissen organiseert de vereniging in het voor- en najaar centraal in het land boeiende bijeenkomsten met lezingen, presentaties en jubileumsymposia, in combinatie met de algemene ledenvergadering. In het zeilseizoen zijn er gezellige bijeenkomsten op het water en gezamenlijke tochten. Meer competitief ingestelde zeilers kunnen hun hart ophalen bij de wedstrijden die wij verspreid over het land organiseren: de Henk Eggink Trofee, het Zeelandkristal en de WOK-wedstrijden. Verenigingsinformatie en de aankondigingen van activiteiten publiceren wij in ons magazine CTC-Nieuws en op onze website .


CTC-leden zijn enthousiaste multihullzeilers. Door lid te worden van de CTC maak je dan ook deel uit van een gezellige vereniging en geniet je van de voordelen van een landelijke club. Onze leden hebben heel Europa (en verder) als zeilgebied maar varen ook op Wad, IJsselmeer en in Zeeland. Delen in hun ervaring met multihulls in dit water helpt de beginnende zeiler op weg. Ook houden we je op de hoogte van evenementen zoals wedstrijden en bijeenkomsten.

Lage kosten, veel plezier!

De contributie bij de CTC bedraagt €50 voor een heel jaar (via automatische incasso, anders €55). Het verenigingsjaar van de CTC loopt van 1 januari tot en met 31 december.

Met alle vragen over het lidmaatschap kun je terecht bij de ledenadministratie. E-mail: [email protected] . Weet je het al zeker en wil je niks meer missen? Vul dan het inschrijfformulier in. Twijfel je? Vraag een gratis proefnummer aan.

Het boek Alle ballast overboord

Gratis voor nieuwe leden. Zo lang de voorraad strekt: het boek Alle ballast over boord – Dit is zeilen met multihulls . Op=op!

De CTC is een vereniging voor en door multihullzeilers. Binnen de vereniging zijn diverse taken onderscheiden: het bestuur, de regiocommissarissen en het secretariaat. Daarnaast zijn er teams die zich bezig houden met de website, het CTC-Nieuws, de Texel Rating (het meten en wegen van schepen) en de wedstrijden en toertochten. De CTC heeft drie ereleden: Leon Bart, Simon Rhebergen en Frits du Bois.

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Voorzitter Jan Willem van Crevel 06 – 20 03 55 95 [email protected]

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Penningmeester Ellen Jagtenberg 06 – 29 07 38 20 [email protected]

Algemeen bestuurslid Harald Kemper 06 – 22 01 52 92 [email protected]


Noord Steve Ellis 06 – 21 23 02 11 en Ronald Mors 06 – 33 56 95 33 [email protected]

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Ariella Bijl 036 – 53 84 225 [email protected] Maarten Bakker 0318 – 43 12 12

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ctc trimaran

6 Best Trailerable Trimarans For Bluewater and Coastal Sailing

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Having a boat costs a lot of money, even when you are not using it, marina fees, etc. And once it is in the water most sailors never go very far from their “home marina” and sailing will be somewhat restricted. However, what if you could fold your trimaran and put it on a trailer, store it at your house, and go to a new sailing spot the next time?

Here are 6 of the best trailerable trimaran:

  • The Dragonfly series
  • Corsair Series
  • Windrider 17

Choosing the best trailerable trimaran (a multi-hull with three “hulls”) will depend on crucial factors like speed, durability, design, and ease of transportation. This article is here to help you get started with your research and hopefully help you on the way towards your dream boat!

Table of Contents

Cruising Trimarans That Can Be Transported

Cruising boats are made for multiday sailing either on the coast of your favorite sailing area or full-out blue-water ocean crossings. Extended living should be a priority in these designs.

1. The Dragonfly 25 and 28 (Dragon Fly Series)

Dragonfly is in the business of making the “best foldable trimarans on the planet” many would agree with this statement. Dragonfly is known for its commitment to easy trailering and ease of use, shown in designs for the Dragonfly 25 and Dragonfly 28.

The “Swing Wing” system on the linchpins is one of the key features of the dragonfly series. The system’s application makes it possible for the trimaran to narrow its beam as much as 50%.

Attesting to its Scandinavian manufacturing, most parts of the trimaran are made in-house. This guarantees quality and ensures that all used parts are above standard.

You don’t need to look further than the Dragonfly 25. Its centerboard slightly offset to port. Extra space is created in the main hull’s interior with a trunk buried under a settee. Performance-wise, the low drag and narrow hull shape allow the boat to reach blistering speeds.

Dragonfly 28 In Numbers

  • Length: 8.75m
  • Beam folded: 2.54m
  • Max crew: 5-7 people
  • Max Speed: 22+knots

Dragonfly 25 In Numbers

  • Length: 7.65m
  • Beam folded: 2.30m
  • Max crew: 4-6 people
  • Max Speed: 21+knots

2. Farrier F-22

New Zealand enters the trimaran manufacturing race with this premium sea goer. The vessel comes in two different versions: a performance variation with more horsepower and a full cabin cruising version. 

Compared to the dragon series the F-22 has the biggest allowance for space.

The F-22 is known for being one of the easiest trimarans to fold and load.

The sports version of the F-22 has some really good performance to offer. It has an aggressive spirit: you can mount a sail while leaving plenty of space for the boat’s fine entry and flared forward sections. The build quality is also topnotch—a lasting memorial to a principle that Ian Farrier always worked by: excellence.

Farrier F-22 In Numbers

  • Length: 7.0m
  • Beam folded: 2.5m
  • Max crew: 3-5 people
  • Max Speed: 20+knots

3. Corsair Series

This boat series has an exciting history. Farrier created it to promote his trailerable tri concept. However, the series is now independent with a top-class vehicle to its name.

The Corsair 760 is listed as providing some of the best performance and safety benefits to sailors.

Building off the spirit of excellence of the founder, the Corsair 760 has created a boat with comfort and racing potential. The boat can be tricky to handle at first, but it will be a breeze once you get the hang of it.

It is also worth noting that the corsair 37 is the largest trailerable trimaran on the market today.

Daysail Trimarans That Can Be Transported

Boats that are made for dayssailing are usually smaller, cheaper and more easily handled. They are perfect for those looking to enjoy a full day on the water in calm weather, but are usually less suitable for multiday events or rough sea sailing.

4. The Astus Models (20ft, 22.5ft, and 24ft)

If you’re looking for something small but still capable of doing day sailing, this 22.5-foot trimaran is for you. Built for speed and maneuverability, the Astus 22.5 has optional foils to optimize speed.

The modern design, coupled with the spacious interior, can fit up to four beds. Accordingly, this trimaran is suited for family outings. 

The Astus brand specializes in transportable trimarans, worth noting is that some models need a specific trailer whilst the smaller boats use a standard trailer.

5. Weta 14.5

The 2019 Weta trimaran is a 14.5-foot (4.4-meter) trimaran featuring a carbon frame, centerboard, rudder foil, and rudder shock. The hull is made from fiberglass and foam. The Weta is built for strength and speed based on these lightweight materials. 

The 2019 Weta trimaran is easy to sail and is worth considering whether you want to take a quiet sail, race with your friends, or take kids to a sailing lesson. It has a simple design and is easy to set up independently.

The small size makes it more suitable for daysailing in good weather rather than multiday cruising, although more experienced sailors will of course push the limits of this boat.

6. WindRider 17

The 17.4-foot (5.3-meter) WindRider 17 is one of the more versatile trimarans in the market. It packs high performance for a low cost. This trimaran has a light rotating mast to boost performance, and a full-battened mainsail optimizes visibility. 

This sailboat is made from rotomolded polyethylene, which is more durable than fiberglass and demands less maintenance.

The WindRider 17 has a comfortable interior and can fit six adults. This is an ideal choice for social sailing for a couple or a family and friends. It’s easy to ride, and a shallow draft allows easy maneuverability. 

What’s the Largest Trailerable Trimaran?

The largest trailerable trimaran is the Corsair 37 , this multihull is built for single-handed cruising while still maintaining the ability to comfortably seat 6 people.

The Corsair 37 provides comfort, speed, and safety. It also contains just enough space to accommodate amenities like a propane stove, a sink, and other equipment.

The vessel is designed to be a performance cruiser. It features an aluminum rotating wing mast, carbon fiber bowsprit, and premium deck hardware. The corsair can still cut through the water with ease despite its size, putting the wind in your sails.

What Is a Catamaran?

ctc trimaran

A catamaran is a boat with two hulls (a trimaran has three) connected by a bridge deck. Catamarans usually offer more space than both monohulls and trimarans of the same length. The catamaran is usually somewhat slower than a trimaran but faster than a monohull. They are usually made of fiberglass or carbon fiber.

Catamarans come in all shapes and sizes. You can find straightforward sailing catamarans, perfect for those who are only starting their sailing journey. Larger sailing catamarans have become extremely popular for long-distance sailing.

There are also power catamarans, they have huge diesel-powered engines (sometimes electric) and no sails. Also called “power cats”, these boats can reach 30+kts.

Can a Trimaran Be Trailerable?

As discussed above, some trimarans are possible to put on a trailer and move to another sailing area or to be stored at home. This is usually not possible with catamarans but is sometimes possible with the trimarans that are fitted with foldable amas (the two outer “floats” or “hulls”).

Some trimarans can be trailerable, this is mainly due to the ability to drastically decrease the vessels beam, sometimes as much as 50%. This allows the trailer plus trimaran to be below the legal requirements of the road.

Final Thoughts

It has proven difficult to beat the trimaran in terms of speed. Through the ages, this type of vessel has proven to be immensely enjoyable in all kinds of sailing activities. These can range from sea adventures to waterborne relaxation in your free time.

Trimarans come in various types, foldable, for cruising or racing, etc. However, there is a common factor: many of the small ones are trailerable. This makes them easier to move than most other types of boats.

Owner of CatamaranFreedom.com. A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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The complete list of trimarans.

There is no single trimaran that is best for everyone. Where some prefer luxury cruisers for long trips with family and friends, others might opt for a high performance racing tri for thrilling rides at breakneck speeds. With the recent spike in trimaran popularity, these days there is a perfect tri for every sailor. So to help prospective trimaran owners decide which boat is just right for them, we here at WindRider have put together a comprehensive list of the best trimarans on the market today! Read through for simple at-a-glance trimaran comparisons of boats both big and small, exhilarating and relaxing, and for all price points.

Jump to a specific sailing trimaran: Neel Weta Corsair WindRider Dragonfly Catri Astus Hobie Sea Pearl Farrier Sea Cart Multi 23 Triak SeaRail Warren Lightcraft Diam Radikal Challenger

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Known for their award-winning luxury trimarans,   NEEL   is based in La Rochelle, the capital city of sailing in France. NEEL trimarans are built for fast cruising with an average cruising speed of about 10 knots, and are even configured to facilitate that sustained speed under motor propulsion. The NEEL 45 was notably named Cruising World’s Most Innovative Vessel in 2013, and by all accounts is an easy-to-sail, high performance boat that is just plain fun.

At a glance:

Models: NEEL 45, 65

Length: 45’ – 65’

Cost:   $$$$$

Use: Luxury cruiser

ctc trimaran

A fan favorite,   Weta trimarans   are fast, stable, and remarkably easy to rig. This single-sailor tri has a capacity of up to three, and the ease with which it can be transported and stored makes this a great, versatile boat for beginners. The Weta was named Sailing World’s 2010 Boat of the Year, and one ride is enough to know why: simply put, the Weta is an absolute ton of fun to sail regardless of skill level.

Models: Weta

Length: 14’5”

Cost:   $$ $$$

ctc trimaran

The high-end   Corsair trimaran   definitely holds its own in the categories of versatility, performance, and convenience. Boasting a rigging time of 30 minutes from trailer to sailor ,   the Corsair 42 – whose convenient folding amas makes trailering possible – is a simple option even for single sailors, though cabin space is suitable for two adults. These boats are wicked fast, capable of reaching speeds of 20+ knots, and were made for skilled sailors seeking solid construction and high performance vessels, not for beginners.

Models: Pulse 600, Sprint 750 MKII, Dash 750 MKII, Corsair 28, Cruze 970, Corsair 37, Corsair 42

Length: 19’8” – 37’

Cost:   $$$$ $

Use: Sports cruisers

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Built for the sailor who wants to maximize the joys of sailing while minimizing any hassle, WindRider trimarans are notoriously fast, very safe, and a blast to sail from start to finish. With several models that can hold between 1 and 6 riders, including adaptive designs to allow participation from sailors of all levels of mobility, there’s something to suit every sailor’s needs. The WindRider 17, an exhilarating ride perfect for families or camper sailors, has been known to reach speeds of up to 20mph. This easy day sailor goes from trailer to sailing in under 30 minutes and is sure to fit in perfectly with whatever adventures you have planned.

Models: WR 16, 17, Tango, Rave V

Length: 10’11” – 18’3”

Cost:   $ $$$$

Use: Day sailor

ctc trimaran

The Danish-built   Dragonfly   trimarans come in a variety of models ranging from 25’ – 35’, all known for their spry performance, comfortable ride, and ease of use. Every model comes equipped with the unique “SwingWing” feature, a motorized system that can unfold the amas even while the boat is already underway – making it accessible to marinas and slips, and even makes trailering possible. Perfect for those who don’t want to sacrifice their comfort for high performance, the Dragonfly can breeze along at 13 knots while remaining one of the quietest compact cruisers out there.

Models: Dragonfly 25, 28, 32, 35, 1200

Length: 25’ – 39’

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Designed for both safe cruising as well as for high speed racing,   Catri trimarans   will make your day. Especially noteworthy is the Catri 25, a stable yet wildly fast foiling trimaran with accommodations for up to 6 people. With profiles optimized for speeds of 25+ knots when foiling, this is no beginner’s sailboat. The special attention paid to stability in the foil design allows the Catri to be a single sailor vessel, even at foiling speed, with no special physical abilities. Whether you’re taking a small crew for longer rides at shuddering speeds or bringing the whole family along for a shorter, but still thrilling sail, the Catri is truly one of a kind.

Models: Catri 25

Length: 25’

Use: Cruiser/racer

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A popular brand of trimaran in Europe,   Astus   has recently made its way to the US market to the delight of sailors on this side of the pond. Designed to offer maximum pleasure with minimum hassle, all models of Astus trimarans are fast to set up, quick on the water, inherently stable, and always a joy to sail. Their outriggers are mounted on telescopic tubes for easy stowage and towing, and can even be extended and retracted on the water for access to narrow passageways and monohull slips in marinas. With models in all sizes and price points, Astus trimarans are a great option for any sailor.

Models: Astus 16.5, 18.2, 20.2, 22, 24

Cabin: Some models

Length: 16’ – 24’

Use: Sport cruisers


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Great for beginners and adventurers alike, the   Hobie Mirage Adventure Island   series is nothing if not just plain fun. With the option to use as a kayak or as a very basic trimaran, the Hobie is transportable, versatile, unintimidating, lightweight, and wonderfully affordable. The pedal system known as “Mirage Drive” allows a person to pedal the kayak using their legs for an extra kick of movement in slow winds. Amas tuck close to the main hull for docking or car-topping, adding serious ease and convenience to the exhilarating experience of the Hobie.

Models: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island, Mirage Tandem Island

Length: 16’7” – 18’6”

Use: Convertible kayak/trimarans

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Best known for its use in camp cruising excursions, the   Sea Pearl   offers a roomy main hull and particular ability to sail in very shallow waters, making beaching and launching a breeze. The lightweight Sea Pearl trimaran is easy to tow, and the larger-than-expected cabin opens this vessel up for overnight adventures with plenty of storage space. The simple design makes the Sea Pearl notoriously low maintenance, and the ease it takes to rig and sail it add to the overall delight of owning this boat.

Models: Sea Pearl

Length: 21’

Use: Camper cruiser

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Quick, lightweight, roomy, and trailerable,   Farrier trimarans   are made for versatility to fit every sailor’s needs. Different Farrier models are available in plan or kit boat form for those who appreciate building their boat themselves, but of course, also as the full production sail-away boat for the rest of us. Single-handed rigging and launching takes under 10 minutes from start to finish, minimizing hassle and getting you on the water fast. All non-racing Farrier designs use a minimum wind capsize speed of 30 knots or more to ensure safety for all those aboard. Add the roomy cabin and high speed capabilities to the equation and you’ve got a boat that is great fun for everyone.

Models:   F-22, 24, 25, 82, 27, 28, 31, 9A, 9AX, 9R, 32, 33, 33R, 33ST, 36, 39, 41, 44R

Length: 23’ – 39’4”

Cost:   $$$ $$

Use: Sport cruisers/racers

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One of the biggest names in the game,   SeaCart   is internationally noted for its high performance trimarans that far exceed expectations for a production boat of its size. The SeaCart trimaran performs as brilliantly off the water as it does on with its super-light and efficient harbor folding system, making light work of trailering. Notoriously easy to manage and maintain, the SeaCart 26 One Design is the ultimate day racing trimaran, designed for both course and inshore/coastal distance racing. Absolutely worth the international buzz it has garnered, the SeaCart is a thrill from beginning to end.

Models:   SeaCart 26

Length: 26’

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A high performance racer class, the   Multi 23   is a lightweight, powerful trimaran known for its wicked speed of up to 25 knots. Multi trimarans of both available configurations were designed to give beach cat thrills and speed without any of the stability or seaworthy concerns. Open ocean sailing is no issue for the Multi’s big bows, which do their job to keep her stable. Built for sailors with a need for speed, the Multi makes a perfect weekend boat for racers, especially those with a taste for boat camping.

Models:   Multi 23

Length: 23’

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Another dual outrigger sailing kayak/canoe design,   the Triak trimaran   was designed to be effortless and fun, especially for beginners. Paddle the kayak with sails furled, use the foot pedals for an extra kick of momentum, or sail with just the mainsail – the only boat in its class to feature an asymmetrical spinnaker – for exhilarating speeds and a blast on the water. Car-top the Triak anywhere for a quick sail or plan for a week long expedition, but always count on having a great time on this easy little boat.

Models:   Triak

Length: 18’

Use: Convertible kayak/trimaran

ctc trimaran

SeaRail trimarans   are known for being affordable, light weight, trailerable trimarans that offer the perfect combination of exciting and relaxing experiences to a wide range of sailors. Whether it’s day sailing with your family, resort or camper sailing, SeaRail trimarans are ideal leisure vessels. Leave the hassle to the other boats – the SeaRail takes you from trailer to sailor in 15 minutes. But don’t let its reputation as a leisure tri fool you: if speed is what you want, rest assured that the SeaRail can deliver that as well.

Models:   SeaRail 19


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Warren Lightcraft trimarans , another example of a convertible kayak-to-sailboat option, are known for their aesthetically pleasing designs that are also, as the name implies, very light for simple transportation and ease of use. Convert the kayak into a fast, high performance sailboat in just minutes, fly around on the waves all day long, then simply car-top the 68lb Warren for a maximum enjoyment, low-hassle day on the water. Perfect for sailors and paddlers of all skill levels, the Warren Lightcraft is the best of both worlds and an absolute joy to sail.

Models:   Warren Lightcraft

Length: 15’6”

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Built strictly with racing in mind,   the Diam 24   is a light, powerful one-design class trimaran and a notoriously exceptional performer. Boasting blistering speeds of up to 30 knots, Diam trimarans are not intended for beginners. For racers who crave the very best in terms of intense speeds, smooth handling and impeccable performance, the Diam is the red-hot one-design racing tri for you.

Models:   Diam 24

Length: 24’

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For the sailor who prefers the finer things in life, the   Radikal 26   delivers. Perfect for bringing the whole family out for a day on the water, this high performance, trailerable sailing trimaran strikes the most luxurious balance between quicksilver speeds and a smooth, comfortable ride. The Radikal 26 trimaran is as convenient to transport and set up as it is pleasant to sail, with a folding system that minimizes rigging hassle and also makes this a trailerable tri. Built for a fast and comfortable sail rather than a hold-onto-your-seats thrill, one-the-water safety and overall pleasure makes the Radikal 26 what it is.

Models:   Radikal 26

Use: Sport cruiser

ctc trimaran

A solidly-built, single-handed trimaran, the Challenger also doubles as an adaptive design – meaning it is made to accommodate sailors of all levels of physical mobility. Best suited to lakes, the Challenger is a very safe, seaworthy boat for sailors of all ages and experience levels. Add to this the ease of owning, transporting and maintaining the Challenger trimaran and what you get is a simple, fun sailboat perfect both for beginners and those seeking a cheap thrill alike.

Models:   Challenger

At a glance comparison:

Did we miss one? Let us know. Tell us what you sail and what you like about each boat in the comments below.

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World of Trimaran Enthusiasts

Multihull sailing, racing trimarans, cruising tris, foiling, sciences & research… and little bit more..

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Trimaran History: The start of the FORMULA 40 class in 1986…

Formula 40 – a new class (yachting, march 1986 – vol 158 / no 3).

A historical review from today’s perspective in 21st century about the the origin of the new “Formula 40 box rule” which started as a new era of multihull design and catamaran/trimaran  racing in the 80th of last century.


Length overall : 39′-11″ (12.16 m) Length at waterline : 39′-9″ (12.16 m) Beam : 39′-4″ 12.0 m Draft : 1′-3″/8′-10″ (0.38/2.7 m) Weight : 3,950 lb (1,791.7 kg) Sails – Main : 787 sqft. ( 7 3. 1 sqm.) Blade : 323 sqft. ( 30.0 sqm.) Spinnaker : 92 5 sqft. (8 5.9 sqm.) Displacement : 4,466 lb (2,025.74 kg)

Still some few boats of this era on the water…

ctc trimaran

The article “ Formula 40 – A new Class ” about the beginning of this new multihull racing class was written by Guy Gurney in the section “ The Racing Yachtsman ” of the boat magazine “ YACHTING “, being published in 03/1986 as Volume 158 – No. 3.

( Rec.: Gurney’s article can be found in different editions during the years 1980, 1981, 1983-1985, 1987 till 2000.)

Yachting has been America’s most respected marine brand since 1907. It was founded by Oswald Garrison Villard, publisher of the New York Evening Post and The Nation. During 1985 till 1987 it was owned by CBS Magazines as publisher. (Source: Wikipedia –  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yachting_%28magazine%29 )

The Yachting magazine nowadays (since 2007) is owned by Bonnier Corporation Company… http://www.yachtingmagazine.com/

About the “FUTURE of Formula 40 Trimarans” later as WTE is still in midth of some deeper researches…

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published in n°175 jan. / feb.

Multihulls World #175

In this category, there are many models and much variety between them! Here is where we start to discover the first proper cruising catamarans, coastal rallying trimarans, but also some amazing speed machines. Whichever your choice, these multihulls remain on a human scale, easy to handle and easy to maintain.

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Over five years ago now, the Cruze 970 took over from the Corsair 31. Fans of folding trimarans know how much the Corsair 31 left its mark on people’s minds. With more than 300 examples built, it is one of the yard’s best-sellers. The Corsair 970 didn’t take any unnecessary risks: it was really an evolution of the Corsair 31, but with greater comfort on board, more in line with the Corsair 37. On board the 970, there’s about 15% more space than on the 31 and notably, much better headroom, as you can now stand upright in the saloon... But this comfort in no way hinders the seakeeping qualities of the Cruze 970, which remains a true Corsair trimaran. The Sport, and especially the Carbon, versions are obviously higher performing. It goes without saying that the 970 is foldable, using the system so highly prized by the yard.

Builder: Corsair Marine Length: 31’10” (9.70 m) Beam: 22’7”/8’4” (6.88/2.55 m) Light displacement: 3,780 or 4,000 lbs (1.7 or 1.8 t) Draft: 18”/6’11”/(0.45/2.10 m) Mainsail: 382/452 sq ft (35.5/42 m²) Genoa: 188/247 sq ft (17.5/23 m²) Asymmetric spi: 872/925 sq ft (81/86 m²) Engines: 10 to 15 HP outboard Construction: glass/polyester/PVC sandwich Price: € 139,999/$ 167,299 ex-tax



With 54 units built, the first-generation Dragonfly 32 made its mark on the history of the yard. The Evolution replaced the Supreme version in 2019, with 20% larger floats and a more powerful rig. The stretched underwater hulls of the floats, the higher volume and the inverted bows are a real plus with a cross-sea or for sporty sailing. Admittedly, at the same price, the Dragonfly 32 Evo offers a third of the living space of an honest 40-foot catamaran, but what are we looking for when we choose this boat? A multihull that can limit her beam to 3.85 m but above all a sporty craft that conceals a wonderful temperament under the pretty exterior and provides a lot of pleasure when sailing.

Builder: Quorning Boats Length: 32’2”/32’6” (9.80/9.90 m) Beam: 11’10”/26’3” (3.6/8 m) or 12’7”/27’1” (3.85/8.25 m) Light displacement: 7,500 lbs (3,400 kg) Draft: 22”/6’3” (0.55/1.90 m) Mainsail: 520 or 625 sq ft (48 or 58 m²) Genoa: 280 or 310 sq ft (26 or 29 m²) Spinnaker: 1,025 sq ft (95 m²) Berths: 5/7 Water: 32 US gal (120 l) Diesel: 18.5 US gal (70 l) Engines: 21 HP Price: € 255,000 ex-tax



ctc trimaran

Grainger Designs offer a full range of multihulls - the Raku – from 32 to 52 feet. The Raku 32, the smallest model, is built in Poland at Yacht Service. This catamaran is an evolution of the 30: it has pronounced inverted bows, daggerboards and a powerful sail plan – even further enhanced in the Racing version. The 32 fills a relative void on the market - at least among production boats. Inside, the designers have ...

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How do you judge the success of an ocean cruising yacht? You can tell a lot from where you see them and where you don’t. It’s also instructive to look at the builder’s order book. If you buy one now, how long will you have to wait for delivery? Another indicator is how well (or poorly) they hold their value on the secondhand market. By any of these measures, Neel Trimarans is absolutely nailing it.

You’ll often see Neel tris anchored in remote parts of the Hebrides and far-flung atolls of the South Pacific but they’re rarely seen in crowded, mainstream cruising destinations like the Ionian, the Virgin Islands or the Solent. Depending on which model of Neel tri you want, you’ll probably have to wait at least eight months and possibly up to two years. And a survey of brokerage websites suggests that there isn’t a great deal of difference between the asking price of a two-year-old Neel and the cost of a new one.

Despite the disruptions of the Covid pandemic, the La Rochellebased shipyard is still steadily growing. ‘We built about 30 boats last year,’ says Neel founder Eric Bruneel, ‘and this year we expect to build 45 to 50.’ The latest, smallest model, the Neel 43, is coming off the production line at a rate of one boat every two weeks and demand is still outstripping supply.

That said, due to the shipyard’s recently increased capacity, now is a good time to order a new Neel as the waiting list, at the time of writing, is shorter than it’s been in years.

Neel’s new Leen power tri have the same core values and designer Bernard Nivelt owns one...

Neel’s new Leen power tri have the same core values, and designer Bernard Nivelt owns one…

Neel is one of just a few brands that have carefully positioned themselves between these two extremes. ‘Where other multihulls have to choose between performance and comfort, a Neel combines both,’ says Charline Picon, an Olympic gold medallist the the RS-X class, who knows a thing or two about performance and is Godmother of the Neel 51. ‘We’re definitely performance-oriented but it’s absolutely not about racing,’ says Eric Bruneel, pointing out that while his yachts have performed very well indeed in ocean passage events like the ARC and ARC+, these are competitive cruising rallies rather than races.

Bruneel has a strong personal racing pedigree, having won his class in the 2004 OSTAR and 2005 Fastnet aboard the 50ft Trilogic, which he built himself, plus a second place in the 2006 Route du Rhum and various exploits in bleeding-edge C Class cats. He also has a lifetime of experience at the forefront of multihull production with 27 years at Fountaine-Pajot, including 10 years as managing director, before he left to found his own shipyard. In the decade since the first Neel trimaran sailed out of La Rochelle’s historic harbour, his boats have earned widespread respect among experienced ocean sailors.

So why choose a tri? There are several reasons why three hulls are better than two, especially if you’re sailing offshore. First and foremost: weight distribution, which is far more important in a multihull than a monohull. The central hull of a trimaran is the ideal place to put all the heavy stuff, Bruneel explains, and having a single engine amidships is much better for stability than twin engines at the aft ends of two hulls. ‘It changes everything, all the dynamics – like a skater in a spin, moving her arms in and out to control her speed,’ he says. ‘Catamarans have to carry weight in all four corners and that’s why the motion of a trimaran is better, much softer, at sea.’ The pitching motion is less pronounced when sailing closehauled and on a beam reach there’s less of a tendency for the boat to rock back and forth from hull to hull.

Another advantage is better performance in light airs, Bruneel says, which directly translates to more enjoyment for the owner and crew. The combined wetted surface of a trimaran’s main hull and one float is smaller than the wetted area of a cat with both of its hulls still immersed, and the trimaran is designed to sail with a small amount of heel, rather than bolt upright, which helps the sails hold their shape in very light winds. Also, a single rudder with a simple direct linkage gives a better ‘feel’ to the helm than a twin-rudder setup, particularly upwind, and saves weight in the stern where it has a significant effect on the boat’s fore-and- aft pitching motion.

The front end of a Neel 65’s bridgedeck has two separate lounge seating areas, either side of the yacht’s main nav station.

The front end of a Neel 65’s bridgedeck has two separate lounge seating areas, either side of the yacht’s main nav station.

Neel’s ‘cockloon’, an original concept by Michel Joubert, turns the saloon and cockpit into a single indoor/outdoor space.

Neel’s ‘cockloon’, an original concept by Michel Joubert, turns the saloon and cockpit into a single indoor/outdoor space.

One of the Neel tris’ most useful characteristics is the ability to sail deeper angles downwind than most multihulls

One of the Neel tris’ most useful characteristics is the ability to sail deeper angles downwind than most multihulls

Other key features include a cutter-rigged mast stepped amidships (long before it became fashionable to bring the mast step aft) with a big genoa and a working jib with a much lower centre of effort than the part-furled genoa of a sloop-rigged yacht; plenty of lateral resistance to ensure good upwind VMG – equivalent to a monohull racer-cruiser of similar length in almost any conditions – without needing a daggerboard; and the ability to sail efficiently downwind at deeper angles than most other cruising multihulls can manage, which is a distinct advantage for trade wind sailing.

Exotic materials are used only sparingly in the boats’ construction, for good reason. ‘We use unidirectional carbon only in crucial places like the beams and deck,’ Bruneel explains. ‘For long-distance cruising you don’t want carbon in the hulls because even a small hit can do a lot of damage to the boat, and we don’t need it because our boats are light enough without it.’ A carbon rig with square-top mainsail is available, which gives better performance than the standard alloy rig in light airs, but Bruneel says that in most conditions there isn’t much difference between the two rigs.

Almost all part of the boats, even the interiors, are vacuum-infused GRP foam sandwich using materials that can easily be recycled when the boat eventually reaches the end of its life. Social aspects of sustainability are taken equally seriously and the gender pay gap within the shipyard is actually tilted in favour of female employees. Environmental concerns are paramount even in the new range of Leen motor yachts. ‘I couldn’t ignore that even if I wanted to,’ Bruneel says. ‘My design engineers would simply refuse to produce a dirty boat.’

Andrei Dragos


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