yacht 15 metri prezzo

List of yachts with lengths: 15 meters

Yacht Sourcing > 15 meters

  • Komodo, Raja Ampat, Banda Islands
  • Bali Gili Lombok
  • Komodo, Raja Ampat

Mutiara Laut

  • Komodo, Raja Ampat, Alor


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Nasce la terza generazione dei flybridge di Prestige ed ecco il test del primo modello: il 15 metri Prestige F4

Nasce la terza generazione dei flybridge di Prestige ed ecco il test del primo modello: il 15 metri Prestige F4

Il test in anteprima assoluta del Prestige F4, la nuova barca flybridge di 15 metri, che segna l'arrivo di una nuova generazione di modelli totalmente riprogettati nei layout di bordo, nel design esterno e nell'opera viva e che gradualmente rinnoveranno in toto la F-Line del cantiere francese.

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Il Prestige F4 è il primo modello della terza generazione di barche della F-Line e debutta al Cannes Yachting Festival a settembre 2023.

A progettarla è sempre lui, Camillo Garroni, che, pur rifacendosi ai trend di design che caratterizzano le barche di questi tempi, ha creato questa nuova linea di flybridge con diverse innovazioni non solo all'interno della gamma del cantiere, ma anche nel segmento di mercato delle imbarcazioni flybridge medio-grandi.

Prestige F4 in navigazione vista dall'alto.

A ben guardare, questa è una caratteristica tipica di Prestige, perché anche nei modelli precedenti Garroni ha sempre messo quella particolarità progettuale, che sulle altre barche dello stesso segmento è raro trovare o non c'è addirittura mai stata.

Un esempio su tutti è la creazione già una decina di anni fa di un layout con accesso alla cabina armatoriale di poppa tramite una sua scala esclusivamente dedicata rispetto a quella che conduce alle cabine di prua. È una soluzione tipica dei grandi motoryacht, che però nel caso dei Prestige si è trovata su barche di 45-50 piedi.

Ora è il turno del Prestige F4, che infatti rivela una nuova concezione del salone in coperta, dove la dinette diventa anche un pregevole punto d'osservazione del panorama in navigazione.

Prestige F4, barca vista di profilo.

Oltre a questo, fra le novità che si possono cogliere già al primo colpo d'occhio si nota un pozzetto modulare negli arredi e un rinnovato design esterno, che vede un abbassamento della sezione centrale della murata a favore di una più ampia panoramica dal salone verso l'esterno attraverso la vetrata (che è anche apribile) a tutta altezza della tuga.

yacht 15 metri prezzo

A un'analisi più approfondita si può poi notare anche la nuova carena, progettata da Michael Peters, con una V più profonda rispetto a quelle della generazione precedente e con una prua più bombata, per aumentare ulteriormente il comfort.

Lo scafo poi evidenzia due strisce nere, che inglobano i lunghi oblò, e che si intersecano fra di loro creando un effetto di maggior leggerezza del profilo.

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Prestige F4, un salone da invidiare per lusso e funzionalità

Sono tante le novità, piccole e grandi, che il Prestige F4 porta con sé; fra quelle grandi spicca senza dubbio il salone sul ponte principale. È un concentrato di belle soluzioni, pur avendo in definitiva "soltanto" la dinette e la cucina, oltre naturalmente alla postazione di comando. Ma è la loro disposizione a rendere questo ambiente innovativo.

Infatti, di solito il salone prevede uno largo calpestio centrale da poppa fino alle scale prodiere di discesa sottocoperta, passando attraverso gli arredi - cucina e dinette, appunto - che normalmente si sviluppano lungo i lati.

Prestige F4 - Layout ponte principale.

In controtendenza, invece, sul Prestige F4, gli arredi si articolano tutti da una parte, quella di sinistra, dove però la dinette a L ha un lato del divano di traverso, che arriva fino a tre quarti del baglio del salone.

Prestige F4 - Salone.

Questo costringe, sì, a una mezza chicane per muoversi da poppa a prua, che comunque non crea proprio nessun disagio, ma al tempo stesso permette agli ospiti di condividere la navigazione insieme al pilota godendosi il panorama comodamene seduti in dinette, tanto più che la vetrata di dritta è a tutta altezza.

È come se fosse una sorta di Pilot House, cioè quel ponte rialzato sui superyacht esclusivamente dedicato alla postazione di comando, che solitamente è accompagnata da una grande dinette per gli ospiti, solo che qui siamo su un 15 metri.

Tutto questo contribuisce a dare al salone anche un bel senso di profondità e di ampiezza, perché ai lati ci sono solo vetrate, fatta salva la sezione poppiera di sinistra, proprio dietro al divano della dinette, in cui si articola la cucina.

Prestige F4 - Cucina.

Anche questa ha dei risvolti innovativi, non tanto per il posizionamento a poppa, che ormai è una prerogativa necessaria sulle barche di ultima generazione grandi o piccole che siano, ma piuttosto perché Garroni l'ha concepita in un modo ancora poco comune per una barca di 15 metri.

Infatti, la cucina sul Prestige F4 è praticamente delimitata dai mobili su entrambi i lati, creando un ambiente perfettamente circoscritto e indipendente, che comunque rimane aperto sia verso il salone sia verso il pozzetto.

A differenza di quanto avviene sulla stragrande maggioranza delle barche, cioè di lasciare la cucina totalmente aperta verso il pozzetto, sul Prestige F4 la particolarità di delimitare con un mobile e una vetrata pivotante anche il lato esterno, permette di guadagnare di fatto una zona bar con un bancone che, volendo, potrebbe anche essere integrato con degli sgabelloni, per rendere il pozzetto ancora più particolare e conviviale.

Prestige F4 - Layout coperta con dinette in pozzetto a due divani contrapposti.

E proprio in pozzetto si può apprezzare un'ulteriore novità, cioè la possibilità di posizionare i due divani e il tavolo a piacimento, in quanto sono realizzati come mobili amovibili, o freestanding, come si ama dire ora.

Prestige F4 - Pozzetto con dinette a divani contrapposti.

Il flying bridge, un altro living completo all'aperto

Come ogni barca flybridge che si rispetti, il ponte superiore del Prestige F4 offre un living all'aperto completamente allestito per pranzare e per starsene al relax, quindi sul ponte superiore c'è la dinette, il mobile grill e il prendisole accanto alla postazione di comando.

Prestige F4 - vista sul flying bridge.

Il prendisole, a sua volta, evidenzia un'altra particolarità del flying bridge del Prestige F4, perché può essere esteso con un elemento aggiuntivo, andando a integrarsi con il divano prodiero e offrire così una superficie decisamente più ampia e ben protetta dagli schienali delle sedute.

Sottocoperta la cabina armatoriale torna a prua: un'altra nuova tendenza che riporta alle origini

Prestige F4 - Layout sottocoperta.

Sul ponte inferiore ci sono tre cabine e due bagni in un layout abbastanza classico, cioè con la cabina armatoriale a prua e le due per gli ospiti, di cui una doppia e una matrimoniale, allineate l'una accanto all'altra a poppa, che condividono lo stesso bagno.

Prestige F4 - Cabina armatoriale.

In realtà dire "classico" è una sorta di errore, perché dopo una tendenza imperante fra tutti i cantieri di mettere la cabina armatoriale a centro barca, dove il baglio è più largo rispetto a prua, ora stiamo assistendo a un graduale ritorno di questa cabina a prua, dove il baglio, sì, si restringe, ma con qualche accortezza si riesce ad avere ambienti di uguale spazio e ariosità, tant'è che nell'armatoriale di questo 15 metri c'è anche un salottino ai piedi del letto, con due divani e un tavolino, e un bagno molto spazioso al punto da avere due lavabi più un box doccia bello ampio.

Cabina ospiti matriamoniale.

In tutti gli ambienti prevale un'apprezzabile cura degli allestimenti e del décor, con pannelli che richiamano il movimento dell'acqua e vari altri inserti che spiccano per la loro particolarità di design.

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Come va in mare il Prestige F4, ecco i risultati del test

Il Prestige F4 monta due motori Volvo Penta D6 da 480 cv Ips650, che devono spingere una massa compresa fra i 15.100 kg del dislocamento a vuoto e i 19.500 di quello a pieno.

Non sono previste alternative più potenti, quindi i dati rilevati nel nostro test valgono per tutti gli esemplari, ma naturalmente variano in base al carico.


Noi l'abbiamo provato con un carico di 870 litri di gasolio (il 67% della riserva massima) e di 145 litri d'acqua (il 25%). A bordo eravamo in otto persone ed essendo una barca test era priva di qualsiasi altro carico necessario alla crociera (cambusa, stoviglie, bagagli ecc.).

La velocità massima di 27,4 nodi che ho rilevato rispecchia in pieno quella di 28 nodi calcolata dal cantiere in fase progettuale.

L'andatura di crociera il cantiere la pone a 22 nodi, quindi intorno ai 3.300 giri, ma il range fra il regime di andatura economica e quello di crociera veloce si può identificare fra i 3.000 giri a 17,5 nodi, con un degno consumo di 120 litri/ora, e i 3.400 giri a 23 nodi con un consumo un po' più importante, ma ancora accettabile, di 152 litri/ora.


Alla punta massima si arriva velocemente e senza problemi, salvo una cabrata che rimane un po' marcata per tutta la fase prima di entrare in planata, che poi si attenua, ma non del tutto, in piena planata.

Chi vuole quindi vedere l'orizzonte dalla parte di divano fronte marcia della dinette è più facile che veda prima il cielo, se il driver non ha dimestichezza con l'uso dei flap o se la barca non monta gli interceptor, cioè i correttori d'assetto automatici.


In realtà anche al timone si potrebbe avere qualche problema di visibilità verso l'orizzonte se non si guida da seduti, stante il parabrezza non particolarmente alto, però molto dipende anche dall'altezza del driver.

Prestige F4 - Plancia di comando.

La gestione della barca però è ai massimi livelli: la postazione è comoda e dalla plancia si può controllare qualsiasi utenza, più lo stato dei motori e ogni dato di navigazione attraverso i due chartplotter Garmin in dotazione al Prestige F4.

Il mare era calmo durante il test, ma è sempre facile creare un po' di onda artificiale per andare poi a infilarcisi dentro con la prua, ed effettivamente la carena di Michael Peters ha dimostrato tutta la sua stabilità, la stessa che si è rivelata anche in accostata.

Profilo barca.

In conclusione, per come la barca è in grado di appagare l'occhio di chi ricerca nuove soluzioni estetiche e progettuali e per come sa dare fiducia nelle varie condizioni di navigazione (e i francesi in questo la sanno lunga), il Prestige F4 è quello che si può definire veramente la barca per tutti, naturalmente per tutti quelli che hanno un potenziale di spesa per l'acquisto di uno yacht a motore di 15 metri.

Non abbiamo ancora comunicazione del prezzo di listino, perché questo test lo stiamo pubblicando prima del lancio previsto il 12 settembre 2023 al Cannes Yachting Festival, quando saranno diramate ufficialmente tutte le informazioni. Vi aggiorneremo presto anche su quest'ultimo dato ancora mancante.

I numeri del Prestige F4

Scheda tecnica, i dati della prova.

Condizioni della prova: Mare calmo - Carena pulita - Otto persone imbarcate - 870 l di gasolio - 145 litri di acqua

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Claudio Russo

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Prezzi e Costi per uno Yacht di Lusso

quanto costa uno yacht? Prezzi e manutenzione

Quanto costa uno yacht? Tutti i diportisti (e non solo) hanno sognato almeno una volta di navigare a largo su uno yacht di lusso, grande abbastanza da dominare i mari e fornito di tutti gli optional. Ma per la maggior parte delle persone, questo resta per l’appunto un sogno , visto i prezzi esorbitanti di queste imbarcazioni esclusive. Eppure la curiosità resta: quanto costano queste enormi barche di lusso ? E se si guardasse invece a uno yacht usato ? Qui vedremo i diversi prezzi in base alla tipologia di imbarcazione e soprattutto in base alla dimensione , per poi prendere in considerazione anche i principali costi di gestione e di manutenzione.

Definizione di yacht

Prima di vedere quanto costa uno yacht, è bene capire quando si può iniziare a parlare di yacht. Con questa parola si tende a indicare qualsiasi imbarcazione di lusso di una certa dimensione. Ma qual è il confine tra semplice barca da diporto e yacht? Non esistono regole assolute, e ci sono barche che, situandosi a metà strada tra i due mondi, possono essere definite in entrambi i modi. É bene però sapere che quando si parla di yacht l’attenzione è posta non solo sulle dimensioni totali della barca, ma anche sullo spazio a disposizione e più in generale di livello di comfort garantito, nonché alla grande cura dei dettagli .

Quanto costa uno yacht?

Dunque, vediamo quale può essere il prezzo di uno yacht. Il tetto massimo, praticamente, non esiste. Lo yacht Dubai , progettato per il principe del Brunei Jefri Bolkiah ma poi acquistato dallo sceicco Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, conta stanze per oltre 90 ospiti e lusso sconfinato , con un prezzo di ben 350 milioni di dollari . Lo yacht di Rowan Abramovich, battezzato Eclipse, costa 1 miliardo e mezzo di dollari. Noi però vogliamo scoprire quanto costano gli yacht “normali”. Ecco, è bene sapere che il prezzo aumenta in modo non proporzionale con la dimensione di queste imbarcazioni: un 50 piedi di un noto cantiere potrebbe per esempio costare 80.000 euro in più del fratello minore da 48 piedi, ma il 52 piedi potrebbe invece costare 150.000 euro in più del modello da 50. Va peraltro detto che il prezzo di vendita è sempre mediamente maggiore per i modelli a motore rispetto a quelli a vela.

Detto questo, gli yacht più piccoli, intesi con misure di poco superiori ai 15 metri , possono essere messi in vendita nuovi a partire dai 600-700 mila euro. Ma questaa tende a essere la base minima per una barca che possa essere definita yacht- Già il Cranchi 56 HT , per esempio, con i suoi 17 metri abbondanti, 3 cabine e 2 bagni, costa più di 1 milione e 100 mila euro.

Guardando ai modelli tra i 18 e i 20 metri, il prezzo si aggira solitamente sul milione e mezzo di euro , mentre oltrepassando la soglia dei 20 si finisce quasi inevitabilmente per superare i 2 milioni, con i modelli da 25 metri che non di rado superano i 4 milioni di euro.

E se volessimo sapere quanto costa un super yacht , così come sono generalmente chiamati gli yacht oltre i 30 metri? Ebbene, qui non ci sono davvero limiti. Si pensi a quello che attualmente è lo yacht più grande tra quelli realizzati da CRN, capace di ospitare 12 persone e con la bellezza di ben 5 ponti: qui siamo o ltre gli 80 milioni di euro

Il prezzo di uno yacht usato

Si è visto che il prezzo degli yacht li rende di fatto irraggiungibili per la grandissima parte delle persone. Si potrebbe quindi accarezzare l’idea di guardare al mercato degli yacht usati. E qui ovviamente le variabili in gioco sono ancora di più. Oltre alle dimensioni, allo spazio a disposizione, alla tipologia di barca e al comfort assicurato entra in gioco anche il fattore età . Detto questo, andando a mettere nel mirino degli yacht non particolarmente recenti è possibile di tanto in tanto individuare delle offerte di yacht di circa 20 – 22 metri a prezzi più accessibili, a partire per esempio da 150.000 euro . Ovviamente qui è necessario calcolare nel modo più preciso possibile quali saranno gli eventuali costi per eventuali riparazioni e per la manutenzione dell’imbarcazione. Non ci sono dubbi: valutare il prezzo esatto di uno yacht usato non è affatto facile, e anche il diportista più informato avrà qualche difficoltà. Meglio quindi affidarsi a un perito navale , che potrà supportare la stima con dei calcoli esatti e partendo da informazioni oggettive.

prezzo di acquisto yacht

Gli altri costi da considerare

Nel pensare a quanto costa uno yacht, va sottolineato, è bene non fermarsi sulla sola cifra necessaria per l’acquisto: si parla di barche molto importanti, che in quanto tali presenteranno successivamente delle spese di gestione e di manutenzione altrettanto alte. A quanto ammontano queste spese? Difficile fare una stima precisa su due piedi, ma per comodità si tende spesso a calcolare ogni anno il 10% del costo totale della barca. Si tratta ovviamente di una stima a braccio, ma che ben rende l’idea di quanto oneroso possa essere questo aspetto.

Gli elementi da tenere in considerazione sono davvero tanti. Pensiamo per esempio agli yacht con dimensioni superiori ai 24 o ai 26 metri: qui sarà praticamente obbligatorio poter contare su un equipaggio di professionisti , i quali quindi rappresenteranno un ulteriore costo. Si pensi poi alle normali spese di manutenzione, dall’ antivegetativa per degli scafi enormi per arrivare alla messa a punti dei motori, nonché al fatto che regolarmente ci saranno da sostituire cime , vele e via dicendo. E, visto che si parla di imbarcazioni di lusso, è bene non dimenticare la manutenzione del ponte e degli interni, dalla manutenzione del ponte in teak in poi. Impossibile dimenticare il carburante , avendo a che fare con delle barche molto pesanti, con dei motori ovviamente potenti. E ancora , i costi di ormeggio e di assicurazione di uno yacht sono inevitabilmente superiori – e di parecchio – rispetto a quelli di una normale barca da diporto.

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Nicola Andreatta

Io penso che con le nuove imbarcazioni sarà tutto dimezzato poiché entro una certa misura sarà possibile ridurre sua la manutenzione ordinaria e gestire anche i carburanti poiché vi stiamo avviando ai motori elettrici e sempre meno velature tradizionali certo i costi x tali yacth saranno superiori ma c’è la qualità dei materiali stessi molto più performanti leggeri e di facile manutenzione….

Buongiorno, certo, la speranza è che il progresso tecnologico possa portare sia a costi di manutenzione minori, sia a consumi più contenuti, aumentando allo stesso tempo anche la sostenibilità ambientale della navigazione.

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Se escludiamo le imbarcazioni più piccole, l’acquisto di uno yacht di lusso è una spesa importante che comporta un grosso esborso iniziale e una costante spesa da sostenere per mantenere l’unità in acqua e soprattutto in efficienza. Quanto costa uno yacht? In questo articolo analizzeremo i costi a partire dalle misure più piccole fino alle navi da diporto.

Indice dei contenuti

  • 1 Quanto costa uno yacht di lusso e perchè
  • 2 Quanto costa mantenere uno yacht
  • 3.1 Minorchina 54
  • 3.2 Absolute 58 Fly
  • 3.3 Cranchi 56 HT
  • 4.1 Riviera 5800 Sport Yacht
  • 5.1 Sunseeker 75
  • 5.2 Riva 76 Perseo
  • 5.3 Fairline 78 Squadron
  • 5.4 Azimut 80
  • 5.5 Cantieri di Sarnico 80 Grande
  • 5.6 Pershing 82
  • 6.1 Chopi Chopi by CRN Gruppo Ferretti
  • 7 Lo yacht più grande del mondo

Secondo wikipedia con il termine yacht (o panfilo) vengono indicate navi da diporto di modeste dimensioni e superiori ai 24 metri di lunghezza aventi alloggi eleganti e confortevoli.

Quanto costa uno yacht di lusso e perchè

Ma cosa fa di uno yacht un bene così costoso? Non solo l’esclusività di possederlo, ma per la sua costruzione sono necessari mesi (spesso anni) di lavoro, manodopera specializzata, materiali pregiati, motori potenti, strumentazione e accessori, abili designer, studi di stabilità e idrodinamica, adempimenti per la messa in opera e la sicurezza.

A parità di misura, uno yacht a motore è più costoso di uno yacht a vela perchè la componente motori ha un peso maggiore sia in termini di spesa che di struttura. Le dimensioni fanno lievitare il prezzo d’acquisto in modo esponenziale e non proporzionale. Se ad esempio tra un 48 piedi ed un 50 piedi (stesso cantiere) ci fossero 100 mila euro di differenza, tra un 50 piedi ed un 52 piedi potrebbero esserci 300 mila euro di differenza.

La nostra ricerca vuole essere ampia e a campione. Partirà da barche di circa 15 metri fino ad arrivare allo yacht più grande del mondo. I prezzi indicati si riferiscono a barche nuove , sono frutto di una nostra indagine, potrebbero non corrispondere con il valore esatto e si riferisco alle offerte “standard” e quindi optional esclusi.

Quanto costa mantenere uno yacht

I costi di mantenimento di uno yacht di lusso  sono elevati e difficilmente preventivabili a priori . Imbarcazioni così grandi (oltre i 22/24 metri) hanno bisogno dell’equipaggio (almeno un comandante e un marinaio) e di cure costanti. Come tutte le imbarcazioni necessitano di assistenza allo scafo, ai motori, agli impianti, agli interni. Spesso, durante l’estate, sostano in marina prestigiosi che hanno notevoli costi e consumano molto carburante . Bisogna inoltre considerare i costi di invernaggio e rimessaggio durante l’inverno.

Da 15 ai 18 metri

Entry-level per essere considerato uno yacht, la fascia tra i 15 e 18 metri è forse la più popolata. Troviamo imbarcazioni che offrono almeno 2 cabine comode e una terza più sacrificata.

Minorchina 54

quanto costa uno yacht minorchina 54

prezzo € 766.648 iva compresa

Con una lunghezza di 16,50 metri, Il 54 piedi di Sasga Yachts si distingue per le linee classiche del gozzo e per la filosofia di andare per mare a motore ma senza rincorrere le prestazioni. Consumi ridotti, questo yacht ospita 6 persone in 3 cabine. E’ compresa una cabina marinaio a prua con bagno dedicato.

Absolute 58 Fly

quanto costa uno yacht absolute 58 fly

prezzo € 1.207.800 iva compresa

17,24 metri per questo 58 piedi di casa Absolute ,  la trasmissione IPS-800 offre una manovrabilità accellente in ogni condizione, bassi consumi e silenziosità.  Design e spazi ottimizzati, questo yacht accoglie nel lusso fino a 6 ospiti in 3 accoglienti cabine con bagno.

Cranchi 56 HT

quanto costa uno yacht cranchi 56 ht

prezzo € 1.104.490 iva compresa

Misura 17,20 metri questo open del cantiere Cranchi , moderno dalle linee ricercate, è spinto da due motori IPS Volvo Penta che assicurano confort e prestazioni uniche. 3 cabine e 2 bagni per accogliere 6 ospiti. Una chicca il prendisole ricavato sull’hardtop.

Da 18 ai 20 metri

Per comprare uno yacht incluso in questo range il budget deve essere abbondantemente sopra il milione di euro. Troviamo infatti unità costruite con assoluta maestria e che necessitano di tante ore di costruzione e ricerca.

Riviera 5800 Sport Yacht

quanto costa uno yacht riviera 5800

prezzo circa € 1.609.920 iva compresa

Riviera è un cantiere nautico che realizza barche solide  dalle spiccate doti marine, capaci di affrontare qualsiasi condizione del mare. 19,30 metri per questo 5800 Sport (oggi fuori produzione sostituito dal 6000 Sport), 4 cabine e 3 bagni. Un design senza tempo.

Da 20 a 30 metri

Per comprare uno yacht incluso in questo range il budget deve essere abbondantemente sopra i due milioni di euro . Troviamo infatti unità costruite con assoluta maestria e che necessitano di tante ore di costruzione e ricerca. Al di sopra dei 24 metri non parliamo più di imbarcazioni ma di navi da diporto . Le navi da diporto sono assoggetate ad una normativa specifica e richiedono obbligatoriamente l’equipaggio (aumentando così il costo di esercizio).

Sunseeker 75

quanto costa uno yacht Sunseeker 75

prezzo circa € 2.818.200 iva compresa

Fusione di stile ed eleganza per questo Sunseeker 75 Yacht , imbarcazione molto apprezzata dal design moderno. Le ampie finestre donano allo yacht luce e armonia. Sottocoperta trovano spazio 3 ampie cabine e due letti per ospitare comodamente fino ad 8 persone. Misura 23,02 metri – 34 nodi di velocità massima.

Riva 76 Perseo

quanto costa uno yacht riva 76 perseo

prezzo circa € 4.392.000 iva compresa

Uno yacht Riva si riconosce al primo sguardo, il 76 perseo (della famiglia Coupè di Riva Yachts) colpisce per la sua linea slanciata e il design ricercato delle murate. Proposto nel celebre colore Moon Grey , è lungo 23, 25 metri e raggiunge i 37 nodi di velocità. 3 cabine per uno yacht da sogno.

Fairline 78 Squadron

quanto costa uno yacht fairline 78 squadron

prezzo circa € 3.043.900 iva compresa

Il 78 Custom di Fairline Yachts è uno yacht elegante, raffinato, frutto di analisi, ricerca e di tutta l’esperienza del famoso cantiere inglese. Questa barca. che misura 24,37 metri, è completamente personalizzabile dall’armatore che può scegliere materiali e layout in collaborazione con il reparto tecnico.

quanto costa uno yacht azimut 80

prezzo circa  € 4.514.000 iva compresa

Uno yacht innovativo il nuovo 80 piedi di Azimut Yachts disegnato da Stefano Righini. 25,20 metri di lusso e tecnologia, un’accurata scelta dei materiali, questa nave è stata costruita secondo i più alti standard. 4 cabine per gli ospiti (armatoriale a centro barca) e 2 per l’equipaggio (comandante e marinaio).

Cantieri di Sarnico 80 Grande

quanto costa uno yacht sarnico 80 grande

prezzo circa € 4.941.000 iva compresa

E’ l’ammiraglia di Cantieri di Sarnico , l’unica dotata di flybridge. Nata dalla matita di  Nuvolari-Lenard, questo yacht offre grandi spazi esterni e interni. E’ lungo 23,84 metri – 1800 Hp di potenza che permettono alla barca di raggiungere fino a 42 nodi di velocità massima.

Pershing 82

quanto costa uno yacht pershing 82

prezzo € 5.868.200 iva compresa

Pershing – noto marchio del Gruppo Ferretti – è da sempre sinonimo di lusso e sportività. Il nuovo 82 è capace di prestazioni incredibili: 52 nodi di velocità massima, 42 di crociera. Dotato di flybridge con comandi e tutti i confort, ha 3 cabine ospiti e 2 letti per l’equipaggio.

Super yacht oltre i 30 metri

Chopi chopi by crn gruppo ferretti.

quanto costa uno yacht CRN

prezzo oltre € 80.000.000 iva compresa

E’ lo yacht più grande costruito da CRN , barca dell’anno a Genova nel 2013, un capolavoro di stile e tecnologia made in italy. Un totale di 5 ponti, ospita 12 persone e fino a 31 membri dell’equipaggio. Raggiunge i 16 nodi di velocità massima grazie a 2 motori Caterpillar.

Lo yacht più grande del mondo

prezzo circa 605.000.000 di dollari

Con 180 metri di lunghezza , il primato ad oggi spetta ad Azzam dei cantieri Lurssen . Questa vera è propria nave è stata costruita in meno di 3 anni ed appartiene a Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, presidente degli Emirati Arabi Uniti nonchè emiro di Abu Dhabi. Raggiunge una velocità di oltre 30 nodi che fanno di lui il super yacht più veloce al mondo .

quanto costa uno yacht Azzam da 180 metri

35 commenti

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Fa schifo solo perchè non c’è la piscina

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La piscina è all’interno

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Mi scusi, sul suo c’è la piscina?

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Ma se c’è il mare??!!

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no fa schifo perche costa poco.

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Gioielli di ingegneria, stile, design. Incantevoli!

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Bellissimo articolo. Ma. Mancano gli yacht a vela

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Essere poveri é uno stato mentale xche vorremmo sempre ciò che nn possiamo possedere credo che Il proprietario ne vorrebbe uno più grande ancora di quello xche vogliamo sempre di più. C’è gente che nn sa nemmeno cosa sia avere qualcosa.. Nn è una critica ma un modo di vedere. Bisogna accontentarsi. E fare tesoro di quello che abbiamo.

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Che brutto esser poveri

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meraviglioso stupendo fantastico!

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Sono operaio….. guadagno 1300 eu al mese…. quante vite pensate ci possa mettere x comprarmelo…..

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420 vite hahahahah buona fortuna

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ma non ci avete detto il costo di manutenzione puro per un 50 metri (costo annuo)

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Ciao, stiamo preparando una revisione dell’articolo. Presto scriveremo anche dei 50 metri e oltre 😉

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in generale il costo complessivo per mantenere uno yacht (carburante, tasse , stipendio marinai, ecc) corrisponde al 10% annuo del prezzo di acquisto, qundi per uno yacht pagato 80 milioni di euro si spenderà circa 8 milioni di euro all’anno

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Salve. Ma avete parlato solo del prezzo d’ acquisto… e della manutenzione e del mantenimento nada??

A breve un nuovo aggiornamento ed una nuova classifica degli yacht più costosi al mondo… con uno spazio dedicato alla vela.

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Sono un insulto alla Povertà di noi persone comuni che abbiamo salari mensili da vergogna!!!!!!!!! Con i soldi speso per uno di questi “appartamenti galleggianti” si sfamerebbero milioni di bambini del terzo mondo!!!!!! Che schifo pensare che ci sia chi muore di fame e invece chi vive per ingozzarsi…..!!!!! W gli umani!!!! (meglio gli animali)

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questi gioielli sono capolavori d’ingegneria e e sono un vanto per il paese che li produce. Non sono un insulto alla miseria ma piuttosto opportunità di lavoro specializzato e benessere

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per la realizzazione di uno yacht di 40-50 metri viene dato lavoro a circa 10-15 persone come marinai, e altri 100-150 per la costruzione, che impiega dai 6 mesi all’anno( in base alla grandezza ovviamente). Quindi questi yacht sfamano centinaia di persone per la costruzione e marinai che lavorano lì. Quindi sono un doppio bene perchè accontentano i ricchi che hanno sudato per averli e i ” poveri ” che non se lo possono permettere. È sempre meglio informarsi prima di scrivere cose a caso.

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Purtroppo a sfamare le persone ci vorrebbero i governi……. Mi faccio il culo, studio come guadagnare tanto, certamente me la godo, come fanno da una vita i nostri governanti. E’ che non si avvera mai, mi sbatto per pochi spiccioli….. Beati loro che si sbattono per vivere bene… . e certamente avere belle cose e belle e brave persone intorno. In tv parlano sempre di poverta’ mentre un imprenditore vuole solo idee che non catturera’ mai dalla tv.

Non abbiamo che 1 vita. Almeno non tassateci pure i sogni.

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Non sono d’accordo sull’insulto alla povertà. anch’io non posso permettermi neanche un centesimo di quello che vedo, ma ci pensate senza di loro quanta gente morirebbe di fame ? sapete a quante persone danno lavoro per costruirli? pensaci ..sono persone come teche hanno fatto e fanno lavorare tantissima gente, immagino che tu lavori da qualche morto di fame. evviva comunque gli animali!!

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bello ma non tanto perché manca la piscina

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La soddisfazione di andar per mare non dipende da quanto grande é il mezzo , ma dalla soddisfazione di sentirsi parte di esso!!!

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Molto interessante e splendidi modelli!

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dovrebbero fare siti dove uno può andare a vedere l’italiano medio come fa ad arrivare all’inizio del mese, non alla fine in quanto lo stipendio arriva il 26…, e vedere chi più si arrangia x sopravvivere….. chissà se attirerebbero comuni mortali a visitarli……

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Una e, di proprietà , di un parlamentare del pd

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io da ragazzo avevo un materassino gonfiabile e mi divertivo lo stesso. Adesso da grande ce l’ho messa tutta per migliorare e credo di esserci riuscito. Ora ne ho due.

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ci sto facendo un pensierino, tra un po’ entra la tredicesima

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E’ un’offesa a chi lavora onestamente.Massimo rispetto agli arabi che se lo possono permettere,hanno il petrolio gratis da madre natura,ma quante ore deve lavorare una persona per guadagnare queste cifre da capogiro?Il giorno dura solo 24 ore!

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Fa schifo solo perché io ho un gommone da tre metri e 4 remi……..

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Quanta invidia che leggo!!! Sono ricchi e i ricchi son sempre esistiti ed è giusto così ! E basta…. ammirate la bellezza di questo panfilo e che se lo goda chi lo possiede. Comunque senza i ricchi non lavoreremmo…. aspetta che lo stato ci dia lavoro…. menomale che i privati esistono e ci danno benessere! Accontentiamoci di quello che siamo riusciti a fare ognuno nella e della propria vita. Ammirate il panfilo e godete della sua bellezza!

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Milano Yachting Week

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Barche a motore cabinate di 15 metri: 5 modelli eleganti “full-comfort”

Milano Yachting Week

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Se state cercando una barca a motore cabinata intorno ai 15 metri con stile alla Milano Yachting Week, the Digital Boat Show c’è sicuramente quella che fa al caso vostro. Vediamo 5 modelli dalla lobster al walk-around a bordo delle quali potrete trascorrere estati indimenticabili.

Sunseeker Predator 50

Dalla giornata in mare aperto fino alla crociera più lunga il Sunseeker Predator 50 è un mezzo versatile e con lo stile inconfodibile del cantiere inglese. Il Predator 50 è lungo 16.48 metri e alla velocità di 21 nodi ha 235 miglia di autonomia con un serbatoio da 1.800 litri. La velocità massima che può raggiungere è di 32 nodi circa. A bordo ci sono da 4 fino ad un massimo di 6 posti letto a seconda della configurazione prescelta. Il design open del Sunseeker Predator 50, insieme all’hard top completamente apribile così come i vetri del pozzetto completamente apribili, valorizzano il salone e permettendo la facile comunicazione tra esterno ed interno.

Clicca qui per salire a bordo 

sunseeker predator 50

Bénéteau Gran Turismo 50 & Sportfly

Il 15 metri di Beneteau per godersi il Mediterraneo nel migliore dei modi. Questo modello di 15 metri è l’ammiraglia della famiglia sport-cruiser  Bénéteau   Gran Turismo 50 . Linee eleganti,  coperta principale full-space , tecnologie di ultima generazione. Questa barca punta su un pozzetto protetto e spazioso e allo stesso tempo su una prua con un sacco di spazio prendisole. Sviluppata in stretta collaborazione con i costruttori di motori Volvo, la carena planante equipaggiata  AirStep 2  conferisce al Gran Turismo 50 velocità, sicurezza e confort in navigazione. La motorizzazione ha trasmissioni IPS che assicurano un consumo ridotto e manovrabilità massima. A poppa il  tender-garage compatibile Williams Minijet 280  è in grado di accogliere qualsiasi tender classico fuoribordo fino a 2,90m e si apre su una grande piattaforma bagno ad immersione.

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Solaris Power 48 Lobster

Oggi tutte le qualità che da sempre distinguono i Solaris a vela diventano caratteristiche prioritarie della nuova gamma a motore Solaris Power. Grazie al know-how maturato negli anni, la cura dei dettagli, delle finiture e la qualità dei materiali, il nuovo Solaris Power 48 Lobster si propone come sintesi di mare, funzionalità, tecnica e sicurezza. Ancora, sul Solaris Power 48 Lobster si possono personalizzare a piacere scafo e coperta, interni in legno e tappezzerie esterne, aggiungendo anche Bimini di poppa e di prua (opzionali). Il Solaris Power 48 Lobster prevede la presenza di 2 motori Volvo Penta IPS600, nella sua configurazione standard, oppure di 2 motori Volvo Penta IPS 650 nella configurazione opzionale.

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Ammiraglia della gamma walk-around di Pardo Yachts, il Pardo 50  è stato progettato da Zuccheri Yacht Design, in collaborazione con l’ufficio tecnico del Cantiere del Pardo, per rispondere alle esigenze di un armatore competente, attento alla qualità, al design, al lusso Made in Italy e al comfort associati alle alte prestazioni e alla velocità. Questa barca non è solo una barca per andare a fare il bagno nelle baie, ma anche un ottimo mezzo per crociere più lunghe con 3 cabine (2+1 per il marinaio). La manovrabilità è garantita da una carena performante e stabile, che rende la barca non solo divertente , ma anche molto morbida in navigazione.

Pardo 50 Yachts

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Il Toy 51 ha una linea armoniosa che richiama tutti gli stilemi dello yachting classico .  Sono i canoni immutabili che definiscono una bella barca, che piace sempre e non diventa mai vecchia. Ideale per uscite giornaliere o per crociere con famiglia, sono equipaggiate con il più recente sistema di propulsione Volvo IPS che fornisce precisione di manovra e ottimizzazione dei consumi, con velocità di crociera di 28 nodi. Il comfort in crociera è elevato, grazie all’accurato lavoro che ha interessato tutti gli elementi della barca e alla dotazione completa di equipaggiamenti. Sottocoperta oltre a due camere per armatore e ospiti, si è ricavato un vero alloggio per il marinaio con bagno proprio e ingresso indipendente dal pozzetto.

yacht 15 metri prezzo

News by Milano Yachting Week

Federico Rossi

Author:Federico Rossi

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Federico Rossi

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yacht 15 metri prezzo

MYW – 5 supersportive da 11 metri da 50 nodi con i fuoribordo!

Anche più di 50 nodi di velocità massima, rigorosamente con motori fuoribordo, lunghezza da 11 a 12 metri. Signore...

yacht 15 metri prezzo

La barca appena nata che non diventerà mai vecchia: Franchini Mia 63

È appena nato, ma il Franchini Mia 63 è già destinato a diventare una barca cult. Uno dei quei...

yacht 15 metri prezzo

In crociera con un 12 metri fuoribordo. Meglio un gommone o scafo “rigido”?

Basta una barca open 12 metri per andare in crociera? Magari una barca nata per uscite giornaliere di stampo...

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Toy 68, uno yacht italiano di 19 metri di vera classe

Continuano gli articoli di presentazione delle migliori barche a motore esposte alla Milano Yachting Week. Oggi saliamo a bordo...

yacht 15 metri prezzo

A cambiare l’open ci pensa Sunseeker. Scopri il nuovo Predator 60 EVO

Il Sunseeker Predator 60 EVO è tra le barche a motore più interessanti alla Milano Yachting Week – The...

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Quando la barca è una vera seconda casa: le migliori da 10 a 14 metri

Si parla tanto in questi giorni della barca che è equivalente ad una seconda casa e quindi si può...

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Vendono tre gioielli unici da 10 a 35 metri al boat show digitale

C’è chi ogni giorno cerca nel mercato mondiale le barche usate migliori, verifica il loro stato e che tutto...

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Leggi anche

  • Idee da vele
  • Scopri come funziona uno stand digitale alla Milano Yachting Week!
  • New Milano Yachting Week, ecco come funziona
  • Al via la seconda edizione del boat show digitale. Perché conviene esserci


BARCHE A MOTORE – Gommoni – Monoscafi – Multiscafi BARCHE A VELA – Monoscafi – Catamarani – Derive ACCESSORI – Attrezzature – Sicurezza, Comunicazione e Soccorso – Strumenti per la navigazione – Propulsione TURISMO E SERVIZI – Servizi – Turismo e Charter


METRATURA – Da 0 a 10 metri – Da 10 a 14 metri – Da 14 a 18 metri – Da 18 a 24 metri – Oltre i 24 metri

EVENTI – Barche a motore – Barche a vela – Coppa America – Accessori – Turismo e Servizi

yacht 15 metri prezzo

The digital boat show

La Milano Yachting Week è un salone digitale in continuo aggiornamento che ospita barche a vela e barche a motore, accessori, servizi, charter ed eventi

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TOP 5 Best Yachts From 12 to 15 Meters (40-50 ft) in 2024

We are presenting topRik's 2023 selection of 12-15 m (40-50 ft) catamarans. Comparison of best vessels of this segment in terms of size, space, price, different cons and pros and many more!


Fountaine Pajot MY5

  • Brand: Fountaine Pajot
  • Hull type: Catamaran
  • Overall length, m: 12.9
  • Width, m: 6
  • Draft, m: 11
  • Displacement, t: 15.5
  • Water tanks, l: 450
  • Exterior design (Architect): Daniel Andrieu
  • Interior design: Pierangelo Andreani Studio
  • CE Certification: A
  • Engine, hp: 2 x 256
  • Option engine, hp: 2 x 364
  • Fuel tanks, l: 2 x 700

At the request of the shipyard Fountaine Pajot naval architect Daniel Andrieu and designers from Pierangelo Andreani Studio initially designed the MY5 marine catamaran exclusively as a power catamaran. Cat rightfully took its place in the line of motor yachts of the shipyard between MY 4.S and MY6. Like its older brother, MY5 (formerly MY 40) also collected a number of prestigious awards, one of which is “ Best Multihull Motor Yacht ” (up to 50 ft) by 2019 Asia Boating Awards.

It is a very stable boat, which makes it attractive for both family cruising and commercial cruising. The space of all decks is thoughtfully divided into zones of work, rest, and dining. Recreation options include the opportunity to sunbathe or swim with the whole family or in the company of friends - there is enough space for everyone.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

Even the participants of the charter will comfortably accommodate on the foredeck area of 8 m², in the cockpit, saloon and flybridge of 16 m², not to mention the cabins.

It is from the bathing platform that the entrance to the cockpit opens from two sides: one is wide, through which you can load products, equipment and gear, the other is narrower.

In the cockpit there is just a huge L-shaped sofa, in front of which you can install an additional table assembled to organize a meal in the fresh air. This is convenient, since a wide entrance to the saloon opens from the cockpit, and the galley is located there immediately on the starboard side.

The cockpit also has excellent access to both engine rooms through large hatches. In the center there is a place for storing life rafts.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

In addition to stability, the catamaran is as safe as possible for both adults and children: wide side decks, stairs and flybridge are equipped with grab bars, as well as railings, ladder steps are wide and covered with non-slip material.

On the foredeck is a beautiful C-shaped sunbathing area with two full-size reclining sun loungers. In the center of this living room, you see a trapdoor that opens up to a huge locker where fenders and water sports equipment can fit.

While we are still at the foredeck, pay attention to the anchor, which can be controlled from all decks, including control panels in the saloon and on the flybridge.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

The photo above clearly shows the sunroof, which protects those who are on the flybridge from the sun. Here all passengers of the cat can freely sit. For this, comfortable sofas and poufs are provided. It is equipped with a bar, refrigerator, ice maker and barbecue.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

The control panel is placed on a small elevation, from where an almost 360-degree view opens. The helmsman can see all parts of the floats, the port side is visible through the gangway leading to the flybridge. The helm of MY5 looks like a car steering wheel, the tilt of which is adjustable. Instrument panels and equipment control are displayed here: engine diagnostics, throttle, joystick, multifunctional marine display, etc.

This is the working area of the flybridge in addition to the lounge and dining area. But there are places for family members or friends so that the helmsman does not feel lonely. A very social decision.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

The saloon is also conditionally divided into several zones. With wide sliding doors it can be combined with the cockpit, which significantly expands the usable area in addition to the 16 m² of the saloon itself.

At the starboard there is the kitchen area: you get a well-equipped galley with microwave or oven, gas hob and dishwasher. Opposite to it a large refrigerator with a freezer is installed. The seating area, or dining area, is slightly raised compared to the level of the galley. This opens up a wider view through panoramic windows around the perimeter.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

A long sofa on the port side with upholstered seats, backs and poufs and an armchair make up the living room. And together with the table, which is transformed with the help of an electric drive, upholstered furniture makes up a dining area, where 6 people can freely accommodate, and actually even more if desired.

And here is the working area of the saloon - the skipper can climb down here in bad weather. It is equipped with a full-fledged control panel, exactly the same as on the flybridge. Although, the overview of the entire catamaran is not as good - the stern is not visible.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

Let's start the description of MY5’s the cabins by saying that they are two meters high, which is unusual for a 40-foot boat. The master cabin is just a small apartment with all the amenities that start with a double queen-size island bed. The porthole opposite the bed exceeds its width and has an opening part, so that the inhabitants are provided with natural light and fresh air.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

Before getting into the main cabin, to which the entire port side is given, you have to go through the foyer, where the main electrical switchboard and a spot for a washing machine are located. The master cabin is equipped with plenty of storage space too.

A separate huge bathroom with an open shower overlooking the sea and a separate closed toilet - a layout that is almost never found on cats of this size.

Fountaine Pajot MY5

Depending on the choice of equipment, you can have MY5 with three or four cabins. In the case of a three-cabin configuration, the master cabin remains the same, and two cabins are equipped in the starboard float with a shared bathroom and a separate shower.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

  • Overall length, m: 13.94
  • Width, m: 7.7
  • Draft, m: 1. 2
  • Displacement, t: 14.7
  • Water tanks, l: 2 x 350
  • Exterior design (Architect): Berret-Racoupeau Design
  • Interior design: Berret-Racoupeau Design
  • Mainsail type: Fully battened
  • Jib type: Furling genoa
  • Mainsail area, m²: 77
  • Jib area, m²: 52
  • Engines, hp: 2 x 50
  • Option engines, hp: 2 x 60
  • Fuel tanks, l: 2 x 470

Sailing catamaran Tanna 47 from Fountaine Pajot replaced the Saona 47 - the new model in the old case proved to be so striking and effective that we gave it the fourth place in our rating.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

To the left and to the right along the side there are entrance ladders with wide comfortable steps. Between them there can be a platform, which is an optional element. It can be used to carry a dinghy or as a bathing area.

The layout of the cockpit differs little from its predecessor. The table on the port side can accommodate 8-10 people. A couple more vacationers can be accommodated on a sunbed on the port side or on a long sofa along the transom.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

A gas barbecue is very convenient on deck: you catch a fish and fry it right there, and the smells will be carried away by the wind. Of course, here you can fry not only fish, but also meat, vegetables, etc. Refrigerator and freezer are also an option, there are spots for them in the cockpit.

From the cockpit we rise to the helm station. From the control post you can enjoy an excellent overview of the entire catamaran, the nose of the left hull is slightly blocked, but you can navigate by the railing. And to see the stern, you will have to bend down, but this procedure does not cause discomfort.

The helm area and the sailing area on of Tanna 47 are separated, but the winches from are within easy reach, just behind the helm.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

The panel contains all the tools, the readings of which are important for the helmsman, additional to throttle controls, chartplotter , etc. The stoppers of all three winches are brought to one point. Below is a pocket for sheets and halyards.

The sailing equipment includes the classic genoa - Fountaine Pajot did not follow the new fashion for automation here either.

On the flybridge, manipulations with the sails do not threaten anyone if at this time they are located on one of plentiful sofas or sunbeds. There is room for a table and extra seats.

In the bow there is a large compartment for the anchor chain, where fenders can also be stored. On top of the hatch of this compartment and next to it, you can place several mats and organize a natural solarium.

There are also few changes in the saloon: the usual rounding of furniture, a luxurious corner sofa, a side ottoman, a sliding table - everything is very stylish and beautifully lit. Two more large skylights have been added to the panoramic glazing of the cabin.

A small hatch above the stove acts as a hood. The galley is equipped with all kitchen utensils. There are several refrigerators in the cabin. Above one of them is a large chartplotter, and the usual place of the navigator practically does not exist in this version.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

Three and four cabin versions are available. In the 3 cabin version, the master cabin is in the port float. The bed is really big, with access from three sides. In the transition to a full-fledged bathroom there is a wardrobe, shelves, work and dressing tables.

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47

Aventura 14

The flagship of STGI Marine, the Aventura 14 motor catamaran holds the record for the number of cabins among 44-foot yachts - there are six of them. At the same time, the catamaran has seaworthy characteristics for long-distance, almost oceanic crossings at a maximum speed of 22 knots, which can be developed by the Yanmar 2x400 hp engines installed on it. At a cruising speed of 16 knots, the cruising range can reach 1,300 nautical miles.

But in the engine compartment of the yacht, you can put engines with a power of 550 hp, then the cat will develop a cruising speed of up to 18 knots, and a maximum speed of up to 27. In two tanks plus one additional tank Aventura 14 can carry 1.5 + 1.5 + 1 = whopping 4 tons of fuel.

Aventura 14

Nova Luxe took a direct part in the creation of the vessel, offering to make it as environmentally friendly as possible. To do this, they have developed a powerful solar battery specifically for this model to be placed on the flybridge. Its capacity (more than 7 kW/h) will fully serve the needs of passengers. And additional electrical equipment will reduce the use of diesel engines on sunny days.

With such high performance, passengers and crew are provided with incredible comfort to work, rest and travel, which is the hallmark of the Aventura brand .

Aventura 14

A very wide hydraulic platform at the stern accommodates several motorboats, rafts or jet skis. There is also a spacious aft garage for a pair of folding bikes or equipment for diving, hunting or fishing.

There is a table in the cockpit, which can comfortably accommodate up to 16 people on soft sofas and side benches or chairs. And since the saloon and cockpit are separated by wide sliding doors, you get a huge common space, which is also located on the same level.

Aventura 14

Huge 26 m² flybridge has its own kitchen area, which includes a grill, sink and a compact refrigerator for drinks, ice cream and fruits. The dining area, that serves also as a relaxation area or a living room, includes a large table and sofas with backs, surrounding the table from 3 sides.

Aventura 14

A huge space below the working area can be equipped with a solarium or a SPA with a jacuzzi, some place gym equipment there. Of course, with a jacuzzi filled with water, you cannot develop maximum speed, after all, the additional weight is almost 3 tons.

Aventura 14

The working area includes a control post, as well as a comfortable seat in front of it for several people, the height of which is adjustable. The height of the steering wheel itself, made in the form of an automobile steering wheel, is regulated in the same way. The instrument panel displays the performance indicators of the equipment and its control elements, as well as a high-quality marine display with a chartplotter.

Aventura 14

The spacious saloon with electric table for 12 people has a full galley with all the equipment, a large double-door refrigerator with a large freezer, a wine cabinet, a microwave, a dishwasher and a washing machine, etc.

The working area is a control post, the dashboard of which is located behind the steering wheel and to the right of it. All the controls of the Aventura 14 are placed here – the automation of the yacht’s management is so advanced, that this vessel can be considered a “smart yacht” by analogy with a “smart home”.

In general, the motorboat seems as comfortable as a compact mansion on the water can be. This feeling intensifies when you go below deck and find that you can straighten up freely, straighten your shoulders, and there is still enough space above your head.

We have already said that the cat is designed for 6 cabins if you are going to use it for charters. But if you are looking to buy an Aventura 14 catamaran for personal use, you will definitely choose the option with a master cabin and 2, 3 or 4 guest cabins, depending on the composition of the family and the number of close friends you can invite on a cruise.

The master cabin will then take up the entire float and house a huge island double bed, table, sofa, lots of closets, shelves and hidden lockers. Of course, a separate bathroom with a rain shower, toilet and a furnished hallway.

Aventura 14

Private bathrooms in guest cabins differ from the master cabin only in size.

Every time you look at the new premises of Aventura 14, you really can’t tell whether you are cruising on a 44-foot power catamaran or picking a new house for permanent residence.

  • Brand: Excess
  • Overall length, m: 14.84
  • Width, m: 8.03
  • Draft, m: 1.4
  • Displacement, t: 19.05
  • Air draft, m: 27.9
  • Water tanks, l: 2 x 240 & 2 x 175 (opt)
  • Exterior design (Architect): VPLP design
  • CE Certification: A: 14 - B: 14 - C: 16 - D: 30
  • Mainsail type: Square top
  • Jib type: self-tacking
  • Mainsail area, m²: 99
  • Jib area, m²: 55
  • Code 0 area, m²: 117
  • Engines, hp: 2 x 57 hp / 2 x 80 hp
  • Fuel tanks, l: 2 x 520

Of course, when ranking the best catamarans up to 15 meters in length, we could not help but place the Excess 15 fully electric cruising sailing catamaran in second place. This is a new brand of catamarans from Beneteau-Lagoon-Janneau, focused on performance, while having all the properties of a cruising catamaran, full habitability and build quality from a major manufacturer.

Excess 15

The catamaran is equipped with electric engines instead of diesel ones. It has become a kind of research laboratory used to study the effect of installing electric motors on serial yachts.

The boat has a very spacious saloon with open access to the cockpit through wide sliding doors. In this case, one of the tables in the L-shaped galley can serve as a bar in the cockpit. This allows you to combine two zones into a single space for organizing mass entertainment with refreshments and dancing.

In the saloon, a large soft sofa goes around the table on three sides, where up to 12 people can fit. The galley is equipped with all the most necessary kitchen equipment - stove, oven, refrigerator, etc. Around the entire perimeter of the cabin there is glazing that provides excellent visibility and natural light, and opening transoms in them provide natural ventilation.

Excess 15

The cockpit also has barbecue facilities and a fridge for drinks and ice cream. In the cockpit there are sofas with backs, one of which goes around the table on both sides, the other is on the transom, and the sofa opposite the table has a spacious locker.

Drop-down seats in front of the helms and a small bimini over the helmsman's head have already become a hallmark of this range. The helms with a control panel are located in the cockpit on both sides of the catamaran. The panel contains the tools to manage the equipment, in particular, electric motors, as well as control drives for some equipment and devices such as an autopilot and a thruster.

To the left and right of the steering wheels is the engine control knob. Near the steering wheels there are manual or electric winches, at the choice of the buyer. Above the cabin and part of the cockpit there is a retractable roof - also a trademark of the line. An automatic jib is included as standard.

Excess 15

An excellent view opens up from the helmsman's seat, in particular, due to the fact that the saloon is completely glazed and through it the bow of the catamaran is perfectly visible. When maneuvering, the helmsman does not have to crouch or stretch his neck - he has a full view of both floats both in the stern and in the bow.

Naval architects and designers abandoned the idea of flybridge. But on the foredeck, you can equip a large sunbathing area using a deck and two trampolines.

You get fairly roomy, but not overbearing, guest cabins fore and aft of the same float, each with its own porthole, large double bed and bathroom.

The master cabin completely occupies one of the hulls and is divided into bedroom, living room and bath areas. In the recreation area you will find a large island double bed, two portholes, shelves. Further in the corridor there are cupboards, sofas, several tables. And in the other part there is a huge bathroom that contains everything that is required for hygiene and water procedures: a shower, a washbasin, a latrine, etc.

If desired, you can choose a package for 4 cabins or with a separate cabin for the skipper in the bow of the vessel.

Under the engines, Excess 14 goes very quietly. And when sailing, the electric catamaran can recuperate water energy.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

  • Brand: Fountain Pajot
  • Overall length, m: 14
  • Width, m: 6.6
  • Draft, m: 1.1
  • Displacement, t: 16.3
  • Air draft, m: 4.25
  • Exterior design (Architect): Andrieu Yacht Design
  • Interior design: Andreani Design
  • Engines: IPS 500 Volvo 2 x 380
  • Option engines: IPS 650 Volvo 2 x 480
  • Fuel tanks l: 2 x 1000

The MY6 (formerly MY44) motor cruising catamaran is still one of the world leaders in the 13.4 m (44 ft) double hull boat market. Shipyard Fountaine Pajot Motor Yachts received all the most prestigious awards for this cat, including “Best Multihull Power Yacht”, “European Power Boat of the Year” and “Best Passagemaker”.

Daniel Andrieu and Pierangelo Andreani once again demonstrated their engineering and creative potential, as a result of which the catamaran received excellent seaworthiness and unique living spaces.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

The yacht is stable with a good draft (1.3 m), behaves confidently even at a speed of 25 knots.

With a length of 13.6 m and a beam of 6.5 m, there are 3 or 4 double cabins with three bathrooms, a spacious cockpit, company cabins, a flybridge, a foredeck solarium and a bathing platform. At the same time, as is customary in Fountaine Pajot’s catamarans, the entire space is divided into zones - working, relaxing, dining, kitchen, etc.

In the bow there are several spacious lockers where fenders and ropes can be stored. Anchor and anchor winch can be controlled using a remote control or from one of the control stations located in the saloon and on the flybridge.

Foredeck is transformed into a great place for a vacation - a sunbathing area or an evening bar - with reclining loungers and a portable table with recesses for bottles and glasses.

We climb the flybridge stairs with railings and wide steps. Here the distribution of zones is thought out to the smallest detail. Recreation area is also a dining area, with comfortable sofas and a large built-in table, a refrigerator for drinks and ice cream.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

Another very large folding sofa - a real rookery - is located on the port side. Friends or family members resting here will brighten up the skipper's stay at the helm, which has the shape of a steering wheel.

The working area is located on the starboard side, directly opposite this huge sofa. The control post is equipped with a very comfortable wide chair.

The control panel contains all the main instruments, as well as the controls for all helmsman actions, and a multifunctional marine display. The height of the steering wheel is adjustable. Management is simplified using the joystick.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

All this splendor is protected by a sun-protection curtain on the roof, which can be moved if you want to sunbathe.

The same control post is located in the cabin. Huge portholes located around the perimeter provide natural light and excellent visibility. The portholes have opening parts that allow you to ventilate the cabin.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

Incredibly large space, although filled with excellent upholstered furniture, leaves a lot of room for free movement. At the table-transformer, 10 people can fit without constraining each other. This table, if desired, can easily be converted into a coffee, dining or even an extra bed.

Corners of the table and galley furniture are rounded for safety. The galley is located on the port side - despite its compactness, it has all the necessary kitchen equipment, including a stove, refrigerator, etc.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

As you can see in the top photo, a wide sliding door opens from the saloon to the cockpit. This combines them into a single space, which allows you to throw grand parties with a large number of guests, turning one of the galley tables into a bar counter.

In the cockpit there is a comfortable soft sofa with lockers under the seats; a portable table can be placed here.

There is also a locker with a life raft, a gas cylinder and necks for refueling the tanks. Fresh water is connected to the shower in the cockpit.

Under the cockpit hatches there is a capacious engine compartment, which provides free access to engines and other technical equipment.

Using the wide steps from the cockpit you get to stationary platform, a real personal beach spot with an area of 9 m². The cockpit floor and platform are covered with natural teak.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

Maestro version includes a master suite that is completely dedicated to the owner. Surprisingly spacious, it has a real island bed, a table, an extra sofa and wardrobes for storing clothes and other things.

A huge porthole with a "window" provides the cabin with fresh air and natural light. The height of all the rooms of the catamaran MY6 is striking - even a regular cabin’s ceiling is at least 2 meters high.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

The master cabin has a private bathroom and toilet. Two double guest cabins located in another float are also provided with separate bathrooms with toilets.

There is a choice of 4-cabin charter version, two in each float, with shared bathrooms for each couple.

Fountaine Pajot MY6

The MY6 power catamaran is designed exclusively for IPS systems and has a cruising range of up to 1,000 miles. Safety and comfort on long journeys are provided for both passengers and crew of this magnificent vessel.

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Azimut Yachts for Sale

Azimut yachts for sale.

Part of the Azimut-Benetti Group, Azimut Yachts was founded in 1969 by pioneering student Paolo Vitello in Italy. After expanding its boat building facility and acquiring shipbuilding company Benetti in 1985, Azimut began building yachts, introducing its distinct style and standards which would help redefine the industry. Design, technology, materials, components and human expertise are all key Azimut hallmarks which together create the Azimut quality. Investing in its company over the years, the Azimut-Benetti’s research and development centre helps drives the yard’s building skills even further.

Azimut creates some of the finest motor yachts on the market. From the high volume Magelano series to the sport yachts of the S range, nothing is missing. The yard recently introduced their superyacht series, the Grand, reaching up to 37m with the Azimut 37m Grand Trideck. . 

Whether you are taking the very first step towards Superyacht ownership or already have a fleet, a Nordhavn Yacht is a strong buy.


Azimut 78 for Sale

Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

Azimut Magellano 30M

Azimut Magellano 66

Azimut Grande for Sale

Azimut Grande 27 Metri

Azimut Grande 32 Metri

Azimut Grande 35 Metri

Azimut Grande 36M

Azimut Grande Trideck

S Collection

S Collection

Azimut Grande S10


yacht 15 metri prezzo

Grande 25 Metri

Grande 26 Metri

Grande 27 Metri

Grande 32 Metri

Grande 35 Metri

Grande 36 Metri

Grande 38 Metri Tri-deck

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Magellano 25 Metri

Magellano 30 Metri

Magellano 66

Magellano 76

Azimut 100 for Sale

98 Leonardo

Azimut Yachts for Sale


38.22m | Azimut yachts | 2023

38.22m | Azimut yachts | 2021


35.29m | Azimut yachts | 2025


35m | Azimut yachts | 2020

35m | Azimut yachts | 2022

35m | Azimut yachts | 2019

32m | Azimut yachts | 2006

32m | Azimut yachts | 2022

31.95m | Azimut yachts | 2022

30.91m | Azimut yachts | 2007

30.75m | Azimut yachts | 2008


30.47m | Azimut yachts | 2010


30.47m | Azimut yachts | 1999

29.87m | Azimut yachts | 2003

29.87m | Azimut yachts | 2010


29.74m | Azimut yachts | 2004

26.89m | Azimut yachts | 2007

26.8m | Azimut yachts | 2007

26.78m | Azimut yachts | 2018

26.78m | Azimut yachts | 2022

26.51m | Azimut yachts | 2019

26.3m | Azimut yachts | 2007

2010 AZIMUT 86S

26.21m | Azimut yachts | 2010

25.6m | Azimut yachts | 2015

25.5m | Azimut yachts | 2014

25.22m | Azimut yachts | 2022

25.22m | Azimut yachts | 2020

25.2m | Azimut yachts | 2015

24.99m | Azimut yachts | 2023


24.6m | Azimut yachts | 2021

24.38m | Azimut yachts | 2014

24.38m | Azimut yachts | 2004

24.38m | Azimut yachts | 2003

24m | Azimut yachts | 2005


23.92m | Azimut yachts | 2002

23.77m | Azimut yachts | 2022

23.77m | Azimut yachts | 2013

23.64m | Azimut yachts | 2022

23.46m | Azimut yachts | 2016


23.16m | Azimut yachts | 2016


23m | Azimut yachts | 2009


22.88m | Azimut yachts | 2008

22.85m | Azimut yachts | 2009


22.85m | Azimut yachts | 2010


22.85m | Azimut yachts | 2008

22.65m | Azimut yachts | 2003

22.64m | Azimut yachts | 2020

22.64m | Azimut yachts | 2022


22.63m | Azimut yachts | 2022

22.6m | Azimut yachts | 2011


21.94m | Azimut yachts | 2011

21.94m | Azimut yachts | 2016

21.94m | Azimut yachts | 2017

21.62m | Azimut yachts | 2011

21.36m | Azimut yachts | 2018

21.36m | Azimut yachts | 2019


21.33m | Azimut yachts | 2018


21.33m | Azimut yachts | 2012

20.98m | Azimut yachts | 2021


20.8m | Azimut yachts | 2018


2019 azimut 66 flybridge.

20.8m | Azimut yachts | 2019


20.72m | Azimut yachts | 2009

AZIMUT 64 FLY 2014

20.2m | Azimut yachts | 2013

20.15m | Azimut yachts | 2013


20.14m | Azimut yachts | 2021


20.14m | Azimut yachts | 2014


20.14m | Azimut yachts | 2022


20.11m | Azimut yachts | 2018

20.11m | Azimut yachts | 2017

2017 66' AZIMUT

20.11m | Azimut yachts | 2020


2008 azimut 62e.

19.83m | Azimut yachts | 2008

19.81m | Azimut yachts | 2007

19.5m | Azimut yachts | 2015

19.5m | Azimut yachts | 2011


18.33m | Azimut yachts | 2011

18.31m | Azimut yachts | 2019

18.31m | Azimut yachts | 2021


18.31m | Azimut yachts | 2014

18.28m | Azimut yachts | 2023


18.28m | Azimut yachts | 2021

18.25m | Azimut yachts | 2022


18.23m | Azimut yachts | 2020

18.23m | Azimut yachts | 2021

18.23m | Azimut yachts | 2022

18m | Azimut yachts | 2022

16.9m | Azimut yachts | 2018

16.9m | Azimut yachts | 2016

16.76m | Azimut yachts | 2016

16.6m | Azimut yachts | 2015


16.45m | Azimut yachts | 2014

16.45m | Azimut yachts | 2013

16.18m | Azimut yachts | 2019


16.07m | Azimut yachts | 2020

16.07m | Azimut yachts | 2018

15.88m | Azimut yachts | 2016

15.87m | Azimut yachts | 2016

15.54m | Azimut yachts | 2019

50' AZIMUT 2016

15.23m | Azimut yachts | 2016

15.23m | Azimut yachts | 2019


15.23m | Azimut yachts | 2018


15.23m | Azimut yachts | 2017

14.63m | Azimut yachts | 2024

14.6m | Azimut yachts | 2024

14.5m | Azimut yachts | 2022

14.5m | Azimut yachts | 2021

14.32m | Azimut yachts | 2021


14.32m | Azimut yachts | 2023

13.74m | Azimut yachts | 2022

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Azimut - GRANDE 25 METRI

27.43m | Azimut | 2019

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27m | Azimut | 2013

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Azimut - 88

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Azimut - 27 Metri

27m | Azimut | 2019

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Azimut - 27 Grande

26.78m | Azimut | 2018

yacht 15 metri prezzo

26.78m | Azimut | 2023

yacht 15 metri prezzo

26.78m | Azimut | 2022

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Azimut - Grande 27 METRI

yacht 15 metri prezzo

Azimut - Grande 26

26.09m | Azimut | 2024

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Azimut - 84

25.69m | Azimut | 2015

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Azimut - 80

25.5m | Azimut | 2014

yacht 15 metri prezzo

25.25m | Azimut | 2015

Azimut 80

25.24m | Azimut | 2018

Manufacturer Provided Image

25.24m | Azimut | 2015

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Azimut - 80'

Azimut Magellano 25

Azimut - Magellano 25

25.22m | Azimut | 2023

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Azimut - Magellano 25M

25.22m | Azimut | 2021

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25.22m | Azimut | 2020

yacht 15 metri prezzo

25.2m | Azimut | 2016

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Azimut - S8

24.65m | Azimut | 2024

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24.63m | Azimut | 2023

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Never Give Up

24.6m | Azimut | 2021

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Azimut - Magellano 76

24.4m | Azimut | 2016

If there are no brokerage yachts available on the market, you can get in touch with our brokers to find an off market one or build a new one. 

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Quanto costa uno yacht? La guida completa per il 2023

Centro Studi Moneyfarm

Indice dei contenuti

Un aspetto su cui prestare la massima attenzione sono i costi di mantenimento dell’imbarcazione. Alcuni sono fissi e si possono pianificare, mentre altri variano nel tempo ed è più difficile fare una stima precisa a priori. Se la spesa dovesse risultare eccessiva, si possono valutare diverse soluzioni, come il noleggio oppure delle strategie d’investimento ad hoc che potrebbero aiutare a realizzare il sogno di uno yacht di proprietà.

Costo yacht: quali sono i fattori da considerare?

Da cosa dipende il costo di uno yacht? Il primo aspetto da considerare è la lunghezza del natante, perché inevitabilmente al crescere delle dimensioni, sale anche il prezzo. Quando si superano i 24 metri di lunghezza, è obbligatorio assumere un equipaggio fisso, con tutti i costi che questo comporta.

Anche la tipologia di imbarcazione fa la differenza, infatti gli yacht a motore in genere costano il 30% in più di quelli a vela. Le personalizzazioni sono un altro fattore che fa lievitare il prezzo, come anche il costruttore dell’imbarcazione e i motori montati sul natante.

I costi di manutenzione sono spesso sottovalutati, ma sono una voce di spesa fissa e programmabile. Chi acquista uno yatch preso dall’entusiasmo di un buon affare, si scontra poi con la necessità di affrontare le ingenti spese di manutenzione, che corrispondono ogni anno all’incirca al 10% del costo dello yatch.

Quanto può costare uno yacht? Ecco una panoramica generale (da yacht piccolo a super yacht)

Visto che le variabili sono moltissime, definire con chiarezza quanto costa uno yatch è tutt’altro che facile, ma si può almeno individuare un range di prezzo in base alle dimensioni dell’imbarcazione .

Gli yatch tra i 15 e i 18 metri sono quelli più piccoli, ma dispongono in ogni caso di almeno 2 cabine, più una di dimensioni più ridotte, ma pur sempre dotata di bagno. Il prezzo per imbarcazioni di questa metratura si aggira intorno al milione di euro e accolgono con comodità fino a 6 ospiti.

Quando gli yatch raggiungono i 18 o 20 metri di lunghezza, sono dotati in genere di 4 comode cabine, realizzate con attenzione anche ai piccoli dettagli. Quanto può costare uno yatch di questa metratura? Il prezzo supera il milione e in alcuni casi anche il milione e mezzo.

Quando superiamo i 20 o i 30 metri, per comprare uno yatch occorrono più di 2 milioni di euro, ma il prezzo può anche superare i 5 milioni per le imbarcazioni più performanti, che combinano lusso e sportività. Le imbarcazioni dispongono di almeno 3 o 4 cabine, più i letti per l’equipaggio, indispensabile sopra i 24 metri.

Oltre i 30m

Gli yatch che superano i 30 metri sono spesso dei capolavori di stile e tecnologia e il prezzo si avvicina intorno ai 100 milioni di euro. Si tratta di navi da diporto che dispongono di più ponti e possono accogliere decine di ospiti e una trentina di membri dell’equipaggio.

Costo di uno yatch per dimensione

Quanto costa uno yacht usato?

Il mercato dell’usato è molto vivace, infatti non è raro trovare delle vere occasioni, che aiutano a risparmiare rispetto agli yatch appena usciti dal cantiere navale. Se si resta sotto i 24 metri, è possibile comprare uno yatch usato anche per 150.000 euro , mentre il prezzo è nettamente più alto per quelli di grandi dimensioni.

Valutare uno yatch usato richiede una grande esperienza, infatti è preferibile affidarsi ad un perito navale, che sarà in grado di stabilire se il prezzo è appropriato e soprattutto quali sono i costi che bisognerà affrontare dopo l’acquisto.

Quanto costa mantenere uno yacht?

Abbiamo già accennato al fatto che i costi di manutenzione sono i più sottovalutati dagli armatori, che restano focalizzati sul prezzo di acquisto e poi rimangono sorpresi dei costi che richiede mantenere l’imbarcazione in buono stato. Rispetto al prezzo d’acquisto, si deve considerare che i costi di manutenzione corrispondono all’incirca al 10% su base annua.


L’assicurazione è una voce di spesa che si può pianificare con un certo anticipo e per conoscere l’importo è bene chiedere dei preventivi alle compagnie di assicurazione specializzate. È possibile accedere a sconti interessanti quando si assicurano anche gli accessori, come gli estintori oppure gli strumenti elettronici che servono alla navigazione o alla sicurezza.

Scopri la proposta d'investimento costruita per te

Le dimensioni dello yatch sono importanti e comportano costi elevati per l’ormeggio. Anche in questo caso è bene chiedere più preventivi, perché da un porto all’altro ci può essere una consistente differenza. Non bisogna dimenticare la spesa per l’invernaggio e il trasporto del natante presso il porto di ormeggio.


I costi di manutenzione sono i più difficili da quantificare e dipendono dal tipo di barca e anche dalla sua età. La manutenzione comprende gli interventi di verniciatura antivegetativa, la messa a punto dei motori e la sostituzione della vela e dei tessuti interni ed esterni. Cavi e linee di ormeggio necessitano di sostituzione periodica, mentre il teak va pulito e lucidato con prodotti appositi e tutt’altro che economici.

Anche il carburante è una spesa variabile, sia per le oscillazioni di prezzo, sia perché la spesa dipende dall’uso più o meno frequente dello yatch e dalle miglia percorse.

Sopra i 24 metri è obbligatorio avere un equipaggio fisso a bordo dello yatch e si tratta di una spesa tutt’altro che trascurabile. Basti pensare che assumere un capitano con almeno 10 anni di esperienza a bordo di navi che superano i 30 metri, comporta uno stipendio che va dai 10.000 ai 20.000 euro al mese.

Spese operative

Per mantenere lo yatch operativo, si deve tener conto delle spese di carburante e degli appositi additivi e dei costi per ormeggiare in una marina diversa da quella abituale. Le spese operative degli yatch più grandi, comprendono anche lo stipendio dei membri dell’equipaggio.

Quanto costa affittare uno yacht?

A volte dopo aver scoperto quanto costa uno yatch, ci si rende conto che il budget necessario è al di sopra delle proprie possibilità. In questi casi si può sempre optare per il noleggio dello yatch, che ha costi più bassi ed estremamente variabili , infatti si parte da un minimo di 500 euro al giorno per gli yatch più piccoli fino a 20.000 euro e oltre per quelli più lussuosi.

Oltre al costo del noleggio si deve tener conto anche dell’eventuale necessità dell’equipaggio, che fa inevitabilmente lievitare il prezzo. Tra le spese accessorie di cui tener conto in caso di affitto dell’imbarcazione, c’è anche quella per il carburante e per l’ormeggio.

Come risparmiare e investire per potertelo permettere?

Anche se il noleggio permette di godersi lo yatch a costi più contenuti dell’acquisto, essere proprietari dell’imbarcazione è tutt’altra cosa. La si può utilizzare con la massima libertà e si può anche personalizzare in base alle proprie necessità o ai propri gusti.

Per potersi permettere l’acquisto dello yatch, si deve adottare un atteggiamento pragmatico, ad esempio scegliendo una strategia d’investimento che tenga conto di questo specifico obiettivo. Deve trattarsi sempre di strategie personalizzate, che con la giusta flessibilità e diversificazione, permettano di guardare a traguardi economici lungimiranti , sotto la guida attenta di consulenti esperti.


Gli yatch da sogno richiedono dei budget importanti per l’acquisto, a cui bisogna aggiungere anche i costi di manutenzione, le spese operative e tutti gli altri costi accessori. Sono cifre che possono scoraggiare la maggior parte degli aspiranti armatori, che vedono così sfumare il sogno di un’imbarcazione di lusso di proprietà.

I mercati finanziari possono diventare una risorsa preziosa per chi vuole far crescere il proprio capitale, magari proprio allo scopo di acquistare uno yatch. A fare la differenza sarà la strategia d’investimento, che dev’essere al tempo stesso solida, flessibile e lungimirante.

Domande frequenti

Quanto costa uno yatch?

Gli yatch possono avere una lunghezza da 15 a oltre 30 metri ed è per questo che i costi sono estremamente variabili. È difficile comprare uno yatch nuovo a meno di un milione di euro, mentre le cifre più alte possono essere davvero stellari. Lo yatch più grande del mondo misura ad esempio 180 metri ed è costato 605 milioni di dollari.

Quanto costa mantenere uno yatch?

Per mantenere uno yatch si devono affrontare spese di diverso tipo: dalla messa a punto dei motori alla verniciatura antivegetativa, dalla sostituzione di vela e tessuti alla pulizia del teak e degli interni con prodotti specifici.

Quanto costa affittare uno yatch?

Il noleggio di uno yatch parte da un costo minimo di 500 euro al giorno, ma può raggiungere anche i 20.000 euro su base giornaliera. Bisogna aggiungere anche la spesa per il carburate, l’equipaggio e l’ormeggio.

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*Gli investimenti in strumenti finanziari sono soggetti alla variabilità del mercato e possono determinare la perdita, in tutto o in parte, del capitale inizialmente investito.

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January 28, 2024

The 15-metre class yachts: a historical overview, early developments: the birth of the 15-metre class.

15mr Formula Tuiga

The Golden Era: Key Developments and Iconic Yachts

The period from 1907 to the early 1920s is considered the golden era of the 15mR class. Several iconic yachts were built during this time, each showcasing advanced design and craftsmanship. Notable examples include “The Lady Anne,” “Hispania,” and “Tuiga.” While primarily used for racing, these yachts also served as symbols of status and naval architecture. During this era, advancements in materials and design were notable. The shift from traditional wooden hulls to incorporating newer materials marked a significant evolution in yacht construction. Naval architects experimented with various designs to enhance speed and efficiency, reflecting a period of significant technical innovation in yacht racing.  

Noblesse Yachts

The Decline and Eventual Revival

Fife remaining 15mr Tuiga, Hispania, Mariska, Lady Anne

William Fife and His Enduring 15mR Designs

William Fife, a renowned Scottish yacht designer, left an indelible mark on the 15-metre class with his exquisite designs. Fife’s contribution to the 15mR class was not just in quantity but in the unmatched quality and elegance of his designs. His work is celebrated for its blend of beauty, performance, and innovation, making him one of history’s most revered yacht designers.

William Fife III designed a total of eight 15-metre class yachts, of which only a handful of his 15mR creations are known to have survived. These surviving yachts are considered maritime treasures, meticulously restored and maintained by their current owners.   The list of these surviving 15mR yachts designed by William Fife includes

  • “The Lady Anne” : Launched in 1912, “The Lady Anne” is a testament to Fife’s mastery in yacht design. Her elegant lines and balanced proportions make her a standout example of the classic 15mR aesthetic.
  • “Hispania” : Built in 1909 for King Alfonso XIII of Spain, “Hispania” is a yacht steeped in history and regal legacy. She represents Fife’s ability to combine competitive performance with majestic design.
  • “Tuiga” : Launched in 1909, “Tuiga” was built for the Duke of Medinaceli and is often seen as a close sister to “Hispania.” “Tuiga” remains one of the most iconic Fife designs, frequently participating in classic yacht regattas.
  • “Mariska” : Built in 1908, “ Mariska ” is another fine example of Fife’s craftsmanship. After a comprehensive restoration, she continues to grace the classic racing circuits, showcasing the enduring legacy of Fife’s designs.

  The missing yachts designed by Fife, which are either no longer in existence or have an unknown fate, include:

  • Shimna (1907) : Unfortunately, this yacht was damaged and broken up in Turkey in 1949.
  • Vanity (1909) : The specific fate of this yacht is not documented in the available sources.
  • Sophie-Elisabeth (1910) : This yacht underwent several name changes and ownership changes; however, its current status is not detailed.
  • Maudrey (1913) : Information regarding the fate of Maudrey post-construction is not readily available.

William Fife Mariska yacht 1908

The Modern Perspective: Legacy and Influence

Today, the 15mR class serves as a historical emblem in the sailing world. The remaining yachts, restored and maintained, represent early 20th-century yacht racing and design. They are often featured in classic yacht regattas, providing a living history of the sport.

The influence of the 15mR class extends beyond its historical significance. It played a pivotal role in shaping modern yacht design and racing strategies. The class represents a crucial phase in the evolution of yacht racing, where design innovation met competitive sport, setting the stage for future developments in the field.

15 mR Yacht Hispania

Conclusion: The Enduring Significance of the 15mR Class

In summary, the history of the 15-metre class is marked by innovation, competition, and adaptation. From its inception under the International Rule to its resurgence in classic yacht racing, the 15mR class has had a lasting impact on the world of sailing. It stands as a testament to early 20th-century naval architecture and the enduring appeal of yacht racing. As a historical and technical milestone, the 15mR class continues to fascinate and inspire, bridging a century of yacht racing history.

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Solandge Charter Yacht

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85.09m  /  279'2   lurssen   2013 / 2022.

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Cabin Configuration

  • 2 Double/Twin

Special Features:

  • Highly private owners' deck
  • Jet stream swimming pool on bridge deck aft
  • Chromatheraphy spa with hamman & massage room
  • Six expansive decks
  • Huge elevator fits nine guests
  • Removable sundeck dance floor with DJ setup
  • Large, fully-stocked wine cellar
  • Exuberant and opulent interior
  • Two hot tubs
At 85.1m/279'2", iconic charter yacht Solandge features a compelling line-up of living areas and modern amenities and abounds in luxury and comfort

The 2013-built superyacht SOLANDGE was launched from the Lürssen Shipyard in Germany to world acclaim. At 279.20ft /85.1m she is among the largest and most luxurious charter yachts on the market, conceived by industry-leading designers and highly experienced owners.

Award-winning and a firm favourite among her guests, SOLANDGE has developed a significant reputation as one of the leading superyachts available for charter. The very pinnacle of luxury, she partners opulent design with modern amenities in a truly unique manner.

Exterior Design

SOLANDGE’s exterior design is the work of the celebrated Espen Oeino who has successfully created harmonious lines and balanced proportions that encase a vast selection of versatile outdoor living, dining, and entertainment areas. Her panoramic upper deck plays host to a chic beach club area with a customised dance floor, Jacuzzi, and wet bar, whilst the bridge deck is ideal for relaxation and casual al fresco dining with a spacious seating area. Setting out to create a number of spaces in which family and friends would be able to spend time together, Espen Oeino has also included a number of bars, buffet areas, and even a large swimming pool, so whether guests want to party or unwind together, there is a dedicated section on board superyacht SOLANDGE to do so.

Interior Design

The stunning interior of SOLANDGE is the result of a collaboration between Rodriguez Interiors and Dolker&Voges, between them using more than 49 different marble and granite surfaces and 33 alternative woods. Stylish yet classically elegant with a hint of opulence, SOLANDGE’s interior spaces boast a number of unique areas to accommodate all needs, ranging from a large indoor movie theatre, to a vast main salon with bar, games room, and seating areas. Sourcing rare materials in Venice, Rodriguez has provided SOLANDGE with a number of unique Murano glassworks which, combined with Schonbeck chandeliers and finely grained woods, create a distinctly glamorous aesthetic throughout the yacht. Whilst there’s numerous feats of design to be found in both the social and private spaces, it is perhaps the 50-foot lighted sculpture in the atrium lobby which is the crowning achievement. Dubbed the ‘tree of life’, the column extends from the tank deck up to the upper deck and is composed of precisely 1,423 points of light.

Guest Accommodation

Motor yacht SOLANDGE sleeps up to 12 guests in seven exceptional staterooms, including a panoramic master deck featuring 180 degree windows, private dressing room, his and hers bathrooms and a private deck with spa pool. Additional guest rooms include a full-beam VIP suite which can be converted into two spacious cabins and a further two doubles and two twin cabins. Whilst each of the cabins bears its own unique colour scheme, the decoration  of each room reflects the opulence found elsewhere on board. With their famous eye for materials and textures, Rodriguez Interiors have carefully selected handmade Italian furniture and overseen highly intricate stonework to ensure that everyone on board is able to sleep in absolute luxury.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Featuring a dance floor complete with a DJ booth, the sundeck of SOLANDGE is no doubt the place to be when underway, whilst the traditional beach club offers the ideal space to enjoy the water when at-anchor. Annexed with a large tenders and toys garage, the beach club includes a sizable rainforest-style shower which makes freshening up after being out on the water an absolute joy. In the tender garage, guests are able to use impressive touch screen pads to determine the temperature of the water and speed of the wind- an invaluable tool when it comes to deciding between diving in for a swim or boarding a kayak to set about exploring. On the bridge deck there is also a fully-equipped health spa featuring a spacious massage room, sauna, and a gymnasium leading out onto a glass-edged plunge pool. Fully-trained experienced members of crew are on hand here to pamper guests with a number of on-board treatments surrounded with beautiful design features such as the custom glass wall in the sauna.

Special Features

Superyacht SOLANDGE is very much a yacht defined by her array of special features. Indeed, from her expansive and elegantly styled owner’s deck, to her perspex dance floor to her hugely stocked toy garage,  it’s clear that she prides herself on being nothing short of exceptional. Espen Oeino’s decision to have lower bulwarks has also meant that views across the ocean are completely uninterrupted, so much so that it’s possible to look out from the bed of the owner’s suite and take in the scenery on offer.

Performance & Range

In addition to state-of-the-art audio visual and communication systems on board, SOLANDGE also features an ultra-modern zero speed stabilization system which reduces roll motion effect and results in a smoother, more enjoyable cruising and berthing experience. With a cruising speed of 14 knots, a maximum speed of 18 knots and a range of 6000nm from her 220000litre fuel tanks, her performance is unquestionably of the same standard as her outstanding leisure facilities.

Solandge knows a thing or two about fun on the water, with an extensive selection of action packed water toys and accessories for you and your guests to enjoy whilst on charter. Make diving a focal point of your charter vacation, with PADI certified professionals and a dive compressor available alongside traditional scuba diving equipment. Take to the sea on a Jet Ski offering you power and control on the water. You'll be loving the huge adrenaline rush as you zip over the water on one of the three Yamaha VXR WaveRunners. If that isn't enough Solandge also features towable toys, a seabob, wakeboards, kayaks, fishing equipment and much more. When it comes to Tenders, Solandge has you covered - with four tenders, including a 10.97m/36' Fjord Tender.

Why Charter Solandge

As one of the largest and most opulent superyachts available for charter, SOLANDGE is ideal for both families and parties looking to enjoy a premier luxury experience on-board an internationally renowned vessel. Featuring a vast array of social and lounging spaces, as well as a number of activities and facilities for the more adventurous guests, SOLANDGE is undoubtedly a yacht capable of satisfying even the most diverse of charter parties.

Solandge is available upon request for charter this winter. She is already accepting bookings this summer for cruising in the Mediterranean.

With its superlative combination of luxurious styling and superb amenities, motor yacht Solandge has everything you could possibly want for unforgettable yacht charter vacations.


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Solandge Photos

Solandge Yacht 11

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Solandge has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Solandge is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 10.97m  /  36' Fjord Tender with 2 x Volvo 300 HP engines
  • 10m  /  32'10 Naiad Tender with 2 x Volvo 300 HP engines
  • 7.3m  /  23'11 Centurion Watersport Tender
  • 6.25m  /  20'6 Frassmer Rescue Boat

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

Solandge Awards & Nominations

  • The ShowBoats Design Awards 2014 Exterior Design & Styling Award: Displacement Motor Yachts 200′+ Finalist
  • The World Superyacht Awards 2014 Best Displacement Motor Yacht of 2,000GT and above Finalist
  • International Superyacht Society Awards 2014 Best Power 65m+ Finalist
  • Monaco Yacht Show Awards 2014 The Exterior Design Award Winner
  • Asia Boating Award 2014 Best Yacht Design Finalist
  • + shortlist
  • Entertainment

Solandge is reported to be available to Charter with the following entertainment facilities:

  • Kaleidescape M700 
  • Kmusic Player’s music on demand
  • Mac mini, Apple TVs with Airplay to all guest areas
  • Sky TV boxes European TV, Direct TV United States TV, Kartina IPTV Russian TV 
  • Crestron 
  • SeaTel 6006 TVRO system for TV reception
  • Apple airplay
  • iPad & iPod and charging stations
  • External Cinema screen with Sim 2 projector 
  • Karaoke system (Russian)

Solandge is reported to be available to Charter with the following on board wellness facilities:

SPA FACILITIES Large sauna and spa area includes a massage room, hydrotherapy bath, hammam and full service beauty salon. Beach club area includes a day head, shower and a sauna GYM EQUIPMENT 

  • Elliptical Trainer 
  • Multi Trainer 
  • Treadmill 

Swimming pool with water jet (5.5m/18ft x 2.5m/8.2ft wide)  

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.


Your family and friends could learn to scuba dive on your charter vacation onboard this luxury charter yacht. Motor Yacht Solandge is a certified PADI Dive Centre yacht so you could obtain your PADI diving card .


Your family and friends could learn to use the water toys on your charter vacation onboard this luxury charter yacht. Motor Yacht Solandge is a certified RYA Training Centre yacht.

'Solandge' Charter Rates & Destinations

Mediterranean Summer Cruising Region

Summer Season

May - September

€1,000,000 p/week + expenses Approx $1,086,500

High Season

Cruising Regions

Mediterranean Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Turkey

HOT SPOTS:   Abu Dhabi, Amalfi Coast, Corsica, Dubai, French Riviera, Ibiza, Mykonos, Sardinia, The Balearics

Winter Season

October - April

HOT SPOTS:   Abu Dhabi, Dubai

Charter Solandge

To charter this luxury yacht contact your charter broker , or we can help you.

To charter this luxury yacht contact your charter broker or

On Board Review

Review of the highly acclaimed Lürssen superyacht SOLANDGE which, since her launch in 2013, has become one of the world’s most impressive luxury charter yachts.

Lürssen's award-winning SOLANDGE evokes an endless stream of superlatives

Read Review


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Air charter yacht

81m | Feadship

from $1,005,000 p/week ♦︎

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from $770,000 p/week

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85m | Lurssen

from $0 p/week ♦︎

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from $983,000 p/week ♦︎

Aquarius charter yacht

92m | Feadship

from $1,500,000 p/week

Aquila charter yacht

86m | Derecktor Shipyards

from $945,000 p/week

Arbema charter yacht

from $600,000 p/week

Axioma charter yacht

72m | Dunya Yachts

from $660,000 p/week

B2 charter yacht

86m | Abeking & Rasmussen

from $923,000 p/week ♦︎

Barbara charter yacht

89m | Oceanco

from $1,100,000 p/week

Cocoa Bean charter yacht

74m | Trinity Yachts

from $594,000 p/week ♦︎

Dar charter yacht

90m | Oceanco

from $1,297,000 p/week ♦︎

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection



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Azimut Launches the Magellano 30 Metri

  • By Yachting Staff
  • February 8, 2022

Azimut Yachts in Italy has launched the new flagship of its Magellano line: the Magellano 30 Metri, with a length overall of 97 feet, 6 inches.

Beam is 23 feet, and draft is 6 feet, 8 inches. Fuel capacity is more than 3,800 gallons for long-distance cruising—and Azimut says fuel consumption is about 15 percent lower than on traditional hard-chine planing hulls.

Also according to Azimut, the yacht has a top speed of 20 knots and a cruising speed of 16 knots with twin 1,550-horsepower MAN engines.

The design team behind the Magellano 30 Metri includes people who also collaborated on the Magellano 25 Metri : Ken Freivokh, who handled exterior styling, and Vincenzo De Cotiis, who designed the interiors. PLANA collaborated with Azimut on naval architecture for the Dual Mode hull.

Notable design features include more than 750 feet of glazed surfaces, for wide-angle views and a great deal of natural light on board.

A hotel mode package is available: Azimut says the Magellano 30 Metri can be fitted with this package, which has 100 kWh lithium batteries that let the yacht anchor silently, with zero emissions, for as long as four hours during the day and eight hours at night.

Take the next step: go to azimutyachts.com

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Motopanfilo 37M

  • Azimut | Benetti Group

Class 44M 0 - gallery vertical

Delivering 44 metres of outstanding liveability, supreme comfort and flawless design, the largest Benetti fibreglass yacht is pure Class in every sense.

The innovative use of transparent fashion plates allows the natural light to bathe the interiors, creating an extraordinary sense of lightness and a harmonious, natural environment.

Class 44M 3 - gallery vertical

Giorgio Maria Cassetta’s design features clean exterior lines, uncluttered interiors and an artful combination of materials for an informal atmosphere that fosters conviviality and relaxation.


With FSC®-certified wood used throughout, the Class 44M represents the perfect fusion of style, performance and sustainability.

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yacht 15 metri prezzo


yacht 15 metri prezzo

44.06 m / 144’ 7’’

9.16 m / 30’ 1’’

2.31 m / 7’ 7’’

Cassetta Yacht Designers

10 Persons, 5 Cabins

9 Persons, 5 Cabins

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“Zefira, a magnificent, lean aluminium and carbon 50 metre yacht. A project in which, together with our designers, we put our heart”

Experienced european owners brought together a top team of Dubois, Fitzroy and Tessier to produce their dream yacht: sleek, sophisticated and impressive under sail.

The push for a single level between bridge, saloon and cockpit, combined with ultra-sleek aesthetics, nudged the Dubois design team into new territory. “To get good visibility from the helmstations we had to work hard to lower the accommodation as much as possible, while keeping an open feeling” adds McKeon.

The interior, styled and drawn by Remi Tessier , features a combination of bleached timbers and white leather which results in clean modern lines and provides bright comfortable living areas.

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Fitzroy Yachts Zefira

The sea trial was pubblished on Superyacht 31 – spring 2012

Zefira S/Y is one of those few yachts that became an attraction for yacht enthusiasts and professionals  well before she hit the water.

This yacht was designed and built with the experience and passion for sailing boats her owners demonstrated from the start as well as a naval engineering and a project design team from  Ed Dubois studio for the exterior, while Remi Tessier was responsible for all the interiors. Zefira was built in a yard which enjoys a  worldwide  reputation for the construction of large sailing yachts.

fitzroy zefira

With such an opening introduction one can expect nothing less than something absolutely extraordinary, where the term used must be read in its best meaning to underscore something that has really nothing of the ordinary. We had the pleasure of talking with the owners who are currently sailing on their yacht after they had  carried out important work in the design phase with the project team to define specific guidelines and details.

Beyond the highly involving dialogue which ensued with flowing examples  of their own sailing experience and passion, we managed to grasp and better understand the idea behind the project which began with a seven metre sloop and  gradually developed in the course of the following 40 years  of which  many were spent at  sea. Putting words to emotion and feelings is never easy to do and  more so when they are other people’s. In this case however everything was a lot easier for us   thanks to our interviewee’s eloquent communicative capability.

The first point our attention was brought to was that Zefira is the largest sailing y

acht ever designed by Dubois with no fly bridge and built by Fitzroy Yachts in New Zealand.  This may strike our readers as a mere detail, but it is in fact one of the principal fundamentals outlining this project because it translates into flowing external lines and a unique profile when observed sideways on.

The choice  of doing without a fly bridge is somewhat unusual since up until  recently a “fly” had been widely accepted as  a run of the mill thing to have on a sailing yacht beyond a given size, but which nevertheless, Zefira is proud to do without giving cause for, among others ,  the following comment volunteered by some of the designers not involved in the project: “The world of sailing now stands  divided between before Zefira and after Zefira”.

Naturally enough this comment in particular is aimed at the yachts’ profile, which brings to a standstill what had become a consolidated practice on yachts this size. Aesthetics is principally  why the owners decided to do without the fly option as well as for practical reasons  they eloquently highlighted: without one  on a  50 metre sailing boat  there’s a complete total view of both what lies ahead up to the horizon and of the sail plan.

Moreover using a higher windswept and sun scorched horizontal plane rather than the main deck itself is by its very nature something destined to be exploited only sporadically and quite correctly in their opinion doesn’t justify having one.

The thought behind the whole project as the requests submitted to both designers and yard indicated,  were to enjoy a pure thorough bred for its performing lines and technical contents, capable of offering the sort of space and commodities expected when cruising extensively in all weather conditions. At a first glance the goal seems to have been easily achieved, but if  we then go into an in-depth analysis, the comments volunteered by project designers earlier seems surely appropriate. The husband and wife team (the owners) followed up on construction work from the initial stages to completion, working through the more important phases in close contact with the professional teams involved.

According to the owners the best part was witnessing the step by step progress of such an enterprise. We can understand the reasons why and genuinely  hope that in  the future such desire will generate the construction of other such extraordinary ships.

Several International prizes for design and technical contents have been awarded to Zefira. Dubois Naval Architects’ studio is proud of the recognitions bestowed since this is the largest sailing yacht project without a “fly” they’ve ever made so far and also for the passion and creativity expressed time and time again by the owners who incidentally had been the previous owners of another Dubois  project built by Alloy Yachts: Kokomo of London (now Nubero Blau). The challenge taken on by the studio was one that meant blending the huge experience acquired by the owners to innovative aesthetics, with a hull capable of delivering the sea-keeping qualities and performance requested.

The owners wished for a boat that could be another home from home: spacious, with a project design that looked ahead into the future. For this reason the design team was invited by the owners to pay them a visit and to take a look at their house to better understand what they wanted.

The choice of the yard was principally dictated by delivery times even if Fitzroy Yachts had been chosen also in function of preceding work carried out from Dubois projects.

Among some of the clever solutions highlighted by the owners in the course of our conversation we wish to mention the ease in steering they experienced and handling the yacht, of course aided by electronics and important data communication systems capable of monitoring and performing many of the required manoeuvres without hindering visibility.

The rig which is capable of carrying up to 3,000 square metres of canvass is per se a very interesting technical achievement inasmuch as it sports a 63.50 metre mast and can still be defined as being “light”. Obviously there’s a carbon fibre mast and boom, as well as fibre stays that have been purposely chosen to reduce weight high above the waterline which translates into less draught and better performance in breezes.

All of the choices adopted for Zefira mean she is very competitive on the race track even against racers and  in spite of the many commodities she carries with her.  As for the interiors and  much of the work put in by  Remi Tessier designer and the co-owner they enhanced an undoubted feeling of both tranquillity and elegance.

Gauged chromatic variety  meets the discerning eye as it takes in lighter and darker shades of handcrafted woodwork placed without ever causing excessive contrast, followed by polished steel elements and ad hoc lighting which enhances relaxation throughout every area. The space chosen to house each piece of furniture, is fruit of  careful study that has contributed into ensuring an uncompromised degree of comfort in the owners’ suite which is situated in the stern and in each of the three guest cabins as well.

One is a twin while the other two are double each one of them sports its own private bathroom. The crew quarters are situated in the bow area and with space for a lounge and crew mess room, which translates into staff’s quality living standards on board. The yacht’s convivial areas are also well distributed and large to ensure adequate privacy to guests and owners alike.

The electronics and navigation aids installed are the most modern on the market, with data and alarm control systems and displays in each of the two external command /control stations  as well as on the bridge deck as can be expected on a state of the art ship such as this. Dictated by reasons of space we have to limit our text to that which has so far been described even when the meeting with Zefira’s owners was so stimulating  we were prompted  to go further.

Since both of them  described Zefira as being a point of arrival but of departure too, we wish them to continue their research work in the yachting field and to offer us, who knows what other input and ideas in the future. For further information please contact: Angelo Colombo

For further information Ocean View Parade, Private Bag 2014; New Plymouth, New Zealand +647699380 www.fitzroyyachts.co.nz


Loa: 49.70 m – lwl: 44.56 m – beam: 9.95 m – draught: 4.90 m – light displacement: 322 t – engines: 1×1,400 hp caterpillar c32 acert – top speed under power: 16 knots – under sail: 18 knots – fuel tank capacity: 35,000 litres – range at cruising speed: 3,800 nm – consumption at cruise speed: 110 litres/hr – class: lloyds + 100 1 ssc yacht mono g6 mca london ly2 – yacht in line with the international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships (1973) and 1978 protocol including all subsequent amendments (marpol)., everywhere you are, read.


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Zefira is a custom sailing yacht launched in 2010 by Fitzroy Yachts.

Zefira measures 49.69 metres in length, with a max draft of 4.90 metres and a beam of 10.00 metres.

Zefira has an aluminium hull with an aluminium superstructure.

Sailing yachts have long combined nature with man-made beauty.

Her interior design is by Remi Tessier.

Zefira also features naval architecture by Dubois .

Performance and Capabilities

Zefira has a fuel capacity of 37,380 litres, and a water capacity of 10,440 litres.

She also has a range of 4,000 nautical miles.


Zefira accommodates up to 8 guests in 4 cabins. She also houses room for up to 7 crew members.

Other Specifications

Zefira is a Lloyds 100A1 SSC Yacht Mono G6 MCH class yacht.

  • Yacht Builder Fitzroy Yachts No profile available
  • Naval Architect Dubois No profile available
  • Exterior Designer Dubois No profile available
  • Interior Designer Remi Tessier No profile available

Yacht Specs

Other fitzroy yachts, related news.

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  • Builder Fitzroy Yachts , New Zealand
  • Delivered 2010
  • Naval Architect Dubois Naval Architects
  • Exterior Stylist Dubois Naval Architects
  • Interior Designer Remi Tessier
  • LOA49.7m (163ft)
  • LWL44.6m (146ft)
  • Beam (max)10m (33ft)
  • Draft4.9m (16ft)
  • Fuel Capacity 37,380 litres
  • Water Capacity 10,440 litres
  • Range4,000 nm at cruise speed
  • Displacement 372 tonnes
  • Staterooms4
  • Crew4 cabins
  • Construction Aluminium
  • ClassificationLloyds 100A1 SSC Yacht Mono G6 MCH



zefira valletta yacht proprietario

Zefira is the largest vessel crafted by Fitzroy Yachts to date. The Dubois designed vessel was built to exceptional quality levels which continue the yards reputation for building award winning superyachts. Powered by a Caterpillar C32 1450 bhp main engine and a Hundested variable pitch propeller, the propulsion system provides long range motor sailing abilities. The 56 meter ‘light weight’ carbon fiber sailing rig was supplied by Southern Spars, and the sails inventory provided by North Sails.

The interior, styled and drawn by Remi Tessier , features a combination of bleached timbers and white leather which results in clean modern lines and provides bright comfortable living areas. Generous accommodation spaces are provided for the owners and guests all with private ensuite facilities and state of the art entertainment systems. The large main deck saloon opens to a covered cockpit area which features electrically retracting side windows. The very best in lighting and entertainment control systems was incorporated into the yacht by Liquid Automation, allowing the interior ambience to be seamlessly controlled at the touch of a button.

The stainless steel galley with black granite bench top is extremely spacious for a sailing yacht with its carefully planned layout and stylish Gaggenau and Sub Zero appliances. The forward crew area is built to match the guest cabins with similar styling and detail incorporated into the joinery. There are four crew cabins each with their own ensuite which can comfortably accommodate up to 8 crew.

Designed by Dubois Naval Architects Interior Designed by Remi Tessier Built by Fitzroy Yachts Limited

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If you have any questions about the Zefira information page below please contact us .

Superyacht Zefira is a luxury sailing yacht built by Fitzroy Yachts, designed by Dubois Naval Architects, with interior design by Remi Tessier. Measuring 49.7m, sailing yacht Zefira is the largest luxury yacht crafted by Fitzroy Yachts in New Zealand to date and is the largest sloop Dubois Naval Architects has designed without a fly bridge. Sailing yacht Zefira is the 7th Dubois designed sailing yacht to be built by Fitzroy Yachts.

The modern interior, of sail yacht Zefira was designed by Remi Tessier and features a combination of bleached timbers and white leather providing clean lines and bright comfortable living areas. S/Y Zefira’s large saloon on the main deck opens to a covered cockpit area which features electrically retracting side windows. Lighting and entertainment control systems by Liquid Automation, enable the interior ambience to be effortlessly controlled at the touch of a button.

Superyacht Zefira’s stainless steel galley features a black granite bench top and stylish Gaggenau and Sub Zero appliances. The carefully planned layout of the galley and is extremely spacious and functional for a sailing yacht. Forward, the forward crew area is built to match the guest cabins with similar styling and detail incorporated into the joinery. There are a total four crew cabins each with their own ensuite accommodating up to 8 crew.

Zefira Specifications

The Dubois designed fast cruising sloop Zefira, built under the project or model name x50 was crafted to exceptional standards which continue the yards reputation for building award winning superyachts.

Sailing Yacht Zefira boasts excellent technical performance and features beautiful lines. Her aluminium hull is painted a stylish light grey and she measures 49.7m with a beam of 9.95m. Zefira is powered by a Caterpillar C32 1450 bhp main engine and a Hundested variable pitch propeller, the propulsion system provides long range motor sailing abilities. The 56 meter ‘light weight’ carbon fiber sailing rig was supplied by Southern Spars, and the sails inventory provided by North Sails.

Yacht Accommodation

Guests are accommodated in generous 4 staterooms including the owner’s suite and 3 guest cabins all with ensuite facilities and state of the art entertainment systems.

Amenities and Extras

We do have available further amenity, owner and price information for the 49.69 yacht Zefira, so please enquire for more information.

Zefira Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht Zefira displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

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Il Vibonese

Zefira, il “miglior yacht a vela del mondo” in sosta a Vibo Marina

L’imbarcazione di 50 metri, unanimemente considerata una barca da sogno, è rimasta attraccata per poche ore per attività di bunkeraggio

Zefira, il “miglior yacht a vela del mondo” in sosta a Vibo Marina

Per gli appassionati di barche , e non solo, si tratta di un’impagabile attrazione, qualcosa di assolutamente straordinario nel suo significato letterario, cioè qualcosa che non ha niente di ordinario. Ma solo in pochi sono riusciti ad accorgersi della sua presenza in porto, che è durata giusto una mattinata . “ Zefira ”, imbarcazione di 50 metri vincitrice dei prestigiosi riconoscimenti internazionali “Show boats Design Award 2011” e di “World Superyacht Awards 2011” come miglior yacht a vela del mondo per il 2011, è rimasta attraccata presso la banchina Bengasi del molo Cortese di Vibo Marina per poche ore, impegnata in attività di bunkeraggio. Costruita in Nuova Zelanda nei cantieri Fitzroy, ha uno scafo in alluminio e una trave con un raggio di quasi dieci metri. Gli interni sono stati disegnati da Remi Tessier e possono ospitare otto ospiti in quattro cabine. Battente bandiera maltese, è unanimemente considerata una barca da sogno : elegante, sofisticata, impressionante sotto vela con il suo albero in carbonio alto 63,5 metri . Un’estetica innovativa, che ha portato uno dei suoi progettisti ad affermare, non senza una punta di orgoglio: «Il mondo della vela si divide tra prima di Zefira e dopo di Zefira». Proveniente da Patmos(Grecia), dopo la sosta tecnica ha ripreso il mare facendo rotta verso Capri .

La nave yacht “Menorca” in rada a Vibo Marina

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Giuseppe Addesi

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ZEFIRA is a 49.68 m Sail Yacht, built in New Zealand by Fitzroy Yachts and delivered in 2010.

Her top speed is 18.0 kn and she boasts a maximum range of 4000.0 nm when navigating at cruising speed, with power coming from a Caterpillar diesel engine. She can accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 staterooms, with 7 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 363.0 GT and a 9.95 m beam.

She was designed by Dubois Naval Architects , who also completed the naval architecture. Dubois Naval Architects has designed 77 yachts and created the naval architecture for 72 yachts for yachts above 24 metres.

Her interior was designed by Rémi Tessier , who has 26 other superyacht interiors designed in the BOAT Pro database - she is built with a Teak deck, a Aluminium hull, and Aluminium superstructure.

ZEFIRA is in the top 10% by LOA in the world. She is one of 83 sailing yachts in the 45-50m size range, and, compared to similarly sized sailing yachts, her cruising speed is 0.9 kn above the average, and her top speed 4.69 kn above the average.

ZEFIRA is currently sailing under the Malta flag, the 3rd most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 1057 yachts registered. She has recently entered the NCA refit yard, in Italy. For more information regarding ZEFIRA's movements, find out more about BOAT Pro AIS .


  • Name: ZEFIRA
  • Yacht Type: Sail Yacht
  • Builder: Fitzroy Yachts
  • Naval Architect: Dubois Naval Architects
  • Exterior Designer: Dubois Naval Architects
  • Interior Designer: Rémi Tessier

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La nave ZEFIRA (IMO 1011094, MMSI 248663000) è una nave Yacht costruita nel 2010 che naviga attualmente sotto bandiera della Malta.

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Salah time in Shchëlkovo, Moscow Oblast (Russia)

Get accurate prayer time for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers in Shchëlkovo, Moscow Oblast (Russia) for today, tomorrow and next 30 days.

Local time: 00:32 , Mar 6, 2024 .

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When are the prayer times today in Shchëlkovo?

Salah (or Salat), the second pillar of Islam, consists of five daily prayers. These prayers are Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. It is important to know the Islamic prayers times in Shchëlkovo because they must be done according to the exact position of the sun in the sky. As a result, these times will vary from day to day.

Today, islamic prayers in Shchëlkovo happen at the following times (according to Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia calculation method):

  • Fajr (dawn prayer): 05:17
  • Dhuhr (noon prayer): 12:39
  • Asr (afternoon prayer): 15:28
  • Maghrib (dusk prayer): 18:14
  • Isha (sunset prayer): 19:55

Salah is sometimes referred to as Namaz and the times of Namaz in Shchëlkovo are listed below. For times of prayer for tomorrow and next days please refer to the timetable below.

Azan prayers timing

The Azan is a signal inviting worshipers to attend the prayer. It is given five times per day prior to each prayer. The call is delivered by the Muezzin.

Listed below are the Shchëlkovo Salah times for the next 30 days. Please check these times daily for the most up-to-date time.

The times listed below have been determined by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia calculation method.

How are prayer times calculated for Shchëlkovo?

The prayer times of each of the five prayers are determined by the specific position of the sun in the sky. The Shchëlkovo Salah times typically change daily, the prayer times will be different on each day. Usually, the time only varies by a minute per day but some days will have the same time for multiple days consecutively. Because of the changing times, it is important to check the prayer schedule each day.

Why is it important to know exact prayer times in Shchëlkovo?

Since prayer times are dictated by the position of the sun, the precise times must be adhered to. A prayer must never be performed earlier than the set time. Each prayer is directed to be performed at a certain, specific, exact time.

Qibla finder

Qibla direction from Shchëlkovo is 177° degrees from True North clockwise.

Popular questions

What time is fajr prayer in shchëlkovo today.

The Fajr prayer, which is sometimes referred to as the dawn prayer, is the first prayer of the day. The prayer begins as the sky begins to turn light.

This prayer allows for remembering God before the day starts. It is one of the five mandatory prayers and begins at the moment of dawn.

Fajr in Shchëlkovo starts at 05:17.

When is Dhuhr prayer in Shchëlkovo today?

The Dhuhr (also known as Zuhr, Duhr or Thuhr) prayer times in Shchëlkovo are at noon. After the work day has begun, there is a break in the day to remember God and to give thanks.

The Dhuhr prayer beings as the sun begins to drop after reaching its highest point for the day.

Dhuhr in Shchëlkovo is at 12:39 today.

What time is Asr prayer?

The Asr prayer is also known as the afternoon prayer. It is considered the fifth prayer of the day and consists of four rakats.

Asr is at 15:28 in Shchëlkovo today.

What time is Maghrib prayer in Shchëlkovo today?

The time to pray Maghrib in Shchëlkovo is just after the sun goes down. This is the sunset prayer that allows Muslims to think of God as the day is over and occurs right after sunset. The day has been completed and the Maghrib prayer helps worshipers recall God.

This prayer is performed at dusk at 18:14.

What time is Isha today in Shchëlkovo?

The Isha time prayer in Shchëlkovo is the sunset prayer. It occurs when there is no more light but only total darkness. It is a time to reflect on all of the good things that God has bestowed.

Today, Isha starts at 19:55.

Cities near Shchëlkovo

  • Bolshevo Moscow Oblast
  • Korolev Moscow Oblast
  • Balashikha Moscow Oblast
  • Tayninka Moscow Oblast
  • Gol’yanovo Moscow
  • Mytishchi Moscow Oblast
  • Zheleznodorozhnyy Moscow Oblast
  • Bibirevo Moscow
  • Severnyy Moscow
  • Vykhino-Zhulebino Moscow
  • Lyubertsy Moscow Oblast
  • Moscow Moscow
  • Lyublino Moscow
  • Elektrostal’ Moscow Oblast
  • Khimki Moscow Oblast
  • Mar’ino Moscow
  • Khoroshëvo-Mnevniki Moscow Oblast
  • Strogino Moscow
  • Yasenevo Moscow
  • Zelenograd Moscow

Prayer times in other cities of Russia

  • Saint Petersburg St.-Petersburg
  • Novosibirsk Novosibirsk Oblast
  • Yekaterinburg Sverdlovsk
  • Nizhniy Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
  • Samara Samara Oblast
  • Kazan Tatarstan Republic
  • Rostov-na-Donu Rostov
  • Chelyabinsk Chelyabinsk
  • Ufa Bashkortostan Republic
  • Volgograd Volgograd Oblast
  • Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarskiy
  • Saratov Saratovskaya Oblast
  • Voronezh Voronezj
  • Tolyatti Samara Oblast
  • Krasnodar Krasnodarskiy
  • Ulyanovsk Ulyanovsk
  • Izhevsk Udmurtiya Republic

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Shchëlkovo in Moscow Oblast Destination Guide Russia

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Shchëlkovo in Moscow Oblast, Russia

Safety Score: 4,4 of 5.0 based on data from 9 authorites. Meaning please reconsider your need to travel to Russia.

Travel warnings are updated daily. Source: Travel Warning Russia . Last Update: 2024-03-05 08:22:39

Discover Shchëlkovo

Shchëlkovo in Moscow Oblast is a city in Russia about 39 mi (or 62 km) north-west of Moscow, the country's capital city.

Local time in Shchëlkovo is now 12:32 AM (Wednesday). The local timezone is named Europe / Moscow with an UTC offset of 3 hours. We know of 5 airports in the vicinity of Shchëlkovo, of which two are larger airports. The closest airport in Russia is Sheremetyevo International Airport in a distance of 21 mi (or 34 km), South-East. Besides the airports, there are other travel options available (check left side).

There are several Unesco world heritage sites nearby. The closest heritage site in Russia is Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad in a distance of 37 mi (or 60 km), East.

When in this area, you might want to pay a visit to some of the following locations: Vostochnoe Degunino, Moscow, Cheremushki, Krasnaya Pahra and Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye. To further explore this place, just scroll down and browse the available info.

Local weather forecast

Todays local weather conditions & forecast: -1°c / 30 °f.

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Wednesday, 6th of March 2024

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-7°C (20 °F) -15°C (5 °F) Scattered clouds, light breeze.

Thursday, 7th of March 2024

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-3°C (27 °F) -10°C (15 °F) Overcast clouds, light breeze.

Friday, 8th of March 2024

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-1°C (30 °F) -2°C (28 °F) Light snow, gentle breeze, overcast clouds.

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THE 10 CLOSEST Hotels to Moscow Yacht Port, Dolgoprudny

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ZEFIRA Interior & Exterior Photos

49.69m  /  163' | fitzroy | 2010.

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Zefira photo 1

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zefira valletta yacht proprietario

Lloyds Register 100 A1 SSC Yacht Mono G6 classification. Sleeps 10 overnight. The multi-award winning 49.69m/163' sail yacht 'Zefira' was built by Fitzroy in New Zealand at their New Plymouth shipyard. Her interior is styled by design house Remi Tessier and she was completed in 2010. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Dubois.

Zefira. Experienced european owners brought together a top team of Dubois, Fitzroy and Tessier to produce their dream yacht: sleek, sophisticated and impressive under sail. Exterior. This 49.7m fast cruising sloop is the largest sloop Dubois Naval Architects has designed without a flybridge. She is of aluminium construction with a bulb keel and ...

With four aft cabins for eight guests and accommodation for up to nine crew, Zefira is the quintessential sailing yacht with a low profile, plumb bow, flush deck, generous sail plan and the latest thinking in keel design. The biggest ever Dubois sloop built without a flybridge,_ Zefira_ has a chic, minimalist interior by Rémi Tessier.

VALLETTA: Owner : BOURBON OFFSHORE - MARSEILLE, FRANCE: Manager : BOURBON OFFSHORE - MARSEILLE, FRANCE: Description: ZEFIRA is a Yacht built in 2010 by FITZROY YACHTS - NEW PLYMOUTH, NEW ZEALAND. Currently sailing under the flag of Malta. Formerly also known as ZEFIRA, 9HA2459. It's gross tonnage is 363 tons.

"Zefira, a magnificent, lean aluminium and carbon 50 metre yacht. A project in which, together with our designers, we put our heart" Experienced european owners brought together a top team of Dubois, Fitzroy and Tessier to produce their dream yacht: sleek, sophisticated and impressive under sail. Zefira is the biggest Dubois sloop ever built without a flying bridge,

Zefira S/Y is one of those few yachts that became an attraction for yacht enthusiasts and professionals well before she hit the water. This yacht was designed and built with the experience and passion for sailing boats her owners demonstrated from the start as well as a naval engineering and a project design team from Ed Dubois studio for the ...

Zefira is a custom sailing yacht launched in 2010 by Fitzroy Yachts. Design. Zefira measures 49.69 metres in length, with a max draft of 4.90 metres and a beam of 10.00 metres. Zefira has an aluminium hull with an aluminium superstructure. Her exterior design is by Dubois. Sailing yachts have long combined nature with man-made beauty.

Zefira is the largest vessel crafted by Fitzroy Yachts to date. The Dubois designed vessel was built to exceptional quality levels which continue the yards reputation for building award winning superyachts. Powered by a Caterpillar C32 1450 bhp main engine and a Hundested variable pitch propeller, the propulsion system provides long range motor ...

Zefira is a 49.7 m / 163′1″ luxury sailing yacht. She was built by Fitzroy Yachts in 2010. With a beam of 9.95 m and a draft of 4.9 m, she has an aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure. She is powered by Caterpillar engines of 1450 hp each giving her a maximum speed of 19 knots and a cruising speed of 12 knots. Zefira's maximum range is estimated at 4000 nautical miles. The sailing ...

Sailing yacht Zefira is the 7th Dubois designed sailing yacht to be built by Fitzroy Yachts. The modern interior, of sail yacht Zefira was designed by Remi Tessier and features a combination of bleached timbers and white leather providing clean lines and bright comfortable living areas. S/Y Zefira's large saloon on the main deck opens to a ...

We combine thousands of yacht listings with local destination information, sample itineraries and experiences to deliver the world's most comprehensive yacht charter website. Interactive, detailed layout / general arrangement of ZEFIRA, the 50m Fitzroy Yachts super yacht with naval architecture by Dubois with an interior by Remi Tessier.

"Zefira", imbarcazione di 50 metri vincitrice dei prestigiosi riconoscimenti internazionali "Show boats Design Award 2011" e di "World Superyacht Awards 2011" come miglior yacht a vela del mondo per il 2011, è rimasta attraccata presso la banchina Bengasi del molo Cortese di Vibo Marina per poche ore, impegnata in attività di ...

Westport • $10,250,000 • 34.14 m • 8 guests. ZEFIRA is a 49.68m superyacht built by Fitzroy Yachts in New Zealand and delivered in 2010. Explore her photos and specifications here.

La nave ZEFIRA (IMO: 1011094, MMSI: 248663000) è una nave Yacht costruita nel 2010 che naviga attualmente sotto bandiera della Malta. Carta Navi FOTO Porti Notizie. SERVIZI. Paid. SERVIZI ONLINE DATI AIS IN TEMPO REALE Dati AIS storici. Free. ... Proprietario registrato: Manager: Avvertenza.

Zefira is a sailing yacht with an overall length of m. The yacht's builder is Fitzroy Yachts from New Zealand, who launched Zefira in 2010. The superyacht has a beam of m, a draught of m and a volume of . GT.. Zefira features exterior design by Dubois Naval Architects Ltd. and interior design by Rémi Tessier. Up to 10 guests can be accommodated on board the superyacht, Zefira, and she also ...

Zefiro is a 30.2 m / 99′1″ luxury sailing yacht. She was built by Southern Wind in 2009. With a beam of 6.7 m , she has a composite hull and composite superstructure. She is powered by Cummins engines giving her a maximum speed of 12 knots and a cruising speed of 10 knots. The sailing yacht can accommodate 8 guests in cabins and an exterior design by Farr Yacht Design.

Calculation method: Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia. Fajr 16°, Isha 15°. Latitude 54.734791, Longitude 55.9578555.

Shchëlkovo in Moscow Oblast is a city in Russia about 39 mi (or 62 km) north-west of Moscow, the country's capital city. Local time in Shchëlkovo is now 08:39 AM (Sunday). The local timezone is named Europe / Moscow with an UTC offset of 3 hours. We know of 5 airports in the vicinity of Shchëlkovo, of which two are larger airports.

The best { {searchresults_count}} campings in Shchëlkovo, Russia (2024)

Hotels near Moscow Yacht Port, Dolgoprudny on Tripadvisor: Find 9,693 traveler reviews, 2,314 candid photos, and prices for 1,220 hotels near Moscow Yacht Port in Dolgoprudny, Russia.

Interior & exterior photos of ZEFIRA, the 50m Fitzroy Yachts super yacht, designed by Dubois with an interior by Remi Tessier ... The yacht particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your yacht charter broker. ... Baracuda Valletta. 50m | Perini Navi

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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    Barca miami 15 4,5 metri open. Oristano (OR)17 feb alle 07:53. 2.500 €. 1. 2. Barca 15 metri: scopri subito migliaia di annunci di nautica, barche e accessori su Subito.it.

  19. Azimut Launches the Magellano 30 Metri

    Courtesy Azimut Yachts. Azimut Yachts in Italy has launched the new flagship of its Magellano line: the Magellano 30 Metri, with a length overall of 97 feet, 6 inches. Beam is 23 feet, and draft is 6 feet, 8 inches. Fuel capacity is more than 3,800 gallons for long-distance cruising—and Azimut says fuel consumption is about 15 percent lower ...

  20. Class 44M

    Delivering 44 metres of outstanding liveability, supreme comfort and flawless design, the largest Benetti fibreglass yacht is pure Class in every sense. The innovative use of transparent fashion plates allows the natural light to bathe the interiors, creating an extraordinary sense of lightness and a harmonious, natural environment.

  21. zefira valletta yacht proprietario

    Zefira is a 49.7 m / 163′1″ luxury sailing yacht. She was built by Fitzroy Yachts in 2010. With a beam of 9.95 m and a draft of 4.9 m, she has an aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure. She is powered by Caterpillar engines of 1450 hp each giving her a maximum speed of 19 knots and a cruising speed of 12 knots.

  22. Weather in Moscow / Vnukovo (Russia)

    Weather in Moscow / Vnukovo. Weather forecast 15 days - Moscow / Vnukovo

  23. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    Lanette Mayes. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.