
Dehlya-Refit Videos

dehlya refit yacht

Die Yacht dokumentiert gerade ausführlich das Refit einer Dehlya 25 von 1984. Hier sind alle bisherigen Teile der Serie:

Teil 1 – Kauf der Dehlya 25


Die Dehlya 25 wird in Holland für 5.500 Euro gekauft und das Refit-Projekt wird vorgestellt.

Teil 2 – Bestandsaufnahme

Die Experten prüfen das Refit-Boot auf Herz und Nieren. Viel kann wohl nicht wieder verwendet werden. Der gesamte Innenausbau wird entfernt. In der Bugnase verbirgt sich eine Überraschung: Die unterliegende Aluminium-Platte war komplett korrodiert. Die Bugnase muss also komplett neu anlaminiert werden. Der Decksbelag wird entfernt und das verrottete Holz im Mastfuß wird durch einen Schaumkern ersetzt. Außerdem werden Löcher in der Außenhaut zulaminiert.

Teil 3 – Kiel entfernen

Der Hubkiel der Dehlya 25 wird ausgebaut. Durch die Korrosion müssen die Bolzen aufgebohrt werden und das Boot wird mit dem Kran angehoben. Der Kielkasten ist innen komplett vergammelt. Auch die Decksbeschläge werden komplett entfernt. Außerdem werden Pläne für die Inneneinrichtung des Kleinkreuzers gemacht.

Teil 4 – Trailer anpassen

Ein neuer Sliptrailer aus Edelstahl wird extra für die Dehlya angepasst.

Teil 5 – Diagnose Osmose

Das Unterwasserschiff macht zunächst einen guten Eindruck. Mit dem Feuchtigkeitsmesser werden keine erhöhten Werte gemessen und die Sichtprüfung auf Osmose sieht gut aus. Doch die Schleifprobe mit 150er Schleifpapier zeigt kleine Erhebungen im Gelcoat unter dem Antifouling. Diese erweisen sich als Osmosebläschen: Dort ist das Gelcoat abgeplatzt und Wasser kann ins Laminat eindringen. Der Rumpf und der Kiel werden gestrahlt. Man kann diese Arbeit auch selber machen. In einem Artikel hier in der Klabauterkiste stellen wir eine Osmosesanierung in Eigenregie vor.

Teil 6 – Neuaufbau Unterwasserschiff

Der Kiel und das Unterwasserschiff der Dehlya 25 werden neu beschichtet: Der frisch gestrahlte gusseiserne Kiel wird zunächst mit Epoxiprimer beschichtet um Korrosion vorzubeugen. Nach dem Sandstrahlen werden Osmosebläßchen und Fehlstellen im Laminat sichtbar. Der aufgeraute Untergrund wird mit Klebharz gefüllt um die Haftung zu verbessern. Danach kommen zwei Lagen EPS-Glasmatten drauf. Mit einem Vinylesterharz werden die Matten anlaminiert. Dadurch wird das Rumpfmaterial vor eindringedem Wasser geschützt. Mit Gelcoatspachtel werden die Narben und Löcher aufgefüllt und Unterwasserschiff und Kiel geglättet. Danach wird neues Vinylester Gelcoat im Airless-Verfahren aufgespritzt. Nun wird das Gelcoat glatt geschliffen und mit einer dicken Epoxid-Beschichtung versehen.

Teil 7 – Kiel wieder eingebaut

Nach dem Wiegen des Kleinkreuzers wird das Boot auf die Seite gelegt. Dann wird die Verbindung des Kielkastens zum Rumpf neu überlaminiert und grundiert. Auch das Flutventil für den Ballasttank wird erneuert und eingebaut. Der Hubkiel soll über ein Dynema-Seil mittels Hydraulik ein- und ausgefahren werden.

Teil 8 – Versicherung

Eine geeignete Versicherung für das im Wiederaufbau befindliche Segelboot wird gesucht.

Teil 9 – Stand des Dehlya Refit-Projektes

Zusammenfassung der bisherigen Arbeiten an der Dehlya 25.

Teil 10 – Einbau eines Torqueedo Pod-Antriebs

An der Havel wird der Elektroantrieb in die Dehlya eingebaut. Ein Platz für die Lithium-Ionenbatterien wird gefunden und dann wird ein Loch für den Elektroantrieb so gebohrt, dass der Kleinkreuzer noch trocken fallen kann. Ein Ausgleichsblock sorgt dafür, dass der Elektromotor waagerecht hängt. Mit einer Konterplatte und Epoxi wird der Antrieb unter dem Schiff montiert. Ladegeräte und Elektronik für den Torquedo-Antrieb werden an den Schottwänden verschraubt.

Zwischenstand Sommer

Teil 11 – Rumpf lackieren

Vor der Lackierung muss der Rumpf vorbereitet werden. Beim Abwischen mit Silikonentferner werden Haarrisse im Gelcoat im Bereich der Schotten sichtbar. Das Gelcoat wird angeschliffen und an den Fehlstellen komplett entfernt. Das Laminat unter den Haarrissen ist zum Glück noch in Ordnung. Um die offenen Poren im Gelcoat zu schließen sind einige Schritte nötig. Zunächst werden Unebenheiten mit Epoxidspachtel behandelt. Der Spachtel wird in die Hohlräume eingedrückt und dann glatt gestrichen. In sechs Spritzgängen wird die Dehlya mit Epoxyprimer grundiert. Mit 320er Papier wird feingeschliffen und dann die letzten Poren mit Feinspachtel verschlossen und noch einmal geschliffen. Dann wird der Rumpf abgeklebt und die Halle gewässert um Staubaufwirbelungen zu vermeiden. Die Halle bietet optimale klimatische Bedingungen zum Lackieren. Vor dem Lackieren wird der Rumpf noch mit Silikonentferner und einem Staubbindetuch abgewischt. Die Lackierung mit AWL-Grip sieht beeindruckend aus. Der Wasserpass wird noch nicht lackiert, da sich die Gewichtsverteilung geändert haben könnte.

Zwischenstand: Neues Rigg anpassen

Das neue Rigg des Kleinkreuzers wird angepasst: Der Mastfuß wird platziert, neue Positionen für die Püttinge gefunden und die Wanten abgelängt und verpresst. Auch eine Rollanlage wird montiert.

Teil 12 – Beim Segelmacher

Die Maße für die neuen Segel werden genommen. Danach werden die Tücher am Computer optimiert und manuell nachgearbeitet. Die Bahnen für die Segel aus Kohlefaser werden automatisch zugeschnitten und die Tuchstärken dynamisch angepasst. Anstatt zu nähen werden die Bahnen der Laminatsegel verklebt. Zusätzlich zu Genua und Groß wird ein sehr großer Gennaker entworfen um die Leichtwindeigenschaften zu optimieren.

Wie geht es weiter? Wir werden diesen Beitrag laufend erweitern und halten euch natürlich über die KlabauterNews auf dem Laufenden!

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dehlya refit yacht

dehlya refit yacht

For the first time Rosatom Fuel Division supplied fresh nuclear fuel to the world’s only floating nuclear cogeneration plant in the Arctic

The fuel was supplied to the northernmost town of Russia along the Northern Sea Route.

dehlya refit yacht

The first in the history of the power plant refueling, that is, the replacement of spent nuclear fuel with fresh one, is planned to begin before 2024. The manufacturer of nuclear fuel for all Russian nuclear icebreakers, as well as the Akademik Lomonosov FNPP, is Machinery Manufacturing Plant, Joint-Stock Company (MSZ JSC), a company of Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL that is based in Elektrostal, Moscow Region.

The FNPP includes two KLT-40S reactors of the icebreaking type. Unlike convenient ground-based large reactors (that require partial replacement of fuel rods once every 12-18 months), in the case of these reactors, the refueling takes place once every few years and includes unloading of the entire reactor core and loading of fresh fuel into the reactor.

The cores of KLT-40 reactors of the Akademik Lomonosov floating power unit have a number of advantages compared to the reference ones: a cassette core was used for the first time in the history of the unit, which made it possible to increase the fuel energy resource to 3-3.5 years between refuelings, and also reduce the fuel component of the electricity cost by one and a half times. The FNPP operating experience formed the basis for the designs of reactors for nuclear icebreakers of the newest series 22220. Three such icebreakers have been launched by now.

For the first time the power units of the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power plant were connected to the grid in December 2019, and put into commercial operation in May 2020. The supply of nuclear fuel from Elektrostal to Pevek and its loading into the second reactor is planned for 2024. The total power of the Akademik Lomonosov FNPP, supplied to the coastal grid of Pevek without thermal energy consumption on shore, is about 76 MW, being about 44 MW in the maximum thermal power supply mode. The FNPP generated 194 million kWh according to the results of 2023. The population of Pevek is just a little more than 4 thousand, while the FNPP has a potential for supplying electricity to a city with a population of up to 100 thousand people. After the FNPP commissioning two goals were achieved. These include first of all the replacement of the retiring capacities of the Bilibino NPP, which has been operating since 1974, as well as the Chaunskaya TPP, which has already been operating for more than 70 years. Secondly, energy is supplied to the main mining companies in western Chukotka in the Chaun-Bilibino energy hub a large ore and metal cluster, including gold mining companies and projects related to the development of the Baimsk ore zone. In September 2023, a 110 kilovolt power transmission line with a length of 490 kilometers was put into operation, connecting the towns of Pevek and Bilibino. The line increased the reliability of energy supply from the FNPP to both Bilibino consumers and mining companies, the largest of which is the Baimsky GOK. The comprehensive development of the Russian Arctic is a national strategic priority. To increase the NSR traffic is of paramount importance for accomplishment of the tasks set in the field of cargo shipping. This logistics corridor is being developed due regular freight voyages, construction of new nuclear-powered icebreakers and modernization of the relevant infrastructure. Rosatom companies are actively involved in this work. Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL (Rosatom Fuel Division) includes companies fabricating nuclear fuel, converting and enriching uranium, manufacturing gas centrifuges, conducting researches and producing designs. As the only nuclear fuel supplier to Russian NPPs, TVEL supplies fuel for a total of 75 power reactors in 15 countries, for research reactors in nine countries, as well as for propulsion reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth power reactor in the world runs on TVEL fuel. Rosatom Fuel Division is the world’s largest producer of enriched uranium and the leader on the global stable isotope market. The Fuel Division is actively developing new businesses in chemistry, metallurgy, energy storage technologies, 3D printing, digital products, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. TVEL also includes Rosatom integrators for additive technologies and electricity storage systems. Rosenergoatom, Joint-Stock Company is part of Rosatom Electric Power Division and one of the largest companies in the industry acting as an operator of nuclear power plants. It includes, as its branches, 11 operating NPPs, including the FNPP, the Scientific and Technical Center for Emergency Operations at NPPs, Design and Engineering as well as Technological companies. In total, 37 power units with a total installed capacity of over 29.5 GW are in operation at 11 nuclear power plants in Russia. Machinery Manufacturing Plant, Joint-Stock Company (MSZ JSC, Elektrostal) is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of fuel for nuclear power plants. The company produces fuel assemblies for VVER-440, VVER-1000, RBMK-1000, BN-600,800, VK-50, EGP-6; powders and fuel pellets intended for supply to foreign customers. It also produces nuclear fuel for research reactors. The plant belongs to the TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom.

dehlya refit yacht

Rosatom obtained a license for the first land-based SMR in Russia

On April 21, Rosenergoatom obtained a license issued by Rostekhnadzor to construct the Yakutsk land-based SMR in the Ust-Yansky District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

dehlya refit yacht

ROSATOM and FEDC agree to cooperate in the construction of Russia's first onshore SNPP

ROSATOM and FEDC have signed a cooperation agreement to build Russia's first onshore SNPP in Yakutia.

dehlya refit yacht

Rosatom develops nuclear fuel for modernized floating power units

Rosatom has completed the development of nuclear fuel for the RITM-200S small modular reactor designed for the upgraded floating power units.

Dehlya-Refit : Refit boat: What to look out for in a solar module

Nils Günter

 ·  16.08.2020

Dehlya-Refit: Refit boat: What to look out for in a solar module

Self-sufficiency thanks to solar power

Most read in category DIY

dehlya refit yacht

Strange Glow Over Moscow Skies Triggers Panic as Explosions Reported

B right flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow in the early hours of Thursday morning, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the outskirts of the city.

Video snippets circulating on Russian-language Telegram channels show a series of flashes on the horizon of a cloudy night sky, momentarily turning the sky a number of different colors. In a clip shared by Russian outlet MSK1.ru, smoke can be seen rising from a building during the flashes lighting up the scene.

Newsweek was unable to independently verify the details of the video clips, including when and where it was filmed. The Russian Ministry of Emergency situations has been contacted via email.

Several Russian Telegram accounts said early on Thursday that residents of southern Moscow reported an explosion and a fire breaking out at an electrical substation in the Leninsky district, southeast of central Moscow.

Local authorities in the Leninsky district told Russian outlet RBC that the explosion had happened in the village of Molokovo. "All vital facilities are operating as normal," Leninsky district officials told the outlet.

The incident at the substation in Molokovo took place just before 2 a.m. local time, MSK1.ru reported.

Messages published by the ASTRA Telegram account, run by independent Russian journalists, appear to show residents close to the substation panicking as they question the bright flashes in the sky. One local resident describes seeing the bright light before losing access to electricity, with another calling the incident a "nightmare."

More than 10 villages and towns in the southeast of Moscow lost access to electricity, the ASTRA Telegram account also reported. The town of Lytkarino to the southeast of Moscow, lost electricity, wrote the eastern European-based independent outlet, Meduza.

Outages were reported in the southern Domodedovo area of the city, according to another Russian outlet, as well as power failures in western Moscow. Electricity was then restored to the areas, the Strana.ua outlet reported.

The cause of the reported explosion is not known. A Telegram account aggregating news for the Lytkarino area described the incident as "an ordinary accident at a substation."

The MSK1.ru outlet quoted a local resident who speculated that a drone may have been responsible for the explosion, but no other Russian source reported this as a possible cause.

Ukraine has repeatedly targeted Moscow with long-range aerial drones in recent months, including a dramatic wave of strikes in late May.

On Sunday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said the region's air defense systems had intercepted an aerial drone over the city of Elektrostal, to the east of Moscow. No damage or casualties were reported, he said.

The previous day, Russian air defenses detected and shot down another drone flying over the Bogorodsky district, northeast of central Moscow, Sobyanin said.

There is currently no evidence that an aerial drone was responsible for the reported overnight explosion at the electrical substation in southern Moscow.

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Stills from footage circulating on Telegram early on Thursday morning. Bright flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the outskirts of the city.

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Just Press A Button: Lifting Keel 3.0 For Our Dehlya 25

Just Press A Button: Lifting Keel 3.0 For Our Dehlya 25

Video: Just Press A Button: Lifting Keel 3.0 For Our Dehlya 25

Video: Just Press A Button: Lifting Keel 3.0 For Our Dehlya 25

2024 Author : Allison Derrick | [email protected] . Last modified: 2023-12-17 05:04

Sometimes you just have to be lucky. In the case of our Dehly25, we'd better speak of a lucky streak. Because what gradually comes together with the help of our partners will almost certainly be wonderful.

The expansion at Mittelmann's shipyard can already be seen in outline. And those outlines look great. But more on that later - and a lot more in the next episode of the Refit blog.

Today the first thing to do is to uncover the secret of our lifting keel operation. And that too has it all.

A year ago we made the fundamental decision: we want to replace the mechanical spindle, which required umpteen turns of a crank, with a hydraulic system that lifts the keel with a few blows of the pump. Instead of being in front of the mast, it should in future be operable from the cockpit.

Because the boat builder Sven Walter von M. u. H. von der Linden, well-known through YACHT tv, discovered a bargain on Ebay and the enthusiasm of the Dehlya team had also seized the editor-in-chief, it is gathering dust in our spare parts basement, department Dehlya, shelf 3, compartment 17 now that slightly misshapen thing with which we had planned so much. A utility utensil, galvanized sheet steel housing, solid agricultural machine technology. Should it disappear somewhere in the locker, aesthetics or technical sophistication would not matter.

Would, should, had - you guessed it! The thing is a thing of the past. Before we have to recommend it to our accountant for writing off as a total loss one day soon, we admit here: The pump is one of the surprisingly manageable part of hastily initiated bad investments.

Anyone who has ever taken the risk of a refit will be able to confirm that one should always reckon with a certain amount of hopeful or hamster purchases, which later turn out to be premature or planned or otherwise deepened.

In this special case we are actually really happy about it (even if our controller will probably not share the joy). By opting for hydraulics at an early stage, we have at least roughly plotted the right course - but we have now found a solution that is far better. Okay, not us. It was Michael Kraske, trusted by loyal YACHT readers as the winner of the Baltic Sea Pearl.

The head of the Kiel mechanical engineering company, Werner Kluge Engineering, tinkers and manufactures for a number of well-known water sports companies, including Hanseyachts and Kohlhoff. Marc-Oliver von Ahlen, who is accompanying the Dehlya project as a designer, recommended him to us. And in the very first conversation with YACHT editor Hauke Schmidt, Kraske devised ad hoc solutions that sounded simply brilliant. Better still, it was you too.

A few months later, the final construction plans are available, and the custom-made production of the power box that will raise and lower the keel of the Dehly in the future will begin shortly. Lars Bolle has already installed it in the right place in his computer and in 3D: It is screwed under the forward berths into aluminum plates that are newly laminated into the hull floor.

In detail: Power-Box for the lifting keel of the Dehly25

In detail: Power-Box for the lifting keel of the Dehly25

At first we considered a standing installation, directly in front of the keel box. A less elaborate solution, which would, however, reduce the interior space and appear a bit jagged, because then the square aluminum housing connects to a rounded GRP part that tapers towards the front.

For us, in addition to the visual impression, there was another point that spoke against it: We want to extend the bunk aft to create a really comfortable bed for two adults. Then the power box would be in the way and would narrow the shoulder width. That's why we hide them under the bunks.

Only a Dyneema sling on the front edge of the keel box allows conclusions to be drawn about the type of lifting keel operation. The line should be deflected downwards via a trap exit, as is known from mast construction, and then disappear into the four-fold tackle of the power box. Their hydraulics are activated electrically, via a radio-controlled motor from the Code Zero and Gennaker Furler that Peter Kohlhoff presented last autumn and also developed with Michael Kraske. When everything is installed, we will show the system again in detail and in action at this point.

The highlight: The power box should go in small series. As a retrofit solution, all Dehlya owners can benefit from the development from the spring if, like us, they are tired of the crank and are already facing a lifting keel refit. The exact price has not yet been determined, but will probably be around 1500 euros for a manually operated system.

We see our Dehly already gliding off their trailer in the shallow water of Lake Starnberg, casually pressing the button on the remote control for the power box. Inside the cabin there is a slight rumble while the lifting keel goes down. Even when anchoring very close to the edge of the Avernakø shore or when fishing on the Müritz, a push of a button will be enough to catch up with the 300 kilo iron. At least in our imagination, clouded by wintry grayness.

Now all we have to do is find a solution to the rudder. Oh yes … and get the expansion done and the top coat and the electrics and the deck coverings and the upholstery and tarpaulin. But there are still a few weeks until the christening at the Hanseboot AncorBoatshow in May.

Dehlya-Refit: Sketches of navigation system and companionway

This is how Mittelmann's shipyard wants to design the navigation and decline of the Dehly25

By the way, this is how the Dehlyunter Deck will look when Hein and Thilo and Paul from Mittelmann's shipyard have finished with it. On Friday we look over their shoulders. Report follows. Stay tuned!


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  1. YACHT Refit-Projekt Dehlya 25

    dehlya refit yacht

  2. Schneller nach Refit?

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  3. Refit

    dehlya refit yacht

  4. Dehlya Refit in Kooperation mit dem YACHT-Magazin

    dehlya refit yacht

  5. YACHT Refit-Projekt Dehlya 25

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  6. Refit

    dehlya refit yacht


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  7. Dehlya 25

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  12. Dehlya 25

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  18. For the first time Rosatom Fuel Division supplied fresh nuclear fuel to

    21 April 2023 Rosatom obtained a license for the first land-based SMR in Russia. On April 21, Rosenergoatom obtained a license issued by Rostekhnadzor to construct the Yakutsk land-based SMR in the Ust-Yansky District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

  19. Dehlya-Refit: Refit boat: What to look out for in a solar module

    Alle Themen. Equipment. Electronics

  20. Strange Glow Over Moscow Skies Triggers Panic as Explosions Reported

    B right flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow in the early hours of Thursday morning, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the ...

  21. Just Press A Button: Lifting Keel 3.0 For Our Dehlya 25

    Video: #3 YACHT-Refit: Kiel-Operation bei der Dehlya 25 2023, September. 2023 Author: Allison Derrick | [email protected]. Last modified: 2023-08-04 00:19. Sometimes you just have to be lucky. In the case of our Dehly25, we'd better speak of a lucky streak. Because what gradually comes together with the help of our partners will almost ...

  22. #6 YACHT-Refit Dehlya 25: Unterwasserschiff nach ...

    So machen es die Profis: nach dem Sandstrahlen folgt der Neuaufbau unseres Unterwasserschiffs... Gib Osmose keine Chance!

  23. #7 Dehlya 25: Operation geglückt, Kiel wieder drin

    Kieleinbau beim Refit-Boot, unserer Dehlya 25. Außerdem werfen wir mal einen Blick in den Ballasttank. Und siehe da: so schlimm sieht der gar nicht aus! Alle...