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  • Antifouling Vergleich 2024

Die besten Antifouling-Farben im Vergleich.

Liegt Ihr Boot im Jahr einige Monate im Wasser, haben Sie wahrscheinlich ein Problem mit der Beseitigung von schädlichem Bewuchs wie Algen, Krebse oder Muscheln . Mit Antifouling können Sie das Anheften dieser Organismen verhindern und so kostspielige Reparaturen vermeiden.

Damit das Antifouling im Praxis-Test auch Ihren Erwartungen entspricht, achten Sie auf die biozide Wirkung, die Ergiebigkeit und die Dauer des Bewuchsschutzes . Möchten Sie Ihr Boot oder Ihre Yacht schnell für die nächste Saison vorbereiten, suchen Sie in unserer Vergleichstabelle nach einem Antifouling mit kurzen Überarbeitungsintervallen. Überzeugt hat uns hier im März 2024 besonders das Modell Yachtcare Antifouling SP 750ML * x Wir verlinken auf ausgewählte Online-Shops und Partner, von denen wir ggf. eine Vergütung erhalten. Zwischenzeitliche Änderung der Preise, Lieferzeit und -kosten möglich. Preise inkl. MwSt, ggf. zzgl. Versand. mit seinen Eigenschaften.

Yachtcare Antifouling SP 750ML

1 - 8 von 9: Beste Antifoulings im Vergleich

Yachtcare antifouling sp 750ml, international vc offshore eu, seajet 037 coastal hart, seajet antifouling, yachtcare eco sp antifouling, sdv chemie propeller antifouling, yachtcare action af.

  • mehr anzeigen
  • Verhindert Antifouling das Anheften von Organismen?
  • Sollten für unterschiedliche Betriebsarten unterschiedliche Antifoulings genutzt werden?
  • Achten Sie auf die Haltbarkeit des Unterwasseranstrichs
  • Muss altes Antifouling entfernt werden?
  • Fragen und Antworten rund um das Thema Antifouling
  • Kommentare zum Antifouling Vergleich

Hat Ihnen dieser Antifouling Vergleich gefallen?

Antifouling-vergleich teilen:, die besten antifoulings: wählen sie ihren persönlichen testsieger aus der bestenliste..

Yachtcare Antifouling SP 750ML Vergleich

Die Yachtcare-Antifouling SP ist im Vergleich zu anderen Antifouling-Farben besonders ergiebig und darüber hinaus auch für trockenfallende Liegeplätze geeignet. Überzeugt hat uns außerdem, dass sie auch in anderen Farben erhältlich ist.

  • besonders ergiebig
  • auch für trockenfallende Liegeplätze
  • auch in anderen Farben erhältlich
  • der Schutz vor Wasserorganismen könnte verbessert werden
  • nicht für Aluminium geeignet

International VC Offshore EU Vergleich

Der International VC Offshore EU Bewuchsschutz für Motorboote, Segelboote und Yachten schneidet im Vergleich mit hohen Schutzeigenschaften und Ergiebigkeit ab. Er eignet sich für Süß-, Brack- und Salzwasser, was wir nützlich finden. Der gute Bewuchsschutz trocknet schnell und lässt sich einfach verarbeiten.

  • besonders guter Bewuchsschutz
  • schnell trocknend
  • einfache Verarbeitung
  • Produktbeschreibung nicht sehr detailliert

Seajet 037 Coastal Hart Vergleich

Das Coastal Hart Antifouling 037 von Seajet hat eine Füllmenge von 750 ml und ist für fast alle Bootstypen geeignet. Allerdings finden wir es schade, dass es nicht bei Aluminium-Booten verwendet werden kann. Jedoch muss positiv erwähnt werden, dass es sich auf für trockenfallende Liegeplätze eignet. Die Ergiebigkeit liegt bei 10,8 qm pro Liter, was im Antifouling-Vergleich hoch ist. Bei der Verwendung sollte man jedoch berücksichtigen, dass ein bis zwei Schichten empfohlen werden.

  • guter Bewuchsschutz
  • eher geringe Ergiebigkeit

Fragen und Antworten zu Seajet 037 Coastal Hart

Wie ist die haltbarkeit des seajet 037 coastal hart antifoulings, wie viele schichten werden bei dem seajet 037 coastal hart antifouling empfohlen.

Seajet Antifouling Vergleich

Das Antifouling von Seajet ist ein selbstpolierender Anstrich, der sehr gut vor Wasserorganismen schützt. Er sollte in zwei bis drei Schichten aufgetragen werden, wobei dazwischen nur fünf Minuten liegen müssen. Die Trockenzeit beträgt insgesamt 24 Stunden. Wie die meisten Schutzanstriche ist auch diese Farbe nicht für Aluminium geeignet. Wir finden den Preis sehr fair.

  • zwei Farben aktiv für bis zu zwei Saisons
  • geeignet für Glasfaser, Holz, Stahl
  • die Eignung für Trockenliegeplätze könnte verbessert werden

Fragen und Antworten zu Seajet Antifouling

Reicht ein einmaliger anstrich mit dem seajet 033 shogun antifouling.

Seajet 032 Vergleich

Das 032 Professional Antifouling von Seajet hat uns besonders durch seine Ergiebigkeit überzeugt. Es genügt laut Hersteller ein Anstrich, um Boote vor Wasserorganismen zu schützen. Allerdings darf das Produkt nicht an Aluminiumbooten verwendet werden. Im Vergleich der Literpreise liegt dieses Mittel im unteren Preissektor. Somit ist das Produkt eine günstige Alternative für alle, die ihrem Boot etwas Gutes tun wollen.

Yachtcare Eco Sp Antifouling Vergleich

Das selbstpolierende Yachtcare Unisex Eco Sp Antifouling ist eine hochwirksame Farbe zum Schutz vor Bewuchs. Uns gefällt die Ergiebigkeit von 13 m² pro Liter, was eine effiziente Anwendung ermöglicht. Die Mindestwartezeit von 6 Stunden zwischen den Schichten bei 20 °C ist es auch zeitlich gut handhabbar. Das Antifouling kann auf verschiedenen Untergründen eingesetzt werden und ist in verschiedenen Farbtönen erhältlich.

  • selbstpolierendes Antifouling
  • hochwirksame Antifouling-Farbe
  • einsetzbar auf fast allen Untergründen
  • in verschiedenen Farbtönen erhältlich

Sdv Chemie Propeller Antifouling Vergleich

Das Sdv Chemie Antifouling in Form von drei Sprays mit je 400 ml hat uns positiv überrascht und nicht enttäuscht. Es bietet effektiven Langzeitschutz vor fest haftendem Bewuchs und Verschmutzung an Außenborder-Antrieben, Propellern und Bootsrümpfen. Zudem reduziert es den Reibungswiderstand, was die Leistung und Effizienz des Bootes steigert. Eine klare Empfehlung für Bootseigner, die ihre Boote in Topform halten möchten.

  • besonders lange trocken lagerbar

Yachtcare Action AF Vergleich

In unserem Vergleich überzeugt das Antifouling Yachtcare Action AF bei einem erschwinglichen Preis mit einer soliden Gebindegröße von 2,5 l. Uns gefällt außerdem die extra für nordeuropäische Gewässer entwickelte Formel.

  • auch in andere Farben erhältlich

Fragen und Antworten zu Yachtcare Action AF

Darf das yachtcare action af-antifouling mit den händen in berührung kommen, gibt es zu dem hartantifouling für boote action af der marke yachtcare irgendwelche warnhinweise des herstellers, was ist bei der lagerung des yachtcare action af 2,5l-hartantifoulings zu beachten, wie ergiebig ist das hartantifouling für boote action af der marke yachtcare, wie viele schichten empfiehlt der hersteller yachtcare bei dem hartantifouling für boote action af aufzutragen, antifoulings-kaufberatung : so wählen sie das richtige produkt aus dem obigen antifoulings test oder vergleich.

Georg B.

Ich schreibe seit 2016 regelmäßig Vergleiche, dabei bin ich Experte für alle Baumarkt-Themen. Spannend finde ich es aber auch, mich in ganz neue Themen einzuarbeiten. Als Fachautor für den Bereich Baumarkt bringe ich umfangreiches Wissen über Werkzeuge, Materialien, Heimwerkerprojekte und DIY-Tipps mit. Meine Beiträge bieten praktische Anleitungen, Produktvergleiche und nützliche Informationen, um Heimwerker und Hobbybastler dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Projekte erfolgreich umzusetzen. Mein Ziel ist es, Lesern dabei zu helfen, ihre handwerklichen Fähigkeiten zu erweitern, ihr Zuhause zu verschönern und ihre eigenen Ideen in die Tat umzusetzen. Mit jedem Artikel möchte ich die Freude am Selbermachen und die kreative Seite jedes Lesers wecken. Unser Antifouling-Vergleich ist aus meiner Sicht besonders empfehlenswert für Booteigner und Segler .

Nele B.

Ich bin seit 2022 im Team und lektoriere alle möglichen Vergleiche. Außerdem beschäftige ich mich sehr gerne mit Sport- und Bewegungsthemen aller Art. Als erfahrenere Lektorin bringe ich nicht nur ein ausgeprägtes Sprachgefühl und eine sorgfältige Arbeitsweise mit, sondern auch mein Interesse an sportlichen Aktivitäten. Durch meine Tätigkeit als Lektorin kann ich dazu beitragen, Texte inhaltlich präzise, gut strukturiert und sprachlich einwandfrei zu gestalten. Mein Ziel ist es, unsere Inhalte auf ihre inhaltliche Kohärenz, logische Schlüssigkeit und stilistische Qualität zu überprüfen sowie gegebenenfalls zu verbessern. Mit meinem Hintergrund im Bereich Sport und meiner Liebe zur geschriebenen Sprache trage ich dazu bei, dass unsere Vergleiche ansprechend, verständlich sowie fehlerfrei sind.

  • Hat das Gewässer, in dem Ihr Boot liegt, starken Bewuchs, sollten Sie ein Antifouling einsetzen, um das Anheften von Organismen zu verhindern.
  • Es gibt unterschiedliche Antifouling-Arten, die verschiedene Vor- und Nachteile haben und sich in der bioziden Wirkung (toxische Wirkung auf Wasserorganismen), der Haltbarkeit, der Einfachheit der Verarbeitung und der Eignung für verschiedene Bootsarten unterscheiden.
  • Wenn Sie Ihr Boot schnell für die nächste Saison vorbereiten möchten, achten Sie in unserer Vergleichstabelle auf die angegebenen Trockenzeiten, denn manche Antifoulings benötigen bis zu 24 Stunden Trocknung, bevor Sie Ihr Boot anschließend zu Wasser lassen können.

antifouling test

Liegt das Boot länger im Wasser, bildet sich schädlicher Bewuchs, beispielsweise Algen, Miesmuscheln oder Rankenfußkrebse . Dieser verlangsamt nicht nur das Boot und führt zu bis zu ca. 30 % mehr Treibstoffverbrauch, sondern kann langfristig auch die verwendeten Materialien, insbesondere Holz, angreifen.

Daher ist der Einsatz eines Antifoulings fast immer notwendig , um das Unterwasserschiff Ihres Bootes vor Bewuchs zu schützen. In unserem Antifouling-Vergleich 2024 bieten wir eine Kaufberatung mit den wichtigsten Eigenschaften wie biozide Wirkung, Haltbarkeit und Trockenzeiten.

Leider sind viele Antifoulings nicht für Aluminium geeignet. Sollten Sie ein Aluminium-Boot besitzen, achten Sie darauf, dass das Antifouling auch für Aluminium geeignet ist.

  • zum Bootslack-Vergleich
  • zum Elektro-Außenborder-Vergleich
  • zum Rettungswesten-Vergleich

Antifouling im Test: eine Dose Antifouling in einem Regal stehend.

Hier sehen wir das Seajet-Antifouling, bei dem es sich um ein selbstpolierendes, zinnfreies Antifouling in Dark Grey handelt.

1. Verhindert Antifouling das Anheften von Organismen?

antifouling kaufen

So sollte das Boot nach der Saison nicht aussehen.

Fast alle Antifoulings haben eine biozide Wirkung. Die Wirkstoffe – meist Kupfer und/oder Zinkoxid – wirken toxisch auf sich anheftende Organismen , mit der Folge, dass diese absterben.

Allerdings sollten Sie bedenken, dass Gewässer mit Bioziden belastet werden, wie Testberichte zu Antifouling zeigen.

Antifoulings können auch mechanisch die Oberfläche so verändern, dass sich Organismen nicht fest anheften können und somit leicht entfernt werden können.

In Seen und anderen Binnengewässern ist der Bewuchs meist geringer als in Küstennähe oder Meeresgewässern . Allerdings gibts es auch Unterschiede bei Meeresgewässern, so hat die Nordsee einen wesentlich stärkeren Bewuchs als die Ostsee.

2. Sollten für unterschiedliche Betriebsarten unterschiedliche Antifoulings genutzt werden?

Antifoulings lassen sich grob in die Kategorien hartes und selbstpolierendes Antifouling sowie Antifouling mit Teflon oder Silikon unterteilen. Hier haben wir für Sie die wichtigsten Vor- und Nachteile zusammengefasst.

3. Achten Sie auf die Haltbarkeit des Unterwasseranstrichs

3.1. passen sie die biozide wirkung an das gewässer an, antifouling-folie.

Leider ist die Entwicklung von Antifouling-Folie noch nicht ganz ausgereift. Da die Folie nur in einer Werkstatt aufgebracht werden kann, entstehen hohe Kosten, auch wenn die Haltbarkeit von den Herstellern mit bis zu fünf Jahren angegeben wird.

Ein Antifouling soll Ihr Boot oder Ihre Yacht vor schädlichem Bewuchs schützen, daher ist die Antifouling-Wirkung eine der wichtigsten Eigenschaften , wenn es um die Wahl des richtigen Bewuchsschutzes geht.

Zwar gibt es auch Gewässer, bei denen Antifouling nicht notwendig ist, allerdings sind diese eher selten.

Bei der bioziden Wirkung ist die Menge des abgegebenen Kupfers und Zinks entscheidend.

Gerade harte Antifoulings lassen mit der Zeit in ihrer bioziden Wirkung nach. Fouling kann dann gerade bei sehr langen Standzeiten auftreten, wenn nur noch geringe Mengen Biozid an die Umgebung abgegeben werden.

Tipp: Wir von Vergleich.org empfehlen, dass Antifouling passend zu dem Gewässer auszuwählen. Ein selbstpolierendes Antifouling funktioniert beispielsweise ohne Bewegung nicht, trotz starker biozider Wirkung.

Antifouling getestet: eine Dose Antifouling in Darf Grey im liegenden Zustand.

Wie wir erfahren, bietet Seajet verschiedene Produkte an, neben diesem Seajet-Antifouling im Bild auch eine Eco-Variante, die umweltfreundlicher ist.

3.2. Selbstpolierendes Antifouling kann auch zwei Saisons halten


Seajet bietet mit Shogun ein Antifouling, das bis zu zwei Jahre Bewuchsschutz bietet.

Viele Antifoulings halten nur eine Saison. Gerade hartes Antifouling verliert mit der Zeit seine Wirkung und muss daher überstrichen oder ganz neu aufgebaut werden.

Selbstpolierendes Antifouling kann auch mehrere Saisons halten , allerdings werden in Testberichten zu Antifouling oftmals ein oder zwei neue Schichten pro Saison empfohlen.

Auch Antifouling, das auf PTFE (Teflon) oder Silikon basiert, müssen Sie jede Saison neu aufbringen.

Möchten Sie ein Antifouling, das möglichst lange hält, empfehlen wir von Vergleich.org zu einem selbstpolierenden Antifouling zu greifen, beachten Sie allerdings, wenn das Boot oft in Bewegung ist, löst sich das Antifouling schneller.

3.3. Je höher die Schichtanzahl, desto höher der Arbeitsaufwand


Das Antifouling von International, VC 17 m, benötigt nur eine Schicht.

Selbst ein günstiges Antifouling kann bei entsprechender Bootgröße eine Belastung für Ihr Portemonnaie werden.

Denn wenn Sie mehrere Schichten auftragen müssen, erhöht sich nicht nur der Zeit- und Arbeitsaufwand, sondern auch die benötigte Menge.

Die meisten Antifoulings müssen zwei- bis dreifach aufgetragen werden . Allerding ist nicht nur die Schichtzahl entscheidend, sondern auch die Überarbeitungsintervalle, also die Zeit, bis Sie eine neue Schicht anbringen können.

Denn beim Auftragen des Antifoulings müssen Sie oft mehrere Stunden bis zur nächsten Schicht warten, um Farbnasen oder Unebenheiten in der Beschichtung zu vermeiden.

Beachten Sie, dass Sie Stellen, die höheren Belastungen ausgesetzt sind, wie beispielsweise den Rumpf, mit einer zusätzlichen Schicht Antifouling schützen sollten.

Ebenso empfehlen wir von Vergleich.org, dass Sie unbedingt den Herstellerangaben bezüglich der empfohlenen Schichtanzahl folgen , sonst kann es beim Slippen zu bösen Überraschungen kommen.

3.4. Trockenlagerung nur einige Monate möglich


Das biozidfreie Antifouling “Silic One“ von Hempel können Sie nur einen Monat trocken lagern.

Möchten Sie Ihr Boot schon im Herbst auf die nächste Saison vorbereiten, müssen Sie beachten, dass nicht alle Antifoulings für die Trockenlagerung geeignet sind.

Gerade harte Antifoulings können oftmals nur einige Monate ohne Wasserkontakt wirksam sein.

Denn ohne Wasser verhärtet sich das Antifouling, was dazu führen kann, dass keine bioziden Wirkstoffe mehr an die Umgebung abgegeben werden können.

Dagegen ist “VC 17 m“, ein Antifouling mit PFTE von International, unbegrenzt lagerungsfähig.

Tipp: Wenn Sie planen, Ihr Boot schon am Ende der Saison für die nächste vorzubereiten, achten Sie auf die maximale Trockenlagerung, denn sonst müssen Sie nochmals eine auffrischende Schicht auftragen.

Ein getestets Antifouling in der Farbe Dark Grey der Marke Seajet im verschlossenen Zustand.

Laut unserer Recherche ist dieses Seajet-Antifouling für GFK, Holz und Stahl bei max. 40 Knoten geeignet.

3.5. Testverfahren zu Antifouling weisen auf die hohe Umweltbelastung hin

antifouling erneuern

Da Kupfer toxisch auf Fische und andere Wasserorganismen wirkt, sollte die geringst mögliche Biozidmenge verwendet werden.

Stiftung Warentest hat noch keinen Antifouling-Test durchgeführt und daher noch keinen Antifouling-Testsieger gekürt.

Generell wurden noch keine Tests zu Über- oder Unterwasseranstrichen angefertigt.

Allerdings weist Stiftung Warentest im Heft 10/2018 darauf hin, dass laut deutschem Umweltbundesamt die Grenzwerte für Kupfer und Zink in Seen und Flüssen durch Boote oftmals überschritten werden.

Auch das Umweltbundesamt in Österreich weist auf erhöhte Werte von Bioziden in einigen Gewässern hin.

Um die Belastungen durch Antifouling zu minimieren, sollten Bootsbesitzer daher prüfen, ob Antifouling im jeweiligen Gewässer überhaupt notwendig ist. Falls Sie einen Bewuchsschutz benötigen, wählen Sie ein Antifouling mit möglichst geringen Biozidkonzentrationen.

Fazit: Das beste Antifouling bietet einen guten Bewuchsschutz, benötigt nur wenige Schichten und hält lange. Damit Sie zeitlich flexibel sind, hat es kurze Überarbeitungsintervervalle und muss nicht sofort ins Wasser.

antifouling ueberstreichen

4. Muss altes Antifouling entfernt werden?

4.1. schützen sie ihre gesundheit.

Da fast alle Antifoulings Lösungsmittel enthalten, müssen Sie unbedingt geeignete Schutzkleidung tragen. Ebenso sollten Sie beim Schleifen des Antifoulings den Schleifstaub nicht einatmen. Besorgen Sie sich vor dem Aufbau bzw. der Erneuerung des Antifoulings folgende Utensilien:

Notwendige Materialien:

– Handschuhe – Ganzkörperschutzanzug – Gasmaske – Partikelmaske – Abdeckplane – Rollen – evtl. Pinsel – Rührstab – Farbwanne – Abklebe-Bänder – evtl. Schleifgerät – Schleifpapier

Achtung: Tragen Sie bei dem Arbeiten mit Antifouling immer Handschuhe und einen geeigneten Atemschutz .

4.2. Achten Sie auf die Kompatibilität mit altem Antifouling

antifouling bewuchsschutz entfernen

Hier sollte auf jeden Fall das alte Antifouling komplett entfernt werden.

Um bei der Bootspflege altes Antifouling zu entfernen, sind mehrere Methoden möglich .

Natürlich können Sie den Neuaufbau oder die Erneuerung des Unterwasseranstrichs auch in einer Werkstatt machen lassen, allerdings müssen Sie dabei je nach Größe des Bootes mit Kosten im vierstelligen Bereich rechnen.

Haben Sie einen Lagerplatz im Winter, der Ihnen auch das Anbringen des Antifoulings erlaubt, können Sie sich diese Kosten sparen und die Instandhaltung selbst durchführen.

Viele Bootsbesitzer scheuen den Zeit- und Arbeitsaufwand, jedes oder jedes zweite Jahr den Unterwasseranstrich zu erneuern. Daher sollten Sie sich erstmal die Frage stellen, ob das alte Antifouling komplett entfernt werden muss oder ob ein Anschleifen und Überstreichen mit neuem Antifouling ausreicht.

Muss das alte Antifouling komplett entfernt werden, gibt es drei Methoden , die Sie auch ohne größere Gerätschaften anwenden können. So können Sie das alte Antifouling abschleifen. Dabei müssen Sie allerdings beachten, dass das Antifouling relativ viel Schleifpapier verbraucht und das Abschleifen einige Zeit in Anspruch nimmt.

Ebenso sollten Sie aufgrund der Toxizität vieler Antifoulings eine Absaugung benutzen, damit sich der Schleifstaub nicht verteilt. Eine andere mechanische Methode ist die Abziehklinge. Wenn das alte Antifouling schon anfängt abzublättern, ist diese Möglichkeit relativ einfach.

Ist das alte Antifouling noch teilweise stark haftend, erfordert diese Methode allerdings einen erheblichen Kraftaufwand.

Eine weitere, chemische Methode ist das Abbeizen des Antifoulings. Dabei wird ein spezieller Entferner eingesetzt, der das Antifouling löst, ohne darunterliegende Gelcoats oder Primer zu beschädigen.

antifouling erneuern

Mit gutem Antifouling kann leichter Bewuchs einfach abgespült werden.

Anschließend können Sie das alte Antifouling einfach mit einem Spachtel abziehen.

Allerdings müssen Sie beim Einsatz unbedingt auf die angegebene Einwirkzeit des Herstellers achten, sonst können Gelcoat oder der Antifouling-Primer beschädigt werden.

Muss das alte Antifouling nicht entfernt werden, reicht meist ein Anschliff, damit die neue Schicht gut haften kann.

Allerdings sollten Sie unbedingt darauf achten, dass Sie den richtigen Typ von Antifouling einsetzen, denn leider können Sie eine Art von Antifouling nicht mit einer anderen Art überstreichen.

Momentan gibt es keine Testverfahren zu Antifoulings, die die Marke und Art des Unterwasseranstrichs bestimmen können. Daher sollten Sie sich beim Kauf des Bootes darüber informieren, welche Art des Antifoulings eingesetzt wurde.

Sollte dies nicht möglich sein, können Sie einen Sperrgrund , der auch als Haftvermittler dient, einsetzen, um das Boot trotzdem streichen zu können.

Im folgenden Video finden Sie eine Erklärung, welche Schritte beim Entfernen des alten Antifoulings notwendig sind.

Eventuelle Beschädigungen sollten Sie mit dem passenden Material (Gelcoat, Epoxymasse oder Grundierung) reparieren . Nach dem Schleifen müssen Sie den Schleifstaub mit einem geeigneten Mittel entfernen.

Einfaches Wasser reicht hier leider nicht, sonst verbleiben Schleifpartikel und das Antifouling kann sich nicht richtig mit der Oberfläche verbinden.

Tipp: Beim Auftragen des Antifoulings müssen Sie sich unbedingt an die Angaben des Herstellers halten, lesen Sie die Hinweise auf dem Gebinde und beachten Sie die Überarbeitungsintervalle.

5. Fragen und Antworten rund um das Thema Antifouling

Hier haben wir die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten für Sie zusammengefasst.

5.1. Bei welchen Temperaturen können Sie Antifouling verarbeiten?

Viele Hersteller von Antifouling wie Seajet, Hempel oder International geben als niedrigste Temperaturen 5 – 10 °C an. Bei niedrigeren Temperaturen verflüchtigen sich die enthaltenen Lösungsmittel nur sehr langsam und daher trocknet das Antifouling nicht.

Bei einigen Unterwasseranstrichen geben die Hersteller ein maximales Zeit-Intervall an, in dem Sie die erste Schicht überstreichen können.

Je höher die Temperatur, desto schneller trocknet die Antifouling-Farbe . Allerdings sollten Sie das Aufbringen von Antifouling bei starkem, direktem Sonnenlicht vermeiden. Denn sonst kann es gerade bei dunklen Farben vorkommen, dass das Antifouling sich stark erhitzt und in Folge leicht abblättert.

Auch bei sehr hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit oder Regen sollten Sie kein Antifouling anbringen. Am besten ist daher mildes, klares Wetter ohne starke Sonneneinstrahlung.

5.2. Können auch Propeller mit Antifouling angestrichen werden?

antifouling z-antrieb

Auch der Antrieb muss vor Bewuchs geschützt werden.

Leider eignen sich die meisten Antifoulings nicht für den Anstrich des Propellers.

Denn oftmals sind Propeller aus Aluminium und das in vielen Antifoulings enthaltene Kupfer führt in Verbindung mit Wasser zur Korrosion des Aluminiums.

Zwar werden Edelstahl-Propeller immer beliebter, allerdings ist auch dort der Einsatz eines normalen Antifoulings problematisch.

Denn Propeller drehen mit bis zu 10.000 Umdrehungen pro Minute. Daher entsteht wesentlich mehr Reibung, die gewöhnliches Antifouling schnell abschleifen würde.

Greifen Sie lieber zu speziellen Propeller- bzw. Z-Antrieb-Antifoulings, diese halten den hohen Belastungen stand.

5.3. Gibt es rechtliche Vorschriften für Antifouling?

In Deutschland gibt es keine landeseigenen einheitlichen Vorschriften . Einige biozide Stoffe wie giftige Organozinnverbindungen wurden in der EU bereits verboten, manche Länder wie Dänemark, Schweden oder Norwegen habe spezielle Vorschriften, ob und mit welchem Antifouling Boote beschichtet werden dürfen.

Auch in den Niederlanden gibt es genaue Regulierungen, welche Unterwasseranstriche verarbeitet werden dürfen. Planen Sie Ihr Boot auch in Gewässern außerhalb Deutschlands zu nutzen, informieren Sie sich über die bestehenden Vorschriften, im Zweifelsfall drohen Ihnen sonst nicht unerhebliche Geldstrafen.

Videos zum Thema Antifouling

In diesem spannenden Video stellen wir euch den Antifouling-Test vor – Kann es alle Verschmutzungen einfach wegwischen? Wir zeigen euch, wie das Antifouling-Produkt aufgetragen wird und gehen dann in die Praxis, um zu sehen, ob es seinen Job erfüllt. Seid gespannt auf unsere Ergebnisse und findet heraus, ob dieses Antifouling die perfekte Lösung gegen hartnäckige Verschmutzungen ist!

In diesem spannenden ersten Teil unseres zweiteiligen Videos erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über das richtige Auftragen von Antifouling wissen müssen. Von der Vorbereitung des Untergrunds über die Auswahl des richtigen Antifoulings bis hin zum professionellen Auftragen – wir führen Sie Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess. Verpassen Sie nicht unsere wertvollen Tipps und Tricks, um Ihrem Boot einen optimalen Schutz vor Bewuchs zu bieten!


  • Pflege für Boote: Algen ausbooten | Stiftung Warentest https://www.test.de/Pflege-fuer-Boote-Algen-ausbooten-6016420-0/
  • Muscheln am Schiffrumpf: Abwasch unter Wasser | Süddeutsche Zeitung https://www.sueddeutsche.de/auto/muscheln-am-schiffrumpf-abwasch-unter-wasser-1.1197313
  • Glatt durchs Wasser | Hamburger Abendblatt https://www.abendblatt.de/ratgeber/article107756888/Glatt-durchs-Wasser-gleiten.html

Antifouling Vergleich 2024 im Überblick

Yachtcare Antifouling SP 750ML

Zusammenfassung: Die besten Antifoulings in aller Kürze.

Spätestens nach 120 Tagen aktualisieren wir jede Rubrik mit neuen Produkten und recherchieren Entwicklungen in den Bestenlisten. Dadurch sind unsere Empfehlungen jederzeit aktuell.

Unsere Tests und Vergleiche sind objektiv und faktenbasiert. Hersteller haben keinen Einfluss auf die Bewertung. Wir sorgen für mehr Transparenz auf dem Markt und fördern so die Produktqualität.

In unseren Tests & Vergleichstabellen nehmen wir nur Produkte auf, die unsere Mindeststandards erfüllen können. So stellen wir sicher, dass Sie aus einer großen Auswahl genau das richtige Produkt für Ihre Anforderungen finden.

Ausverkaufte Antifoulings: Empfehlenswert und bald wieder verfügbar.

AWN Antifouling selbstpolierend Vergleich

AWN Antifouling selbstpolierend

  • Haltbarkeit könnte verbessert werden

AWN Hart Antifouling Hartantifouling für Boot und Yacht 0,75L Vergleich

AWN Hart Antifouling Hartantifouling für Boot und Yacht 0,75L

  • auch in Blau erhältlich

Fragen und Antworten zu AWN Hart Antifouling Hartantifouling für Boot und Yacht 0,75L

Auf welchen materialien kann man das awn hart antifouling hartantifouling für boot und yacht 0,75l auftragen.

Hempel Mille Nct Dunkelblau Vergleich

Hempel Mille Nct Dunkelblau

  • besonders lange Haltbarkeit
  • nicht für verzinkte Oberflächen geeignet

Fragen und Antworten zu Hempel Mille Nct Dunkelblau

Was ist bei der verarbeitung des hempel mille nct-antifoulings zu beachten.

International Trilux Prop-O-Drev Vergleich

International Trilux Prop-O-Drev

Das Propeller-Antifouling Trilux Prop-O-Drev von International überzeugt uns gleich in zweierlei Hinsicht: durch eine einfache Anwendung dank eines sehr präzisen Sprühstrahls, und mit langanhaltender Wirkung. Allerdings bietet das Spray einen vergleichsweise weniger starken Schutz – was bedeutet, dass es leicht schädlicher auf Wasserorganismen wirkt als andere Produkte. Dafür ist das Produkt relativ ergiebig: Eine Dose reicht demnach für eine Fläche von 2,5 Quadratmetern.

International ‎35990117 Vergleich

International ‎35990117

Das Antifouling VC 35990117 von International ist überstreichbar und mit einem Lösungsmittel hergestellt. Wir finden es praktisch, dass dieses Produkt für Blei, Glasfaser sowie Gusseisen, Holz und Stahl geeignet ist. Allerdings gehört es im Antifouling-Verglich zu den Produkten, die nicht für verzinkte Oberflächen und Aluminium geeignet sind. Die Trocknungszeit dieses Produktes liegt bei 20 Minuten bei einer Temperatur von 20 °C. Allerdings ist dieser Artikel mit einer Füllmenge von 750 ml und einer Ergiebigkeit von 9 m² pro Liter eher weniger profitabel.

  • passt nicht auf Aluminium, verzinkte Oberflächen
  • geeignet für: Glasfaser, Holz, Stahl, Gusseisen, Blei

Vosschemie Universal Antifouling Vergleich

Vosschemie Universal Antifouling

  • auch in Blau und Schwarz erhältlich

Wilckens Yacht Antifouling Vergleich

Wilckens Yacht Antifouling

  • Schutz vor Vegetation

Yachtcare Antifouling Action Vergleich

Yachtcare Antifouling Action

Die Yachtcare-Antifouling Action verfügt über einen guten Bewuchsschutz, was uns gut gefallen hat. Im Vergleich zu anderen Antifouling-Farben ist sie auch für trockenfallende Liegeplätze geeignet und in Weiß erhältlich.

  • auch in Weiß erhältlich
  • die Verpackung könnte verbessert werden

Fragen und Antworten zu Yachtcare Antifouling Action

Wie lang dauert es bis das yachtcare antifouling action getrocknet ist.

Yachtcare Antifouling SP 2,5L Vergleich

Yachtcare Antifouling SP 2,5L

In Weißgrau präsentiert sich die Antifouling SP 2,5L der Marke Yachtcare. Sie gehört in unserem Vergleich zu den selbst polierenden Produkten und zählt in Bezug auf ihren Schutz vor Wasserorganismen zum Spitzenfeld. Als eine weitere Besonderheit gegenüber der meisten Vergleichsprodukte stellen wir ihre Eignung für Aluminiumoberflächen fest. Dafür ist sie für verzinkte Oberflächen keine Option, worauf wir hinweisen möchten.

  • kann auf fast allen Oberflächen verwendet werden

Fragen und Antworten zu Yachtcare Antifouling SP 2,5L

Muss man aus gesundheitlicher sicht etwas beachten, wenn man das yachtcare antifouling sp verarbeitet.

Unsere Datenschutzhinweise finden Sie hier .

Kommentar veröffentlichen Abbrechen

Guten Tag, ich bin neuerdings stolzer Besitzer einer Dehler 28 und möchte den Unterwasseranstrich erneuern. Leider ist der alte Anstrich nicht mehr zu retten. Der Bewuchs hier eher gering und ich möchte lieber keine heftige Chemiekeule verwenden. Welches Antifouling ist da empfehlenswert? LG Andreas

Lieber Andreas, erstmal Glückwunsch zum neuen Boot. Die “Dehler 28“ hat einen GFK-Rumpf, daher sind fast alle gängigen Antifoulings einsetzbar. Wenn Sie die Umwelt schonen möchten, raten wir zu “Silic One“ von Hempel, denn es enthält keine Biozide und bietet trotzdem ausreichenden Schutz vor Bewuchs.

Allerdings müssen Sie beachten, dass “Silic One“ nur einen Monat trocken lagern darf, sonst kann das Antifouling nicht mehr richtig wirken. Daher sollten Sie Ihr Boot erst direkt vor der Saison mit dem neuen Antifouling beschichten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ihr Vergleich.org-Team


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Silikatfarbe (innen)

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Mon – Sun: 9.00 am – 8.00pm

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With more than 40 years of experience in repairing and maintaining Yachts and other marital vehicles we have all the expertise we need in house.


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  • First Name *
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  • Boating State * Outside US / Canada Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona Arkansas California - North California - South Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida - East Coast Florida - West Coast Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts - North of Boston Massachusetts - Boston and South Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey - North of Sandy Hook New Jersey - South of Sandy Hook New Mexico New York - Great Lakes New York - Coastal North Carolina North Dakota Nova Scotia Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania - East Pennsylvania - West Puerto Rico Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
  • Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Hinckley YachtCare

Designed so you won’t have a care in the world.

YachtCare brings together 9 world-class Hinckley Yacht Services locations and a mobile service team to deliver an ownership experience like none other.  It is a level of simplicity and care in the ownership experience that is unparalleled.  It is a feeling that is available only on a Hinckley.


Enroll your Hinckley in YachtCare and receive captained pick up and delivery to your dock from anywhere on the US East Coast.   In select markets, our mobile service team will visit your boat directly for service without storage.  With Hinckley, your YachtCare Manager is dedicated to your boat and is only a call or text away.  When the season turns and it’s time to put your boat in storage or to receive a visit from our mobile service team, simply let us know.


Over the last 24 months, Hinckley brought online over 100,000 square feet of climate-controlled indoor storage in our YachtCare Centers from Maine to Florida.  In the US southeast alone, we opened 40,000 square feet of hurricane rated storage tailored to the local environment.  This world-class infrastructure is built to safely and securely store your boat in the off season and to provide you with unmatched peace of mind.


YachtCare provides 24/7 support in season so you can rest assured the Hinckley team will have your back around the clock.  In the off season, whether you would like your yacht relocated or treated to a refit, every inch of your boat will receive impeccable attention. Varnish, upholstery, fiberglass, paint, electronics, mechanical and more will be ready to splash when you are.  As an added benefit, Hinckley Yachts enrolled in YachtCare can qualify for Certified Pre-Owned status upon resale.


  • Pick-up and delivery of your Hinckley powerboat anywhere on the US East Coast
  • An experienced and dedicated YachtCare manager for project management and ease of communication
  • Comprehensive inspection from stem to stern-including sea trial
  • Pre-haul decommissioning of engine, electrical and water systems
  • Haul out, wash and indoor storage in a climate-controlled environment
  • Annual maintenance of mechanical and electrical systems, Jetstick, water jets, topside paint and gel coat finishes
  • Launch and commission for the upcoming season
  • Cleaning and detailing of the entire boat
  • Automatic review of any outstanding warranty/recall issues for all equipment
  • Comprehensive quality control process to ensure a superior operating experience
  • 24/7 service hotline to better serve your needs and answer your questions
  • Eligibility for Certified Pre-Owned status upon resale ( learn more )
  • Network of Hinckley YachtCare centers along the US East Coast
  • Mobile Service is available in select markets for service without storage
  • A tailored offering for our early model yachts, YachtCare Classic, is available in Florida in Spring 2020.

Hinckley YachtCare is designed for Hinckley Picnic Boats, Talaria motor yachts,  Runabouts , Center Consoles and Sport Boats only.  For details or to have a YachtCare manager contact you, please submit your information below.

Service Inquiry

  • Boating Location: Where do you do most of your boating?
  • Country * Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Grenada Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati North Korea South Korea Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine, State of Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan, South Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
  • State * Choose A State Outside US Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida - East Coast Florida - West Coast Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts - North of Boston Massachusetts - Boston and South Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey - North of Sandy Hook New Jersey - South of Sandy Hook New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania - East Pennsylvania - West Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Deco & Yacht

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Tried-and-tested solutions

The Deco & Yacht division is home to products that reach end users through retailers and wholesalers. It covers application areas such as wood preservation, boat maintenance and refitting, and painting and decorating. We specialise in one and two-part filling compounds in DIY and professional quality.

Outstanding product quality and perfectly coordinated product systems are the bedrock of perfect results. This principle unites the three brands PAINT-SYSTEM, SCANDICCARE and YACHTCARE.

Deco & Yacht brands

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High technology for your yacht

The YACHTCARE brand from Vosschemie offers a full range of cutting-edge technologies for boat owners. With everything from anti-fouling treatments to foam rollers, this tried-and-tested portfolio for cleaning, maintaining and repairing boats has a full range for all boat building materials above and below the waterline.

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Natural care with long-lasting results..

Wood is a natural product and a well-loved material in the home and garden. However, for wood to retain its natural resilience, weather resistance and flexibility, it has to be treated and maintained. The SCANDICCARE wood care range is based on natural oils that allow wood to breathe. This helps to preserve and reinforce the original character of every type of wood.

What make us different

Yachts Care Of Miami provides a prestigious captain service, A full-service yacht maintenance for any and all yachts regardless of size and type. Our master Yacht maintenance crew customizes maintenance services based on your preferences and specific needs of your yacht. All maintenance schedules are designed to comply with manufacturer recommendations while adhering to the desires of our clients.

The key focus at Yachts Care is simple, our professional yacht maintenance services are tailored to you. If your yacht needs a specific max treatment plan, a special order varnish or any other specialty project we make it our mission to get the job done right.

Try us out... we care for your yacht!

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Pre Purchase Surveys

Icon Kathodischer Schutz und Opferanoden

YACHTCARE & Yachtmanagement

Use our professional yachtcare & -management and benefit from a reduction in your operating costs of up to 22 percent while at the same time ensuring that your yacht retains its value and seaworthiness.

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Fountain Pajot MY 37 Survey

Vessel Type: Motoryacht (Catamaran) Hull Material: Fiberglass Scope of Survey: Technical Inspection Country: Croatia Location: Marina Pomer

Hunter 456 Sailing Yacht Survey in Croatia

Hunter 456 Survey

Vessel Type: Sailing Yacht (Catamaran) Hull Material: Fiberglass Scope of Survey: Pre Purchase Survey Country: Croatia Location: Marina Sukosan

Hunter 39 Sailing Yacht Survey in Italy

Hunter 39 Survey

Vessel Type: Sailing Yacht (Sloop) Hull Material: Fiberglass Scope of Survey: Pre Purchase Survey Country: Italy Location: Monfalcone

Beneteau MC5 Motoryacht Survey in Croatia

Beneteau MC 5 Survey

Vessel Type: Motoryacht (Planing Hull) Hull Material: Fiberglass Scope of Survey: Pre Purchase Survey Country: Croatia Location: Marina Polesana Pula

Island Packet 38 Sailing Yacht Survey in Italy

Island Packet 38 Survey

Vessel Type: Sailing Yacht (Sloop) Hull Material: Fiberglass Scope of Survey: Pre Purchase Survey Country: Italy Location: Lignano

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40 Yachtsurvey in Italy

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40 Survey

Vessel Type: Sailing Yacht (Catamaran) Hull Material: Fiberglass Scope of Survey: Pre Purchase Survey Country: Italy Location: Lignano


Our approach is very simple: we only do what we are really good at. Proactive and without hot air. 

And whenever necessary, we do not hesitate to roll up our sleeves and lend a helping hand for our customers.

Certificates and Memberships

Marine Surveyor LLoyds Certificate

International Institute of Marine Surveying

Member No S1794

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Global Order Book 2024: TISG 1st Italian builder and 3rd in the world of yachts over 50m

The italian sea group confirms the italian leadership in the category of yachts over 50 metres in total length, secures third place on the world podium and rises to fifth place in the 2024 world rankings from eighth place in 2023.


Superyachts over 50m: TISG 1st Italian builder and 3rd in the world

Global Order Book 2024 : The Italian Sea Group is confirmed as the first Italian builder to produce yachts over 50 metres in length.

Global Order Book 2024 The Italian Sea group

Boat International, the reference magazine for the global yachting industry , annually collects and analyzes the global order portfolio of 177 shipyards across the five continents in the Global Order Book , ranking the best international yacht builders with lengths exceeding 24 meters.

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Global Order Book 2024: TISG rises to fifth place in the 2024 world ranking compared to eighth position in 2023.

Excluding the production of the Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63, which has approximately one delivery per month, TISG, with 24 active projects for a total length of 1,374 metres , secures the third place globally in the superyacht and megayacht segmentand the fifth position in the overall world ranking. This marks a rise of 3 positions compared to the previous year , validating its growth trend.

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“I am extremely proud of this achievement, which came after a year filled with significant successes and sacrifices . With 12 more active projects compared to the 2022 ranking , we have won the third place just 10 meters behind the second in the standings . I express my gratitude and share this success with the entire outstanding team at The Italian Sea Group.”

comments Giovanni Costantino Founder & CEO of The Italian Sea Group .

yachtcare oder international

The numbers: +25% in revenues, order book of 1.3 billion, 3 deliveries in 2023, 5 megayachts in 2024

The results highlighted by the Global Order Book 2024 confirm the Group’s high positioning, also emphasized by positive growth and solid financial results.

In the first nine months of the year, TISG recorded a 25% increase in revenues , with an EBITDA margin of 16.5% and an order book reaching the value of 1.3 billion euros . Deliveries are scheduled until 2027 .

With a confirmed production progress that includes, in addition to the serial and continuous deliveries of the Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63, 3 deliveries in 2023 , and 5 megayachts in 2024 .

The business development and the extensive visibility of its backlog have also allowed the Company to confirm the Guidance for 2023 in the highest part of the value range , with revenues equal to 365 million euros and an EBITDA Margin of 16.5%.

Furthermore to reaffirm the Strategic Outlook for 2024 with revenues between 400 – 420 million euros and EBITDA Margin between 17 and 17.5%.

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NCA Refit also confirms itself as a leader in the sector

Also NCA Refit , which in 2023 recorded refit activity on 14 units between motor yachts and sailing yachts , confirms to be one of the most important companies in the also in this business segment .

Since 1942 NCA Refit has been highly specialized in the refitting and maintenance of sailing and motor super yachts, providing crew and captains with exclusive services .

Read below the releases:



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THE ITALIAN SEA GROUP S.p.A. Viale C. Colombo, 4Bis 54033 Marina di Carrara (MS) Italy

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(Scroll to continue)

If a nation were to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile attack against the United States, the president would have about 15 minutes to decide whether to order a nuclear counterstrike.

And it is entirely the president’s decision.

Should any one person have that much power?

Sole Authority

By W.J. Hennigan Photographs by An-My Lê

Mr. Hennigan writes about national security for Opinion. An-My Lê is a professor of photography at Bard College.

Forty-five feet underground in a command center near Omaha, there’s an encrypted communications line that goes directly to the American president. To get to it, you need to pass through a guarded turnstile, two reinforced steel doors and a twisting hallway that leads to an ultrasecure room called the battle deck. It’s here, below the headquarters of the U.S. Strategic Command, or Stratcom, where military personnel stand by 24 hours a day awaiting a call the world hopes will never come: a direct order from their commander in chief — the president — to launch a nuclear attack.

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Stratcom is the military headquarters responsible for overseeing all U.S. nuclear forces around the world.

Buried below is a military command headquarters constructed in case of a missile attack amid a national emergency.

Inside this room, Stratcom’s commander, Gen. Anthony Cotton, and his team would speak directly to the president, informing him or her about the nuclear options during a continuing crisis.

The workstations in the battle deck are arranged stadium-style around 15 L.E.D. screens that glow with real-time information and maps. Hanging from the ceiling, a small digital display reads: Blue Impact Timer, Red Impact Timer and Safe Escape Timer, all set to 00:00:00. If a president were to order the launch of a nuclear weapon, the timers would start ticking, alerting everyone in the room to how long they have before American weapons hit the enemy, how long before the enemy’s weapons hit us and how long before the building and all the people in it are destroyed by the incoming nuclear-tipped missiles.

An adversary launches a volley of intercontinental ballistic missiles tipped with nuclear warheads. An adversary launches a volley of intercontinental ballistic missiles tipped with nuclear warheads.

U.S. early-warning satellites first detect the missiles’ heat signature. U.S. early-warning satellites first detect the missiles’ heat signature.

Then U.S. radars detect the missiles in flight.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, analyzes the information to determine whether the attack is real. The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, analyzes the information to determine whether the attack is real.

A rapid assessment takes about two minutes.

In the United States, it’s up to one person to decide whether the world becomes engulfed in nuclear war. Only the president has the authority to launch any of the roughly 3,700 nuclear weapons in the American stockpile, an arsenal capable of destroying all human life many times over. And that authority is absolute: No other person in the U.S. government serves as a check or balance once he or she decides to go nuclear. There is no requirement to consult Congress, to run the idea by the defense secretary or to ask the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for his or her opinion.

That means the American president is charged with the physical safety not only of some 334 million Americans but also of millions of people in other countries who, out of necessity, must rely upon his or her prudence and steady nerves to make a decision that could alter the course of human history.

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Of course, it is American voters alone who will decide in November whom they want to endow with that power. The two front-runners — President Biden, who is 81, and former President Donald Trump, who is 77 — would be the oldest candidates in the nation’s history to appear on their parties’ tickets. Over the course of the year, they will have to confront questions from voters about their mental acuity, competence and stamina to take on another four-year term.

These are vital attributes for a commander in chief in a crisis. Yet regardless of who wins this election, or the next one, the American president’s nuclear sole authority is a product of another era and must be revisited in our new nuclear age.

No other aspect of U.S. military power is legally conducted this way. Authorizing drone strikes on terrorism suspects, for instance, requires approvals up and down the chain of command, from a commander in the field to the general overseeing the region to the defense secretary to the president. Larger operations, like a ground invasion of another country, require the president to ask Congress for a formal declaration of war or authorization for the use of military force.

The threat is credible. NORAD contacts a designated White House official to relay the message to the president. The threat is credible. NORAD contacts a designated White House official to relay the message to the president.

After the official tells the president, advisers and aides gather. After the official tells the president, advisers and aides gather.

This includes the military officer who carries the “nuclear football,” the black leather briefcase that contains nuclear plans that follows the president at all times. This includes the military officer who carries the “nuclear football,” the black leather briefcase that contains nuclear plans that follows the president at all times.

The president is connected with the commander in charge of U.S. nuclear forces for an assessment on the incoming attack and a menu of retaliatory options. The president is connected with the commander in charge of U.S. nuclear forces for an assessment on the incoming attack and a menu of retaliatory options.

Nuclear operations have a unique protocol. A nuclear attack against the United States could destroy the nation’s defenses and leadership in 30 minutes or less, giving the American president roughly 15 minutes to decide whether to launch a counterattack. The U.S. Strategic Command operates a global system to ensure that if a president orders the launch of a nuclear weapon, it will happen in minutes.

It’s an intricate procedure that involves dozens of people and perfect synchronization in a moment of inconceivable stress. Anyone in uniform who ignores a direct presidential order can be subject to court-martial for insubordination.

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The E-6B Mercury is the airborne command post that links the U.S. president and U.S. military nuclear forces in the event of an enemy attack.

It’s code-named Looking Glass because it can mirror the command-and-control functions of Stratcom’s ground-based headquarters in Omaha.

The jet’s crew can contact the president, verify his or her identity and relay a nuclear attack order to bomber squadrons, submarines and intercontinental ballistic missile silos.

The idea that one human should have to make such a consequential decision in 15 minutes or less is nearly beyond comprehension. In reality, as long as nuclear weapons exist, there’s most likely no better option if the United States comes under attack. It is, however, unacceptable for an American president to have the sole authority to launch a nuclear first strike without a requirement for consultation or consensus.

Putting so much unchecked power in the hands of one person is not only risky but also deeply antithetical to how America defines itself. It also makes people deeply uneasy: Recent polling found that 61 percent of Americans are uncomfortable with the president’s sole authority. Over the years, several organizations have issued studies regarding the policy, providing recommendations on how it could be improved. Yet it survives.

One of the most surprising elements of the American president’s sole authority is how long this extraordinary power has lasted, rarely even challenged. It began in practice on August 10, 1945 — just days after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — when President Harry Truman ordered that such action could not be taken without presidential permission. In September 1948, the Truman administration issued a memo that cemented the practice. Mr. Truman’s thinking was that nuclear weapons were too important to leave in the hands of military officers, who might be overly aggressive in the field.

The president has minutes left to weigh all the implications of this pending decision and coordinate with allies. The president has minutes left to weigh all the implications of this pending decision and coordinate with allies.

“How many American lives are at stake?”

“What will the enemy do when we respond?”

“Will there be anything left?”

Enough. The president picks a plan…

Mr. Truman’s successors retained it in the Cold War years, when U.S. nuclear forces were on hair-trigger alert. From the 1950s through the 1980s, Washington’s biggest nightmare was a Soviet surprise attack that would obliterate U.S. fleets of bomber jets and ballistic missiles on the ground before they could be launched. The ability of a president to quickly launch a counterattack, unencumbered by the need for consultation, was considered vital to America’s survival.

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Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, said his office is currently reviewing the policy and determining whether there’s sufficient oversight. Any changes would take place either through the exercise of presidential powers or action by Congress. “It is a complicated — and almost theological — issue,” Mr. Sullivan said. “We’re taking a look at it, but no decisions have been made.”

This article is part of the Opinion series At the Brink , about the threat of nuclear weapons in an unstable world. Read the opening piece here .

Previous efforts to change the law have gone nowhere. The first serious reconsideration came in 1976, when it became public that former President Richard Nixon was often drunk and depressed during the final days of his administration. A congressional committee convened to look into revising presidential launch authority for the pre-emptive first use of nuclear weapons, but four days of hearings did not result in legislative changes. The idea wasn’t revisited again until 2017, when Mr. Trump was in the White House and threatening military action against North Korea. Democrats in the House and Senate drafted a bill that would have required the president to obtain a congressional declaration of war before launching a nuclear first strike. It never went to a vote.

Senior officials in each of those administrations later revealed that they had been so concerned about the troubled mindset of their bosses that they tried to intercede by putting themselves in the chain of command if a launch order were given. In 1969, Henry Kissinger, national security adviser for Mr. Nixon, was reported to have stood down a drunken presidential order requesting recommendations for targets to strike in North Korea after it downed a U.S. spy plane. In 2021, Mr. Trump’s Joint Chiefs chairman, Gen. Mark Milley, told the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, that the military would refuse to carry out a nuclear launch order if it was against the laws of armed conflict, according to “Peril” by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. But legally, neither Kissinger nor Milley was part of the nuclear-launch chain of command, and it was therefore unclear what, if anything, they would have been able to do to stop a presidential order.

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American military officers can choose to disobey orders they deem to be unlawful because they fail to meet the requirements under the law of armed conflict — if, for instance, the president ordered an unprovoked attack on a foreign country.

But even top officials have publicly admitted that it’s unclear how, exactly, a refusal to execute a presidential order might work. C. Robert Kehler, a retired Air Force general who once commanded Stratcom, tried to assure Congress in 2017 that internal checks are in place if a president orders an illegal first strike without prior deliberations and warnings. Kehler said he wouldn’t proceed if a president issued a direct order to execute such a launch. When asked what would happen next, he replied: “Well, as I say — I don't know exactly. Fortunately, we’ve never — these are all hypothetical scenarios.”

That’s not an uncertainty the world should have to live with. Congress should immediately establish a new legal framework that restricts the president from being able to issue a nuclear launch order without the consent of another senior official unless the United States is already under attack.

The legislation should identify two other senior government leaders and require at least one of them to concur with a decision to launch before the nuclear-tipped missiles blast off. These officials should be vetted and confirmed by the Senate as a requirement for their positions in the U.S. government — for example, the secretaries of defense and state, or the four-star general officer leading the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Creating a deliberative process would help eliminate the possibility of an unhinged president recklessly instigating nuclear Armageddon, because of either madness or mishap. The policy change would also show our adversaries that the United States is lowering the risk of stumbling into a nuclear war by creating safeguards against an unfit U.S. commander in chief.

As the world staggers into another volatile nuclear age, Congress should not treat such scenarios as hypothetical. It should treat them as if all of our lives depend on them.

The president calls the U.S. military.

… and identifies himself or herself by reading a code known as the “nuclear biscuit,” a laminated card kept with the president at all times. … and identifies himself or herself by reading a code known as the “nuclear biscuit,” a laminated card kept with the president at all times.

Military officials confirm this is an official order. Military officials confirm this is an official order.

The president issues the nuclear launch order using the official “gold codes.” The president issues the nuclear launch order using the official “gold codes.”

The president could order a partial or all-out attack drawing from the United States’ roughly 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear weapons, many of them magnitudes more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

The order is circulated to crews operating submarines, intercontinental ballistic missiles and bomber squadrons in the United States and under the sea.

They have less than 15 minutes before the adversary’s missiles reach the United States.

The fate of millions rests on the decision of one person.

W.J. Hennigan writes about national security issues for Opinion from Washington, D.C. He has reported from more than two dozen countries, covering war, the arms trade and the lives of U.S. service members.

An-My Lê’s 30-year body of work, which is inspired by her own experience of war and dislocation, is the subject of a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.

Produced by Quoctrung Bui, Jacqueline Bates and Jessia Ma; timeline analysis by Nuclear Threat Initiative .

This Times Opinion series is funded through philanthropic grants from the Carnegie Corporation of New York , Outrider Foundation and the Prospect Hill Foundation . Funders have no control over the selection or focus of articles or the editing process and do not review articles before publication. The Times retains full editorial control.

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Reporting by Patricia Zengerle, Jonathan Landay, additional reporting by Michael Martina; Editing by Leslie Adler, Jonathan Oatis and Sandra Maler

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Patricia Zengerle has reported from more than 20 countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and China. An award-winning Washington-based national security and foreign policy reporter who also has worked as an editor, Patricia has appeared on NPR, C-Span and other programs, spoken at the National Press Club and attended the Hoover Institution Media Roundtable. She is a recipient of the Edwin M. Hood Award for Diplomatic Correspondence.

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Meet Our Team

A closer look at the Yacht Sales International team. Select a member below for more info.

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Wendy Meade

Co-founder / broker.

While Udo grew up in the marine industry, Wendy grew up in the world of computers and information technology (IT) and went on to become a Computer Engineer. She began punching main-frame keycards by the age of 6. Most of her career was spent in the IT field, from programmer to consultant to Director of IT for a global pharmaceutical research company.Wendy grew up on the lakes of southwest Virginia and began boating at an early age. She too possesses a passion for diving, water sports and boating and jumped at the opportunity to launch YachtSalesInternational.com with Udo. Although Wendy is licensed as a Florida Yacht & Boat Broker, she focuses her attention on day-to-day operations, technical tools, marketing and financial aspects of the company.

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Udo Willersinn

Born and raised near Mannheim in Altrip, Germany, Udo has been in or around the boating and marina industry for most of his life. When Udo was a toddler, his parents started “Nautic Willersinn”, a full service new and used boat dealership in Altrip, Germany. Udo started working with Nautic Willersinn as a young man and sold his first boat at 14-years old. Growing up in the boat business, Udo developed a passion for boating, water sports and diving. At just 20 years old, Udo left Germany and headed to the United States for 1 year to work for Four Winns factories in Texas and Michigan, learning all steps of the manufacturing process from laying fiberglass to designing boats. This was invaluable experience for Udo who expanded his knowledge of the boating industry and forged relationships that he actively maintains today. Upon returning to Germany, at just 21, Udo became Sales Manager for Nautic Willersinn. Tapping into his resources and relationships from his time in the US, he quickly grew the family dealership into the 4th largest US boat importer in Europe. Udo moved permanently to the United States in 2001 and tapping into his large network of contacts, it took just a few days to procure a position with a local boat dealer/marina in Fort Myers Beach, FL. Within 2 weeks, he was made Sales Manager and in 2002, he started Nautic Consulting, Inc. which wholesaled used boats and exported used boats globally. Due to divorce, Nautic Consulting, Inc. was dissolved in 2014 and YachtSalesInternational.com was born. In 2015, Udo also reached another long-term goal by becoming a US citizen. Udo’s customers frequently rely on his expertise and vast industry knowledge to guide them through a successful transaction and find their ideal vessel.

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Lacey Meade

Finance manager / closings specialist.

Lacey has been in the marine industry for over 5 years now. She developed her love for boating through her grandfather that lived on a sailboat for many years. Lacey is a highly experienced and knowledgeable finance manager and closings specialist at Yacht Sales International. Lacey's expertise lies in her ability to navigate the complex financial landscape of yacht sales office operations. In addition to her finance expertise, Lacey is also a skilled closings specialist, ensuring that all aspects of the transaction are seamlessly executed, from documentation to closing. She has a reputation for going above and beyond to provide exceptional service to clients, ensuring that their yacht buying experience is stress-free and enjoyable. Lacey's passion for the yacht industry is evident in her dedication to staying up to date with the latest trends and regulations. She is committed to providing her clients with the highest level of service and expertise, and her commitment to excellence has made her an indispensable member of the Yacht Sales International team.

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Brewster Knott

Marketing director.

Brewster was born and raised in Southern Louisiana and spent nine years serving in the United States Air Force as an Avionics Specialist on multiple cargo aircraft. After obtaining his college degree, he held professional positions as a Marketing Director in the Senior Living and lead generation industries in Northern Virginia and Washington DC. Now a resident of Downtown Fort Lauderdale for almost a decade, he spends his time volunteering for Riverwalk Fort Lauderdale and a host of other non-profit organizations on both the national and local scale. Brewster serves on the Marine Industry Advisory Board for the City of Fort Lauderdale, is an active member in the Marine Industry Association of South Florida, and the US Superyacht Association.

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Britney Labadie

Service technician.

Biography Coming Soon...

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Dirk Boehmer

Sales director.

Dirk brings over 25 years of yacht sales and on the water experience. His first boating memories were at a young age with his family. He spent his early boating years on a 16 footer on Lake Wallenpaupack in Northeastern Pennsylvania. After high school, Dirk joined the US Coast Guard, working as a Boatswains Mate at small boat stations in Tawas MI, St. Ignace MI, Charleston SC and on a River Tender in Pittsburgh PA during his time in the Coast Guard Reserve. After earning degrees in Marketing and German for International Trade from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), he worked with various yacht manufacturers including Sea Ray and Bertram and managed US sales efforts for international manufacturers Vicem and Bavaria. He has sold yachts on every continent with the exception of Antarctica… still a goal. He also earned his MBA from the University of Tennessee and currently holds a 100 Ton Master Captain License. 

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Chet Pawlowicz

Chet’s boating experience began more than thirty years ago on the Great Lakes. His profession as a school teacher allowed him plenty of time in the summer to race and cruise sailboats. In the fall of 1980, rather than returning to the classroom, he just kept on sailing, eventually ending up in Annapolis where he chose to stay. He immediately started a yacht refurbishing business which gave him an excellent knowledge base in yacht construction and repair. In 1982 he became a broker with Martin Bird & Associates and was immediately successful. He and a partner bought the business in 1988 and in 2004 Chet became the sole owner. Chet enjoys sailing and power boating on the Chesapeake Bay. Over the years he has assisted hundreds of people in the purchase or sale of their boats. “Buying or selling a boat is a major transaction,” notes Chet. “Our expertise and hard-working approach will make that transaction an easy and pleasant experience for you.”

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Dyson Naeny

Dyson did his first overnight on an Alberg 23 sailboat when he was just two-weeks old, and has been hooked ever since. Raised on Kent Island he has spent his entire life surrounded by water.  He got his boating license at the age of 10, allowing him to start enjoying a wide range of power and sailboats at an early age. Racing on his high school varsity sailing team was a four-year passion for Dyson. He then went on to become a first mate on an off-shore, charter fishing boat out of Ocean City, Maryland as well as gaining sport fishing experience in the Caribbean and Pacific.  After graduating college, he started his own Yacht Management Company which afforded him an excellent knowledge-base and professional network in the marine industry. Now as a broker, “A fluid experience for my clients is always my goal”!

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Ellie Abramowitz

Brokerage associate.

Ellie grew up in Bethesda, MD and relocated to beautiful Annapolis during the pandemic. Her background is accounting, and she worked as a CPA for a big eight accounting firm. After staying home for eighteen years to raise her children, she returned to the working world as an executive assistant and customer support specialist at a medical device company. She is intrigued by the boating aura of Annapolis and “jumped ship” to begin a new career in the boating industry managing the Annapolis office and providing support to all the brokers in the company.

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Glenna Shirts

Closing coordinator.

In the marine industry for over 16 years, beginning with Lindblad Expeditions aboard their wilderness cruise-ships,Glenna has a background in both Wildlife and Finance. She worked her way "up the hause pipe" from ship's deckhand to ship's Purser/Office Manager and part-time Naturalist. Following almost 11 years at sea in Alaska and Baja California Glenna landed ashore and began a career as a Federal Government Contractor/Financial Analyst for Accounts Receivable with Office of Personnel Management. Lots of finances and forms prepared her for YSI@Martin Bird as their Closing Coordinator since 2014.

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Ralph Baird

Sales associate.

Native of Arlington, Virginia with a love of the water, in his youth, Ralph spent many weekends guiding his father’s flat bottom boat along the South Branch of the Potomac in West Virginia making sure his casts of hellgrammites found the trophy bass. In high school, Ralph was a member of the crew team rowing the Potomac River along the banks of Georgetown. After graduating college, Ralph spent over 25 years in the management of large aquatic centers and their programs, teaching water safety, sailing, rowing, and canoeing, along with Lifeguarding and CPR. Reaching the end of his successful government career, Ralph leads an Environmental Health Division of the Virginia Department of Health in Prince William County inspecting the safety and regulatory compliance of restaurants, public swimming pools. lodging, and marinas. He enjoys time on his jet ski on Lake Anna, VA. He has also lived the marina life aboard a houseboat full-time at the District of Columbia’s Wharf district for several years. His grown twins, Will and Joe, enjoy water adventures with him including jet skiing, tubing, kayaking, whitewater rafting, and snowboarding in the winter.

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Scott Dodge

Scott has been involved with boats since he was a small boy in Southern California and later the Eastern Shore of Maryland. During the past 37 years he has been a yacht broker in Annapolis. He has represented several major new boat lines including Catalina, Morgan, Tartan, C&C, Farr Design Pilothouse and Deck Salon boats, Boston Whaler, and Larson to name a few. When Scott isn't selling boats, he can be found racing or delivering them, logging over 37,000+ miles offshore. He is more than happy to share his expertise and industry contacts that he has made over the years when his clients want to make upgrades. It is that commitment that has enabled him to build long lasting relationships and repeat clientele, as well as endearing friendships with his clients."My job is not only to aid a client in finding the correct boat for their needs and requirements, but also to ensure that the purchasing process is as enjoyable as the time you spend out on the water." Let his knowledge and experience work for you to turn your dream into reality.

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Growing up in Minnesota, Jenny spent summers at the lake wishing the summer season would come sooner and last longer. In 1998 she made the journey south to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, finished art school and began work as an assistant to a yacht interior designer. When opportunity "docked", Jenny jumped aboard a yacht delivery from Puerto Rico to Boston which spawned 7 more years of sea travel over 19,000 nautical miles along the Eastern Seaboard, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean Sea. Jenny started with YSI in 2021 and continues to fuel her curiosity learning about new boat technology while offering superior service to her clients.

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Martin Gaede

Martin was born in Germany in 1972. Martin has always had a love for boats and enjoys being out on the water regularly. In 2007, Martin moved from Germany to Cape Coral, Florida where he currently lives now. He entered the North American boating industry exporting and transporting boats, then began operating a boat rental company. Martin obtained his captains license in 2012, and joined the YSI team to expand on brokerage and new boat opportunities. 

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Charlie Grandjean

Charlie has always enjoyed boating and being close to the water. Growing up in NE Ohio, he would spend weekends and vacations on Lake Erie. He had the opportunity to get familiar with many different boats over the years, from sport fishing to center consoles. After high school, he loved boats so much he decided to join the Navy. During his service he had the experience of being on some big ships and submarines. Charlie lives in Ohio and works out of the Chicago office. 

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Chris Connor

Captain Chris Connor, who resides in Chicago, IL, started boating at the young age of 7 years old. In 2007, he then went on to get his Captains license and currently holds a 100-ton license with endorsements. Cpt. Chris started KnockOut Charters in 2007, which is now known as the top charter company in Chicago.A few of Captain Chris Connor’s other achievements:1983 - Purchased 1st Boat1985 - Started Manufacturer’s Rep firm in Furniture Industry (Was consistently one of top salesman for companies represented)1994 - Started Johnny Beverage with Partner. Together they brought “Water Joe” to market. Was one of the original products in the “energy drink” category. This was the 1994 USA Today product of the year. Secured distribution in 50 states in first calendar year2002 - Started Superior International Sourcing one of the first companies in the furniture industry to have offices in both Asia and United States. Did major projects for Top 100 Furniture retailers from concept to delivering final product2013 - Started Nautical Empire LLC (Marine consultant) Working for the buyers have closed just under $4M in sales of New and Used Boats

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Scott Cimino

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Colin Urquhart

Colin Urquhart is an accomplished professional with a diverse background that has shaped his successful career. With over three years of experience as a yacht broker, Colin's expertise and passion for the maritime world have earned him a reputation as a trusted advisor in the luxury yacht industry.In addition to his career as a yacht broker, Colin's entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish 360 Yacht Imaging, a pioneering company that specializes in crafting immersive virtual tours for super yachts. His innovative approach to showcasing these vessels has not only transformed the way clients explore luxury yachts but has also become a valuable resource for the yachting industry.Colin's determination, adaptability, and leadership skills were honed during his time as a former Army Ranger. His military service instilled in him the core values of discipline, teamwork, and a commitment to excellence, which he carries forward into every aspect of his professional life. Colin Urquhart's unique blend of military precision and maritime expertise sets him apart in the world of yacht brokerage and technology, making him a go-to expert for luxury yacht enthusiasts and industry professionals alike.

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Eddy Denison

Eddy was fortunate to grow up in one of the most influential families in the yachting industry. His grandfather founded Broward Marine, his father founded Denison Marine, his older brother took over Denison Yachting and has turned it into one of the most successful brokerage firms in the world. He won the “Rookie of the Year” award as the top selling first year broker at Denison Yachting, as well as earning his CPYB (Certified Professional Yacht Broker) certification, while working on new builds, refits, and crypto-currency deals, making him a versatile broker. Eddy’s true passion is all things marine electric, which has heightened with the current push by the marine industry into environmentally friendly engines and technology. He looks forward to continuing his career and contributing to his family’s high standards and legacy. Eddy believes with education and honesty he can help more clients enjoy getting out on the water and making memories with families and friends.

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Joe has lived around boats for as long as he can remember. His dad was a mechanic for a boat dealer and Joe assisted him cleaning motor parts and assembling outboards before the age of 10. As an adult he purchased ABC Marine bearing many responsibilities including washing boats, ordering parts, providing service, and handling sales and administration of the small business. Joe’s love of being out on the water, spending time with family, snorkeling on the reefs, dragging a tube, and visiting the sandbar made dreams into reality. From 1973 to 2000 he worked for a family-owned boat dealer and displayed his multifaceted talents before accepting a management position at Sundance Marine.  Joe officially started working at a family-owned boat dealer in 1973 until 2000. He then took a management position at Sundance Marine and was moved to the Pompano headquarters as a Sales Associate until 2017. As an expert licensed broker since 2005, Joe joined the YSI team to expand his network selling brokerage boats and new boats to his customers.  

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Katie McGarry

Katie grew up near a small lake in Ohio where she spent most summers jet boating with her family. She moved to New York at age 18, working in fine dining and events for over a decade before moving to Florida to be near her family. Katie’s high ethical standards and NYC work ethic stand out in her sales style. You can find Katie snorkeling, stand up paddleboarding, on the golf course or traveling the world.

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Michael Binder

Michael Binder, boat enthusiast and boat owner, was born raised in Austria. After enjoying Florida as his vacation destination for over 20 years he moved to Southwest Florida and became a US citizen. Michael speaks English and German fluently making him a great connection to the international boating market. Michael is also the Broker/Owner of 100 Pro Realty LLC providing boat charters in the heart of downtown Fort Lauderdale and intercoastal waterways.

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Michael Mandel

Michael grew up on the water in California. If he had his way, he wouldn't touch land. He's been in Florida for over 40 years with half of that time serving as a Top selling Yacht Broker and in management capacities with “Sunseeker”, “Fairline” and his own brokerage company “1 World Yachts”. He specializes in motor yachts and trawlers 50'-120’ and now brings his talents to YSI. He has worked diligently to provide ethical professional information to all his clients and eventual friends throughout the years, while keeping the process fun. He has built many long-lasting relationships throughout the years with both clients and colleagues that he still values today.

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Shawn Johnson

Shawn grew up in Wisconsin where he boated and water-skied practically every weekend in the summer months on the surrounding lakes. This passion for boating continued as he relocated to South Florida 1988. Shawn is still the avid water enthusiast, certified diver and recently a personal captain of his own vessel, a 63-foot Hatteras Cockpit Motor Yacht.Dealing primarily in real estate for over 14 years, in both the development of luxury high-rise condominiums as well as being a licensed realtor, transitioning into the Yacht Brokerage business was a perfect fit. Utilizing his lifetime love of boating experience, including both power and motor yacht ownership and helping buyers and sellers with luxury real estate, he is in a unique position to help you market your current vessel and/or find your new one whether moving up in size, downsizing or just starting out.Shawn has held various positions in the yachting industry besides Yacht Salesperson including that of Assistant Sales Manager and also as a Charter Director where he helped to establish a Charter Division and expand the services provided at the prior marine company he was with. Reach out to Shawn and discover how he can help you experience fair winds and following seas as you navigate your way through your yachting needs.

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Shelley Morton

Product manager / broker.

Shelley moved to Southern Florida in 2018 from Colorado to be a part of the yachting community. She and her partner purchased a 40ft sailing catamaran and cruised around Southern Florida and the Bahamas for over 3 years with their labradoodle in tow. Shelley's love of the ocean began as a child and has resulted in many years of diving and boating both on the East and West coasts of the US and throughout the Caribbean. She is passionate about living the boating lifestyle and has made a career out of it. Shelley is USCG Licensed Captain and when not out on boats herself, she shares her passions and knowledge with clients looking to begin their boating adventure or looking to upgrade their boating experience.

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Carter Anderson

Carter's passion for boating began in his birth state of Colorado. His family spent their summers in the Rocky Mountains at Lake Dillon on a small ski boat. At the of age 10, he moved to Florida, and was fortunate to be raised on the water in Tampa Bay. Operating boats at a young age instilled his love for the lifestyle, but Carter knows that enjoying the boat is only part of ownership. He was taught to meticulously tend to his father’s boats like they were his own. Therefore, with 25 years of experience, Carter also carries the knowledge and respect of what it takes to properly maintain a boat. After earning his degree from Florida State University in 2010, he moved to south Florida, and settled in Jupiter. With over 10 years of sales experience, he became a licensed yacht broker in 2021.

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Charles Giambalvo

Captain Charles began boating in Long Island, New York when he was 16 years old. He and his wife, Captain Karen, lived aboard yachts for 11 years. They have also sold and implemented hundreds of private yacht charters as brokers, yacht owners and crew. Charles is a trained Electrical Engineer and did 100% of maintenance on his own yacht himself. He has taught Marine Electrical Systems, Boat Handling, Seamanship, Communications and Engine Maintenance for the U.S. Power Squadrons. His clients rely on him as a “trusted advisor” in selecting the best yacht to fit their needs, along with how to pilot and maintain it. Many of his clients benefit from Charles sharing his knowledge of entering the charter business, which further justifies their yacht purchases.

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Best Hospitals In Russia | Top 10 Hospitals in Russia

best hospitals in russia, top 10 hospitals in russia

In the vast and diverse landscape of Russia, a nation renowned for its historical splendor, cultural richness, and scientific prowess, healthcare services have continued to evolve, keeping pace with global advancements. Among the vast network of hospitals, certain institutions have distinguished themselves by consistently delivering excellence in healthcare. These facilities are not only recognized for their state-of-the-art technology, top-notch medical professionals, and comprehensive services, but also for their unwavering commitment to patient care and safety. Welcome to our curated list of the top 10 hospitals in Russia, where we explore these exceptional institutions and the key attributes that set them apart in Russia's healthcare ecosystem.

List of Top 10 Hospitals in Russia

Pirogov national medical and surgical center - moscow, sklifosovsky institute of emergency care - moscow, moscow clinical scientific center (mcc) - moscow, city clinical hospital no. 31 - saint petersburg, almazov national medical research centre - saint petersburg, academician i.p. pavlov first saint petersburg state medical university hospital - saint petersburg, federal center for cardiovascular surgery - astrakhan, federal research and clinical center of physical-chemical medicine - moscow, n.n. blokhin national medical research center of oncology - moscow, city hospital no. 1 - novosibirsk.

  • About Hospital: Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, located in Moscow, is renowned for its comprehensive medical services. With a legacy dating back to 1802, it combines rich traditions with cutting-edge technology, providing top-notch healthcare to patients.
  • Team and Specialties: Pirogov Center boasts a highly skilled team of medical professionals specializing in various fields, including cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, and oncology. Their expertise ensures precise diagnoses and effective treatments for patients.
  • Infrastructure: The hospital features state-of-the-art facilities equipped with modern medical equipment. From advanced operating theaters to diagnostic imaging units, the infrastructure supports accurate diagnostics and innovative medical interventions.
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
  • Hospital Address: Pirogovskaya Embankment, 1, Moscow, 105203, Russia


  • Intensive care units with advanced life-support systems
  • Specialized departments for organ transplants
  • Advanced diagnostic imaging facilities (MRI, CT scans)
  • Rehabilitation centers offering comprehensive therapies
  • Well-equipped emergency department for prompt medical attention
  • Dedicated research and development center for medical advancements
  • Modernized laboratory facilities for accurate diagnostics
  • Comfortable patient rooms with essential amenities
  • Pharmacy providing a wide range of medications
  • Cafeteria and parking facilities for the convenience of patients and visitors

Hospital Awards:

  • National Healthcare Excellence Award for Outstanding Patient Care
  • Recognition for Innovative Research in Medical Sciences
  • Best Hospital for Cardiac Care in Moscow
  • Accreditation by the Joint Commission International (JCI)
  • National Recognition for Excellence in Surgical Services

Available Specialties:

  • Orthopedics
  • Gastroenterology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Dermatology
  • About Hospital: The Sklifosovsky Institute of Emergency Care, located in Moscow, is a renowned medical institution specializing in emergency and trauma care. With a legacy spanning over a century, it has become a symbol of excellence in emergency medicine in Russia.
  • Team and Specialties: Sklifosovsky Institute boasts a highly skilled team of emergency care specialists, including trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, and critical care physicians. The hospital is equipped to handle a wide range of medical emergencies, from severe injuries to life-threatening conditions.
  • Infrastructure: The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art emergency rooms, operating theaters, and intensive care units to provide immediate and critical care services. It also houses specialized units for cardiac emergencies, neurosurgery, and burns.
  • Hospital Address: Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square, 3, Moscow, 129090, Russia
  • Emergency department with round-the-clock services
  • Specialized trauma units equipped for complex surgeries
  • Advanced imaging technology for rapid diagnostics
  • Helicopter landing pad for quick transfer of critically ill patients
  • Rehabilitation center offering comprehensive post-trauma care
  • Advanced life support systems in ambulances for safe patient transportation
  • Research and training facilities for emergency medicine advancements
  • Well-designed waiting areas and patient rooms for comfort
  • Pharmacy providing necessary medications
  • Cafeteria and parking facilities for convenience
  • National Award for Excellence in Emergency Care
  • Recognition for Outstanding Trauma Services
  • Best Emergency Care Hospital in Moscow
  • National Recognition for Research and Innovation in Emergency Medicine
  • Trauma Care
  • Cardiac Emergencies
  • Neurosurgery
  • Burns and Plastic Surgery
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Pediatric Emergencies
  • Respiratory Emergencies
  • Obstetric Emergencies
  • Gastrointestinal Emergencies
  • About Hospital: Moscow Clinical Scientific Center is a leading multidisciplinary medical institution in Moscow. It combines clinical practice, education, and scientific research to provide comprehensive healthcare services. The hospital is known for its commitment to evidence-based medicine and patient-centered care.
  • Team and Specialties: MCC boasts a team of highly experienced physicians, surgeons, and researchers specializing in various medical fields. The hospital offers a wide range of specialties, including cardiology, oncology, neurology, gastroenterology, and endocrinology.
  • Infrastructure: The hospital features modern infrastructure and advanced medical technologies. It houses well-equipped operating rooms, diagnostic imaging facilities, and specialized units for various medical disciplines. The infrastructure supports efficient and accurate diagnostics, minimally invasive procedures, and advanced surgical interventions.
  • Hospital Address: Stromynka St, 7, Moscow, 107076, Russia
  • Comprehensive diagnostic services, including MRI, CT scans, and laboratory tests
  • Specialized clinics for outpatient care
  • Advanced surgical units for complex procedures
  • Intensive care units with cutting-edge monitoring and life support systems
  • Rehabilitation center offering physical therapy and rehabilitation programs
  • Well-designed patient rooms ensuring comfort and privacy
  • Research and innovation center promoting scientific advancements
  • Emergency services available 24/7
  • National Recognition for Excellence in Patient Safety
  • Award for Outstanding Contributions to Medical Research
  • Best Multidisciplinary Hospital in Moscow
  • National Award for Innovation in Healthcare Services
  • Endocrinology
  • Pulmonology
  • Rheumatology
  • Otolaryngology (ENT)
  • About Hospital: City Clinical Hospital No. 31, located in Saint Petersburg, is a prominent healthcare institution providing comprehensive medical services. With a focus on patient care and advanced treatment approaches, the hospital has gained recognition for its excellence in healthcare delivery.
  • Team and Specialties: The hospital is home to a skilled team of medical professionals, including specialists in internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and more. The hospital's departments cover a wide range of medical specialties, ensuring personalized and specialized care for patients.
  • Infrastructure: City Clinical Hospital No. 31 features modern infrastructure with well-equipped operating rooms, advanced diagnostic facilities, and specialized units. The hospital utilizes state-of-the-art technology and medical equipment to deliver accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
  • Location: Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Hospital Address: Marshala Tukhachevskogo St., 28, Saint Petersburg, 195067, Russia
  • Specialized clinics for various medical specialties
  • Advanced diagnostic imaging services (MRI, CT scans, X-rays)
  • Operating theaters equipped with modern surgical instruments
  • Intensive care units providing critical care support
  • Rehabilitation center offering comprehensive therapy programs
  • Well-designed patient rooms with modern amenities
  • Emergency department for immediate medical attention
  • Laboratory facilities for accurate diagnostic testing
  • Convenient parking and cafeteria facilities
  • Excellence in Patient Care Award
  • National Recognition for Medical Innovation
  • Best Hospital for Pediatric Care in Saint Petersburg
  • Award for Outstanding Surgical Services
  • Internal Medicine
  • Surgery (General, Orthopedic, Neurosurgery, etc.)
  • Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • About Hospital: Almazov National Medical Research Centre is a leading medical institution located in Saint Petersburg. It is a renowned center for medical research, education, and patient care. The hospital focuses on delivering advanced treatments and improving healthcare through scientific innovation.
  • Team and Specialties: Almazov Centre boasts a multidisciplinary team of highly skilled healthcare professionals, including physicians, surgeons, researchers, and support staff. The hospital offers specialized care in areas such as cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, genetics, and endocrinology.
  • Infrastructure: The hospital features state-of-the-art infrastructure with advanced medical equipment and facilities. It houses cutting-edge diagnostic imaging centers, hybrid operating rooms, and specialized units for research and clinical trials. The infrastructure supports the delivery of precise diagnostics, minimally invasive procedures, and complex surgeries.
  • Hospital Address: Akkuratova St., 2, Saint Petersburg, 197341, Russia
  • Advanced cardiovascular imaging services (MRI, CT scans, angiography)
  • Hybrid operating rooms for minimally invasive surgeries
  • Specialized clinics for cardiology, endocrinology, genetics, and more
  • Intensive care units equipped with advanced monitoring systems
  • Rehabilitation center offering comprehensive recovery programs
  • Well-appointed patient rooms ensuring comfort and privacy
  • Cafeteria, garden, and parking facilities for convenience
  • National Award for Excellence in Cardiology Services
  • Recognition for Research and Innovation in Medical Sciences
  • Best Hospital for Cardiovascular Care in Saint Petersburg
  • National Award for Advancements in Genetic Medicine
  • Cardiovascular Surgery
  • About Hospital: The Academician I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University Hospital, affiliated with the esteemed medical university, is a leading medical institution in Saint Petersburg. It combines academic excellence with clinical expertise to provide high-quality healthcare services.
  • Team and Specialties: The hospital is staffed by a dedicated team of medical professionals, including renowned professors, experienced physicians, and specialists across various medical fields. The hospital offers comprehensive care in specialties such as cardiology, neurology, oncology, and pediatrics.
  • Infrastructure: The hospital is equipped with modern infrastructure, including state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities, advanced operating theaters, and specialized treatment units. The infrastructure supports accurate diagnostics, advanced surgical interventions, and innovative treatment approaches.
  • Hospital Address: L'va Tolstogo St., 6-8, Saint Petersburg, 197022, Russia
  • Comprehensive diagnostic services, including imaging, laboratory, and pathology
  • Advanced operating theaters with cutting-edge surgical equipment
  • Intensive care units providing specialized critical care support
  • Rehabilitation center offering a range of therapies for recovery
  • Research and innovation center fostering scientific advancements
  • Training facilities for medical education and research
  • National Recognition for Excellence in Medical Education
  • Award for Outstanding Research Contributions
  • Best Hospital for Academic Medicine in Saint Petersburg
  • National Award for Pediatric Care
  • About Hospital: The Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, located in Astrakhan, is a renowned institution specializing in cardiac care. It is dedicated to providing comprehensive cardiovascular services, including diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, to patients with heart conditions.
  • Team and Specialties: The hospital houses a team of highly skilled cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and specialized healthcare professionals. They have extensive expertise in various areas of cardiovascular medicine, such as interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, and cardiac surgery.
  • Infrastructure: The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and cutting-edge technology specific to cardiovascular care. It features advanced cardiac catheterization laboratories, hybrid operating rooms, and specialized units for cardiac rehabilitation. The infrastructure supports precision diagnostics and advanced interventions for optimal patient outcomes.
  • Location: Astrakhan, Russia
  • Hospital Address: 20th Building Line, 26, Astrakhan, 414011, Russia
  • Advanced cardiac diagnostic services, including angiography and echocardiography
  • Hybrid operating rooms for minimally invasive and complex cardiac surgeries
  • Intensive care units specialized in cardiac critical care
  • Rehabilitation center with tailored programs for cardiac patients
  • Well-appointed patient rooms ensuring comfort and recovery
  • Research and education center for advancements in cardiovascular medicine
  • Pharmacy providing specialized cardiac medications
  • Emergency services for immediate cardiac care
  • Laboratory facilities for comprehensive cardiac testing
  • National Recognition for Excellence in Cardiovascular Services
  • Award for Innovation in Cardiac Procedures
  • Best Cardiovascular Hospital in Astrakhan
  • National Award for Cardiac Rehabilitation Services
  • Interventional Cardiology
  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Electrophysiology
  • Heart Failure Management
  • Cardiovascular Imaging
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Vascular Surgery
  • Hypertension Management
  • Cardiac Genetics
  • About Hospital: The Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine, located in Moscow, is a leading medical institution specializing in physical-chemical medicine and advanced therapies. It is dedicated to research, innovation, and personalized treatments for various diseases.
  • Team and Specialties: The hospital boasts a multidisciplinary team of experts, including physicians, researchers, and scientists. The center focuses on integrating physical-chemical medicine into clinical practice, offering specialized care in areas such as regenerative medicine, personalized therapy, and targeted drug delivery.
  • Infrastructure: The hospital features state-of-the-art infrastructure with advanced laboratories, research facilities, and specialized treatment units. It utilizes cutting-edge technologies and techniques to develop innovative treatments and personalized medicine approaches.
  • Hospital Address: Kashirskoye Shosse, 46, Moscow, 115522, Russia
  • Advanced laboratories for research and development
  • Specialized treatment units for regenerative medicine and targeted therapy
  • Advanced diagnostic imaging services (MRI, CT scans, etc.)
  • Rehabilitation center offering tailored programs for patients
  • Well-equipped patient rooms ensuring comfort and recovery
  • Pharmacy providing specialized medications
  • National Recognition for Excellence in Research and Innovation
  • Award for Advancements in Personalized Medicine
  • Best Hospital for Physical-Chemical Medicine in Moscow
  • National Award for Regenerative Medicine
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Targeted Therapy
  • Personalized Medicine
  • Nanomedicine
  • Drug Delivery Systems
  • Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
  • Genetic Medicine
  • Radiopharmaceuticals
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Theranostics
  • About Hospital: The N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology, located in Moscow, is a prestigious medical institution specializing in cancer care and research. It is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various types of cancers.
  • Team and Specialties: The hospital boasts a highly skilled team of oncologists, surgeons, radiation therapists, and researchers. They specialize in various areas of oncology, including medical oncology, surgical oncology, radiation oncology, and pediatric oncology.
  • Infrastructure: The hospital features advanced infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies for cancer diagnosis and treatment. It has state-of-the-art radiation therapy units, specialized surgical theaters, and multidisciplinary clinics. The infrastructure supports precise cancer diagnostics, minimally invasive procedures, and comprehensive treatment plans.
  • Hospital Address: Kashirskoye Shosse, 24, Moscow, 115478, Russia
  • Advanced diagnostic services, including PET-CT scans and molecular diagnostics
  • Radiation therapy units equipped with modern linear accelerators
  • Specialized surgical theaters for oncologic surgeries
  • Multidisciplinary clinics for comprehensive cancer care
  • Pediatric oncology department with child-friendly facilities
  • Rehabilitation center offering supportive care programs
  • Research and innovation center for advancements in cancer treatment
  • Pharmacy providing specialized oncology medications
  • Emergency services for immediate oncologic care
  • National Recognition for Excellence in Cancer Care
  • Award for Innovations in Oncology Treatment
  • Best Oncology Center in Moscow
  • National Award for Pediatric Oncology Services
  • Medical Oncology
  • Surgical Oncology
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Pediatric Oncology
  • Palliative Care
  • Genetic Counseling
  • Clinical Trials
  • Supportive Care
  • Cancer Prevention and Screening
  • About Hospital: City Hospital No. 1, located in Novosibirsk, is a prominent healthcare institution providing comprehensive medical services to the community. It is recognized for its commitment to patient care, advanced treatments, and medical education.
  • Team and Specialties: The hospital boasts a team of highly skilled physicians, specialists, and support staff dedicated to delivering quality healthcare. It offers a wide range of medical specialties, including internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and gynecology.
  • Infrastructure: City Hospital No. 1 features modern infrastructure with well-equipped departments, diagnostic facilities, and treatment units. It utilizes advanced medical technologies to ensure accurate diagnostics, efficient treatments, and excellent patient outcomes.
  • Location: Novosibirsk, Russia
  • Hospital Address: Ulitsa Timiryazeva, 2, Novosibirsk, 630099, Russia
  • Outpatient clinics providing primary and specialized care
  • Advanced diagnostic imaging services, including X-rays and ultrasound
  • Well-equipped operating theaters for various surgical procedures
  • Intensive care units offering critical care support
  • Rehabilitation center with comprehensive therapy programs
  • National Recognition for Excellence in Patient Care
  • Award for Best Hospital in Novosibirsk
  • Recognition for Contributions to Medical Education
  • National Award for Quality Improvement in Healthcare Services
  • General Surgery

In conclusion, Russia is home to a diverse range of exceptional hospitals that are at the forefront of healthcare delivery, research, and innovation. The top 10 hospitals mentioned in this blog represent a selection of these outstanding institutions, each offering specialized medical services and demonstrating a commitment to patient care.

From the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center in Moscow to the City Hospital No. 1 in Novosibirsk, these hospitals showcase the highest standards of healthcare delivery in Russia. They feature advanced infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and highly skilled medical professionals who specialize in various fields, ensuring comprehensive and personalized care for patients.

These hospitals have received recognition and awards for their excellence in medical services, patient satisfaction, research contributions, and innovations in healthcare. Their commitment to advancing medical knowledge, embracing technological advancements, and providing patient-centered care sets them apart as leaders in the healthcare industry.

When it comes to seeking medical care, these top hospitals in Russia are reliable choices for individuals looking for the best treatment options and outcomes. They are committed to improving the health and well-being of their patients, emphasizing the importance of quality healthcare in enhancing lives.

As healthcare continues to evolve, these hospitals will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of medical advancements, driving innovation and delivering exceptional care to the people of Russia. When faced with medical challenges, individuals can confidently rely on these hospitals to provide the highest level of medical expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and compassionate patient care.

PLEASE NOTE: The medical/health information on our website is for information purposes and not a substitute for medical advice.

--- published by  sunil kumar, latest medical tourism.

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US faces ‘fragile world order’ amid Russia and China threats, intelligence chiefs warn

Intelligence agencies say competitors are ‘challenging longstanding rules of the international system … and US primacy’

US intelligence agencies say the country faces an “increasingly fragile world order”, strained by great power competition, transnational challenges and regional conflicts, in a report released as agency leaders testified in the Senate.

“An ambitious but anxious China , a confrontational Russia , some regional powers, such as Iran, and more capable non-state actors are challenging longstanding rules of the international system as well as US primacy within it,” the agencies say in their 2024 Annual Threat Assessment.

The report largely focused on threats from China and Russia, the greatest rivals to the United States, more than two years after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, as well as noting the risks of broader conflict related to Israel’s campaign against Hamas in Gaza since the 7 October attacks.

China is providing economic and security assistance to Russia as it wages war in Ukraine, by supporting Russia’s industrial base, the report says. It also warns that China could use technology to try to influence this year’s US elections.

“[China] may attempt to influence the US elections in 2024 at some level because of its desire to sideline critics of China and magnify US societal divisions,” the report says.

The report also notes that trade between China and Russia has been increasing since the start of the Ukraine war, and that Chinese exports of goods with potential military use rose more than threefold since 2022.

Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, urged lawmakers to approve more military assistance for Ukraine . She said it was “hard to imagine how Ukraine” could hold territory it has recaptured from Russia without more assistance from Washington.

She said it is “absolutely critical” that Congress pass a bill that would provide $60bn in new military assistance for Kyiv. The Republican House speaker, Mike Johnson, an ally of Donald Trump, has so far refused to call a vote on the measure, which has passed the Democratic-run Senate.

On Sunday the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, said Donald Trump would “not give a penny” to Ukraine if he is re-elected, after he met with the former president in Florida.

According to Orbán, Trump has a “detailed plan” to end the Ukraine war.

The CIA director, William Burns, told the Senate intelligence committee that US intelligence assessed that Vladimir Putin was not serious about negotiating an end to the conflict, despite economic consequences “fast making Russia the economic vassal to China”. Burns, like Haines, strongly urged continuing support for Ukraine both to bolster the government in Kyiv and send a message to China about aggression toward neighbors, such as Taiwan or in the South China Sea.

“It is our assessment that [Chinese leader] Xi Jinping was sobered, you know, by what happened … He didn’t expect that Ukraine would resist with the courage and tenacity the Ukrainians demonstrated,” Burns said.

Haines noted concerns that the conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas could spread global insecurity. “The crisis in Gaza is a stark example of how regional developments have the potential of broader and even global implications,” Haines said.

She said attacks by Houthi militias on shipping and said the militant groups al-Qaida and IS “inspired by Hamas” have directed supporters to conduct attacks against Israeli and US interests.

After a protester interrupted the hearing with shouts about the need to protect civilians in Gaza, Burns was asked about children in the Palestinian enclave.

“The reality is that there are children who are starving. They’re malnourished as a result of the fact that humanitarian assistance can’t get to them. It’s very difficult to distribute humanitarian assistance effectively unless you have a ceasefire,” he said.

Emotions rose in the hearing as some senators discussed immigration across the US border with Mexico, which Trump has made a focus of his campaign to defeat Joe Biden in the November election.

The FBI director, Christopher Wray, expressed concern about the “terrorism implications from potential targeting of vulnerabilities at the border,” noting rising threats from Americans inspired by Islamist groups and other foreign militants since Hamas’s attack on Israel on 7 October.

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Opinion In Haiti, the toxic effects of apathy and naiveté

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The temptation in contemplating Haiti’s current blood-soaked, dystopian horror is to think it can’t get worse. It can and likely will unless outside powers intervene, and quickly.

Amid the meltdown of a failed state, with a gang-controlled capital and deepening humanitarian disaster , Haitian warlords and foreign leaders alike have warned that the hemisphere’s poorest country could soon descend into civil war .

Yet the very term “civil war” suggests something far more organized, symmetrical and susceptible to resolution than the mayhem that already besets the nation and might easily intensify.

Those warnings in the past two weeks were sounded as armed criminal gangs attacked police stations and jails, allowing thousands of inmates to escape; paralyzed the country’s major airport and roads; and prompted foreign embassies to evacuate their diplomats. One prominent gang leader now threatens to assault hotels in the capital, Port-au-Prince, where he says government ministers loyal to the ineffectual prime minister, Ariel Henry, are hiding. Bodies lie in the street , uncollected.

The widely reviled Henry, installed and largely supported on the say-so of the Biden administration , is waylaid in Puerto Rico, his return to Haiti having been blocked by gangs that threatened to kill him at the airport should he try to fly home. On Tuesday, he said he would resign once a transitional presidential “panel” is installed.

The conditions under which Haiti’s bedlam might deteriorate further are as varied as the powers of imagination. A likely precondition for a continued chaotic spiral is simply the status quo or anything resembling it — meaning a scenario in which the international community continues to dither and debate rather than promptly organize and deploy an armed stabilization force.

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The U.N. Security Council approved such a force about five months ago, to be led by an undermanned, undertrained and underequipped force of 1,000 Kenyan police, supplemented by smaller forces from smaller countries. But even that doomed-to-fail contingent hasn’t materialized, blocked by a Kenyan court and left in limbo by the indifference of much of the international community. Kenya now says the deployment is on hold following Henry’s announcement that he would resign.

In fact, it is the lethal combination of indifference, compounded by naiveté, that set the stage for Haiti’s collapse, which was entirely predictable and predicted . The outside powers that exercise influence in Haiti, led by the United States, elevated Henry, wanting little more than someone to maintain calm after the country’s President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in 2021.

At the same time, many of Haiti’s so-called friends in the United States and Europe, including activists and do-gooder nongovernmental organizations, railed against the prospect of international intervention , insisting that Haitians on their own could prevent a slide into anarchy.

That stance was understandable given the toxic legacy of past foreign missions , including the most recent one, a 13-year U.N. stabilization force that ended in 2017 amid evidence that troops had sexually exploited Haitian girls and women , and caused one of the world’s most deadly recent outbreaks of cholera . Yet the opposition to outside intervention overlooked the fact that the U.N. mission also enabled a period of relative stability in a nation where that has been the scarcest commodity.

The combined effect of the international community’s apathy and reluctance to intercede was to leave Haiti in a state of suspended animation. Since Moïse’s death, the country has had no legitimate government and no prospect of new elections, not to mention an anemic police force outgunned by gangs affiliated with a powerful business elite. The last time Haitians went to the polls was eight years ago, and the terms of every official elected then have expired.

The inevitable upshot is that Haiti’s florid disorder has slid into pandemonium. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced from their homes, as malnutrition and poverty have deepened in a society already beset by hunger and extreme want.

Prompted by the swelling crisis, and likely worried it could trigger flotillas of people bound for U.S. shores, diplomats from Washington and elsewhere have swung into belated action. Meeting this week in Jamaica, they cobbled together a plan under which a transitional seven-member presidential panel — one theoretically free of gang leaders or other criminals — would govern the country and appoint a new interim prime minister.

It’s a nice idea; it also smacks of desperation. And it leaves unanswered the question of how such a jury-rigged body’s authority would be enforced in the face of the estimated 300 armed gangs that hold sway in Port-au-Prince and beyond.

The only real solution is the deployment of an international force with the muscle to keep the peace, restore some semblance of normalcy and, over time, create conditions under which elections can be organized. Failing that, and notwithstanding the historical baggage foreign intervention summons in Haitian memory, the sad but probable outlook for Haiti is for more of the same — and worse.

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    yachtcare oder international


  1. The Best Antifouling Paints Tested and Compared

    For the test, five antifouling products from Hempel, International, Nautical, Epifanes and Yachtcare were applied to a ship in sections at the beginning of the 2016 season. In order to test the anti-fouling protection, the boat was placed in the port of Hamburg-Tatenburg and sailed to various fresh, salt and brackish water regions during the year.

  2. Antifouling kaufen

    International VC Offshore EU Yachtcare Antifouling SP 750ML Seajet 037 Coastal Hart Seajet 032 Seajet Antifouling Yachtcare Eco Sp Antifouling Sdv Chemie Propeller Antifouling Yachtcare Antifouling Verankerung ... Hempel oder International geben als niedrigste Temperaturen 5 - 10 °C an. Bei niedrigeren Temperaturen verflüchtigen sich die ...

  3. GS Yachtcare

    Welcome to GS-Yachtcare.com, your trusted partner for yacht maintenance and repairs. At GS Yachtcare, we understand the importance of reliability and trustworthiness when it comes to caring for your valuable investment. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing top-notch service, ensuring your yacht receives the attention it deserves.

  4. Hinckley YachtCare

    YachtCare provides 24/7 support in season so you can rest assured the Hinckley team will have your back around the clock. In the off season, whether you would like your yacht relocated or treated to a refit, every inch of your boat will receive impeccable attention. Varnish, upholstery, fiberglass, paint, electronics, mechanical and more will ...

  5. Deco & Yacht

    YACHTCARE High technology for your yacht. The YACHTCARE brand from Vosschemie offers a full range of cutting-edge technologies for boat owners. With everything from anti-fouling treatments to foam rollers, this tried-and-tested portfolio for cleaning, maintaining and repairing boats has a full range for all boat building materials above and below the waterline.

  6. Yachtcare & Yachtmanagement

    Our Yachtcare and Yachtmanagement Services are available in Italy and Croatia. As these kind of services are very individual, please drop us a short message with your request and we will get back to you to discuss a personal quote. Peace of mind when away from your yacht. Our individually tailored yachtcare services guarantee that your vessel ...

  7. Epoxy Resin, Polyester Resin and Filler for Boats buy now

    INTERNATIONAL Watertite Epoxy Filler from €25 17 €32.34 (68) 2 variants -22% ... YACHTCARE V-11 VT Polyester Fibreglass Reinforced Filler from €10 88 €15.85 (7) 2 variants ... Order your products directly Brands Follow us. Imprint Terms and Conditions ...


    Mit unseren YACHTCARE Produkten bieten wir alles zur Bootspflege, Reparatur und Instandhaltung. Vom Produktentwickler zum Systemanbieter. Unsere Fachberater informieren und beraten Dich gern unter ...

  9. Home [yachtscare.com]

    What make us different. Yachts Care Of Miami provides a prestigious captain service, A full-service yacht maintenance for any and all yachts regardless of size and type. Our master Yacht maintenance crew customizes maintenance services based on your preferences and specific needs of your yacht.

  10. Yachtcare.de

    Yachtcare.de, Uetersen, Germany. 286 likes · 2 talking about this. Als etablierte Marke steht YACHTCARE für ein umfangreiches Produktsortiment rund ums...


    50329. This antifouling stripper quickly and thoroughly removes all antifouling paints without damaging the gel coat or two-component primer. Contains 2.5 liters. View and order accessories. Guides for this item. Only 4 in stock. pcs. Add to cart. SVB price: €57.94 (€23.18 / l )

  12. Marine Surveyor Austria, Italy, Croatia

    Use our professional yachtcare & -management and benefit from a reduction in your operating costs of up to 22 percent while at the same time ensuring that your yacht retains its value and seaworthiness. ... International Institute of Marine Surveying. Member No S1794. Certified Marine Surveyors and Appraisers for Boats and Yachts. AUSTRIA ...

  13. 2021 Global Order Book

    2021 Global Order Book. 15 December 2020. GOB data shows that superyacht production ground to a halt at times in 2020, with significant impacts on delivery schedules worldwide. Superficially, this year's Global Order Book (GOB) paints the picture of an industry in robust health, with 821 superyacht projects in build or ordered globally, an ...

  14. Yacht Care Öresund

    Yacht Care Öresund, Landskrona. 426 likes · 47 were here. Yacht Care Öresund är öresunds mest flexibla båtvarv som erbjuder förstaklassig service antinge

  15. Global Order Book 2024: TISG 1st Italian builder and 3rd in the world

    The results highlighted by the Global Order Book 2024 confirm the Group's high positioning, also emphasized by positive growth and solid financial results. In the first nine months of the year, TISG recorded a 25% increase in revenues, with an EBITDA margin of 16.5% and an order book reaching the value of 1.3 billion euros.

  16. Opinion

    The idea that one human should have to make such a consequential decision in 15 minutes or less is nearly beyond comprehension. In reality, as long as nuclear weapons exist, there's most likely ...

  17. United States faces 'increasingly fragile world order,' spy chiefs say

    Africa Ex-Ivory Coast President Gbagbo agrees to contest 2025 election March 9, 2024. U.S. intelligence agencies said on Monday the country faces an "increasingly fragile world order," strained by ...

  18. Our Team

    Yacht Sales International, headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with offices in Palm Beach, Cape Coral, Annapolis, Chicago, extends our global reach through an extensive network of dealers and suppliers. Our commitment to excellence is evidenced in the personal touch our licensed brokers and sales associates put into every transaction. YachtSalesInternational.com is a worldwide leading ...

  19. Former Boeing whistleblower found dead from apparent 'self-inflicted

    Samuel Corum/Getty Images/File. CNN —. A former longtime Boeing employee who had raised serious concerns about the company's production standards was found dead in Charleston, South Carolina ...

  20. International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Addition to List of

    The Department of State is amending the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) to add Nicaragua in the list of countries for which it is the policy of the United States to deny licenses or other approvals for exports and imports of defense services and defense articles, except as otherwise provided. ... Executive Order 12866, as ...

  21. Care, Polish & Wax for Boats & Yachts buy now

    INTERNATIONAL POLISH and WAX only €10 04 €14.24 (25) 60 in stock-29% Add to compare list ... YACHTCARE Refinish Polishing Paste / coarse / 500 g only €21 81 €26.25 (3) 10 in stock-17% ... Order your products directly Brands Follow us. Imprint Terms and Conditions ...

  22. Atlas Air Near Decision on New Jets to Meet Growing Cargo Demand

    March 12, 2024 at 8:34 PM PDT. Listen. 1:55. Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Inc., one of the world's largest air cargo operators, plans to decide on orders for several new freighter jets as it ...

  23. Superyacht Market Intelligence

    Market Intelligence is your definitive source of superyacht data, giving you the most up-to-date information on the global superyacht industry. Get the story first with our brokerage news, see fresh insight with our market reports and stay on top of the luxury yachting industry with our data that includes the latest superyachts sold, luxury ...

  24. Best Hospitals In Russia

    List of Top 10 Hospitals in Russia. Almazov National Medical Research Centre - Saint Petersburg. Academician I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University Hospital - Saint Petersburg. Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine - Moscow. N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology - Moscow.

  25. McDonald's suffers global tech outage forcing some restaurants ...

    A sign for the U.S. fast food restaurant chain McDonald's is seen outside one of their restaurants in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, near Brussels, Belgium March 4, 2024. McDonald's suffered a system ...

  26. Oscars winners 2024

    It's finally here - the 96th Academy Awards are underway at the Dolby Theater in the heart of Hollywood. The telecast started at a new time - 7 p.m. ET on ABC. (Yes, one hour earlier.)

  27. US faces 'fragile world order' amid Russia and China threats

    US intelligence agencies say the country faces an "increasingly fragile world order", strained by great power competition, transnational challenges and regional conflicts, in a report released ...

  28. 21 Things to Know Before You Go to Moscow

    1: Off-kilter genius at Delicatessen: Brain pâté with kefir butter and young radishes served mezze-style, and the caviar and tartare pizza. Head for Food City. You might think that calling Food City (Фуд Сити), an agriculture depot on the outskirts of Moscow, a "city" would be some kind of hyperbole. It is not.

  29. Opinion

    Opinion. In Haiti, the toxic effects of apathy and naiveté. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Guyana President Irfaan Ali at an emergency meeting on Haiti in Kingston, Jamaica, on Monday ...

  30. Moscow City International Business Center In Minecraft

    Данная Москва Сити выполнена в масштабе 1:1.5 из-за ограниченой высоты в Minecraft Дискорд сервер - https://discord.gg ...