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Exclusive: pushing the boundaries of technology, Sailing Yacht A

Andrey Melnichenko is a man with exceptional vision. Where other yacht owners like to blend into the background, he wants his superyachts to push the boundaries of design, creativity and technology as well as make a statement. His first superyacht, Motor Yacht A , rocked the superyacht world with its radical design and now he’s done it again.

With an insatiable appetite to drive change he has put together a highly skilled team to build his new creation, currently under construction in Germany. Boat International was given exclusive access to the yacht, and we can reveal for the first time its name, Sailing Yacht A , and that this huge new project is a “sail-assisted motor yacht”.

This is the second yacht in Melnichenko’s portfolio. His first, Motor Yacht A , split opinion, but today stands as one of the most talked about and recognisable yachts in the world. But Sailing Yacht A is a much bolder move and Melnichenko has raised the stakes even higher with a radically designed yacht that introduces new technologies and techniques never before used in the shipbuilding industry. He also broke down barriers by creating his own project team to undertake the build from start to finish. Sailing Yacht A is a monument to invention.

Philippe Starck , who created Motor Yacht A , and from there went on to design Venus for the late Steve Jobs, is working once again for Andrey and Aleksandra Melnichenko on the project. “I am honoured and happy to bring to life the owner’s dream of what will be the summit of high technology and poetry,” says Starck.

Sailing Yacht A is a unique story that began as far back as 2008 when eight of the world’s leading designers were invited to submit their ideas for a huge project – the creation of one of the world’s biggest sail-assisted private yachts. Initially, French designer Jacques Garcia was chosen for his designs, but later there were concerns about the progress of design development, and the owner decided on a change of direction.

Sailing Yacht A is slated for delivery in 2016, although her masts were not stepped when Boat International was invited on board in July. The interior was also under wraps, but here we can take a look at some of her incredible statistics.

She is a three-masted, 142.81 metre (LOA) sail-assisted motor yacht, with a moulded beam at the widest point of 24.88 metres, an eight metre encapsulated keel and a gross tonnage of approximately 12,700GT. For a vessel of this size it was a challenge to find a shipyard that had the capacity, knowledge and skills to put together the naval architecture and engineering for the motor yacht side of the project. The one chosen, given its skills in building large yachts, was Nobiskrug in Germany.

For the sailing design, rig and keel, and associated structural engineering, Dykstra Naval Architects  in The Netherlands was appointed for its advanced technical abilities demonstrated on various world-class sailing yachts. Aloft Sailing Yacht A carries three of the largest and most highly loaded composite freestanding structures in the world produced by Magma Structures in the UK. The custom booms were made by Future Fibres in Valencia, and the custom sails by Doyle Sails in the USA.

With a hull and superstructure predominantly constructed of steel and incorporating composite and accents of carbon fibre, in order to keep the weight and draught to an acceptable level, Sailing Yacht A is the highest classified vessel of her type: (Maltese Cross) 100A1 Passenger ship Sail Assisted, (Maltese Cross) LMC UMC and (Maltese Cross) 100A1 Yacht Mono G6.

Propulsion comes from a customised hybrid diesel-electric package made up of two MTU 3,600kW diesel engines, and two 4,300kW electric motors, driving shafts ending in highly skewed five-bladed Andritz controllable pitch propellers. She is expected to cruise under power at 16 knots with an expected range of 5,320 nautical miles and will have a top speed of 21 knots.

With her uninterrupted shard-like appearance she carries her eight decks aft along the sheerline, which slopes up towards the stern, reaching a full beam width of 24.88 metres at the widest point. All her machinery is hidden within the hull structure, and as you can see, everything, including the windows, are flush. The bridge control centre for propulsion and sailing systems is on deck seven and there is a touch-and-go helicopter pad on deck six. There is accommodation available for up to 54 crew.

There are many more technical advances, innovations and surprises throughout her hull, decks and keel, which Boat International will reveal, in detail, in an exclusive feature in the November issue.

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  • Die Segelyacht A: Ein Wunderwerk der Technik und des Luxus

Sind Sie bereit, die Segel zu setzen und eine Reise wie keine andere zu unternehmen? Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie wären an Bord der Sailing Yacht A, der größten und beeindruckendsten Yacht der Welt. Dieses prächtige Schiff vereint modernste Technologie, bemerkenswertes Design und ultimativen Luxus. In diesem Artikel werden wir die Großartigkeit und Opulenz der Segelyacht A erkunden, von ihrer beeindruckenden Größe bis hin zu ihren fesselnden Eigenschaften. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam auf eine außergewöhnliche Reise gehen!

1. Einführung

Die Segelyacht A ist ein Schiff, das die Grenzen der Technik, des Designs und des Luxus sprengt. Sie besticht durch ihre schiere Größe, ihre innovativen Funktionen und ihre luxuriösen Annehmlichkeiten. Lassen Sie uns in die faszinierende Geschichte dieser bemerkenswerten Yacht eintauchen.

2. Die Geburt der Segelyacht A

Die Segelyacht A wurde von dem russischen Milliardär Andrey Melnichenko in Auftrag gegeben und von der renommierten deutschen Werft Nobiskrug gebaut. Der Bau begann im Jahr 2012 und wurde 2017 abgeschlossen. Ziel dieses ehrgeizigen Projekts war es, eine Yacht zu schaffen, die die Standards für Luxus neu definiert und die Meere mit unvergleichlicher Eleganz befährt.

3. Ingenieurswunder: Enthüllung der Spezifikationen

Die Segelyacht A ist ein technisches Wunderwerk mit einer Länge von 143 Metern (468 Fuß). Ihre drei Masten, die eine Höhe von 100 Metern (328 Fuß) erreichen, tragen eine beeindruckende Segelfläche von 3.900 Quadratmetern (42.000 Quadratfuß). Mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 21 Knoten (39 Stundenkilometern) verbindet diese Yacht Kraft und Eleganz in perfekter Harmonie.

4. Herausragendes Design: Die Vision von Philippe Starck

Der Visionär hinter dem Design der Sailing Yacht A ist Philippe Starck, ein weltbekannter französischer Designer. Sein Konzept zielte darauf ab, ein schnittiges und futuristisches Schiff zu schaffen, das sich über die traditionellen Normen des Yachtdesigns hinwegsetzt. Das Ergebnis ist ein atemberaubendes Meisterwerk, das Ehrfurcht und Staunen hervorruft.

5. Unübertroffener Luxus und Komfort

Wenn Sie an Bord der Segelyacht A gehen, betreten Sie eine Welt der Opulenz und des Komforts. Die Innenausstattung ist ein Zeugnis feinster Handwerkskunst und exquisiter Liebe zum Detail. Von den großzügigen Kabinen bis hin zu den eleganten Lounges strahlt jeder Raum Luxus und Raffinesse aus.

6. Entdecken Sie die Annehmlichkeiten an Bord

Die Segelyacht A bietet eine Vielzahl von Annehmlichkeiten, um ihren Gästen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu bieten. Gönnen Sie sich die Ruhe im Spa an Bord, nehmen Sie ein Bad im Swimmingpool oder genießen Sie ein Gourmet-Menü in einem der eleganten Essbereiche. Die Yacht verfügt außerdem über einen Hubschrauberlandeplatz, einen Beach Club und sogar über eine Unterwasser-Beobachtungskapsel für alle, die das Abenteuer suchen.

7. Segelyacht A: Eine nachhaltige Ikone

Die Segelyacht A zeichnet sich nicht nur durch ihre Größe aus, sondern auch durch den Einsatz nachhaltiger Technologien, um die Umweltbelastung zu minimieren. Sie verfügt über ein Hybrid-Antriebssystem und fortschrittliche Abfallmanagementsysteme. Das Design der Yacht maximiert zudem die Energieeffizienz und macht sie zu einem Symbol für nachhaltigen Luxus.

Lesen Sie unsere hochkarätigen Artikel zu Themen wie Segeln, Segeltipps und Reiseziele in unserem Magazin .

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Segelyacht A

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Nobiskrug

8. Der rätselhafte Eigner der Segelyacht A

Die Segelyacht A ist im Besitz von Andrey Melnichenko, einem russischen Milliardär mit einer Leidenschaft für den Segelsport. Bekannt für seine Vorliebe für Extravaganz, scheute Melnichenko keine Kosten, um dieses schwimmende Meisterwerk zu schaffen. Der Besitz der Sailing Yacht A hat seinen Status als prominente Persönlichkeit in der Welt der Luxusyachten gefestigt.

9. Segelyacht A: Der Preis der Extravaganz

Der Bau der Segelyacht A war mit einem horrenden Preis verbunden. Schätzungen zufolge beliefen sich die Gesamtkosten auf über 450 Millionen Dollar, was sie zu einer der teuersten Yachten macht, die je gebaut wurden. Diese immense Investition spiegelt das unermüdliche Streben nach Perfektion und den Wunsch wider, etwas wirklich Außergewöhnliches zu schaffen.

10. Die Beschlagnahmungsvorfälle

Überraschend wurde die Segelyacht A Anfang 2020 aufgrund eines Zahlungsstreits zwischen dem Eigner und einer Werft vorübergehend beschlagnahmt. Dieser Vorfall erregte die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien und brachte die Yacht erneut ins Rampenlicht. Die Angelegenheit wurde später beigelegt, und die Yacht setzte ihre Reise in vollem Glanz fort, bis sie ein zweites Mal von den italienischen Behörden beschlagnahmt wurde, weil gegen ihren Eigner Melnichenko wegen seiner Verbindungen zur russischen Regierung EU-Sanktionen verhängt wurden.

11. Das größte Segelboot der Welt

Die Segelyacht A ist stolz darauf, das größte Segelboot der Welt zu sein. Ihre imposante Erscheinung und unübertroffene Größe haben Segelsportbegeisterte auf der ganzen Welt in ihren Bann gezogen. Dieses monumentale Schiff ist ein Beweis für den menschlichen Erfindungsreichtum, der die Grenzen des Möglichen bei der Konstruktion von Yachten sprengt.

12. Segelyacht A im Vergleich zu anderen Mega-Yachten

Wenn man die Segelyacht A mit anderen Megayachten vergleicht, wird ihre Größe noch deutlicher. Ihre Größe übertrifft viele ihrer Gegenstücke und macht sie zu einer wahren Ikone der Meere. Ihr einzigartiges Design und ihre hochmoderne Technologie heben sie von anderen Yachten ab und machen sie zur Spitze des Luxussegelns.

13. Ein Blick in die Zukunft des Segelsports

Die Sailing Yacht A ist ein Blick in die Zukunft des Segelns. Ihr innovatives Design und ihre nachhaltigen Eigenschaften ebnen den Weg für eine neue Ära des Luxussegelns. Mit dem weiteren Fortschreiten der Technologie können wir erwarten, dass noch mehr bahnbrechende Yachten die Weltmeere bevölkern werden.

Abschließend lässt sich sagen, dass die Segelyacht A ein Zeugnis menschlichen Ehrgeizes und menschlicher Kreativität darstellt. Ihre bemerkenswerte Größe, ihr atemberaubendes Design und ihre luxuriöse Ausstattung machen sie zu einem unvergleichlichen Meisterwerk in der Welt des Yachtsports. Ob Sie nun ein Enthusiast sind oder einfach nur von technischen Wunderwerken fasziniert sind, die Segelyacht A ist eine Augenweide.

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Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

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Italian Police Seize Russian Oligarch Andrey Melnichenko’s 468-Foot ‘Sailing Yacht A’

The list keeps growing with the impoundment of "sailing yacht a" and suspicion that "scheherazade" might be connected to vladimir putin., michael verdon, michael verdon's most recent stories.

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Russian oligarchs yachts continued to be seized

Italy’s finance police seized one of the world’s most iconic sailing yachts, owned by a Russian oligarch. Andrey Melnichenko’s Sailing Yacht A , with an estimated value of $578 million, was impounded in dry dock at the Port of Trieste, according to a statement from the Guardia di Finanzia. Melninchenko was sanctioned by the European Union on March 9 as part of a group of Russian oligarchs who met with Russian President Vladimir Putin following its Ukraine invasion to discuss the potential economic impact of EU and American sanctions.

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Melnichenko owns the major fertilizer producer EuroChem Group and SUEK, a coal company. He also owns the 390-foot Motor Yacht A. A spokesperson said in a statement that Melnichenko has nothing to do with politics and that he has removed himself from the board of Eurochem and SUEK after the EU sanctioned him. “He has no relation to the tragic events in Ukraine. He has no political affiliations,” said the statement.

US intelligence officials have also said they are trying to link the Scheherazade , a $700 million superyacht in dry dock in Italy, to Putin. The New York Times reported that the US government has made no definite conclusions about the yacht’s ownership, but believe it could be owned by the Russian president. The yacht’s captain, Guy Bennett-Pearce, told the Times that Putin had no stake in the yacht, but declined to name the owner. Bennett-Pearce said he would provide Italian police with documents that divulged the owner’s name. The Italian Sea Group, which owns the shipyard where Scheherazade is dry docked, said that, based on “checks carried out by relevant authorities,” the yacht is “not attributable to the property of Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

Russian oligarchs yachts continued to be seized

Roman Abramovich, who owns Solaris. last week was placed on the UK sanctions list.  Courtesy of Lloyd Werft

Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich was also added to the UK sanctions list days after he announced the sale of the football club. Abramovich, who owns a string of supercars and several private jets, also owns the superyachts Solaris and Eclipse. Solaris is reportedly sailing towards Israel, where Abramovich has dual citizenship.

On March 3, France’s finance ministry said that it had impounded Amore Vero , a yacht owned by Igor Sechin, CEO of Russian oil giant Rosneft. The EU had sanctioned Sechin earlier that week, calling him one of Putin’s “most trusted and closest advisors, as well as his personal friend.” German authorities also detained the 512-foot superyacht Dilbar in Hamburg, owned by Alisher Usmanov. Reports said the crew was fired last week. On March 5, Italian authorities impounded two yachts, Lena and Lady M , owned by Gennady Timchenko and Alexei Mordashov, respectively.

On Friday, the US State Department placed Viktor Vekselberg on its sanctions list. Two of Vekeselberg’s luxury assets, an Airbus A319-115 jet and his yacht Tango , were identified as “blocked property.”

Russian oligarchs yachts continue to be seized.

The superyacht Scheherazade was impounded in Italy during an investigation to uncover whether it is owned by Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Video Still/YT

The seizures have prompted the superyacht industry to distance itself from the oligarchs. Italian yacht builders Sanlorenzo and Azimut both released statements that they have limited exposure to Russian clients, and none are on the sanctions list. Heesen Yachts released a statement that two Russians sitting on its supervisory board of directors have resigned their positions. The builder said Heesen is 100-percent Dutch-owned company and that Pavel Sukhoruchkin and Pavel Novoselov had nothing to do with its day-to-day operations.

Ownership of many Russian yachts is often hidden by shell companies in tax havens like the Cayman Islands. They are not only hard to trace, but actually seizing and selling them could present a legal quagmire that could take years to resolve.

Some are wondering whether seizing the oligarchs’ private yachts and jets will work. “Sanctions are another example of the West doing what it does best, which is just throwing a lot of cash at the problem and hoping it gets solved,” Olga Chyzh, a professor of political science at the University of Toronto, told the Washington Post. “However sad they are to let go of their Western assets, oligarchs have even more to lose if Putin is no longer there to protect them.”

Russian oligarchs yachts continued to be seized

Eclipse is another yacht owned by Roman Abramovich.  Robb Report File

In the meantime, some oligarchs are taking their yachts to destinations like the Maldives , the Seychelles and Dubai, which have no extradition treaties with the US and EU. Dubai has become a favorite destination for Russian tourism and wealth.

Alex Finley, a former CIA officer, has been tracking the yachts from Barcelona. Using the hashtag “Yacht Watch,” she posts updates on Twitter for Russian-owned superyachts.

“For me, the yachts are a big, easily recognizable symbol of the more serious side of this [Russian invasion]: These are people who support a dictator, and have been supporting him in carrying out destabilization operations against democracy, while at the same time coming here and taking all the benefits of the exact same democracies they were destabilizing,” Finley told the Washington Post.

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Andrej Melnichenko Sailing Yacht A

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SAILING YACHT A – World’s Biggest Sailing Yacht – $600 Million

SAILING YACHT A measures 143 meters making her the world’s biggest sailing yacht.

SAILING YACHT A is far more than a luxury vessel. She is a masterpiece of design and innovation combining sleek metal surfaces with futuristic naval architecture that took over two years to complete.

Launched in 2017, both the interior and exterior of this mega sailing yacht were designed by Phillippe Starck, who calls SAILING YACHT A one of his most high-profile projects.

The superyacht has taken on voyages all around the world and was most recently spotted sailing off the coasts of Gibraltar and Cyprus.

Sailing Yacht A
143 meters
Phillipe Starke
Reymond Langton Design
21 knots
12,558 ton

Sailing Yacht A Blohm VOSS SV


Both the interior and exterior of SAILING YACHT A were designed by Philippe Starck , a French architect known for his wide range of design projects.

He famously worked on the impressive MOTOR YACHT A, and the two iconic vessels share a lot of similarities in their layout and specifications.

Both yachts look incredibly futuristic and are sure to attract attention wherever they go.

While no exact details are known about the interior of SAILING YACHT A, it is rumored that she has an underwater observation pod with 30 cm (1 ft) thick glass located in the keel of the vessel.

This is one of the few parts where design mockups are publicly available, and the style of the interior can be examined.

The observation pod appears to have cream upholstery that stretches across the floor and ceiling of the cabin.

Two large symmetrical glass windows allow guests to view the breathtaking underwater world without even having to leave the yacht.

A third window is located at the bottom of the pod, which lets it feel like a true 360-degree experience and is almost comparable to a submarine.

A small floating side table provides guests with a space to place drinks or snacks in the pod and enjoy a one-of-a-kind dining experience in this unusual location.

Since the pod is located at the keel of the yacht, the large propellers are most likely visible from the windows suggesting it is most commonly used at anchor.

The superyacht has ten cabins that can accommodate 20 guests as well as a further 54 crew member.

Paparazzi photos and the work of yacht spotters provide a rare glimpse into the interior of SAILING YACHT A.

No official footage of cabins or salons has been released, although Starck’s past work suggests that the yacht would be furnished with opulent elements that perfectly combine luxury with style.

Silver and metal decorations play a large role and tie the interior design of the yacht together. 

However, SAILING YACHT A was launched much later than her motorized companion suggesting her interior might be more modern with minimalistic elements rather than lavish furnishings.

Occasional photographs shot through open doors, and portholes show expensive art pieces decorating the interior of the yacht and rather absurd design choices like a set of chairs shaped like large human heads.

The yacht appears to feature a large, open salon with an elevated seating area and symmetrical arches on either side.

While details aren’t known to the public, it is rumored that SAILING YACHT A features a luxurious spa area, a sizable gym as well as an owner’s suite with several rooms that is only accessible via fingerprint.

The massive private area is said to feature a 60-inch television that disappears into the floor as well as a rotating bed. 

Considering she is the largest sailing yacht in the world, it is surprising that SAILING YACHT A can only host 20 guests.

This suggests that there are spacious entertainment areas located on board, including several saloons and ample below-deck space for crew members.

Due to her large size and a small number of cabins, it is assumed that SAILING YACHT A can welcome a large number of day guests onboard for special events and celebrations.

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Biggest sailing yacht controversy

It has been the topic of debate that SAILING YACHT A is not the largest yacht in the world but instead the ‘largest sail-assisted motor yacht.

Depending on the definition used, that would make BLACK PEARL the biggest sailing yacht in the world.

Sailing Yacht A Blohm VOSS SV2

The most expensive sailing yacht

SAILING YACHT A is the most expensive sailing yacht in the world and cost an estimated price of US $600 million – a relatively “affordable” price considering her large size and tonnage.

A calculated US $48,000 per ton is considered low in the yachting industry, where European yachts are usually priced at US $60,000 per ton and over.

This average price would bring the value of SAILING YACHT A up to nearly US $800 million. However, due to the fact that the official sales price has not been released to the public, these numbers are mere estimates and cannot be validated officially.

Since the yacht is a custom project and one of a kind, it can be assumed that the total value of SAILING YACHT A lies far higher than her initial price.

In addition to any cost for the crew, supplies, and docking fees, she has annual running costs of US $50-75 million.

SAILING YACHT A is currently not available for sale or charter.

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SAILING YACHT A is incredibly large for a sailing yacht, and even compared to the longest motor yachts in the world, she would rank in the top ten.

Paired with her unusual futuristic design, this mega sailing yacht has a length of 143 meters (469 ft), a beam of 25 meters (82 ft), and a draft of 8 meters (26 ft) making her a more than an impressive vessel.

SAILING YACHT A was built by Nobiskrug , a German superyacht builder at their Kiel shipyard, and launched in 2017 after more than two years of construction.

To date, SAILING YACHT A is the largest yacht ever built by Nobiskrug and remains their flagship.

It is considered the most complicated project to ever be completed in the sailing industry and gained international media attention on its launch date. It has a total volume of 12.558 tons and is powered by hybrid diesel-electric engines. 

SAILING YACHT A is considered the longest sailing yacht in the world and is more than 36 meters (118 ft) longer than BLACK PEARL, which ranks in second place on the list.

Coincidentally her project name was WHITE PEARL which is a reference to her brilliant white exterior, although it couldn’t have referred to BLACK PEARL since she was only launched in 2018, a year after Melnichenko’s masterpiece.  

Her three-carbon masts stand at an impressive 100 meters (328 ft), making them some of the largest in the world and taller than Big Ben in London.

However, her large size is sometimes also limiting as she struggles to fit underneath most bridges and is therefore constrained to certain routes.

She once passed under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco with only 20 feet to spare between her masts and the bottom of the famous bridge.

She is rumored to have an electric gimbal crow’s nest, which allows for remote operation and advanced wind measurements. Her sails are all white, and her masts have nearly sickle-like shapes, which add to her striking futuristic appearance.

It is noteworthy that she is commonly photographed with her sails down, which suggests she might be using her support engines more frequently than true wind power.

With a sail area of more than 3.700m^2 (40.000 square ft), she can reach top speeds of up to 21 knots which is supported by her twin 4895 Horsepower MTU engines .

Her average cruise speed lies at 16 knots, and her total range is estimated to lie at 5320 nautical miles. She features a state-of-the-art sail system that is able to raise and lower the sails and anchors at the touch of a button. 

SAILING YACHT A has a steel hull and composite steel superstructure, which is unusual in the superyacht industry as most shipyards choose aluminum to reduce weight and keep the vessel light.

She currently sails under the flag of Bermuda, which is common for prominent sailing yachts.

sailing yacht a tender 2

During construction, SAILING YACHT A was called project WHITE PEARL, a fitting name for this sizable vessel.

Like her interior, the exterior of SAILING YACHT A was designed by Philippe Starck, although the Dutch studio Dykstra Naval Architects played a role in the naval architecture of the vessel.

They specialize in sailing yachts of all sizes and have been involved in many prominent projects in the industry over the years.

She features eight teak decks with a large swimming pool located in the center and several elevators spread across the yacht.

She is even said to carry a submarine. The main pool is lowered into the deck allowing for additional privacy for the owners.

Her hull has 24 shell doors, which are used to access equipment and provide additional deck space if needed. She is accompanied by four tenders also designed by Philippe Starck and built by Lloyd Stevenson in New Zealand.

Their sleek and elegant design matches that of the main vessel, and they are used for transporting guests and taking them on excursions.

One of the tenders of SAILING YACHT A is a carbon fiber speedboat especially reserved for the owner who can operate the vessel autonomously whenever required without the aid of crew members.

This allows Melnichenko, who is a fan of driving high-speed cars to be independent when staying aboard his luxury yacht. The tender is small but powerful, reaching speeds of up to 53 knots.

The larger tenders can seat up to eight passengers and feature panoramic windows ideal for sightseeing and exploring but are much slower at only 30 knots. 

The aft features a large garage used for storing jet skis, tenders, and other equipment.

High-profile artists such as Snoop Dogg are rumored to have performed here, although detailed evidence of such concerts remains unknown.

Whenever the aft isn’t used for performances or parties, it can be transformed into a swimming platform designed in the yacht’s iconic futuristic style. 

However, despite her cutting-edge design features, SAILING YACHT A surprisingly also includes classic nautical elements. She has a wooden steering wheel that is reminiscent of a pirate ship, although it is not operational.

The captain of the vessel can instead use modern technologies to operate the massive yacht via a small joystick and touchscreen.

There are symmetric extendable balconies that protrude from the bridge of the yacht and allow the crew to have a better view to be able to gauge the dimensions of the immense vessel.

Of course, SAILING YACHT A has a modern underwater lighting system that illuminates the vessel perfectly at night.

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The $578 million megayacht owned by Russian oligarch Andrey Melnichenko was seized by Italy

  • Russian oligarch Andrey Melnichenko's yacht was seized Friday, Italian authorities said.
  • Sailing Yacht A is the world's largest sailing yacht at around 469 feet long and has eight decks.
  • Melnichenko was sanctioned by the European Union in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Insider Today

A megayacht belonging to Russian oligarch Andrey Melnichenko was seized by Italian authorities on Friday, CNN reported.

A statement from Italy's finance police said the yacht, known as SY A or Sailing Yacht A, was worth around 530 million euros, or $578 million, according to CNN. It also said the yacht was currently in storage in Trieste, Italy. Maritime tracking data viewed by Insider confirmed the location of the yacht in the Adriatic Sea.

Melnichenko is one of the billionaire oligarchs sanctioned by the European Union in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Melnichenko, who is worth $11 billion according to Forbes, founded fertilizer producer EuroChem Group and coal energy company SUEK.

In announcing its decision, the EU council said Melnichenko "belongs to the most influential circle of Russian businesspeople with close connections to the Russian Government." It also said he was among a group of 37 businesspeople who met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other officials on February 24 to discuss the impact of potential sanctions.

"The fact that he was invited to attend this meeting shows that he is a member of the closest circle of Vladimir Putin and that he is supporting or implementing actions or policies which undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, as well as stability and security in Ukraine," the EU said, adding it also showed he is "providing a substantial source of revenue to the Government of Russia."

In a statement provided to Insider, a spokesperson for Melnichenko denied the EU's accusations about his connections to the war in Ukraine.

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"Andrey Melnichenko is an international self-made entrepreneur. He has no relation to the tragic events in Ukraine. He has no political affiliations. To draw a parallel between attending a meeting through membership in a business council, just as dozens of businesspeople from both Russia and Europe have done in the past, and undermining or threatening a country is absurd and nonsensical," the statement said.

"There is no justification whatsoever for placing him on the EU sanctions list. We will be disputing these baseless and unjustified sanctions, and believe that the rule of law and common sense will prevail," the statement continued.

The spokesperson also noted Melnichenko resigned as a member of the board and main beneficiary of both EuroChem Group  and SUEK this week, as the companies announced in separate statements on Thursday. He also said both companies are privately owned and not affiliated with any government, and that EuroChem Group is based in Switzerland.

Sailing Yacht A is the worlds largest sailing yacht at around 469 feet long, according to . It has 300-foot masts, eight decks, a swimming pool, and an underwater observation pod. It's one of several megayachts owned by Russian oligarchs that are subject to sanctions.

Some Russian oligarchs and billionaires have tried to escape sanctions by transporting their luxury yachts to places like Dubai, which has not enacted sanctions, and the Maldives, which does not have an extradition treaty with the US.

melnichenko sailing yacht

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World's Largest Sailing Yacht Meets Its Baby Brother In Monaco

Russian oligarch Andrey Melnichenko owns both of the Philippe Starck-designed megayachts, which sailed together for the first time.

World's Largest Sailing Yacht

Size matters.

Biggest Sailboat

At 468 feet long, the Philippe Starck-designed sailboat dwarfs the smaller yacht, which Melnichenko also built and reportedly put up for sale last year .

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The Russian, who has an estimated net worth of $12.9 billion and founded companies including a fertilizer producer, a coal producer, a power generator, and a pipe exporter, spent a reported $400 million on the sailing vessel.

Biggest Sailboat

Its masts reach 300 feet into the sky (the main one is so large it has a small room inside it) and the yacht can reach a maximum speed of 24 miles per hour. A crew of 54 attends to the 20 guests it can hold.

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Melnichenko allegedly chose the name "A" to make sure that his vessels were listed first in shipping registers.

Headshot of Sam Dangremond

Sam Dangremond is a Contributing Digital Editor at Town & Country, where he covers men's style, cocktails, travel, and the social scene.

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Reporting by Alasdair Pal and Mohamed Junayd in Male Additional reporting by Sarah Lynch in Washington, Jan Strupczewski in Brussels and Dasha Afanasieva in London Editing by Frank Jack Daniel

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. , opens new tab

melnichenko sailing yacht

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Alasdair leads the team covering breaking news in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Before moving to Sydney, he covered general news in New Delhi, where he reported from the front-line of the coronavirus pandemic in India and the insurgency in Kashmir, as well as extended periods in Pakistan and, most recently, in Sri Lanka covering its ongoing economic crisis. His reporting on Islamic State suicide bombings in Sri Lanka in 2019 was highly commended as the Society of Publishers in Asia awards. He previously worked as a financial reporter in London, with a particular interest in hedge funds and accounting frauds. Signal app phone number: +61439529540

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