A Complete Guide to Yacht Types and Sizes

  • by yachtman
  • August 28, 2023 June 22, 2024

different types of sport yachts

Yachts, symbols of luxury and leisure, provide a stunning escape. From motor yachts to sailing yachts, the world of yachting is both diverse and captivating. Journey with us as we explore the different types and sizes of yachts, uncovering their secrets.

Climb onboard a superyacht , the queen of the seas. These floating palaces boast remarkable dimensions, with amenities such as swimming pools, helipads, and even submarines. Ideal for those seeking indulgence, superyachts are the epitome of yachting excellence.

For a more intimate experience, try a luxury motor yacht . With powerful engines, they let you visit multiple destinations quickly. Enjoy the lap of luxury as you cruise across the sea, appreciating every moment on board these vessels.

Sailing lovers will appreciate classic sailing yachts . Watch their silhouettes gracefully cut through the waves, powered by wind. Feel the passion for sailing, and the freedom, on an adventure akin to ancient seafarers. Uncover your inner explorer while savoring unparalleled serenity.

Catamarans are ideal for sailing with precision and finesse. With twin hulls offering stability and space, catamarans offer great comfort. Enjoy vibrant sunsets to tranquil anchorages, and bliss on water, with these versatile vessels.

For those keen on exploration, expedition yachts are perfect. Built tough and with advanced tech, they are designed for explorations to remote areas. Discover untouched landscapes, encounter wildlife, and make memories in the far-flung corners of the world.

Types of Yachts

Sailboats to mega-yachts – there’s a large choice of yachts. Let’s delve into the types and sizes that meet different needs.

Take a gander at the table below for an overview of yachts:

Type Size Range
Sailing Yacht 20-100+ feet
Motor Yacht 35-200+ feet
Catamaran 30-80+ feet
Trawler Yacht 40-100+ feet
Expedition Yacht 70-400+ feet
Flybridge Yacht 50-150+ feet
Sports Fisher Yacht 30-70+ feet

A guide to yacht anchor types and sizes is vital for understanding the different types and sizes available in the yacht industry. For more information, check out a guide to yacht tenders .

Sailing yachts are graceful and use wind power. Motor yachts are speedy and powered by engines.

Catamarans stand out with their steadiness and roominess – great for a leisurely cruise. Trawler yachts are great for long-distance trips because they’re fuel-efficient and have comfy living areas.

Adventurous souls should check out expedition yachts . Flybridge yachts have an extra deck level for entertainment and relaxation.

Sports fisher yachts are designed for fishing, with special gear and amenities.

Don’t miss out on your dream yacht – find the perfect one and go on amazing sea experiences. Start your journey now!

Sizes of Yachts

Yachts come in plenty of sizes, each with its own unique features and capabilities. To discover the perfect yacht for your needs, let us explore the sizes of yachts via a table showcasing their specifications.

Here’s what the table looks like:

Size Length Capacity Features
Tenders Up to 30 ft Up to 10 guests Short trips and transportation to shore
Day Boats 30-60 ft Up to 12 guests Day trips, water sports, and entertaining
Cruisers 60-130 ft Accommodates 8 Guests Long journeys and luxury living
Superyachts Over 130 ft Large groups of guests Swimming pools, helipads, and decks

Moreover, take into account that certain yachts have stability systems, others prioritize speed, and some are customized. I once met a yacht owner who wanted a retractable roof! With the help of creative builders, his dream was fulfilled and he got to enjoy a unique experience on the open seas.

Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Yacht

Making the right yacht choice involves many key points to think about. These include size, type, budget, use and preferences, like amenities . To decide wisely, assess each factor and see how important they are. Here’s a table of the main considerations when choosing a yacht:

Factors Description
Size Think about how many guests you’ll have and if you want a larger or smaller yacht.
Type Pick between motor, sail, catamaran or mega yachts based on your cruise plans and activities.
Budget Establish a realistic budget that covers purchase costs, upkeep, crew wages, insurance fees and mooring.
Intended Use Decide if you’ll mostly cruise or if you have special activities in mind like fishing or water sports.
Amenities and Features Figure out what features and amenities are essential for your comfort onboard, such as cabins, entertainment systems, water toys or a jacuzzi.

In addition, there are unique details you should consider, like if you plan to charter your yacht when not in use, go for a popular model. If privacy is important, choose a yacht with separate crew quarters. So, here are some tips for making the right choice:

  • Get expert advice from experienced yacht brokers or naval architects.
  • Choose respected brands that hold their value in case you resell.
  • Visit boat shows and yacht exhibitions to explore different models and talk to professionals.

By taking all factors into account and following these suggestions, you can find the perfect yacht that fits your needs. Whether for leisure or adventure, the right yacht will give you amazing memories on the sea.

So many options! In this guide, we explore yacht types and sizes, helping you find the perfect vessel. From sailing yachts to motor yachts , each one offers a unique experience. Plus, you can customize your yacht for a truly special journey.

Let me tell you about James . He dreamed of a yacht that matched his adventurous spirit. So, he found a builder who specialized in customization. The result was amazing – a sleek motor yacht with state-of-the-art diving gear, space for fishing equipment, and luxurious comforts. On his customized vessel, James cruised beautiful coastlines and made memories that will last forever.

When you search for your yacht, remember that customization is key. You can have a tranquil sailing experience or a thrilling adventure. Dive into the ocean of possibilities – your imagination is the only limit.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: What are the different types of yachts?

There are various types of yachts, including motor yachts, sailing yachts, catamarans, trimarans, superyachts, and expedition yachts. Each type offers unique features and advantages.

FAQ 2: What is the difference between a motor yacht and a sailing yacht?

A motor yacht, as the name suggests, is powered by an engine and offers more speed and convenience. On the other hand, a sailing yacht relies on wind power and provides a traditional sailing experience with a slower pace.

FAQ 3: What is a superyacht?

A superyacht is a luxury yacht with high-end amenities and extravagant features. These yachts often offer spacious cabins, multiple decks, swimming pools, helipads, and other luxurious facilities.

FAQ 4: What is the average size of a yacht?

Yachts can vary greatly in size. The average size of a yacht ranges from 30 to 60 feet. However, larger yachts, known as superyachts, can measure over 100 feet in length.

FAQ 5: What is the advantage of a catamaran or trimaran?

Catamarans and trimarans provide more stability due to their dual or triple hull design. They offer spacious interiors, increased deck space, and enhanced fuel efficiency compared to traditional monohull yachts.

FAQ 6: What is an expedition yacht?

An expedition yacht is designed for long-range cruising and exploring remote destinations. These yachts feature robust construction, advanced navigation systems, and ample storage for supplies and equipment.

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11 Different Types of Yachts

Posted on Published: April 13, 2022  - Last updated: June 13, 2022

Aerial view of yachts at a yacht club.

The Dutch navy first used the yacht in order to catch pirates . Until the 1950s, the primary materials used for building a yacht was wood. Today, yachts of all types and sizes are constructed of various materials including steel, aluminum, plywood , and veneers.

When Charles II used it for his own personal use, the yacht became a luxury boat often owned by important people all over the world. As a result, yachts are often associated with luxury . According to UBS and Wealth-X’s annual World Ultra Wealth Report for 2014, the world’s super-rich spends the most on their yachts at $22 billion a year.

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Sailing Yacht

Sailing yacht sailing across the blue ocean.

The sailing yacht is one of the most traditional types of yachts that people purchase. When people want to be able to go out on the water and have a classic sailing adventure, owning a sailing yacht is going to be able to make that happen. These types of yachts are sailed with traditional sails, which can be quite challenging if you don’t know what you are doing. Sailing a ship using only the wind and your sails is a very interesting experience.

The fact that it is challenging and that it replicates the old way of doing things is precisely what is so appealing about sailing yachts. People who are very into sailing will absolutely adore owning one of these yachts. There are a few different types of sailing yachts that you will be able to choose from, as well. The traditional ones will only have sails to hoist and will not feature a motor.

You will also be able to purchase hybrid yachts that are primarily meant for sailing, but they also feature a motor. This can be very handy to have in case of an emergency. Being able to use the motor when you need to can be very convenient. If you run into issues with your sails or bad weather, it can be beneficial to be able to get back to port as quickly as possible.

There are also yachts that have sails, but they also have modern instruments to make navigation and sailing easier. You will be able to find a sailing yacht that will suit your tastes. Just think about what type of experience you want to have. Once you have looked over all of your options, you should come across the perfect sailing yacht for your journey.

Expedition Yacht

An expedition yacht cruising near a snow-capped mountain.

An expedition yacht isn’t the type of vessel that most people will purchase for random pleasure weekends. They would work just fine for those purposes, of course, but they are really meant for longer journeys. These yachts are capable of sailing for really long periods of time while remaining self-sufficient. This is crucial for people who are planning long sea voyages around the globe.

Expedition yachts are incredibly powerful, and if you ever get the chance to sail on one, you will be very impressed with it. These ships are capable of sailing very efficiently, as well. They make good use of the resources available in order to complete long journeys without any hassle. Vessels like this make it simple for people to stay out at sea for long periods of time without being inconvenienced.

One of the advantages of taking an expedition yacht on such a long journey is that you won’t have to sacrifice your comforts in any way. These yachts can be loaded up with everything that you need to stay entertained and happy on a long voyage. These luxury ships are able to combine efficiency and practicality with all of the luxuries that you enjoy. Some of the expedition yachts are so lavish that it isn’t unlike staying in a luxury hotel.

People use these expedition yachts to go all over the world. When someone wants to go on a journey to a faraway place in style, taking an expedition yacht is going to be one of the best options. These yachts are very pricey, and most people will not be able to afford them. A lavish expedition yacht is going to be even more expensive than most of the other yachts on this list.

Motor Yacht

Motor yacht leaving white foam trails across the sea.

A motor yacht is a modern version of the sailing yachts that everyone knows and loves. These types of yachts are among the most common. They are very nice to use for parties and even just casual getaways. People often charter these motor yachts for special occasions in order to have a really good time.

When most people think of a yacht, they think about some type of party ship. Many companies that charter out vessels such as these use them for upscale parties. These ships are just the right size to be able to host a fairly sizeable group. You will be able to have a fantastic time if you have a special event out on the water in one of these motor yachts.

Yachts like these usually include all sorts of fun things for people to enjoy. It isn’t uncommon for these yachts to have hot tubs, dance floors, bars, and even swimming pools. If you want to make your next birthday party truly special, then chartering a motor yacht may be your best bet. It can certainly help you to create some fantastic memories.

These motor yachts can be good for helping you to take a vacation, as well. Those who own these types of yachts will use them to sail to different destinations. They may not be well-suited to travel to certain places in the world depending on the type of hull that it has. Simply take all of the important factors into account before planning a voyage with your new motor yacht, and you will always have a great time.

Classic Yacht

Two classic yachts sailing across the ocean.

Classic yachts are generally considered to be yachts that were built in the past. Some people have different definition and standards for what makes a yacht a classic. The older the yacht is, the more likely it is to be considered a classic yacht. There are yachts that were built in the 1920’s that are still being used as recreational vessels in the modern era.

People who own certain yachts from the 1970’s also consider their ships to be classics. The basics that you need to understand are actually fairly simple . A classic yacht has a certain feeling to it that you don’t get when you sail on a modern ship. These vessels are sometimes made mostly out of wood, and other classic yachts are made out of steel.

Many of these classic yachts were completely handcrafted. There is speculation that the handcrafted nature of these yachts is what ultimately gives them their charm. Whatever your feelings on the issue are, it is undeniable that the older style of yachts can be very appealing. These ships have a very interesting aura and seem to exude a classic sense of luxury.

Sometimes the interiors of these classic yachts will be kept the same as they were in the year that it was made. This can lead to some interesting design choices that may not mesh well with modern sensibilities. Regardless, if you want to get the full experience of the classic yacht, keeping things as they once did have some merit. If you want to get a feeling for what yachting was like in the past, then chartering a classic yacht can be a very intriguing experience.

Fishing Yacht

A fishing yacht navigating the ocean.

If you want to go on a fishing trip for your vacation, then you may want to consider doing so on a fishing yacht. There are yachts that are specifically designed for the purpose of fishing. Fishing is one of the oldest traditions that humanity has. So many people enjoy fishing for recreational purposes and being able to do so on a luxurious yacht is really something else.

There are yachts that are used for more casual fishing trips. You will also find that people use sports fishing yachts to go on fantastic fishing adventures. Sometimes people will use yachts to go to interesting places in the world where the fishing is said to be particularly noteworthy. Wherever you decide to take a fishing yacht will be interesting due to how fun these ships are to use.

You’ll have the normal luxuries that you will want to make use of in any yacht. These yachts can still be a great deal of fun for anyone who wants to have a party. The added benefit is that the deck of the ship is designed in a way that is conducive to fishing. You’ll be able to access the waters properly and will potentially be able to haul in some truly impressive catches.

The yacht will have plenty of room for all of your fishing gear, as well. When people charter a fishing yacht, it will sometimes come with all of the gear that you will need. You should check with the owners ahead of time so that you will know what you need to bring with you. If you’re a true fisherman, then you will definitely want to purchase one of these for yourself if possible.

Gulet Yacht

Gulet yacht on water at sunset.

The Gulet yacht is something that originally comes from Turkey. This yacht is interesting because it can feature two or more masts. In the past, these vessels were used to transport goods. They are very worthy vessels that were originally designed to keep cargo safe from harm during transport.

Modern Gulet yachts are used more for pleasure. They are sought-after because of their beautiful wooden hulls. These hulls can be very ornate while still being practical and safe. People who appreciate the beauty of a finely- crafted ship will love owning one of these Gulet yachts.

This is an incredibly stable ship to sail in too. If you want to sail on a ship that is going to feel as natural as possible, then a Gulet yacht is a good choice to make. It is very sturdy and will be completely capable of getting you to your destination safely using only the wind in its sails. Modern Gulet yachts will also be equipped with motors, in most cases.

Gulet yachts are becoming more and more popular. People are starting to charter these yachts more frequently, and many yacht enthusiasts are pining to add a Gulet yacht to their fleet. The beauty of the ship combined with its fantastic capabilities makes it easy to see why it is so sought-after. These yachts are truly exceptional, and you will want to experience one first-hand when you get the chance.

A catamaran yacht on tropical water.

If you don’t know a whole lot about ships, then you might see a catamaran yacht and wonder exactly what it is. A catamaran yacht is a vessel that has more than one hull. A design featuring two hulls can be ideal for certain situations. These yachts are very interesting from a visual perspective, and many of the design choices are quite fun.

Many catamaran yachts will have more room than a traditional yacht. This means that people will have more space to spread out, and it can be even more fun for parties. The overall layout of these catamaran yachts lends itself well to being a party vessel. This makes catamaran yachts among the most popular chartered ships each year.

Of course, there are different styles of catamaran yachts that you will be able to choose from. You will find that there are catamaran yachts with traditional sails and ones that feature a motor. Both of these types are actually fairly common, and sometimes a catamaran will feature both. The type of catamaran that you will want to charter will largely depend on your intentions for your excursion.

The interior of the yacht will typically be very stylish to accommodate the needs of its guests. This is definitely a luxury vessel through and through. No matter what style of catamaran you decide to go with, you will have an excellent time. It’s a good vessel to choose for those who get seasick, as well, since the increased hull space makes things feel less cramped.

A cruiser moving across the ocean.

Cruisers are yachts that are typically used for taking a small group out to have some fun. Unlike some of the incredibly large yachts listed earlier, cruisers can be a bit smaller inside. There are also large yachts that are classified as cruisers, but generally, you will be using cruisers for small recreational trips. If you want to go out on the water to have some fun with your closest friends, then owning a cruiser is going to be perfect for your needs.

These types of yachts are great when you want to be able to have some versatility. You will easily be able to access the water when you’re sailing a cruiser. This makes them perfect for those that want to go out fishing or even swimming in the ocean. You will be able to get where you need to go and will have a good time once you get there.

Yachts like these are typically a bit shorter than most of the other yachts featured here. Some of the fishing yachts will be around the same length. A cruiser may be between 30-feet and 60-feet long, although there are plenty of variances. Regardless of the size, it is still a great ship to own, and the fact that it is not overly long can be an advantage in some ways.

These are fun yachts that will be the perfect purchase for a first-time yacht owner. You can make a lot of fantastic memories when you have a vessel like this to use. The ship is generally very easy to handle, too, so it’s great for a newcomer to own for that reason. The cost of a nice cruiser is going to be agreeable as well, as it isn’t quite as costly as many of the other yachts that have been featured so far.

There are those who think of cruisers are more similar to speedboats. It is true that there are similarities between cruiser yachts and speedboats, but this is definitely distinct enough to be considered to be its own thing. You’ll be able to enjoy this cruiser yacht to its full potential without much worry. Whether you want to enjoy a romantic getaway or you are looking forward to a little party with your closest friends, you’ll love owning a cruiser yacht.

Luxury yacht flybridge with white modern design and amenities.

The flybridge design is very interesting because it will allow you to go fishing very easily. This is one of the most popular styles for fishing yachts. It makes accessing the water easier than it would otherwise be. You’ll be able to have a great view out onto the water and will have an easy time fishing.

There are some occasions where a motor yacht will also have a flybridge. Even so, this style is most closely associated with fishing yachts. It just works so well for that purpose that it makes sense overall. You’ll be able to have a really good fishing trip if you choose a yacht in this style.

The large cockpit is one of the standout features of a flybridge style yacht. It makes it simple to haul in the fish in comparison to other styles. You’ll also have enough visual range to be able to spot your lines and other important things. If you want to have a nice fishing vacation with your friends, then chartering this type of yacht is highly recommended.

You’ll be able to enjoy the overall power of these types of ships, as well. They are designed to be able to handle rough weather well and will be able to get you back home fast when you need to leave. You’ll have nothing to worry about when you charter a nice yacht like this. It’ll be a good experience so long as the fish are biting.

A pair of three-decker luxury yachts.

Tri-deck yachts can really be quite impressive to see up close. Multi-level yachts aren’t too uncommon, but when you have a three-leveled deck , it can be a sight to behold. These yachts are really interesting to sail on, and you will often see tri-deck designs on luxury cruisers. They will give passengers a lot of space to enjoy themselves.

Tri-deck style yachts are really common on vessels that are meant for upscale vacations or parties. Giving guests enough room to have a lot of fun is important. These yachts will often have plenty of interesting recreational facilities. You might even find a tri-deck yacht with multiple lavish swimming pools or something like a tennis court.

Owning a large yacht like this will require quite a large investment. When you want to be able to have the best, you’re going to need to be able to pay for it. Even so, these yachts are well worth the high asking price. They’re excellent for recreational purposes and will always be able to help you have a good time.

The sheer amount of enclosed living space available on a yacht of this type is impressive. You’ll be able to host many people on a yacht of this size. This makes hosting corporate parties on yachts such as these very popular. It can be a great vessel to own when you want to seal the deal on an important business deal.

A luxury yacht's sky lounge interior.

Having a sky lounge on your yacht can potentially be a lot of fun. A sky lounge will generally be located at the top of the yacht. This design features windows that can open in order to feel the cool air. This is a completely livable space, though, making it a fun room to stay in when you’re spending time on the yacht.

The view from the sky lounge is usually quite gorgeous . Most of the yachts that feature a sky lounge design will ensure that this room has all of the amenities that you would expect. It will be climate controlled and will be perfect to stay the night in. People often enjoy spending time in the sky lounge with their significant other due to the romantic qualities that it has.

Some of these sky lounges may even have sunroofs. This can be really nice when you want to be able to look up at the stars at night. It’s a really neat feature to have on your yacht, so you will want to keep it in mind. It isn’t the most common yacht feature but you should be able to find a fantastic vessel that has a sky lounge for you to enjoy without too much of a hassle.

If you find a nice yacht to charter that has a sky lounge, then it will definitely be worth your while to enjoy it. Yachts with this convenient feature will always be sought-after. It can help to make an already romantic situation even more so. You’ll love the atmosphere that the sky lounge can provide you.

Jimmy Rogers


Different Types of Yachts Explained

  • August 14, 2020

In this article, I hope to dispel the confusion surrounding the categories of yachts that exist and explain what each means.  There is definitely a lot of overlap in the categories or “types” out there…

The types below are put into these categories:

1. Express, Express Cruiser, Cruiser, Sports Cruiser

2. flybridge, sedan, sedan bridge, sport bridge, 3. motor yacht, pilothouse motor yacht, cockpit motor yacht, skylounge, 4. tri-deck, mega yacht, 5. sportfish, express sportfish, flybridge sportfish, convertible.

These are all terms to describe a yacht with a single deck above the hull and living quarters below.  This type is known for its sporty and sleek look, like the sports car of the yacht world.  The below photos and descriptions show the different styles that fall into this category

Riva 63 Virtus

different types of sport yachts

This beautiful Riva 63 Virtus is called an open express .  Note the single deck above the hull and below is one level with living quarters.  This is also referred to as a “Mediterranean” style yacht…maximum space for sun and laying out with little to no shade or cover.  This particular boat has a bimini top that comes up via a hydraulic system to provide some shade

Sea Ray 51 Sundancer

different types of sport yachts

This is an older 51’ Sea Ray Sundancer, which would be called a hard top express .  Note the hard top over the helm area to provide shade.  There is a gap between the windshield and the hardtop so it is still a totally open air area to provide a breeze.  Here that open air area has an “isinglass” enclosure, which is a rollable plastic material that you can still see out of and take on or off depending on how much breeze and open air you want.

Sunseeker 60 Predator

different types of sport yachts

This Sunseeker 60 Predator is a hard top express with enclosed front windshield .  In this case there is no gap between the front windshield and the hardtop, creating an area above decks on the boat that is fully sealed off on 3 sides.  The back part is still open so the area above decks still has an outdoor feel, but the climate in that area is much easier to control, especially with the addition of some large A/C units.  In this particular model, there is a huge sunroof that will slide back to make the area feel much more open if you so desired.

Pershing 80 Express

different types of sport yachts

The Pershing 80 is an Express yacht with a fully enclosed area above decks .

different types of sport yachts

You can see here that even the back part of the hardtop has doors that close off the above decks salon from the open air aft deck.  This creates a fully climate controlled indoor living area above decks.  However, this Pershing 80 has many tricks up her sleeve like huge sun roof, sliding down side windows, and also the entire back glass enclosure pictured above will slide down into the floor to create a totally open feel throughout the entire upper deck…so you can have the total open feel, or total closed feel…just depends on your mood and the climate.

In summary, there are many different types of “express” boats, but the common thread that ties them all together is the 2 deck layout, one below the hull and one above the hull.

This is a yacht that has an area on the top of the superstructure that provides views all around the vessel, with a control station there as well as seating and lounging space.

Sunseeker 74 Predator Sport Bridge

different types of sport yachts

To start with the smallest type of bridge, this Sunseeker 74 Predator Sport Bridge is essentially an express yacht with an area up top just big enough for a control station and a couple lounge chairs.  This gives a captain a place to run the yacht that is away from the owner and guests, or provides the owner a true open air feel while running the yacht if he chooses so from time to time.  There is still a control station below.  These sportbridges typically do not have any shade, not even a bimini top.

Ferretti 620 Flybridge

different types of sport yachts

This Ferretti 620 is the traditional type of flybridge .  There is a large amount of enclosed living space on the main deck, staterooms below and a large amount of outdoor lounge space on the bridge up top.  There are two control stations, one on the bridge and one below…again giving the captain versatility to go wherever convenient, due to weather or to allow privacy for owner and guests.  The flybridge here is very open with only a small bimini top to allow for the most outdoor feel possible.

Azimut 80 Flybridge

different types of sport yachts

The Azimut 80 Flybridge here provides a hardtop with a retractable soft top inside of it, giving the passengers the option of shade or sun.

Sea Ray 58 Sedan Bridge

different types of sport yachts

This Sea Ray 58 Sedan Bridge has a hardtop on the flybridge with a full plexiglass enclosure around it .  This provides more permanent shade and the ability to have A/C or heat in the bridge area…allowing the flybridge area to be utilized even in more extreme cold, warm or rainy weather.  This Sedan only has one helm station, located on the bridge, to allow for the maximum amount of living space on the main deck.

Maritimo 48 Enclosed Bridge

different types of sport yachts

The Maritimo 48 Enclosed Bridge offers the ultimate in climate control and protection.  For boaters that desire full protection from the elements this type of yacht will keep you comfortable regardless of the outside temperature.  This yacht also only has one helm station located on the bridge that offers the maximum amount of living space on the main deck.

The term motor yacht is probably the most traditional and overarching of all these types, basically meaning “Large Recreational Vessel that is Motor Powered”…so technically that could include an express, flybridge, sportfish…anything with a motor.  But this denotation in the modern world of yachting typically refers to a multi deck vessel similar to a flybridge but with a larger interior main deck.

Hatteras 80 Motor Yacht

different types of sport yachts

The Hatteras 80 Motor Yacht is an open bridge Motor Yacht with hard top .  As you can see motor yachts typically have a larger and further forward interior area and smaller outside bow space.  This is the preferred type of vessel for long stays aboard as they offer the maximum amount of living quarters per square foot of boat.  Most also have an upper and lower helm station, allowing for different piloting options, in the open on the bridge or on the main deck in a fully climate controlled environment.

Westport 112 Pilothouse Motor Yacht

different types of sport yachts

The Westport 112 Pilothouse Motor Yacht is one of the most popular motor yachts in its size range.  From the above photo you can see that the pilothouse is located on a split level sort of area between the main deck and the flybridge.  It allows the captain to have a centrally located command center on the yacht that is away from the living and lounging areas.  There is still an additional command center on the bridge, but the main nerve center of the yacht is the pilothouse.  In smaller yachts, the pilothouse area may be located on the main deck and not in a totally separate area…the term pilothouse basically means “the area where the ship is controlled by the ship’s captain”

Lazzara 80 Skylounge Motor Yacht with Cockpit

different types of sport yachts

This 80 Lazzara has both the Skylounge and Cockpit.  The Skylounge is a term for an enclosed flybridge with an interior living space that is fully climate controlled .  Many skylounges have windows that slide down or sunroofs also that allow you to get the open air feel as well.  With 3 decks that have an enclosed living area, this is by definition also a tri-deck…but that term is usually reserved for larger megayachts.

The cockpit is a nice addition on yachts where the owner or guests intend to do some fishing or diving.  It provides a great platform for the recreational sportsman that is right at the water level.

A Tri-Deck is a yacht that has 3 levels of enclosed living space.  Although smaller Tri-Decks exist like the 80 Lazzara above, the term is typically seen used in yachts in excess of 120 feet.

Many definitions exist for what defines a Mega Yacht, but I believe it to be a vessel in excess of 80 feet.

Westport 130 Tri-Deck

different types of sport yachts

Notice on this 130 Westport that there are 2 decks above the hull with enclosed, climate controlled living areas and one deck below, for a total of 3 decks enclosed decks.  There is also a large flybridge above and multiple other open areas for lounging.

Christensen Shipyard Megayacht

different types of sport yachts

The sky is the limit with mega yachts…a boatyard like Christensen Shipyard will build the yacht of your dreams, designed to you exacting specifications…

A Sportfish is any yacht that is geared towards fishing.  This will mean that they have a large cockpit with which to fish out of, designated storage for rods, bait, tackle and the day’s catch.  They typically will also be higher performance than a motoryacht, able to get out to the fishing grounds and back as fast as possible, as well as handle rough seas.

Cabo 52 Express

different types of sport yachts

The Cabo 52 Express is the express sportfish style, in which it has 2 decks, one above the hull and one below.  The tower located above the hardtop is used by fisherman to help spot anything that will help them catch fish, be it a tide line, bait jumping or the prized marlin.

Hatteras GT63

different types of sport yachts

This Hatteras GT63 is a Flybridge Sportfish , with an enclosed living area above the hull and bridge.  This yacht also has the tower for spotting above the hardtop.  She is bred for high speed performance in rough seas and can blast right through 6 foot waves and hit top speeds of over 40 knots.  This type of “Sportfish DNA” is for the yachtsman that wants to chase fish even if the seas are rough, and appreciates a yacht that is solidly put together to handle those conditions.

Hatteras 77 Convertible

different types of sport yachts

The Hatteras 77 Convertible is an incredible yacht that incorporates the amenities of a motor yacht and a sportfish in the same package…hence the term Convertible…able to convert to a fishing or a cruising yacht as needed.  She also has an enclosed flybridge up top for climate controlled comfort.


OneWater Yacht Group

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Types of Yachts: An Overview

17th feb 2023 by carrie reed.

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From small yachts to superyachts, many luxurious vessels are available for purchase on the market today. Each type of yacht has unique features that set it apart from the other types, so a certain yacht style might suit you better than another. To make sure that you are looking at the right one for you, you will need to know how to distinguish the different types of yachts from each other.

While there is no set definition that specifically sets yachts apart from other vessels, they are generally understood to be larger than average (at least 40 feet long or bigger) with a galley, a head, and cabins with sleeping quarters. Yachts usually have powerful diesel motors that can handle cruising, runs to distant fishing grounds, and watersports. Yachts can also be classified by numerous factors, including size, amenities, and method of propulsion.

Types of Yachts

There are four main categories of yachts: motor yachts, sailing yachts, motor sailers, and cruisers. Let's take a look at each one.

Motor yachts

A motor yacht is propelled with the use of a motor or, more commonly, multiple motors. As the most common type of yacht available today, motor yachts are built for entertainment with spacious social interaction areas and luxurious accommodations. Buyers often choose motor yachts because of their suitability for extended cruising ventures, entertaining large groups of guests, and charter trips.

Sailing yachts

A sailing yacht uses sails as its primary means of propulsion. While these yachts also have motors on board, they’re usually used only when there is not enough wind to propel the craft, when docking, or when operating in heavily trafficked harbors or channels. Sailing yachts are appealing because of the quiet and environmentally friendly way they operate, as well as their essentially unlimited range. Sailing yachts generally have a lower profile and due the the shape of the hull, less onboard space than other types of yachts.

Motor sailers

Motor Sailers are a hybrid between a motor yacht and a sailing yacht. They generally use a motor as the primary form of propulsion, but also have sails that can be used when the weather conditions are right. Though less popular than the other types of yachts there are subcategories of motor sailers such as the gulet (for information see What is a Gulet? What is it like to charter one? ), and there are also some catamaran motor sailers.

Cruiser yachts

Yacht styles that do not quite fit into the previous categories are often called cruiser yachts or express cruisers. These yachts are generally modern looking, with sleek, streamlined hulls and open cockpit areas. They are on the smaller side for yachts, typically no more than 60 or 70 feet long, and are usually powered by twin diesel engines.

Types of Luxury Yachts

A luxury yacht is generally understood to be a yacht that is built with the latest in modern technology and features high-end finishes and materials. The word "luxury" can be used with any type of yacht that is exceptionally well-appointed, but some types of yachts are considered to be more luxurious than others. Let's take a look at what they are.

Luxury yacht Scheherazade in Croatia

Classic luxury yachts

Today's classic luxury yachts are designed to emulate the grace and style of the classic yachts of yesteryear while incorporating the latest technology in a non-intrusive way. These yachts tend to have large private cabins with full baths and Jacuzzis, spacious social areas that can accommodate many guests, and lavish accommodations featuring air conditioning, high-speed internet access, and expansive entertainment systems.

Mega luxury yachts

Mega luxury yachts are private yachts that can be hundreds of feet long and are crafted specifically to carry large numbers of family and friends in lush accommodations. They feature vast open areas for sunning and socializing, multi-level entertainment and relaxation options, and VIP staterooms with private en suite heads. Many have additional special features, such as saunas, gymnasiums, and spas.

Types of Small Yachts

Small yachts, also called sport yachts, are vessels that are less than 60 feet long and are designed to accommodate no more than a dozen people at a time. These yachts often have sleek designs and may be used for fishing trips, offshore excursions, and water sports. Like the term "luxury," the word "sport" can be applied to just about any style of yacht, but some types seem to fit the category better than others. More information: Small Luxury Boats with a Difference .

small yacht

Yacht Sizes

You can find yachts in three size categories: yachts, superyachts , and mega yachts. While you can find some variation in how these terms are used, yachts are generally classified as being up to 100 feet long. Superyachts are between 100 feet and 200 feet long. Mega yacht is the term used for any yacht that is more than 200 feet long.

Yacht Categories

Yachts are often categorized by their notable features, with the terms "sport" or "luxury" added to describe their level of opulence. Here are some of the most popular yacht categories.

Yachts moored in Porto Cervo, Italy

Catamaran yachts

This type of yacht is often made of fiberglass and has two hulls with an open space in the middle for greater stability and a smoother ride. They are available in both sailing and power varieties.

Flybridge yachts

Flybridge yachts are built with a spacious deck and living space atop the main cabin, called the flying bridge or flybridge. The layout of the flybridge may be open or fully enclosed with climate control. They also typically have a hardtop and a sizable seating and/or lounge area.

Sportfish yachts

Also known as sport fishing yachts , these yachts are built for speed and durability, making them great for fishing trips and sport fishing tournaments. They typically have a large cockpit and ample storage space to accommodate anglers on the water for long periods of time. Sportfish yachts may come equipped with outriggers, fishboxes, fighting chairs, and other fishing features.

Expedition yachts

Expedition yachts are designed for adventure, with a deep displacement hull to enhance stability and comfort during long trips. They are designed for passengers to remain safe and comfortable through long oceanic voyages, and tend to have extended range and plenty of accommodations.

Written By: Carrie Reed

More from: Carrie Reed

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different types of sport yachts

The Luxurious Nautical World of the 12 Types of Yachts

The Luxurious Nautical World of the 12 Types of Yachts

Yachting around the world seems to be something only for the top 10% of the rich and famous. But the types of yachts aren’t as far off a dream as you might think.

In fact, there are 12 types of yachts you could hop on board and take a look around (or even charter for a weekend getaway with the important people in your life). 

Yachting around the world on a luxury personal watercraft is a hobby for nautical enthusiasts. So, that’s why the team here at The Hobby Kraze are bringing you the introduction to the 12 types of yachts!

First thing’s first, it’s important to understand what exactly makes a yacht and why it’s different from just a boat or ship. A boat is any water vessel under 197 feet (60 meters) and a ship is any water vessel over this. A yacht is any luxury personal watercraft over the length of 30 feet (9 meters). So, depending on the size, a yacht can be either a boat or a ship!

As well as this, before we head onto the 12 different yachts, we’ll quickly go over the 5 yacht classifications set by the Recreational Craft Directive in the UK and Europe. 

Essentially, ‘A Class’ yachts can exceed wind forces of 8-40 knots and 13-foot waves in ocean passages. ‘B Class’ yachts can withstand less than the above while ‘C Class’ yachts are fit for wind forces of 6-27 knots and 6.6-foot waves in coastal waters. ‘D Class’ yachts are fit for wind forces of 4-16 knots and 1.6-foot waves in coastal waters. Finally, ‘LY2 Class’ yachts are large vessels exceeding 24 meters used for sport or pleasure with a professional crew.

It’s worth pointing out that the types of yachts can often fall into many different classes depending on the size and specification. So, check with the manufacturer about your yacht classification. Now then, let’s see where the winds hit the sails of this article:

Table of Contents

  • 1 The Express Cruiser Yacht
  • 2 The Aft Cabin Motor Yacht
  • 3 Flybridge Motor Yacht
  • 4 The Classic Wooden Motor Yacht
  • 5 The Trawler Yacht
  • 6 The Lobster Yacht (A.K.A. Downeast Boat)
  • 7 The Pilothouse Yacht
  • 8 The Sport Fisher Yacht
  • 9 The Power Catamaran Yacht
  • 10 The Super Yacht (and the Mega Yacht)
  • 11 The Gulet Yacht
  • 12 The Expedition Yacht (A.K.A. Research Vessel)
  • 13 Conclusion

The Express Cruiser Yacht

The Express Cruiser Yacht

Going fast into the list, we’ve first got the water vessel commonly known in the yachting community as the sports car of the sea. It’s the express cruiser yacht.

This is because they are built to be high-performing and fast vessels with powerful motors that help them tackle waves off-shore. 

However, that’s not to be confused with the high-performance yacht which is a modified version of the express cruiser allowing it to become the race car of the yachting world. 

I.e., these luxury personal watercraft vessels are made to do a little more than bob along the water’s surface for a quiet day under the sun.

In terms of general features, when you charter a yacht of this type, you’ll typically see it has a planar (or deep vee) hull to help with speed and balance. As well as this, it’s unlikely you’ll see a swim-step.

When choosing an express cruiser, you’ll be met with a few options in terms of the top. This is because, atop the express cruiser (which doesn’t have a roof and closely resembles a large speed boat ), there are hard-top express cruisers and fully enclosed express cruisers. 

The difference being that the hard top express cruiser features a hard top roof and spoiler that is separated from the windshield. All while the fully enclosed express cruiser – you may have guessed – is built with a hard top roof and spoiler that does connect to the windshield.

Some of the most popular brands of express cruiser types of yachts are:

  • Riva Yachts
  • Regal Boats
  • Cruisers Yachts
  • Tiara Yachts
  • Pershing Yachts
  • Princess Yachts

The Aft Cabin Motor Yacht

The Aft Cabin Motor Yacht

The aft cabin motor yacht is the perfect smaller addition to any floating fleet. 

Especially when you’re new to yachting around the world, want ease of parking and are happy to have a smooth floating boat that allows you to jump right into the great big blue around you.

In terms of visual features, the aft cabin motor yacht almost looks like it has had its aft cut-away and there is no cockpit. However, the cockpit is situated inside these types of yachts for comfortable sailing.

Instead, the majority of the aft cabin motor yacht classification make-ups have a swim-step right at the aft to make it easy to get in and out of the water. Meaning, this is also the perfect vessel to charter a yacht for weekends in the sun with family and friends. 

However, one thing to note is that – depending on where you go yachting around the world – boats with swim-steps may need to reinforce the entry way.

For example, leaving weighted buckets on the swim-step. This makes sure that water pests like sealions don’t decide to board and take a nap or attract other sea life onto the vessel.

If you’re ready with your swim-step barricades in-check, then you can have a look at some of the most popular manufacturers of the aft cabin types of yachts:

  • Meridian Yachts 
  • Carver Yachts
  • Silverton Family
  • Haines Marine
  • Johnson Yachts

Flybridge Motor Yacht

Flybridge Motor Yacht

Yes, the flybridge is one of the types of yachts you can buy or charter. It doesn’t only refer to a level on your boat. However, that is the determining factor in this yacht classification.

The flybridge yacht is a medium-sized yacht featuring an upper helm station (also known as a second floor above the main deck). A quick tip for when you’re yachting around the world: these types of yachts are actually known as a flying bridge in the US.

Of course, here in the UK and Europe, this helm station is called a flybridge and can feature on other types of yachts, too. However, for the purpose of the flybridge yacht, it serves the role of being a spacious lounge area in the place of a hard top.

But just like the express cruiser, the flybridge has a couple of sub-categories to set them apart. The first is the sport bridge yacht and the second is the enclosed flybridge

The sport bridge is much more compact. It’s also more likely to have a planar hull to help with speed and agility through each wave. One way to quickly identify a sport bridge is the smaller helm station; instead of having a lounging area, its yacht classification means it can only hold around two chairs (one for the captain and one for the first mate).

The enclosed bridge, on the other hand, is your go-to when you’re wanting to charter a yacht in the colder and windier weather as it features an enclosed super structure interior. In other words, the roof of the upper helm meets the windshield to provide more of an air-conditioned sky lounge.

Whether you want a classic flybridge, a sport bridge or an enclosed bridge yacht, these are the brands you’ll want to go to when you charter a yacht or even buy new:

  • Burger Boat Company
  • Nord Star Yachting
  • Cantiere Delle Marche
  • Fairline Yachts
  • Prestige Yachts
  • Viking Yachts
  • Ocean Alexander

The Classic Wooden Motor Yacht

The Classic Wooden Motor Yacht

The classic wooden motor yacht is exactly that: a classic and wooden motor yacht. They’re typically a vintage and antique vessel design for yachting around the world in large parties.

In terms of specifications, they generally feature the traditional marine timber Opepe wood (which is also known around the yachting world as Bilinga and Aloma wood). It has excellent water resistance, durability and flexibility to account for the waves. As well as this, it can range from a bright golden sheen to a deep mahogany touch.

They are a long and thin luxury personal watercraft reminiscent of a traditional and authentic classical ship deck. They feature a spacious interior and outer walkway from port to starboard and from stern to aft.

However, as these are quite the marvel on the eyes for any yachting enthusiast, when you want to charter a yacht of this calibre, it’ll cost you a pretty penny. Either way, it still helps to know some of the heritage brands that brought these ships to the sea.

To get your hands on a stunning vessel of Opepe wood, you’ll want to consider these brands: 

  • Fairlie Yachts
  • Forster and Partners
  • Silvers of Rosneath
  • Brooke Marine
  • Hillyard Yachts
  • Stirling and Son
  • Morgan Yachts

The Trawler Yacht

The Trawler Yacht

The trawler types of yachts (A.K.A. the cruising trawler yachts) are a type of luxury personal watercraft made specifically for sailing with a purpose. 

They feature powerful engines designed to cruise for long journeys at high knot speeds. With this, they’ve actually become more of a popular choice for those in Europe and the US looking to either charter a yacht or buy through a broker. 

They feature very fuel-efficient engines while providing a lot of living space under the main deck. 

Generally speaking, these types of yacht have full-displacement hulls to help with both the carrying of big loads, and with speed control. That said, more of the modern models of the trawler types of yachts are being manufactured with a semi-displacement hull, instead. 

Another interesting thing to note about this yacht classification is that, while their structure and cruising abilities are somewhat similar to other power yachts, their engine use and average knots from the power system are quite minimal. For example, these types of yachts will glide across the water’s surface at around 7-9 knots through a single diesel engine rather than a dual engine.

Although, while they do make use of the one main engine, they do also have a slightly lower powered auxiliary engine that helps to increase fuel efficiency and cruising range. And if these are the factors you sail towards in your yachting around the world adventures, here are some manufacturers that create beautiful trawler types of yachts:

  • Beneteau Yachts
  • Alm Jachtbouw
  • Cranchi Yachts
  • Absolute Yachts
  • Northern Marine

While we’ve added the Nordhavn brand to the list, it’s worth knowing that the yacht classification for their trawler yacht becomes the explorer yacht.

The Lobster Yacht (A.K.A. Downeast Boat)

The Lobster Yacht

Also known widely as the downeast boat, the lobster types of yachts were initially manufactured as more of a commercial vessel. Which also awarded it the nickname of “the pick-up truck of the coast”.

They are manufactured with the specifications of a naturally higher bow to aid in climbing the rougher seas. As well as this, they feature a semi-displacement hull and pronounced keel for both heavy load carrying and smooth sailing through rougher winds at slower speeds. 

They’re generally a smaller yacht classification that doesn’t incorporate grandeur interiors despite being a luxury personal watercraft. It’ll have the sun lounge and a cockpit at the front but doesn’t have a flyboard or even a tuna tower. 

That said, they’re not the most popular types of yachts out there in the marina despite seeing a lot of changes to make them into the more luxurious water vessels we’d see when we think of a yacht.

Here’s are some of the most popular brands of lobster types of yachts in case you’re wondering where you could charter a yacht with these specifications. Although, we’d recommend going for a sport fisher, instead:

  • Zeelander Yachts
  • Grand Banks
  • Sabre Yachts
  • Mochi Craft
  • Young Brothers Boats

The Pilothouse Yacht

The Pilothouse Yacht

The pilothouse yacht is a very big yacht classification often seen to be a three-tier yacht due to the raised mid-level (and flyboard on top).

This raised mid-level is to allow for a fully enclosed pilot’s house (hence the name) while also providing an extra living quarter within the helm of the vessel. Most of these types of yachts will also come with a flybridge to allow for some lounging in the sun!

However, it’s not all just about the pilothouse as it stands, or should we say floats? There is a sub-yacht classification for the pilothouse called the wheelhouse motor yacht. 

The difference being that this yacht features a wheel within the pilothouse to become an area where the ship is controlled by the ship’s captain without being in a separate cockpit on the aft. 

With that, this enclosed feature makes it easy for the entire crew (depending on the size of your party) to easily see the waves and route on the sea without having to be on or above the main deck.

This makes it a great choice for anyone wanting to venture out into the great big blue without wanting to burn up-top or have to store any foul weather gear.

So, if you’re looking for a life on the sea in a luxury personal watercraft with an enclosed steering structure, you might want to consider some of these popular brands making the pilothouse types of yachts:

  • Offshore Yachts
  • Flaming Yachts
  • Navigator Yachts
  • Shannon Yachts

The Sport Fisher Yacht

The Sport Fisher Yacht

A sport fisher yacht is another of those types of yachts that pretty much sums up the purpose in the name. 

This particular yacht classification is any vessel that is designed, built and geared towards luxury fishing . Of course, it still needs to be in the general size specifications of over 30 feet in order to classify as a yacht and not a general fishing tugboat.

This means it’ll probably have a large cockpit, a bay tank, a designated rod storage area, space for tackle, catch-of-the-day zones and more. These features, however, are a customisable option and – when you charter a yacht or buy second hand – there’s not always the option you’ll get all of them.

Another thing to note would be that these types of yachts have a planar hull to cut through the waves at fast speeds. The idea being to get you to and from your fishing spot as quickly as possible so more time can be spent catching dinner.

When it comes down to the build, there are three alternative models of the sport fisher yacht: the express sport fisher, the flybridge sport fisher and the convertible sport fisher. 

The express sport fisher will generally have an additional deck, to make two, while also featuring a tuna tower (i.e., not a flybridge but a small space to sit with one or two control features).

The flybridge fisher yacht has – you guessed it – a flybridge as well (making a total of four deck levels when you add the tuna tower).

Finally, the convertible is often a term heard in the sport fishing boat community. However, it’s not a convertible yacht in the sense that we’d think, it’s just a hybrid boat incorporating features of both a motor yacht and a sports fisher. Meaning, it’s able to convert between fishing and cruising where necessary. Often, these types of yachts feature an enclosed flybridge.

As this is a popular yacht classification, it’s probable you’ll want to know some of the main manufacturing brands of the sports fisher:

  • Lindell Yachts
  • Carolina Yachts
  • Camper and Nicholson’s

The Power Catamaran Yacht

The Power Catamaran Yacht

The power catamaran is our favourite of the types of yachts here at The Hobby Kraze. While we’ve only had minimal experience with our sea legs on the great big blue, we’ve had enough exposure to the marina to be able to love the catamaran.

Classic in looks, their hull is the two-pronged catamaran hull for high speeds, wind grasp and powerful steering capacity. 

That said, there are actually two types of catamaran as a luxury personal watercraft. And it all revolves around the hull. The first is the one that we’ve mentioned: it features a catamaran hull. 

The second is a catamaran designed with a different hull which allows it to be slightly more powerful and efficient at the same time. In other words, you have the catamaran as we all know and love and a catamaran hybrid cruiser.

Of course, there are other similar styles of yacht classification that use the catamaran hull. For example, any other multi-hull boat like the trimaran. 

If you like the wind and the speed with a hint of competition, we have some popular brands for you to have a look at:

  • Sunreef Yachts
  • Cata-Lagoon
  • Horizon Yachts
  • Fountaine Pajot
  • Aquila Boats
  • Leopard Catamaran

The Super Yacht (and the Mega Yacht)

Super Yacht

A super yacht is any yacht that has been supersized. In terms of the yacht classification, they’re a water vessel over 79 feet (24 meters) which can be considered luxurious. 

In the same light, a mega yacht is the supersize of the supersize. Whereby yachting around the world involves embarking on a cruise ship that is over 164 feet (50 meters) and considered luxurious.

One quick way to find out if you’re looking at a mega yacht is to look for the mast light. This is because any luxury personal watercraft (or any water vessel for that matter) over the size of 50 meters is under regulation to have a second forward mast light. 

So, there’ll be a light on the top of the main mast and there’ll be a pole in front (generally located on the stern of the main deck) which has another light on the top. However, there are some manufacturers who create these second forward mast lights with a sneaky retractable pole. 

In fact, here are some of the most popular brands and manufacturers of these super and mega types of yachts:

  • Amels Hollans
  • Heesen Yachts

The Gulet Yacht

The Gulet Yacht

The gulet yacht is a little different from the rest in this list. It features authentic traditional design with a wooden interior, luxury sky lounge, full-displacement hull and two or more sails to take you wherever the wind blows.

It is a yacht classification of Turkish origin with a history of being a tourist and goods carrier around the Mediterranean and Black Sea.

While we’d normally direct you in the way of a manufacturer of the gullet yacht, these types of yachts are actually only produced by Gulet. However, there are many well-known distributors of the Gulet yacht around the world. For example, WonderGulets.com, GuletYacht.co.uk, GuletGroup.com and more.

The Expedition Yacht (A.K.A. Research Vessel)

Expedition Yacht

The final of our 12 types of yachts is the expedition yacht. It is also known in the nautical world as a research vessel depending on where it’s going, which crew is on board and how it’s kitted-out for the adventure.

However, there are some general specifications that relate to the entire fleet.

For example, when it comes to the expedition yacht, they’re another form of super yacht but are designed to be the sturdiest and safest cruisers of them all. 

This is because they’re aimed at those wanting to be yachting around the world to cruise and experience everything. Plus, a research vessel features work and learning that takes place all across the globe with an innumerable number of machinery tools to do the job. So, it needs to withstand all-weather cruising across the seas while protecting the cargo. 

A great example of a research and expedition yacht making good pace for science and the environment is the REV Ocean. 

To top it off, these yacht designs feature a flat hull and considerably sized fuel tanks that allow them to stay out at sea for months on end. 

So, for a true expedition of the planet’s blue oceans, you’ll want to charter a yacht or even buy from one of these shipbuilders:

  • All Ocean Yachts
  • Damen Yachting
  • Kingship Marine

And that hoists up everything there is to know about the 12 types of yachts you could board for an adventure of yachting around the world. 

Actually, we have missed one thing off this list. It’s the houseboat (and no, we don’t mean the canal boats and narrow boats we get here in the UK). What we’re talking about are those angular floating containers you see moored up at large marinas.

Sometimes they’re single storey and other times you can see them stacked up to create three-storey houses simply floating next to generic-looking yachts. 

Well, they’re in a bit of a grey area in terms of yacht classification. While you can’t exactly charter a yacht such as these, they do meet the standards of a yacht. I.e., they’re floating, they’re longer than 30 feet and they’re certainly classed as luxurious when they’re kitted out to live in. 

So, that could technically make 13 types of yachts depending on the way you look at it. 

If you enjoyed reading this article as much as we loved to make it here at The Hobby Kraze, then you should probably get to know your sailing terms and boat terms. Here are some other water-related hobbies you might find interesting from the team:

  • The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Sailing and Rafting
  • The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Sculling and Rowing
  • The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Scuba Diving and Snorkelling
  • The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Kayaking
  • The Ultimate Guide to Stand-Up Paddle Boarding for Beginners
  • The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Photography
  • 17 Different Types of Resort and Finding the Holiday to Suit You

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Picture of Lisa Hayden-Matthews

Lisa Hayden-Matthews


  • March 27, 2022
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Marine Insight

The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Boats – Top 20

As we all know, a boat is a type of watercraft that has been specifically designed for navigating near-shore areas or inland waterways such as rivers and lakes.

What makes a boat different from a ship is its smaller size and lesser carrying capacity compared to the latter.

However, the definition of a boat –its size, shape and capacity-varies according to its purpose. To understand better, you might want to read about the major differences between boat and ship .

According to modern naval terms, a boat is defined as a watercraft that is small enough to be carried abroad a ship (some boats are measured up to 1000 feet in length).

Similarly, many boats are intended to provide service, not in near-shore areas but in the offshore environment.

Interestingly, contradicting the “ships can carry boats, but boats can’t carry ships” argument, even sometimes the US Navy submarines are called boats.

Historical evidence suggests that the boat has been used for transportation since pre-historic times. However, from the oldest known boat named dugouts, the evolution of the watercraft has now reached luxurious motor yachts.

Apart from recreational purposes, boats have also served an integral purpose in the modern commercial world by allowing active transportation of both passengers and cargo, wherever short distances are concerned.

Table of Contents

Types of Boats

Technically, there are several different types of boats, and it’s impossible to list down all the types. But, primarily, boats can be classified into three main sections as follows:

  • Unpowered or man-powered boats (like rafts, gondolas, kayaks, etc.),
  • Sailboats (sail-propelled)
  • Motorboats (engine-powered)

Here we have a list of the major types of boats in the above-mentioned categories of vessels, along with boat pictures used around the world.

Types of Boats

Related Read:   5 Biggest and Magnificent Sailing Ships of All Time

1. Fishing Boats

Built exclusively for fishing, fishing boats in different sizes are used on both salt and freshwater bodies. The immediate qualities of these boats include stability, strength, and durability to survive the fishing ventures across various kinds of waterways.

Fishing boats can be both manned and un-manned types. The all-purpose fishing boats generally include a front bow, rod lockers, a trolling motor system, an outboard power and live wells.

Compared to the boats meant for lakes and rivers, the boats fishing in the offshore environment will be taller in size and strong-built to withstand saltwater and harsher conditions.

On the other hand, the aluminium fishing boats weigh less and are highly durable.  The bass boats designed with slim profiles, and consist of 2-3 anglers on board, are type of a boat used for fishing.

Fishing Boat - Representation Image

Related Read:  Types of Fishing Vessels

2. Dinghy Boats

A dinghy can be a small inflatable boat usually made of rubber and comprises cross thwarts and rowlocks that act as seats and oars, respectively.

Commonly powered by sails, oars and small outboard engines, Dinghies are popularly known as sailboats, rowboats or simply inflatables.

These boats team up with more significant vessels and come in handy when the mothership cannot navigate in narrow areas. These rowboats can also be utilised as companion boats and are taken to camping expeditions or fishing in shallow waters.

Dinghy Boats - Representation Image

Related Read: Differences Between a Ship and a Boat

3. Deck Boats

As the name suggests, Deck Boats come with an open deck area that provides plenty of seating arrangements for a small group of people.

The boat features a V-shaped hull with a wide beam to accommodate more passengers than a pontoon boat. Usually measures 25-35 ft in length, they are provided with a stern power drive and are popularly used for recreational activities like swimming, water sports etc.

Italy, Tuscany, Viareggio, Tecnomar Madras 20 luxury yacht (20 meters), aerial view

4. Bowrider Boats

Known as a quintessential family boat, Bowriders offer room for eight or more passengers across its cockpit, bow cockpit and helm. In addition, the bow area of these boats has been constructed in a unique way to allow a spacious seating arrangement.

Bowrider Boat

Moreover, these runabout-style vessels contain a swim platform for putting on wakeboards or for swimming activities feel-good leisure boating.

With its classic V-shaped bottom, Bowrider Boats offer a splendid ride across different water conditions. The usage of sterndrive power is the typical rule, but the demand for outboard engines is increasing rapidly.

4. Catamaran Boats

Unlike other boats, Catamaran is a multi-hulled watercraft that features two parallel hulls of equal size. Catamaran Boats feature less hull volume, shallower draft, and higher displacement than vessels with a single hull.

Excellent for fishing purposes and even for leisurely cruising abilities, Catamarans are being built for various purposes across the world.

Catamaran Boat

Related Read:  Main Types of Catamarans Used in the Shipping World

6. Cuddy Cabins Boats

Well-suited for fishing, yachting, sailing and other water sports, Cuddy Cabins Boats is one of the most family-friendly vessels.

Featuring a closed deck over the boat’s bow, the boat allows a convenient storage space and easy navigation. The cuddy cabin boats are usually built of fibreglass and aluminium, and the minimum length is around 4.75 meters.

Cuddy Cabins Boats

7. Centre Console Boats

Essentially a boat that features a hull with no cabin or foredeck and the helm station in the centre of the boat, Centre Consoles are great fishing platforms.

These boats are ideal for sports fishing and work in harsh offshore waterways with plenty of ocean fish. The essential equipment consists of bait wells, gunwale rod holders, fish lockers and outriggers, to name a few.

In addition, the deck provides a powerful insulation system for icing the fish storage.

Centre Console Boats

Related Read:  Lafayette – The World’s Biggest Ship for Fish Processing

8. Houseboats

There are houseboats of different shapes and sizes worldwide, offering the luxury of living on water and providing excellent recreational and holiday accommodation facilities.

Houseboats, also known as Float house, incorporate broad flooring and modern amenities such as entertainment, fine dining, and proper sleeping arrangements.

The boats offer fun activities like relaxed cruising, water sports, family sailing etc. While most of the houseboats are motorized, there are boats incapable of operating under their own power since they are usually kept stationary at a location.

House boat

Related Read:  Top 10 Largest Cruise Ships in 2017

9. Trawler Boats

With features including a displacement hull and fuel-efficient engines, trawlers are intended to smoothly manoeuvre through the water bodies without exhausting much horsepower or consuming excessive fuel.

This quality makes the trawler a brilliant option for long-range cruising activities, as all modern facilities can be found aboard the boat.

Trawler Boat

10. Cabin Cruiser Boats

Offering all the essential features of a home, Cabin Cruiser boats are great for relaxed sailing. Designed with a galley and a berth, these boats offer modern comforts like heaters, air conditioners, and power generators.

In addition to a deep-V bottom, the Cabin Cruisers employ a secure shaft drive mechanism plus rudder steering and therefore are mainly suited for movement in the salty water.

Cabin Cruiser Boats

11. Game boats

Powered by diesel or petrol engines, these fibreglass boats are large in measurement and are useful for the game fish pursuit, especially pelagic fishes like tuna and marlin.

Game boat

Equipped with sleeping berths, plumbing systems, and cooking galleys, these boats allow passengers to continue their activities for a couple of days or more.

12. Motor Yacht Boats

The latest design in the evolution of boats, the motor yacht, is a watercraft primarily used for leisure activities. The motor yacht has a standard length of 12m and above, with one or two diesel engines per navigation requirements in inland waters or the oceans.

The motor yacht can vouchsafe for an enjoyable family trip for a long period of time that it sails on the water. There are different types of yachts in the market, including day sailing yachts, weekender yachts, cruising yachts, luxury sailing yachts etc. to meet the various requirements.

Motor Yacht Boat

13. Personal Watercraft (PWC) Boats

The PWC boats, also known as water scooters and jetski, are customized boats for adventurous activities. This recreational watercraft allows individuals to explore the waters at their own ease and participate in games such as water-skiing and sports fishing, etc. There are two types of PWCs – “sit down” and “stand-up” models; while the former is intended for two or more people, the latter can only be used by a single rider.

Personal Watercraft (PWC) Boats

14. Runabout Boats

Capable of accommodating four and eight people, Runabout Boats are typically used in racing, fishing, water skiing, etc. The movement of these open boats is controlled by a steering wheel and forward controls, as located behind a windscreen. Runabouts are usually declared entry-level vessels for casual sports and boating activities.

Runabout Boat

15. Jet Boats

Powered by a jet of water ejected from behind the vessel, Jet Boat is notable for its high manoeuvrability. The structure of a jet boat is quite similar to that of a bow-rider, as it offers a lot of seating areas and a swimming platform. In addition, the advanced propulsion system is securely enwrapped in the hull to protect it from any external damage.

Jet Boats

16. Wakeboard/ Ski Boats

The wakeboard boats and the ski boats look quite the same but differ in their fields of action. The inboard ski boats require a powerful range of acceleration, and the shape of the engine and propeller accentuates it. On the other hand, the inboard wakeboards feature a V drive engine system, deep hulls, and a huge wake to set in motion.


17. Banana Boats

A banana boat is a type of watercraft that is solely utilized for recreational activities and family entertainment. As the name suggests, it is a banana-shaped inflatable watercraft and easily floats on water. It does not have an inbuilt motor system. A banana boat has the capacity to seat around three to ten people. Interestingly, at the same, the vessels being used primarily for the transportation of bananas as cargo is also called Banana boats.

Banana Boats

Related Read:  Top 10 Most Expensive Private Yachts In The World

18. Lifeboats

In emergencies, lifeboats come to the rescue! The lifeboats are small watercraft attached to bigger vessels like cruises, and their main function is to carry passengers to a secure area if the concerned vessel is met with an accident. The lifeboats are well-equipped with immediate food and water supplies and other necessities to pacify the frightened voyagers in case of a shipwreck.

life boat

Related Read:  Common Reasons for Ship’s Lifeboat Engine Starting Failure

19. Pontoon Boat

Used popularly for inland waters and other small water bodies, Pontoon boats are flattish in shape, relying on tubes (pontoons) to float on the water. Typically, the length of the Pontoon boat ranges from 15-30 ft with a shallow draft. It consists of multiple aluminium tubes supporting the broad platform providing excellent stability.

Pontoon Boat

They are used for recreational activities like cruising and fishing etc. The shape of a Pontoon boat helps designers plan the seating arrangements and other facilities according to the requirements.

20. Sedan Bridge Boat

Typically ranging from about 35–65 feet in length, Sedan Bridge Boat by Sea Ray Company offers the pleasure of excellent visibility to the navigator. With an extended bridge area, the boat makes the passengers feel like a big ship bridge and offers accommodations down below to suit extended stays on the water.

Sedan Bridge Boat

Apart from the above-mentioned ones, several other types of boats are also available in the market.

The list of the boats continues with vessels such as Skiff or Jon Boats, Hydrofoil boats, Cigarette boats, Cuddy Boats, Tug Boats , High-Speed Crafts, Bumper Boats, Pilot Boat, Fire Boat, Well boats, Kayak, Bay or Flat Boats, All-Purpose fishing Boats, Deck Boats, High-Performance Boats, Rafts, Surfboats, Narrowboats, Folding Boats, Log Boats, Go-fast Boats, Catboats, Junk Boats, Ferry Boats, Canoe Boats, U-boats, Dory boats etc.

Over to you…

If you think any other type of boat should be added to this list, let’s know in the comments below.

You might also like to read:

  • A Guide To Types of Ships
  • Types of Sailboats: A Comprehensive Classification
  • Different Types of Submarines and Underwater Vessels
  • Different Types of Barges Used in the Shipping World
  • LNG Tankers: Different Types And Dangers Involved
  • What is Karadeniz Powership? 
  • Top 11 Books On Boating

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Though the personal watercraft boat seems like it would be an adventure, I’d prefer the classic fishing boat with an outboard power and live wells. I love fishing and this probably suits my needs just fine. It could also be that I don’t know how to swim either and this just seems safest.

Add another catergory Power Sailer. My Imexus 28 Trailer Sailer has a 180hp inboard whilst being generally sailing oriented. This catergory has some early examples like the Lancer 27, a big volume seller in the Macgregor 26Xand M and others like the Hunter X and Mackmam 28 All having large outboards fitted. Jimmy Buffett had one built I believe which was much bigger yacht again featuring a pair of 70 hp inboards I think. Just another catergory to add to the list. Regards Graeme

Well explained, I got some information about the bout on your article. I have shared it with my friend, who is planning to buy a boat. I am sure this post helps him to choose the right type of boat for him. He joined a yacht show in Thailand and like a boat from Boat Lagoon Yachting. Thanks for sharing.

@Johan: Glad the information came handy

I find it helpful that you made a list of boats with a detailed description of each. When I learned that a person can get a fishing boat so that they can be used to get saltwater and freshwater fish, my suggestion for boat buyers is to invest in a custom dock by a local contractor before buying one. Doing this will help them have a safe place to keep it safe while not in use.

Got any recommendations for a single man boat? I’m writing a character who likes the freedom of getting on his (modest) motor boat and taking off for the afternoon/evening. Below deck accommodations w/b great too. But I wouldn’t want to cost to be more than $20k. Any help is appreciated! Oh, and, he likes to go fast!

Nice post very informing. btw how do I know the difference between boats that are different that look the same?

I lovw boats so much! these are so cool! have you ever gone on a pizza boat they are the best things ever! carrbean pizza boats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to marry one one day. Lol.

This is really informative and i loved it i work with a marine company as a social media strategist and i was scouring the web for contents and i stumbled on this i thought i knew boats but now i know better thanks for the information btw i was wondering if you could give me permission to use some of these pictures for the content i’m creating. i’d love to hear from you soon. Regards

good information about boats

Banana Boats!! Seriously!!!

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What is Yacht Racing? (Here’s All You Need To Know)

different types of sport yachts

Have you ever watched a yacht race, with its colorful sails gliding across the water in a graceful dance? Have you ever wondered what it takes to participate in yacht racing? This article will take you through all you need to know about yacht racing, from the different types of yachts and races, to sailing clubs and regattas, technical knowledge and skills, safety, and the benefits of yacht racing.

We’ll also explore some of the most popular events and races.

So whether you’re an avid sailor or just curious about this exciting sport, you’ll find all the information you need here.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Yacht racing is a competitive sport and recreational activity involving sailing yachts .

It is most popular in areas with strong maritime cultures, such as the UK, US and Australia.

Races typically involve a course that boats must follow, which can vary in length depending on the type of race.

Competitors often use advanced sailboat designs, and use tactics and strategy to try to outmaneuver their opponents in order to be the first to cross the finish line.

Types of Yachts Used in Racing

Yacht racing can be done with a wide variety of boats, from dinghies and keelboats to multihulls and offshore racing boats.

Dinghies are small, lightweight boats with a single sail and are often used in competitive racing.

Keelboats, on the other hand, are larger and heavier boats with a fixed keel and two or more sails.

Multihulls, like the popular catamaran, are boats with two or more hulls and are designed with speed and agility in mind.

Finally, offshore racing boats are designed for long-distance racing and are typically larger and more powerful than other types of yachts.

No matter what type of yacht you choose to race, they will all have common features that make them suitable for racing.

All yachts must have a mast, sails, hull and rigging, and will usually feature a deck, compass, and navigation equipment.

Additionally, racing yachts are often fitted with safety features such as life jackets, flares, and emergency radios.

Each type of yacht has its own unique characteristics, and some are better suited for certain types of racing than others.

For example, dinghies are better suited for short-course racing, while offshore racing boats are better for long-distance racing.

Additionally, keelboats and multihulls are often used for more challenging types of racing, such as distance racing or match racing.

No matter what type of yacht you choose for racing, it is important to remember that safety should always be your first priority.

Be sure to check the weather conditions before heading out and make sure that you have the proper safety equipment on board.

Additionally, it is important to get professional instruction or join a sailing club to ensure you have the necessary skills to race safely and enjoyably.

Types of Races

different types of sport yachts

Yacht racing events can take place in a wide variety of forms and formats, from long-distance ocean racing to short-course inshore racing in protected bays and estuaries.

Each type of race requires different skills and equipment, and the type of race you choose to participate in will depend on your sailing experience, budget and the type of boat you have.

Long-distance ocean racing is a popular form of yacht racing, with races often taking place over several days and often involving multiple stages.

These races often have several classes of boat competing, with each boat competing in its own class.

These races may involve sailing around a set course or route, or they may be point-to-point races, where the boats sail from one point to another.

Inshore racing is the most common form of yacht racing, with races typically taking place over a few hours or a single day.

This type of racing is often conducted in protected waters, such as bays and estuaries, and generally involves shorter course lengths than ocean racing.

Inshore races may involve multiple classes of boat, or they may be one-design classes, where all boats are the same model and size.

Multi-hull racing is another popular type of yacht racing and involves boats with two or more hulls.

These boats are generally faster and more agile than monohulls, and races are often held over a short course.

These races can be highly competitive, with teams of experienced sailors vying for position and race victory.

Offshore racing is similar to ocean racing, but often involves much longer distances and more challenging conditions.

Races may take place over several days and multiple stages, and require a high level of experience and skill.

Offshore racing boats are usually specially designed for speed and agility, and may have multiple crew members on board to help manage the boat in challenging conditions.

Sailing Clubs and Regattas

Yacht racing is a popular sport around the world, with sailing clubs and regattas held in many countries.

Sailing clubs are organizations where members can come together to race, learn, and enjoy their shared passion for the sport.

Membership in a sailing club usually includes access to the clubs facilities, equipment, and training classes.

Regattas are large-scale yacht racing events, often hosted by a sailing club.

The regatta can be organized for any type of boat, from dinghys to offshore racing boats, and the races can be held over a series of days.

The goal of the regatta is to crown the winner of the overall race, or the individual class honours.

Sailing clubs and regattas are a great way for sailors of all levels to come together and compete.

They give sailors an opportunity to hone their skills, network, and make friends with other passionate sailors.

Additionally, these events are often open to the public, so they give the general public a chance to see the amazing spectacle of yacht racing up close.

If youre looking for an exciting and fun way to get involved with sailing, look no further than your local sailing club or regatta.

Technical Knowledge and Skills

different types of sport yachts

Yacht racing is a sport that requires a great deal of technical knowledge and skill.

Competitors must be familiar with the physics and dynamics of sailing, including how to read the wind and manipulate their vessel to maximize speed and maneuverability.

They must also be able to understand the principles of navigation, so they can accurately plot a course and adjust it to take advantage of the prevailing wind and current conditions.

Furthermore, competitors must be able to read the weather and use that information to their advantage in the race.

Finally, competitors need to have a good understanding of the rules of the race and how to adhere to them.

Yacht racing is a complex sport with a steep learning curve, and it requires a great deal of experience and practice to master.

Safety is a key element of yacht racing, as it involves operating large vessels in often unpredictable and hazardous conditions.

All racers must be properly equipped with the appropriate safety gear, such as life jackets, flares, and a first aid kit.

It is also essential that all racers are familiar with the rules of the race, and have a good understanding of the safety protocols that must be followed in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

All yacht racing events must be properly insured, and there are often medical personnel on standby in case of an emergency.

Before any race, all participants must sign a waiver declaring that they understand the risks involved and accept responsibility for their own safety.

Benefits of Yacht Racing

different types of sport yachts

Yacht racing is a great way to challenge yourself and take part in a thrilling sport.

It offers numerous benefits to those that participate, from improved physical health and mental well-being to an opportunity to travel and explore new places.

Whether youre a beginner or an experienced sailor, yacht racing provides an exciting and rewarding experience.

One of the main benefits of yacht racing is its impact on physical health.

It requires a great deal of strength and endurance, as the sailors must use their arms and legs to control the boats sails and rudder.

Its also a great way to get your heart rate up and improve your cardiovascular health.

Additionally, sailing is a low-impact sport, meaning theres less risk of injury than other more strenuous activities like running or cycling.

Yacht racing also has many mental benefits.

Its a great way to relax and take in the beauty of the ocean, as well as the camaraderie and excitement of competing in a team.

Additionally, it gives sailors the opportunity to put their problem-solving skills to the test, as they must think quickly and strategize in order to succeed.

Yacht racing also requires quick decision-making, which can help to improve mental acuity and develop a more acute awareness of ones surroundings.

Finally, yacht racing is a great way to explore new places and meet new people.

Races often take place in different locations around the world, meaning sailors can get a glimpse into different cultures and explore new destinations.

Additionally, yacht racing provides an opportunity to socialize with other sailors, as well as make connections in the sailing community.

Overall, yacht racing is a great way to challenge yourself and reap the numerous physical, mental, and social benefits that come with it.

With its exciting races and stunning locations, its no wonder that yacht racing has become a popular sport around the world.

Popular Events and Races

Yacht racing is an exciting and popular sport with events and races held all over the world.

From the world-famous Americas Cup to local regattas, there are races and events of all sizes and skill levels.

The Americas Cup is the oldest and most prestigious yacht race in the world, with the first race held in 1851.

Held every 3-4 years in a different location, the Americas Cup pits the worlds best sailors against each other in a battle of boat speed, tactics and teamwork.

The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is another major race, held annually in Australia.

The race begins in Sydney Harbour and ends in the port of Hobart, Tasmania and is known for its unpredictable and challenging conditions.

The Whitbread Round the World Race (now known as The Volvo Ocean Race) is a grueling nine-month, round-the-world yacht race.

This race is one of the most challenging and dangerous races in the world.

In addition to these larger races, there are many smaller local and national regattas and races that offer an opportunity for sailors of all skill levels to compete.

From small dinghy races to larger keelboat and offshore racing events, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in yacht racing.

Yacht racing is a fun, competitive and rewarding sport and with so many events and races available, there is sure to be something for everyone.

Whether you are a competitive sailor or just looking to have some fun on the water, yacht racing is the perfect sport for you.

Final Thoughts

Yacht racing is an exciting and challenging sport that is enjoyed by many around the world.

With a variety of yacht types, races and events to choose from, there is something for everyone.

To get started, it is important to have a good understanding of the technical skills and knowledge needed, as well as the safety protocols associated with the sport.

With the right preparation and dedication, yacht racing can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

If you’re interested in taking up this exciting sport, make sure you check out your local sailing clubs and regattas to find out what’s on offer.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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In this article, we explain the definition, history and origin of the word yacht, and break down some of the more common types of yachts along with various styles and sizes.

Yacht Definition & Origin

The word yacht comes from the Dutch word “jacht”, which means to hunt, and refers to the quick and lightweight sailboats the Dutch navy used to pursue pirates and other enemies in shallow waters. Today, the word takes on a very different meaning. While there is no strict definition of the word today, a yacht is generally considered as a boat used for pleasure, whether you’re cruising open waters, racing or island-hopping for the weekend. Typically, we consider a boat to be a yacht if it has an overnight cabin onboard, is more than 33 feet long, and generally looks nicer than your average vessel.

Pleasure boats have been around for hundreds of years, which is no surprise when you consider our options for transportation around that time. Without planes, cars, bikes or scooters, humans turned to the one form of transportation they knew well for pleasure – the ship.

Sailing Yacht History

Sailing yachts have been a thing since at least the beginning of the 1660s in Europe, when King James of England commissioned a sailing yacht for his son Henry, the Prince of Wales. But it was Charles II, the Kind of Scotland, who brought the term “yacht” into the mainstream after spending time exiled in the Netherlands. Once Charles got home, he began commissioning royal yachts left and right.

Steam Yacht History

Steam Yachts also have quite the history, which started as massive and luxurious sailing yachts with steam auxiliary engines. These yachts were much larger, and carried full crews complete with a cook, captain, engineer, stewards and deck hands. By the late 1700s, screw propellers were installed and the engines became far more efficient. Eventually, compound engines came about and persisted until the internal combustion took over.

Power Yacht History

Powerboats with 4-stroke gas engines were first developed by Nicolaus Otto and Gottlieb Daimler in 1876. Then in the 1900s, diesel engines became the more popular option because of their lower cost and improved reliability.

Yacht Types

Today, yachts fall into one of two general categories – sailing yachts and motor yachts.

Sailing Yachts

A sailing yacht is a leisure craft that relies on its sails for the primary method of movement, made from natural, synthetic or carbon fibers. Sailing yachts are split into two main categories: cruisers and raisers.

Cruising Yachts

A cruising yacht is designed for comfort above anything else. These yachts are ideal for overnight and lengthy journeys, typically equipped with all the comforts of home, including full kitchens (galleys), bathrooms (heads) and beds. They’re also designed to be slightly easier to maintain.

At the smaller end, we have what’s called as a “trailer sailer”. These yachts are generally shorter than 25 feet, and can be pulled by the average car. But anything shorter than 33 feet is considered a small sailing yacht. The next level is 33-45 feet, referred to as near-shore yachts. Offshore yachts are the largest category, including vessels larger than 45 feet.

Racing Yachts

A racing yacht is designed with performance top of mind, rather than comfort. World Sailing, the governing body for the sport of international sailing, recognizes 11 different classes of sailing yachts, but each share some general characteristics.

On a racing yacht, aerodynamics is prioritized. These yachts come in a variety of shapes and weights, but performance is the underlying motivation for all. Similar to aerodynamics but underwater, hydrodynamically efficient hulls allow boats to pull through the water with minimal drag or extra motion. Finally, for peak performance, these sailing yachts typically use full-battened Kevlar or carbon fiber sails.

Motor Yachts

Motor yachts come in all shapes and sizes, built with a variety of different materials. Generally speaking, they range from 30-130 feet in length, but there are superyachts out there exceeding 500 feet (that’s over 150 metres!).

The hull of a motor yachts comes in three basic styles. A yacht with a full-displacement hull moves the water up and away, creating waves. These boats have the potential to be plenty powerful, but their speed is limited. Semi-displacement hulls are slightly faster, because they’re able to partially rise above the water. Last are the yachts with a planing hull. These yachts are the fastest, because of a flat underside and enough power to lift them onto the surface of the water.

The majority of modern motor yachts have at least one diesel engine. A boat with two engines is certainly more expensive, but well worth it when you consider the reliability and increased handling/performance.

When it comes to motor yacht styles, there are many. Here’s a brief introduction to a few different motor yacht styles:

  • Sport Motor Yacht : These powerful crafts are built with a semi-displacement and planing hulls, making them fast boats great for weekend adventures and short trips.
  • Trawler Motor Yacht : A trawler is known for its more traditional style with a displacement hull, designed for medium distance passage-making.
  • Cruising Motor Yacht : A cruising yacht is built for comfortable longer distance travel, equipped with a displacement hull.
  • Expedition Yacht : Similar to a cruising motor yacht, expedition yachts are built with a displacement hull for long distances, but these crafts specialize in passage-making in remote areas.
  • Mega Luxury Yachts : The mega luxury yachts is what you see and hear about on TV and in magazines. They’re hundred of feet long, designed for dozens of family and friends, and reserved for the super-rich.
  • Sports Fisherman Yacht : These yachts have semi-displacement or planing hulls for quick fishing trips where you need to be able to move well. On a sports fisherman yacht, there will also be extra space for fishing gear and large fish.
  • Lobster Yacht : A lobster yacht is similar to but quicker than a trawler, built with a semi-displacement or planing hull. These yachts get their name from their unique style – looking like classic Maine lobster boats.

If you’re looking for a new yacht, browse our current listings of sailing and motor yachts at Van Isle Marina. You can also visit us in Sidney at 2320 Harbour Road to see our stock in person, and our staff will be happy to help you out.

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Everything You Need to Know About Different Types of Yachts

  • Everything You Need to Know…

What’s Your Yacht Type?

Yachting is nothing short of a luxury. And owning a yacht is a dream harboured by many. If you are someone who is planning to buy a yacht for yourself or for a special someone, first pick out the right kind of yacht. There are several categories of yachts available and it is up to you to weigh your options and pick the right yacht – express or Pershing yachts for sale – from the options available.

The Sporty Express Cruiser

The Sporty Express Cruiser

Sleek and stylish, these yachts come with a single deck above the hull. The level below the deck has living quarters. Also known as the ‘Mediterranean’ yacht, the open space on the deck of this yacht allows you to sunbathe and tan to your heart’s content. If you live in a place where the summers are not very harsh, the weather is manageable, and are seeking an adrenaline rush, the sporty express cruiser is your boat.

In this very category, there are hard top expresses that come with a top that can be pulled up by a hydraulic system

Pershing Yachts

Skylounger or Motor Yacht

If you prefer more covered space and shade on the deck, the Pershing yacht , is a hard-top express yacht. The Pershing boat is not only powerful but also extremely stylish. It has a fully covered area above the deck, temperature-controlled rooms inside, a huge sunroof, sliding windows, etc.

You can find Pershing boats for sale in your area if you are not keen on purchasing a brand-new boat. You can check out used Pershing yachts and pick one that provides you with all the facilities you require, compare prices, and pick one.

New Pershing Yachts are pretty expensive and it would be best that you consult Pershing yacht brokers in your area to understand the options available.

The Sleek Sedan Bridge Cruiser

The Sleek Sedan Bridge Cruiser

Also known as sedan, fly bridge, and sport bridge; these superyachts in Miami come with an extra space on top of the superstructure. There’s a control station for the captain to work, without interfering with the guests or owners on board. These yachts also have lounging areas and seating arrangements.

If you are somebody who is a yacht for luxury, this is the yacht for you.

Skylounger or Motor Yacht

As the name suggests, this yacht is powered by a motor. These motorboats have a protruding front and a small outside bow space. The sky lounger or motor boat is any of the other above yachts fitted with a motor. They offer the best of luxe and are ideally chosen for a longer cruise when the owner or passengers want to take a long journey.

If you are still baffled and need assistance in choosing the right vessel or finding the right boat broker in Miami , you can write to us at [email protected] or call us at +1-305-857-8939 .

Also Read: Types of Yachts-Part One Types of Yachts – Part Two

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What are the types of yachts that exist? What are the differences between them?

Oct 25, 2023 | Yacht news

Yachts are luxury boats that come in a variety of sizes, styles, and capabilities. Whether you’re looking for a sleek sailing yacht to cruise the Mediterranean or a powerful motor yacht to explore the sea with so many different options to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start to know which Yacht categories is for you.

What is a yacht?

There is no one definitive definition of a yacht, but it is generally considered to be a large, luxurious recreational boat. Yachts typically have multiple cabins and staterooms, as well as amenities such as kitchens, bathrooms, and entertainment systems. Some yachts are even equipped with swimming pools, Jacuzzis, and other high-end amenities. But with so many different types of yachts available, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to yacht categories. Here, we’ll take a look at all the different types of yachts available, and help you choose the right one for your needs.

Yacht Refit in Mallorca

What are the types of yachts that exist?

1- sailing yachts.

Sailing yachts are powered by the wind, and are a great choice for sailors of all experience levels. They come in a variety of sizes, from small day boats to large ocean-going cruisers.

Yacht categories: sailing yach

Some of the most popular types of sailing yachts include:

  • Sloops: Sloops are the most common type of sailing yacht, and are relatively easy to sail. They have one mast and a single mainsail. Cutters: Cutters are similar to sloops, but have one additional mast at the bow. This makes them more stable and easier to control in windy conditions.
  • Ketches: Ketches have two masts, one at the bow and one at the stern. This gives them more power and stability than sloops or cutters.
  • Schooners: Schooners have two or more masts, all of which are located forward of the midsection of the boat. This gives them a lot of power and speed, but also makes them more difficult to sail.
Boat Storage in Mallorca

2 – Motor yachts

Motor yachts are powered by engines, and are a great choice for those who want a luxurious and powerful boat. They come in a variety of sizes, from small day boats to large superyachts.

Some of the most popular types of motor yachts include:

  • Express cruisers: Express cruisers are small to mid-sized motor yachts that are designed for speed and day cruising. They have open cockpits and a variety of amenities, such as sunbathing decks, wet bars, and refrigerators.
  • Flybridge yachts: Flybridge yachts are larger motor yachts that have a second helm station on the flybridge. This gives the captain a better view of the surrounding area, and makes it easier to maneuver the yacht in tight quarters.
  • Motoryachts: Motoryachts are the largest and most luxurious type of motor yacht. They have spacious accommodations, multiple decks, and a variety of amenities, such as jacuzzis, gyms, and helicopter landing pads.

3- Other types of yachts

In addition to sailing yachts and motor yachts, there are a number of other types of yachts available, including:

Yacht categories: motor yach

  • Catamarans: Catamarans are two-hulled yachts that offer a number of advantages over monohull yachts, such as increased stability and speed.
  • Trimarans: Trimarans are three-hulled yachts that are even faster and more stable than catamarans. Power catamarans: Power catamarans are catamarans that are powered by engines. They offer a combination of the speed and stability of a catamaran with the luxury and amenities of a motor yacht.
  • Yacht tenders: Yacht tenders are small boats that are used to transport passengers and cargo between a yacht and the shore. They are also often used for water sports and fishing.

What are the differences between each yacht type?

Choosing the Right Yacht for You

When choosing a yacht, there are a number of factors to consider, such as your budget, experience level, and intended use.

If you’re a new sailor, you may want to start with a smaller, easier-to-sail yacht. As you gain more experience, you can then move up to a larger and more complex yacht.

If you’re looking for a yacht for day cruising, you’ll want to choose one that has a comfortable cockpit and plenty of amenities. If you’re planning on doing overnight cruises, you’ll need to choose a yacht with cabins and sleeping accommodations.

And if you’re looking for a luxurious yacht to explore the world, you’ll want to choose one with all the bells and whistles, such as a jacuzzi, gym, and helicopter landing pad.

Top Destinations for Yacht Vacations Around the World

No matter what your budget or experience level, there’s a perfect yacht out there for you. With so many different types of yachts available, you’re sure to find one that meets your needs and budget.

Additional Tips for Choosing a Yacht

Do your research. Once you’ve decided on the type of yacht you want, take some time to research different models and manufacturers. Read reviews, compare prices, and visit yacht shows to see the different yachts in person.

Hire a yacht broker. A yacht broker can help you find the right yacht for your needs and budget.

Other Services

PSB MARINE SERVICE is a family company with over 20 years experience in the marine yacht management industry. We are based in two of the most prestigious marinas in Mallorca: Puerto Portals and Port Adriano. We have always focused on providing the best quality and value for yacht owners.

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different types of sport yachts

19 Recreational Boat Types You Should Know (With Pictures)

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Are you thinking of buying a boat for personal recreation or temporary living?  

Do you dream of cruising leisurely just off the coast or of spending a lazy day at the local lake?   If not, are you ready for the rush of personal water-sports or fishing?  

No matter your preference, there is a boat that is right for you.   In this article, we will explore the types of boats, and all they have to offer .  

Boats can be categorized in many different ways.   Some are for commercial use, some are used in salt water, some hold many passengers, and some are for just one or two people.  

With so many different types, things can get confusing.   Let’s start by discussing the basic categories of boats for personal or family use.  

We can fit them into the following 5 general categories :

Table of Contents

5 Main Categories Of Recreational Watercraft:

1) yachts and houseboats.

different types of sport yachts

Large enough to brave the open water and with enough amenities to live comfortably, Yachts are the ultimate in boating luxury.   In the same vein are houseboats, which are normally found on freshwater lakes.

Yachts are about luxury, while houseboats are more about bare-bones living.

Both yachts and houseboats can not only be expensive to purchase but also to berth and maintain .

2) Cruisers  

different types of sport yachts

Considered the boating world’s luxury cars, cruisers are designed for a relaxing day or weekend on the water and come in two basic varieties, cabin and non-cabin.  

They are generally v-hull designs made of fiberglass construction.  A boat designed for cruising offers the ultimate in leisure.  

While some cruisers can accommodate an overnight stay, in general, they are meant for day cruises with friends and family.  

They can be used in freshwater or saltwater, but they shouldn’t be taken into international waters due to their short range.

3) Water-sports

different types of sport yachts

This is a broad category that primarily includes boats designed for thrills.  

Watercraft designed for sports offers towing capability and speed from  personal watercraft like jet skis to multi-engine ski boats.  

Some are designed for specific water-sports like wakeboarding and skiing, while others are designed for nothing but speed and/or maneuverability.

different types of sport yachts

From drift boats for fly fishing in rivers to large ocean-going boats for tuna and marlin species,   fishing boats come in many shapes and sizes and are designed for specific water conditions or fish species.  

If you think of buying a fishing boat, make sure you do your research and know exactly what waters and fish you plan to use it for.

5) Hybrids  

Many recreational boats are hybrid that can be used for multiple activities.  

Some boat types in this category are fish and ski boats, bowriders, and deck boats.  

Now let’s take a look at specific types of boats in each category:

Yachts and Houseboats

different types of sport yachts

Yachts are boats made for living on the water and are normally capable of long-distance travel.  

They will have living quarters, bathrooms, kitchens (galleys), and lounging areas.  

There is no limit to the level of luxury a yacht can provide at the top of the range.   Some have freshwater swimming pools, game rooms, and formal dining rooms.  

They can also carry smaller boats, helicopters, and cars.   There is nothing inexpensive about a yacht, so make sure you know what you are getting into if you decide to purchase one.  

Operating a yacht requires an experienced Captain or crew, so be sure to acquire the proper skills and certifications before attempting to sail one on your own.

2) Houseboats

different types of sport yachts

Houseboats are usually found in freshwater lakes , and, as the name suggests, they are akin to an RV or small house on the water.  

They can carry many passengers and are perfect for an evening party cruise or weekend on the lake.  

In moderate climates, you can live year-round on a houseboat.  

Houseboats can be cumbersome to maneuver and don’t always perform well on rough water.   High winds are a particular problem for houseboats due to their flat sides and shallow draft.

3) Trawlers

Trawlers are inspired by commercial fishing boats and are capable of long-distance navigation in the open ocean.  

With their stability and rugged design, they can withstand harsh conditions and are well suited for colder, harsher waters.  

Known for their modest speed and fuel efficiency, trawlers are a type of yacht perfect for downsized living.  

4) Sailing Yachts

different types of sport yachts

While sailboats can be small and modest, here we are talking about the more well-appointed cabin boats meant for use in navigable waters like the ocean or large lakes.   The use of sails as propulsion is an ancient idea that has stood the test of time.  

While modern sailboats usually have a motor for emergencies and maneuvering in tighter areas like harbors, the use of sails makes their range nearly limitless.  

These boats require knowledge, skill, and experience to operate effectively; however, sailing them is highly rewarding.   Sailing yachts are also a great way to live year-round on the water.

1) Cabin Cruisers

different types of sport yachts

A cabin cruiser offers a luxury leisure experience for a day or weekend out on the water.   The cabins are generally small, and they are not as well-appointed as a yacht, but they offer a place to escape the sun and sleep if necessary.  

These boats are better suited to a day out with family relaxing on the water than staying out for longer periods.

2) Non-cabin Cruisers

different types of sport yachts

Cruisers without a cabin are generally smaller and used on freshwater.   They offer a luxurious and stable ride and often have swimming platforms, among other amenities.  


1) ski/wakeboard boats.

different types of sport yachts

Ski boats are fast and powerful.   They can be inboard, outboard, or sterndrive and offer features specifically designed for water skiing/wakeboarding, such as ski poles, towers, and storage areas for ski gear.   They are normally v-hull boats with powerful motors capable of pulling multiple skiers.  

There are boats designed for wakeboarding that cast high wakes, but they are interchangeable with ski boats in general.

2) Personal Water Craft

different types of sport yachts

Personal watercraft(PWC) are the motorcycles of the boating world.   Commonly called jet skis, a PWC is a fun way to spend time on the water.  

The term “jet ski” refers to an early version of these crafts and has become the common name.  

PWCs are quick, agile, and a blast to ride.   They are driven by a “jet” of water.   The motor pulls water in through an impeller system and expels it out of a nozzle that can be turned to control the boat’s direction.  

PWC can hold up to three people, and some are powerful enough to pull a skier, although only experienced skiers can pull this off.

3) Jet Boats

Jet boats are akin to jet skis but have a cabin similar to ski boats.   These boats are highly maneuverable even at speed.  

They use the same propulsion technology as PWC and can be powerful enough to pull a skier.  

The jet drive technology has also been used on some models of fishing boats.   The jet drive allows for a very shallow draft that can allow fishermen to access waters off-limits to deeper running boats.

Fishing Boats

1) bass boats.

different types of sport yachts

Bass boats are designed for, you guessed it, bass fishing.  

These freshwater boats come in different shapes and sizes, but they are normally flatter bottomed, shallow-draft boats with outboard engines.  

They are often equipped with a fishing deck on the front and back with high seats.   They have small electric motors called trolling motors with a foot control that keeps your hands free for fishing.   These boats also have sophisticated electronics that can detect fish, map the lake bottom, and tell water temperature.  

Some newer electronics have side view sonar that can track your lure as it moves through the water.  

2) Multi-species boats

different types of sport yachts

Some fishing boats are designed for fishing for anything in the water.   They can be different hull shapes but normally have V-hull or flat-bottomed aluminum hull designs.  

Multi-species boats are versatile and often have trolling motors, kicker motors, and electronics packages.  

Kicker motors are smaller outboards mounted on the transom that allows for slower speeds when trolling and serve as a backup for emergencies.

3) Drift Boats

Drift boats are a specialty fishing boat designed for fly fishing on rivers.   The unique hull design allows you to make it through rapids and over rocky areas safely.   They can have motors but generally are controlled with oars.

4) Saltwater

different types of sport yachts

While any boat can be used for fishing, saltwater fishing boats have deck designs and features specifically for fishing in the ocean.   The decks are open, and skid-proof and the rails are equipped with rod holders.  

Saltwater flats boats have a shallow draft for fishing over reefs and near the shore, while larger v-hulls and trawlers can get out to the deepwater game fish.

Hybrids and Catamarans

1) pontoons.

different types of sport yachts

A pontoon boat is a great way for families to enjoy the water economically and without much experience.   They have two or more tube-shaped aluminum pontoons with a deck on top that can be outfitted in many different ways.  

While some Pontoon boats are set up for lounging, others are set up for fishing, and some are used for commercial purposes.  

They can be equipped to tow tubes or skiers and can even have toilets and sinks.

2) Fish N’ Ski Boats

different types of sport yachts

Fish and ski boats are a fantastic way for everyone to have fun on the water.   They often have a more V-shape hull, which is better for skiing but has multi-use decks double as seating/swimming platforms and fishing areas.  

Most are equipped with trolling motors and electronics for fishing, as well as removable ski poles.  

The engine and propeller combinations are chosen specifically to provide the power needed to tow skiers.   This is a great option for family trips to the local lake.

3) Bow Riders

different types of sport yachts

Bowriders have an open bow with seating for additional passengers.   The bow seats are normally a bench-style seat that allows for sunbathing for two or seating for four.   They can have inboard, outboard, or sterndrive engines and can pull skiers or wake-boarders.  

Bowriders are a popular recreational boat type used as a runabout and for general fun.

4)   Deck Boats

different types of sport yachts

Deck boats are essentially a single-hulled pontoon boat.   They combine the features of V-hull boats with the comfort of the large decked pontoons.  

They are normally outboard driven and can be used for fishing, leisure, towing skiers, and cruising.

Now let’s talk a little more about hull types.   A boat’s hull is the part that touches the water and can have many shapes.   The intended function of the boat normally determines the shape of the hull .   Some boats require more stability, while others need a shallow draft.  

Make sure you know how you intend to use the boat and choose the appropriate hull type.

The following are some, but not all, examples of hull shapes:

1)   Flat Bottomed

different types of sport yachts

Flat bottom boats make the nautical world go ‘round.   Sorry, bad joke, but many boats have flat bottoms.   Many aluminum fishing boats have this design, as well as saltwater flats fishing boats and skiffs.  

This is a stable hull design that is easy to manufacture cheaply, making it a standard in the boating community.

2)   Modified and Deep V-Hull

different types of sport yachts

Chances are when you picture a boat, you are thinking of a V-Hull.   The name comes from the hull cross-section’s shape if sliced perpendicular to the keel, which is the lengthwise centerline.   Another way to picture this is by thinking of the boat’s sides that touch the water as the sides of the V.   The bottom of the V in the bottom of the boat.  

V-Hulls are common shapes and provide a stable, maneuverable platform that suits many different applications.  

Modified V-hulls are used for many smaller boats and are generally flat towards the stern and a deep V toward the bow.  Many freshwater fishing boats feature modified V-hulls.    

V-hulled boats’ common feature is strakes and chines, which form the stepped appearances on some boats’ sides.   They are there to provide stability and help the boat reach planing speed more quickly .

3) Catamarans and Split hulls

Catamarans are more of a concept than a different type of boat hull.   They are boats made from two or more hulls used side by side that allow for a shallower draft and higher speed with less propulsion than single-hull boats.  

different types of sport yachts

A catamaran is one of the oldest shapes out there and can be nearly any size.  

The earliest was probably two canoes lashed together with a deck or netting in between.   It is a concept that dates back to the ancient ocean-going people of the Pacific ocean.  

A catamaran can vary from small, simple boats for fishing or recreation to huge cargo ships used for international commerce and military applications.  

Split hull boats are a hybrid design.   They normally have a bow that splits off into separate V shapes but is still one solid hull.   It is like a V-hull started to morph into a catamaran but got stuck halfway through the process.

Tri-hull and tunnel hull designs are examples of split hull boats.

Common Boat Materials

A quick word about materials:

Boats have been made from nearly every construction material available over the years, but modern recreational boats are generally made from aluminum or fiberglass.   Some fiberglass hulls are reinforced with wood or other material.  

Aluminum is considered the tougher option and is commonly used in fishing boats and pontoon tubes; however, it can be noisy.  

Luxury boats are normally made from fiberglass.   Fiberglass can be made into more complex shapes, making it ideal for most hull types.  

No matter what hull material is used, most boat decks are made from wood and are subject to deterioration if left to the elements.


In conclusion, boats are a fantastic way to spend your free time with your friends and family.   Choosing the right boat can be a daunting task and requires a lot of research.  

Make sure you weigh all options before making such a large investment, and don’t forget to plan for upkeep, insurance, and storage/berthing costs.  

Water does not easily forgive lapses in judgment.   One bad decision could result in disastrous consequences, so be sure you adhere to safety standards and regulations and always have a designated Captain when alcohol is being served.

As always, I hope you have peaceful travels, fair winds, and calm water.   Be safe and watch out for your fellow boaters!

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All You Need to Know About Regattas: Types, Classifications, and Handicaps


A regatta is a competition of sailing yachts, ranging from short races to circumnavigating the globe, with both single “babies” and huge multi-masted ships. You can find more information about this here.

All you need to know about regattas

What is a regatta.

The goals of organizers and participants of regattas are diverse. First, they help to promote yachting as a sport or hobby, either generally or in a particular region. Second, such races preserve yachting traditions and pass on knowledge and experience. Another aim is to increase the brand awareness of sponsors who support many prestigious regattas, such as Rolex, Rixos, Volvo, and Heineken. Of course, making a profit is also an important consideration. Famous personalities are often invited to participate in regattas to enhance their prestige.

Why do yachtsmen participate in regattas?

There is no one answer, but many would agree that the primary motivation is to fulfill their sporting ambitions. If you enjoy gambling, then regattas are certainly for you, because the excitement of the race is intense every time. Many people live for this, and among them, there are those who make money from regattas and those who spend it, sometimes quite a lot. An important point is that regattas provide an excellent opportunity to develop yachting skills in a competitive environment. For many, the social aspect is also important – meeting new people, exchanging experiences, and communicating with like-minded individuals.

A regatta is a sailing competition, or simply put, a race on sailing yachts. Once an exclusive and expensive sport, it is now accessible to many, without gender, age, or other restrictions, even at serious world competitions. For most Europeans, regattas in the Mediterranean are the most accessible, with a large number of races during the yachting season from April to November. In some places, such as Cyprus, races are even held in winter.

To participate in a regatta, it is not necessary to be a professional at the Olympic Games level; you can start sailing from scratch at any age.

How much does it cost to participate in a regatta?

The cost of participating in a regatta varies depending on the type of regatta. One-day club regattas can cost as low as €50, while the fees to join a professional team in a prestigious regatta can reach several thousand euros. On average, participation in a weekly amateur regatta costs around €1000, but the range can vary widely.

Classification of regattas

Regattas are classified based on several parameters, including:

  • By level of difficulty . Regattas are classified into professional and amateur events based on the level of difficulty. Professional regattas vary in level, from the Olympics to club, inter-club, regional, and international competitions. Amateur regattas are organized for various purposes such as to promote yachting, for commercial purposes, or even as a tribute to tradition. These regattas differ greatly, some emphasizing sports, while others focus on socializing and entertainment.
  • By type of yacht . Regattas can be held for different types of yachts, including monotypes, free classes, and exotic or extreme yachts. Monotypes are yachts that have the same size and are built according to identical rules, while free classes are the most common format of amateur regattas. Exotic or extreme yachts, such as traditional boats like “Yoles” in Martinique, also participate in some regattas.
  • By type of distance . Regattas can also be classified by the type of distance involved, such as loops and triangles or route races. Loops and triangles are short-distance races that test the teamwork skills of the crew, while route races involve sailing from one point to another, covering distances that can range from a few hours to several days or even months in the case of round-the-world trips.
  • Regattas are classified by the length of the route and distance from the coast : Coastal: These competitions take place within sight of land, with a distance of up to 20-25 nautical miles (1 mile – 1.85 km). Typically, the starting and finishing points are the same. Offshore: Racing on the open sea covers a range of 150 to 1000 miles. Yachtsmen must show not only their yachting skills, but also endurance. Oceanic: These regattas involve routes that pass through or cover most of the ocean, with a minimum route length of 800 miles. Round the world: Not every skipper and yacht can participate in the round-the-world regatta, as certain requirements must be met. Though not all teams reach the finish line, participation is already prestigious. Such races have a length of more than 20,000 miles. The Vendee Globe is the most prestigious circumnavigation of the world, also known as the “Everest of sailing” because of its strict rules and complexity.
  • Regattas are also classified by geography: Local clubs: These are small regattas that are limited to a particular club or location. Regional: These regattas cover distances from city to country or region. Unlimited sailing: This classification includes races that cover long distances, such as round-the-world races.

What is a Handicap?

A handicap is a special coefficient used to level the playing field between yachts of different models in a race. Its purpose is to ensure that the chances of winning depend solely on the team’s training level, rather than the yacht’s speed characteristics. The handicap system takes into account the speed potential of the yachts, using a measurement system to find the ratio based on the area of the sails, the size, and the shape of the yachts. The winner of the race is determined by the minimum corrected time.

There are several handicap systems in use, and new ones continue to emerge. Unfortunately, there is no consensus within the sailing world regarding this issue. When applying to participate in a specific regatta, you must understand and accept the rules for calculating the handicap offered by the organizers of the competition. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with them beforehand.

In sailing, as in other types of competitions, all participants must adhere to certain principles. Fair play is the most important principle, and uniform rules of conduct apply to all participants.

Now that you have learned more about sailing races and how they operate, it’s time to enter your first regatta!

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A Guide to the Different Types of Yachts and Their Characteristics

Yachts are luxurious and stylish boats used for leisure and pleasure, often seen cruising along the coast or anchored in a marina. They come in different sizes and styles, each with its unique characteristics and uses. Here are the different types of yachts:

1. Sailboat Yacht

The sailboat yacht is a classic and elegant type of yacht that is powered by the wind. It is often used for recreational sailing, racing, and exploring. Sailboat yachts come in different sizes, from small single-person dinghies to large multi-masted yachts, and can be made from different materials, such as wood, fiberglass, or aluminum.

2. Motor Yacht

The motor yacht is a modern and sleek type of yacht that is powered by engines. It is often used for cruising, fishing, and water sports. Motor yachts come in different sizes, from small day boats to large luxury yachts, and can be made from different materials, such as fiberglass or steel.

3. Expedition Yacht

The expedition yacht is a rugged and sturdy type of yacht that is designed for long-distance cruising and exploration. It is often equipped with advanced navigation systems, communication equipment, and safety features. Expedition yachts come in different sizes, from small expedition sailboats to large motor yachts, and can be made from different materials, such as steel or aluminum.

4. Catamaran Yacht

The catamaran yacht is a spacious and stable type of yacht that is designed for comfort and stability. It has two parallel hulls that provide a smooth and stable ride, even in rough seas. Catamaran yachts come in different sizes, from small day boats to large luxury yachts, and can be powered by engines or sails.

By understanding the different types of yachts, individuals can choose the best type of yacht for their specific needs and boating activities. Yachts come in different sizes, styles, and materials, making it easy to find the perfect yacht for any boating adventure.

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Pontoon Boats

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45 Types of Boats

Ian Fortey

There are literally hundreds of different types of boats in the world. For some, the difference between them is very little. For instance, a pontoon and a tritoon are the same boat save for the addition of a single extra pontoon tube. Other boats are highly specialized like a crane boat which may be used for lifting freighters out of the water. And yet others are mostly lost to history, like the boita vessels of the Kalinga region of India.

Let’s take a look at some of the more common boats you’re apt to see in the world today, and maybe a few less common ones.

Banana Boat

different types of sport yachts

Historically there are actually two kinds of vessels known as banana boats. The less common version in the modern world is the banana boat transport ship which carried bananas as freight from their tropical origins to ports in Europe and North America.

In the modern parlance, a banana boat is a long, banana-shaped inflatable craft used for recreation. They can seat as many as 10 people and they are towed behind other boats similar to water skiing or tubing.

different types of sport yachts

Barges are flat bottomed boats that are used in rivers, canals and other inland waterways. Usually these are just used to carry freight and cargo and sometimes they are not even able to do so under their own power, rather they are pushed or pulled by tugs.

Bass Fishing Boat

different types of sport yachts

A bass boat is a small motor boat for use in freshwater specifically for freshwater fishing and, in particular, bass fishing. They often feature livewells for holding fish as well as flat decks and room for several anglers. The seats in bass boats actually swivel to allow you to shift from one side of the boat to the other very easily. There will also be more storage for fishing gear and rods than you’ll find on the average boat.

A bass boat will be powered by an outboard motor but it should also have a trolling motor for maneuvering as well.

Bowrider Boat

Bayliner VR6 Bowrider

Bowrider boats have an open bow area to allow for additional seating. Bowriders are often lumped under the umbrella of runabouts but while a bowrider is a runabout not all runabouts are bowriders, obviously. Most bowriders are between 20 and 35 feet. They typically have sterndrive or outboard motors and can offer seating for around 6 to 10 passengers. They will have a deep v-shaped hull and are good boats for things like water skiing and  cruising.

Cabin Cruiser Boats

different types of sport yachts

A cabin cruiser is a power boat that features a cabin on the vessel so that crew or passengers can spend the night on the boat. Typically these accommodations are larger and more well-appointed than what you’ll find in a cuddy cabin, but definitely not as luxurious as a yacht or a houseboat. A good-sized cabin cruiser over 40 feet should have private staterooms, a head and a cooking and dining area. You can comfortably sleep half a dozen people in most cabin cruisers and many more in larger ones.

Best Fishing Canoe

One of the oldest and most recognizable kinds of boats, a canoe is a long, narrow craft which is paddled by the boater. A single bladed paddle can be used by one or more passengers. Canoes are pointed at the bow and after and can come in a variety of lengths such that they have room for one or many passengers inside.

Canoes can be made from wood, fiberglass or aluminum and are typically lightweight enough to allow them to be carried, or portaged, from one body of water to another if necessary. They are ideal for rivers, lakes and coastal waters and can be used for fishing and cruising.

different types of sport yachts

A catamaran is a boat with two distinct but equal sized hulls. The hulls are connected by a bridge deck between them. They are known for offering a stable ride and can be powered by engines or wind.

Center Console Boats

435CC Center Console

As the name suggests, a center console boat features the helm control is the center of the boat. If the boat is large enough it may feature a cabin or a berth inside, but smaller center consoles will not. A center console is an ideal boat for fishing because, with the console located in the middle, the rest of the boat is open in a full 360 degrees for visibility and moving around. Combined with a good amount of deck space they are easy to use and offer space for gear storage.

Cigarette Boat

different types of sport yachts

Cigarette boats are also known as cigar boats , rum runners and, more generically, go-fast boats. The names cigar and cigarette come from the fact they are similarly shaped, which is to say long and thin. Cigarette boat is actually a brand name for a go-fast boat.

Because of their long, sleek shape and design, these boats were ideal for smuggling as well as racing.

Cuddy Cabin Boats

different types of sport yachts

A cuddy cabin boat, or a walkaround cuddy , is usually somewhere between 18 and 25 feet. They can be used as fishing boats or cruisers and will have cabin space to allow for overnight trips as well, which is what the term “cuddy” refers to. In this case, a cuddy is a berth in the V of the boat’s bow that will also have a small head and maybe a sink. Sometimes the cuddy is simply used for storage though it can easily be used for sleeping.

2021 SunDeck 2200 DC OB

Deck boats have wide bows which allow for larger deck space, hence the name. The hull is a v-shaped but more flared with a typical boat to allow for that extra space. Deck boats are often compared to pontoon boats but the traditional hull of a deck boat means they will not generally have the same amount of space as a pontoon.

Dragon Boat

different types of sport yachts

Dragon boats originate in China and are used for racing these days. Similar to canoes in design, they are generally about 40 feet long and are powered by 16 to 20 paddlers split evenly between the two sides of the boat paddling with oars to propel the boat forward. There will be a steersperson at the front of the boat and also a drummer at the back to maintain a pace for the rowers.

The boats are made of wood traditionally and have been used for over 2000 years. The ends of the boat are usually decorated with dragon heads and tails to complete the look.

different types of sport yachts

Dinghy is another general, catchall term for a number of very small boats. Typically a dinghy will only have room for one or two passengers. They can be rowed with oars or sailed with small sails. Some feature small outboard motors as well. Dinghies are frequently carried by or towed by larger boats for the purpose of allowing crew to leave the larger vessel and take the dinghy ashore.

different types of sport yachts

Also called an airboat, a fan boat looks similar to a hovercraft but does not have the air cushion beneath it. Instead they will have a rigid, flat bottom hull design that is usually aluminum. Airboats are most often used in swamp and marsh areas where a propeller engine would not be practical due to shallow waters and numerous hazards that would get caught in the props. With a very shallow draft and a powerful fan engine, the fan boat is able to skin across the surface of shallow areas.

Ferry Boats

different types of sport yachts

A ferry is a passenger vessel that usually runs a scheduled route between two points. Small ferries may simply offer transports for people while larger ferries can accommodate vehicles as well. Ferries generally operate in one of two ways. They bring people to and from specific destinations which can only be accessed by boat or they provide tours such as the Maid of the Mist ferry which allows passengers to get a closer look at Niagara Falls.

Fishing Boats

different types of sport yachts

Fishing boat s are one of the most loosely defined boat types. It’s a catchall term for really any boat that is used for fishing and, as such, can take on countless forms. From large commercial vessels to a simple aluminum fishing boat or a sport fishing boat , as long as you can fish from the boat it qualifies as a fishing boat.

Most people, when referring to fishing boats, mean smaller vessels which can still vary greatly between freshwater and saltwater use.

Action Craft 1820 Flatsmaster

When you’re in a shallow part of the water with a flat bottom most people will call that a “flats.” Flats boats are small fishing boats with a very shallow draft perfect for fishing in flats and can handle water less than a foot deep. Usually these are coastal waters and sometimes in bays which is why flats boats are also called bay boats sometimes.

different types of sport yachts

A frigate is likely something you won’t be coming across in your travels but you may still hear the name. Frigates are military vessels. Once upon a time they were three-masted warships and today they are still ships of war through noticeably without sails. They tend to be smaller than Destroyers but serve much the same purpose in warfare.

different types of sport yachts

Gondolas are flat bottomed rowing boats similar to long, narrow canoes. They are most famously found in the canals of Venice in Italy although they are also prominent in some Asian countries for navigating along rivers and canals as well. You can also find gondolas in places like New Orleans and Boston. A gondola is usually a passenger vessel operated by a gondolier who will stand at the bow of the vessel and use a long oar to maneuver the boat.

Harbor Cottage 2-Story Houseboat

A houseboat is a boat that serves as a full time residence and therefore contains all the amenities you would expect in an actual house including multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, fully functional kitchens and so on. A houseboat can be operated and taken out for cruising or fishing but most are permanently moored in a place that will serve as a residence. This allows for the boat to be connected to utilities such as electricity from a land-based source, as well as having access to clean water.

Some houseboats can get incredibly extravagant with multiple floors, indoor swimming pools, wine cellars and more.

different types of sport yachts

A hovercraft is able to travel over both water and land and is sometimes called an air cushion vehicle or ACV. Air fills a skirt or cushion beneath the vessel’s hull to provide lift. Unlike some other boats that use air to achieve lift, like a hydrofoil, the design of a hovercraft means they can take advantage of the lift even while not in motion. As well, they are not limited to operating solely on the water. Many hovercraft designs also include a large fan in the rear for propulsion.

different types of sport yachts

A hydrofoil boat uses a hydrofoil, sometimes just called a foil, to provide lift to the boat as it reaches speeds. These foils look like feet that extend under the boat into the water. They are fully submerged when the boat is at rest or moving slowly and cause the boat to have a deep draft which means they cannot be used safely in shallow water.

As a hydrofoil gains speed, the foils will lift the hull of the boat out of the water. This cuts back on drag and allows the boat to travel faster and operate far more efficiently. The ride is often more comfortable for passengers as well.

different types of sport yachts

A hydroplane, sometimes called a thunderboat, is a racing boat that often looks like some kind of wingless jet or spacecraft on the water. They are designed so that, at high speeds, they plane on the water to stay afloat rather than having to rely on the buoyancy of the hull. That means hydrodynamic lift keeps the boat above the water, in much the same way a stone will skip across the surface of the water when thrown properly.

Inflatable Boats

different types of sport yachts

An inflatable boat can take several forms and may include anything from a dinghy to a liferaft and even inflatable pontoon boats. Any lightweight boat that has a hull made entirely from flexible tubes or supported by those flexible tubes that can be filled with pressurized air to provide buoyancy and structure to the boat can be considered an inflatable.

Kawasaki Jet Ski

Any boat that moves thanks to jet drive propulsion qualifies as a jet boat . This would also include personal watercraft, strictly by this definition. A jet drive differs from an outboard or even inboard motor which uses a propeller to rotate through the water and push the boat forward. A jet drive draws water inside with an impeller and then expels the water with force out of the rear of the vessel. The pushing out of a jet of water forces the boat to move forward. Some jet boats produce a massive jet of water from the rear known as a rooster tail.

The fastest boats in the world are jet boats with those outfitted for racing able to reach speeds well over 300 mph.

different types of sport yachts

A jon boat is a very basic, flat-bottom vessel usually reserved for fishing or cruising. It may have one to three benches inside for seating and little else. Hulls are typically aluminum and sometimes fiberglass and should not exceed 24 feet. Because they have an extremely shallow draft they are ideal for use in rivers, swamps and other shallow water areas. Jon boats typically use an outboard or trolling motor to maneuver around. They’re considered good boats for newcomers to boating and are not difficult to control.

different types of sport yachts

Similar to a canoe but with a covered deck and dual paddles. Kayak the word comes from an Inuit language and the boats are Inuit in origin where they were used for hunting and fishing in lakes, rivers and coastal waters. There have been numerous modifications to this original kayak design including kayaks that seat several passengers, ones you sit on top of, sailing kayaks and even motorized kayaks.

Optimist Boat

different types of sport yachts

An optimist boat or optimist dinghy is usually used by children. It is a sailing vessel with room for just a single occupant. Today they are often used for racing and official races require that the boats are registered and meet some fairly strict requirements to qualify as “real” optimist boats.

Outrigger Canoe

different types of sport yachts

An outrigger canoe is a traditional canoe that has been outfitted with an additional one or even two buoyancy supports. Often a single outrigger will extend from one side or the other of the canoe’s hull. The outrigger can be similar to a pontoon or even just a log in very simple designs. Anything that offers buoyancy and stability to the main vessel. An outrigger can be affixed to both sides producing a look similar to a trimaran.

Paddle Boat

Sun Dolphin Sun Slider 5 Seat Pedal Boat

Also called a pedalo, a paddle boat requires human power rather than wind or a motor to move it. The operator and/or passenger pedals in a similar fashion to a bicycle which in turn rotates a paddle wheel to provide propulsion. These are typically used in ponds or calm river stretches. Steer is usually limited to a very simple rudder control that will allow for very slow and simple turns while the paddle itself provides propulsion only as powerful as your legs can manage.

different types of sport yachts

A pontoon boat uses aluminum or inflatable tubes, called pontoons, to keep the hull above the water. This provides good stability and buoyancy. Some boats have a third pontoon and may be called tritoon boats. They offer more deck space than typical v-shaped hull boats but tend to be slower overall. Pontoon boats are ideal fishing and cruising boats, and their large deck space makes them ideal boats for families. They are not well suited for open waters and rough seas, however.

different types of sport yachts

A PWC or personal watercraft is often called a Sea Doo or jetski. These recreational craft are usually used by just one person but some have room for passengers. They are operated by sitting or standing on them rather than in them as you would a boat. PWC are powered by outboard jet drive propulsion. In addition to recreation activities, PWC are often used by lifeguards because of their speed and maneuverability. Most states have additional laws for boaters using PWCs that need to be followed.

different types of sport yachts

A raft is one of the simplest and most basic structures that can qualify as a boat. It is a flat structure devoid of sides and may be as simple as boards, branches or logs lashed together to provide a surface that can hold a passenger. Their buoyancy comes from the materials, such as wood, rather than any kind of strategic hull design. That said, pontoon rafts can also be easily made even from simple materials like air-filled barrels.

Rigid-Hull Inflatable

different types of sport yachts

Also called a RIB, a rigid-hull inflatable boat has a rigid bottom made of something like aluminum, with inflatable tubes making up the sides to give structure and buoyancy. Life boats and dinghies will often be rigid-hull inflatables.

different types of sport yachts

Runabout is a general term that can apply to several specific kinds of boats. In general, a runabout is a motorboat that can be used for fishing, cruising, or watersports. It seats several people, around a half dozen or so, and is usually between 20 feet and 35 feet. The steering is located at the front and there’s probably a windshield as well. Runabouts are fairly basic boats that are well-suited to newcomers.

different types of sport yachts

Any boat propelled by the power of the wind acting on sails is a sailboat . Within that definition there can be different types of sailboats including schooners, cutters, sloops, ketches, catamarans and many others. These are historically some of the oldest boats in the world dating back thousands of years. Sail boats can be small enough to hold just a single passenger or massive enough to accommodate hundreds. With the advent of motorized travel, most sailboats only exist as recreational vessels.

Modern sailboats are recreational craft used for fishing, racing and cruising.

different types of sport yachts

A schooner is a sailboat with at last two masts. To qualify as a schooner the after mast or masts have to be as big or bigger than the foremast. Technically you would only use the word “schooner” to describe such a boat with two masts and if it had four masts, for instance, you would call it a four-masted schooner.

different types of sport yachts

A scow is a large, flat bottomed boat like a barge but not as big. The ends are squared off and the purpose of the vessel is generally for transportation. Arguably the most well known type of scow is a garbage scow which, as the name suggests, transports large quantities of trash.

different types of sport yachts

A skiff is not a specific type of boat. Any small, flat-bottomed boat with a squared off aft section and a pointed bow would likely qualify as a skiff. These are usually used for things like river fishing and can be operated with lower horsepower outboard engines.

different types of sport yachts

This is the state boat of Maryland and was traditionally the boat used in the Chesapeake Bay for oyster dredging. They are two-masted sailboats with what they call a leg-o-mutton sail, which means triangular fore and aft sails behind the mast which is raked, or angled.

different types of sport yachts

A sloop is a sailboat that has a single mast. It should only have two sails – a headsail and a mainsail. You may also see a sloop with a racing or cruising spinnaker.

Trawler Boats

Nordic Tugs 54 Trawler

There are actually two kinds of boats called trawlers. Fishing trawlers are commercial fishing vessels that trawl for fish, which means they drag fishing nets behind them. Recreational trawlers are named after fishing trawlers and feature much the same design, they’re just not used for fishing, or not commercial fishing at least. Recreational trawlers feature cabins and creature comforts like you’d find in a cabin cruiser, a yacht, etc.

different types of sport yachts

Similar to a catamaran, a trimaran has one central hull and then two smaller outriggers. While a catamaran may be more oriented to being a pleasure vessel, a trimaran is better equipped for speed. The outriggers ensure great stability even at speed and are adept at staying afloat even on very rough seas.

different types of sport yachts

Tugboats are most often found in harbors or ports where they are used to help larger vessels maneuver in tight spaces. They are also deployed to tow damaged or incapacitated vessels. They can either pull another vessel with a tow line or pull it. Given the nature of their jobs, tugboats are surprisingly powerful despite their small size.

different types of sport yachts

There is not actually a specific boat that qualifies as a yacht in the way a canoe must clearly be a canoe or a pontoon boat is clearly a pontoon boat. A yacht can be sail powered or engine powered, used for racing, fishing or cruising, and can be a variety of lengths. In general, however, a yacht has a cabin to allow for extended and overnight stays and will usually be at least 33 feet in length. Most people associate a yacht with at least some measure of luxury.

The Bottom Line

There are hundreds and hundreds of different kinds of boats and ships, including various subsets of boats such as is the case with things like sailboats, fishing boats and yachts. Other boats may be known by several different names interchangeably, like how canoe can refer to both a canoe or a kayak in the UK. If you’re ever unsure about what kind of boat someone is referring to, it never hurts to ask or check with your old friend Google.

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My grandfather first took me fishing when I was too young to actually hold up a rod on my own. As an avid camper, hiker, and nature enthusiast I'm always looking for a new adventure.

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Chop and Drop projects are happening across the state in wild trout waters. Here's why

Portrait of Brian Whipkey

Walking through a large tract of woods in Pennsylvania, you may be surprised to see that someone cut trees and dropped them into a stream.

Those fallen trees are part of an organized effort by many state and local agencies and nonprofit groups.

Large Wood Addition, sometimes called Chop and Drop, projects are happening in several parts of the state to mimic what Mother Nature would have provided if the lands were not clear-cut of timber more than 100 years ago.

“The projects in Pennsylvania have a number of purposes. First and foremost it’s to improve fish habitat with the focus on improving habitat for wild brook trout,” said Jason Detar, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission fisheries manager for the northcentral region.

The benefits to the streams include retaking leaf litter, holding back silt and sediment that nourishes trees, providing food for insects, amphibians and fish, and reducing peak water flows during flooding.

This type of work is good for remote areas where it’s difficult to get heavy machinery near waterways.

“Where this really shines is in your typical forested watersheds where we have a lack of large wooden materials in the stream,” he said about the younger forests.

“What we are really looking to do with this is focus in on areas with small to middle-size streams where overhead cover and pool habitat is limited, and we are focusing on wild brook trout streams and watersheds,” Detar said. The upper Kettle Creek Watershed in northcentral Pennsylvania is a prime example of where these efforts have helped the waterway. 

Work has also occurred in the northwestern part of the state in the Allegheny National Forest, in southcentral Pennsylvania in the Michaux State Forest. Chop and Drop work has also happened in southwestern Pennsylvania, including on Higgins Run in Somerset County.

Tree selection is a critical part of the work.

“Trees that are selected occur back away from the edge of the stream, so we usually look a few rows back from the edge of the stream. Oftentimes it’s a combination of tree sizes that are used,” Detar said.

They try to keep some of the tree on the bank to act as ballast to help keep the tree in place during high water events.

The projects require design and permitting work before the first chainsaws fire up.

“We are really trying to mimic Mother Nature in a natural occurrence of wood in the stream. But when each tree is selected for felling, it’s done in an organized manner with a goal in mind,” Detar said. On average they add wood to the streams about every 100 feet, but it varies from stream to stream.

One side benefit of the work is that many animals walk on the trees to cross streams. Additional benefits include reconnecting trees to floodplains during high-water events. 

The trees break up the water flow and move water to low-lying areas. “It helps to dissipate the energy of the floodwater,” Detar said. “You get a lot more groundwater recharge and actually benefits to downstream peak flows because we are holding more water higher up in the watershed."

The woody material provides forage for insects that live in streams. The insects eat the wood and the fish eat the insects.

“There’s really a full ecosystem benefit of the large wood addition. What we do not want to do is open up the canopy as water temperature is the major limiting factor for trout streams,” Detar said about concerns of allowing more sunlight through to the water.

The deeper pools provide cover and protection for the fish from raptors and other predators.

Different groups making the work happen in their own unique ways. For example, he said the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (WPC) uses a tool called a grip hoist to pull trees over to allow the root balls to be used as part of the work. 

Down the road anglers should be finding more trout in the waters where this habitat is being made.

“It usually takes a couple years and a couple high-flow cycles for the wood to fully incorporate into the habitat,” Detar said.

More: BHA weighs in on Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania, improves wildlife habitat across Pa.

Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

Luke Bobnar, watershed projects manager, Upper Allegheny and Lake Erie for the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy , has been involved in Large Wood Addition projects for about a decade.

“It started small and has grown to the point where we are doing 10 to 20 miles a year,” Bobnar said.

“I see environmental benefits, but I also am a person and like people, so I see the people benefits, too. I’d say it’s a holistic way to treat a watershed,” Bobnar.

“I’ve primarily worked on the Allegheny National Forest . I’ve done over 40 miles of the National Forest, so it would be the Allegheny and Clarion river watersheds as well as Tionesta Creek." 

Recently they’ve been working on the Farnsworth branch of Tionesta Creek.

He said the National Forest system has been doing this work for several decades and it’s now happening in the eastern part of the country. “We’re the boots on the ground but the National Forest is definitely the leader in saying we should do this here,” Bobnar said.

“Flooding is hugely important for these sites. Without floods it doesn’t work,” Bobnar said about retaining sediment and nutrients on the floodplain. 

“In some instances, you are reactivating a relic side channel that had been, maybe there was a railroad put there and maybe due to historic forest clearing the main channel became entrenched and no longer access that side channel. Putting in some log jams might reactivate that side channel and that’s where your young fish grow or your amphibians or insects,” he explained.

Instead of one route of water going down the valley, the habitat work translates to multiple routes of water in different sizes that provide different types of habitat.

He’s been monitoring the success of his work and said a preliminary finding realized they created a quarter of an acre more of wetlands on a 14-acre area of treatment in the first eight months. “For wetland development, for something to officially become a wetland is usually a process that takes years. I’m really encouraged by those initial results,” Bobnar said.

Animals are walking on the downed trees to cross the streams and he’s aware of a trail camera project. “I think there were 15 or 20 different species that we saw cross the logs. From birds to mammals and amphibians, it was pretty cool,” Bobnar said. Earlier this year when there was a fresh snowfall, he saw bear tracks where one walked over a fallen tree.

Bobnar wants people to know that wood is good for rivers. “Streams aren’t meant to be straight and clear. They are meant to be messy and to our eyes chaotic. That’s where the habitat is. It’s better for the wildlife and what’s ultimately good for them is good for us, too.

“Everything benefits including people in downstream communities.”

Allegheny National Forest

Nathan Welker, aquatics program manager for the U.S. Forest Service in the Allegheny National Forest , remembers how Large Wood Addition projects started happening in the Keystone State.

“Myself and our forest hydrologist Charles Keeports actually were the first two to introduce Chop and Drop to the state of Pennsylvania,” Welker said. They learned about it in Vermont and New Hampshire and were able to train Pennsylvania crews, including the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and the Fish and Boat Commission, about in 2015. Since then, he said groups have done “a ton of excellent work with it.”

The U.S. Forest Service partners with Trout Unlimited and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy on projects. “WPC does the vast majority of the work on the Allegheny (National Forest). They have a dedicated crew that’s been on our forest for several years now and we have an agreement that helps to fund that work for them,” he said.

Before the work started, the streams had little variation in depths or flow patterns. “Fish actually need those for different stages of their life,” he said. “Freshwater trout need to be able to find refuge from predators, coldwater refuges, deepwater refuges for when the streams start to get low and when you basically have a uniform stream reach, those fish don’t have a lot of options when things start to turn against them,” Welker said. They also need areas suitable for reproduction as well.

“What we are doing is kind of the tip of the iceberg,” he said about comparing their projects to what would be found in an old-growth forest primitive stream channel.

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Our first project was in 2016 in the Kettle Creek watershed. And that’s pretty much where all of our work has been thus far,” said Troy Stimaker, assistant district forester, Resource Management, Susquehannock State Forest for the DCNR . 

The work happens in late fall through spring when the leaves are off the trees and the fish aren’t spawning. “It’s a good time of the year for all of us in the agencies because we’re not as busy with our workload that time of the year,” he said.

It takes several years before they start seeing the true benefits of the work.

“We’ve learned a lot of what we’ve done in the past in terms of techniques that work the best in different size streams,” he said.

Planning and organization are key to finding the right places to pool water and collect sediment.

“We’re very particular about what species of tree," Stimaker said about the selection process. "Certain species of trees, that are little bit heavier, have better branching patterns and tend to gather material better and last a little longer, they don’t rot as fast.

His staff’s work is labor intensive with the crews using chainsaws and wedges. “We’re not using machinery at all,” he said.

The first few years of the work, he said they were able to use ash trees that had died from the Emerald ash borer infestation. “They were already dead or dying and they were prime targets, so we did use a lot of ash for habitat work,” he said.

They use heavy maple, oak and hemlock trees, sometimes in combination, across the water. The heavier trees keep the logs in place during high water times and the hemlocks have plenty of limbs to catch what’s flowing downstream. “It all depends on what species are there,” he said.

Efforts are underway to educate the public about this type of work. Stimaker said people driving by the creeks or hiking may see some interpretive panel signs that explain what the agencies and organizations have done. “Some people are probably wondering, especially fishermen, it does make the fishing harder for sure, because you have a lot more trees and branches in the stream, but it’s making the stream more productive as well,” he said.

Trout Unlimited’s efforts

Phil Thomas, stream restoration specialist for the Pennsylvania Coldwater Habitat Restoration Program of Trout Unlimited (TU) , has been involved with the organization for about nine years and has been involved with Large Wood Addition efforts over the past six years.

 “It’s restoring it to how nature was before we logged everything in the 1800s,” he said.

“A lot of my work is in some very remote areas and being able to return that stream to what it was before we got here and removed all the trees off the landscape is a pretty cool tool to be able to use and all the benefits. I always tell people this is a watershed-wide approach. It’s not just a spot treatment of a site,” Thomas said.

“We’re doing it for the benefit of the brook trout, but it benefits the whole watershed from the brook trout all the way down to the bugs that the brook trout eat up to the raccoons feed on the fish and the deer that use the structures to bed next to and grouse that drums on top of it; to the fishers and bears that use the logs to traverse across the stream without getting wet."

The animals have responded quickly to the habitat improvements.

“We’ve actually been cutting one day and leave the job site and come back the next morning and we’ve pushed deer bedded out from underneath our structures that were cut the day before. It’s pretty wild how quickly, not only the fish respond to these structures, but the wildlife around it benefits as well,” Thomas said.

Trout Unlimited steers the work at various projects based on surveys and maps of the watersheds.

“TU will do some reconnaissance via computer to see where this may be warranted and do the on-ground recon to see if the watershed warrants this kind of work and we will also work with the landowner and other partners involved to fundraise,” Thomas said.

TU has worked in the Kettle Creek drainage area in some of its tributaries, in the Allegheny National Forest as well as in Clearfield County in a tributary to Mosquito Creek in Moshannon State Forest and on Game Commission property in the area. They also helped a private hunting club with a chop and drop project in Lycoming County on a tributary to Lycoming Creek. “We’ve been bouncing around a little bit here and there where we see a good project,” he said.

Depending on the location, county conservation districts and the Pa. Department of Environmental Protection are also involved in the permitting process, too. “It’s not haphazard,” he said about cutting trees in the forest.

This type of work is less expensive than the way agencies tried to get similar results in the past with traditional structures with log deflectors.

Those projects would cost $30 to $60 per linear foot because of the logs and machinery that was required. With Chop and Drop projects, the work is $10 or less per linear foot.

“It’s very inexpensive compared to the hardened structures that a lot of folks are used to. It’s very inexpensive and efficient and in my opinion, one of the best ways to increase the habitat complexity in a watershed,” Thomas said.

“We’re mimicking the natural succession of the forest. We’re giving the streams a jump-start until the forests reaches maturity and the (trees) start falling in on their own. If we do it right, it’s a one-time deal and then Mother Nature will take it from there.

“I’m not necessarily trying to make it better, but just trying to make it sustainable for the future. With climate change, I think without this technique being used that threat to these species, whether it’s brook or brown trout, I think the threat becomes a lot greater because they don’t have the habitat. They don’t have the cold water groundwater that’s being recharged in there in the summer."

The work is giving wild trout a better chance to flourish.

“The numbers and the size of the fish and the overall health of the watershed is definitely far greater than when we first started,” Thomas said. “They are better now because of this technique.”

With projects every couple hundred feet, stormwater is held back and reduces downstream flooding.

“There’s a whole host of things these projects can do,” he said. “They are very versatile.”

Brian Whipkey is the outdoors columnist for USA TODAY Network sites in Pennsylvania. Contact him at [email protected] and sign up for our weekly Go Outdoors PA newsletter email on this website's homepage under your login name. Follow him on Facebook @whipkeyoutdoors .

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Body recovered near Port Aransas after wreck between recreational fishing boat and tanker over the weekend

A man was found dead at the crash site, another man was missing.

Rebecca Salinas , Digital Journalist

PORT ARANSAS, Texas – Update (Noon, Monday): A man’s body was recovered Monday morning in the Corpus Christi Ship Channel, not far from where two boats collided over the weekend. One man was missing after the wreck.

KIII-TV and KRIS-TV reported that his body was discovered by a game warden.

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It’s unclear if the man found dead is the same man who was missing after a recreational fishing boat he was riding in collided with a commercial tanker.

The crash happened at 5:30 a.m. Saturday at the Aransas Pass and Lydia Ann Channel intersection. Crews searched for the man on Saturday and suspended their search on Sunday morning.

Original (12:35 p.m. Sunday): One man is dead and another is missing after a recreational fishing boat collided with a commercial tanker Saturday near Port Aransas.

The crash happened just before 5:30 a.m. at the Aransas Pass and Lydia Ann Channel intersection, not far from the ferry, according to U.S. Coast Guard Heartland and media reports.

U.S. Coast Guard Captain Torrey Bertheau told KIIITV that crews arrived and pulled three men out of the water.

One man was pronounced dead and two were treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

The search for a fourth man continued Saturday but concluded on Sunday morning, according to the Port Aransas South Jetty .

The names of the man who died and the man missing have not been released.

Bertheau said the cause of the crash was under investigation.

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About the Author

Rebecca salinas.

Rebecca Salinas is an award-winning digital journalist who joined KSAT in 2019. She reports on a variety of topics for KSAT 12 News.


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