9 Ways to Learn to Sail for (Practically) Free

Man on sailboat holding green line

Don't own a boat, but want to learn to sail? In this article, I'll share some ways that will actually help you to learn to sail and that are either cheap or free.

Here are some great ways to learn how to sail on the cheap:

  • Two free online courses by NauticEd
  • The Skipper Rank course from NauticEd
  • The Sailing Basics course from Udemy
  • Playing Sailaway - the Sailing Simulator
  • Taking just two sailing lessons
  • Taking a 1-day sailing course
  • Becoming a ship's mate
  • Joining a crew
  • Chartering a boat

Now, sailing is a skill, and so it requires practice. I want to be really clear about this: you can't learn to sail by reading about it. You'll have to go out on a sailboat and actually do it .

The first steps are the cheapest - later steps get more expensive. With each step you'll know more about how you feel about sailing. This way, you prevent making a large investment upfront - only to find out it's not for you.

All in all, these steps will cost you a lot less than you might think. A couple of tenners can go a long way here. And it seems like a whole lot of experience to me.

On this page:

(free) online courses, sailaway videogame, sailing in real life, the total cost for getting started, the next step: chartering a boat.

Before buying anything, you want to figure out whether sailing is for you or not. To do this, I suggest to get started on some good free sailing courses. I've ordered these nine tips in a way that makes (financial) sense.

Free Courses by NauticEd

NauticEd is one of the best-known names in online sailing education. And they offer two introductory courses FOR FREE.

Get two FREE sailing courses from NauticEd

You'll get Basic Sail Trim & Rules of Prevention of Collision at Sea . These will give you a good overview of what you need to know before boarding a sailboat.

Paid Courses by NauticEd

After that, I recommend taking the Skipper Rank course .

This course is a lot more advanced and will talk you through sailing a mid-sized sailboat (23 - 50ft). I think it's a great, comprehensive course.

It will go over all the core sailing theory: Weather and Sea Conditions, Anchoring and Mooring, Slip Departure and Return, Communications & Navigation, Coping with Emergencies, Sailing (of course), and many more.

It has over more than 20+ hours worth of material and will give you all the basic knowledge you need to start sailing in real life.

If you're considering taking sailing courses, I recommend reading our in-depth review of NauticEd here . In it, William will use his 20+ years of sailing experience to see how much value you'll get.

After the online courses, you can plan actual real-life sailing lessons that will build on your theoretical knowledge. The lessons are available around the world. I recommend getting at least two sailing lessons to get a feel for the boat and the basics of sailing. More on this later.

Paid Udemy Course

Another good option is the Sailing Basics Course on Udemy.

Get the Sailing Basics Course on Udemy

It gives an excellent overview, but it doesn't go as in-depth as the Skipper Rank course by NauticEd. But it is great value for money, especially if you can get it at that notorious Udemy discount rate. However, if you can't get it, I'd go with the Skipper Rank course.

This might sound silly to some, but to me, it actually makes a lot of sense.

There's a great sailing simulator called Sailaway. It's just your ordinary videogame - you can download it from Steam, and start playing. But it is more of a simulator than anything else. So I thought it might be useful in learning how to sail.

So does it? The short answer is yes.

It really mimics the sailing experience quite well. Also, the tutorials are at the same time sailing theory lessons.

But here, the same goes: it remains theory - until you get out on a boat and do it for real.

Digital is great: it's cheap (practically free) and comfortable. It's great to explore new interests. But after 50 hours of Sailaway, three sailing courses, and just over $ 100, it's time to get real.

You now know some good ways to get started digitally. That's a great start. But as I said earlier, real experience is key. You want to get a feel for the boat, the lines, the wind and the sea. You also want to encounter some situations to apply your knowledge to - otherwise, it will rapidly ebb away. So how to get started in real life?

I suggest, before going out and buying your own boat, you might want to start by trying out some things first. It's also great to sail with someone more experienced at first. Spending time with another sailor is the quickest way to learn.

You have a couple of solid options:

Taking Two Sailing Lessons

Taking a 1-day sailing course, becoming a ship's mate, join a crew.

  • Chartering a Boat
How much does it cost to own a sailboat? Read our complete sailboat ownership cost guide for a complete overview of all the ownership costs and the purchase cost of a new & used sailboat.

There are a couple of ways to go about. You could simply register for a sailing lesson using the NauticEd website. You could also hire your own instructor. Sailing lessons range anywhere from $60 - $600. Private lessons are more expensive, but you could get started for about $100 / half day.

If you're a quick study, a couple of sailing lessons will get you a long way - especially since you've already learned most theory. I suggest taking at least two, to cover the most important basics.

Learn more on the cost of sailing lessons in my article here

There are all-inclusive 1-Day Sailing Courses available. You simply rent the boat + the instructor, which is also your captain. You do have to get out to the lake or bay where the boat lies.

An entire day can be quite expensive. Rates vary between $200 - $2000. If this seems like a lot of money, it is.

However, you rent the boat for the day. So most of the times you can bring your friends. Most sailboats can easily carry 4-6 people. Split the cost, and even for a day out on the water, it's not a bad price.

Always check with the captain beforehand how many people you can bring .

The advantage of an all-in sailing course is that you get your money's worth. These instructors are generally very skilled. You might learn more from an entire day on the water with them than from ten sailing hours on your own.

Becoming a ship's mate is a great way to gain experience. Ideally, you know someone who owns a boat. If you don't, however, you could always place a request on the well-known online sailing fora, or at your local sailing school.

Not all sailors like the company, but for some, an extra pair of hands is just what they need. You only need to find them - which shouldn't be too difficult.

Some places to get started finding a captain:

  • using Facebook Groups or Marketplace (which is local)
  • placing a request on Craigslist
  • pinning a message at your local harbor (or your local supermarket or town center) - old-skool
  • sending in a request to your local sailing club or school
  • place a request on the online fora: CruisersForum - SailingForums - SailNet

There are two industries where skippers are always on the lookout for good crew.

  • Sailboats are getting delivered around the world by specialized crews
  • Inland and Coastal Water Tourism

You can apply to join a sailboat delivery crew at CrewSeekers . A LOT of people want to do this. If you already have a bit of experience, that's a big plus.

You could also ask around in your local harbor. Just a 20-minute drive away from me lies Harlingen Harbour. It is the kick-off point for a lot of tourist sailing trips on the Waddenzee. A friend of mine asked around and got to be ship's mate for an entire summer, on a traditional clipper.

That's certainly a way to gain a lot of experience quickly.

After all this, you'll know more than you might expect - and you've paid less than you might think.

What you've done:

  • Two free online courses
  • One or two paid online courses
  • Unlimited hours in the sailing simulator
  • A couple of days as a ship's mate
  • 1-2 (private) sailing lessons

What you've learned:

  • basic sailing theory - sail trim, navigation, rules of the road, safety
  • basic sailing skills - maneuvering under sail, reefing, hoisting the main, setting a course and maintaining it
  • experience - 20-30 hours of real sailing experience

Total cost: under $500.

I think that's not too bad at all.

The next step, of course, is chartering a boat of your own. You can literally charter sailboats all over the world. In some regions, however, you do need a captain's license. The charter company could also require paperwork, exams, or experience.

Chartering a boat is an amazing experience, and if you're ready for it, I recommend you check out my boat charter recommendations . It's easy, cheaper than owning a boat, and the captain's optional. In my opinion, it's the best way to get started on a budget.

All in all, there are a couple of great ways to get started with sailing cheaply. In this article, I've mentioned the ones that seem most practical to me. If I started sailing today, this is how I would do it.

In this particular order, there is really no downside. You start with not spending any money at all, and gradually work your way up. With each step you'll learn more about your particular interests, and how much money you are willing to spend on it.

But the most important thing? Just get started. Right away - why not?

Get Started (and Save Money)

I have written a detailed e-book that contains actionable step-by-step lesson plans for different budgets and situations. This book will save you hundreds of dollars, hours, and a headache. You can check out my e-book here. Please do. You will support our work, and more importantly: it will help you get started much quicker and cheaper.

Pinterest image for 9 Ways to Learn to Sail for (Practically) Free

Nice article, and yes Friesland is a great place to learn sailing, with big lakes and opportunity to go onto the IJsselmeer and Waddenzee. You forgot one way to learn, which is with the Sea Scouts, where I learned it together with other rascals my age. Their little metal boats, called ‘Lelievlet’, are total fool proof, and sail pretty good under all circumstances.

may the wind be with you, Bas

Are individuals with PTSD, depression, or other mental health conditions prohibited from owning and operating a sailboat?

Hi Dennis, Not that I know of.

David Warshowsky

Hi Dennis, I enjoyed your article very much. If you’re in the NYC/Northern NJ area, SEAS (Society for the Education of American Sailors) Bergen and its sister chapters offers very affordable sailing instruction from basic sailing up to keelboat sailing on the Hudson River in Haverstraw, NY.

Bergen chapter teaches basic sailing over 4 evenings in the classroom (may be virtual due to Covid) and 2 full days on the water using 15’ sloops.

For more info: https://www.seasbergen.org/

Thank you Shawn, this was a great read, very insightful, many great ideas, inspirational, uplifting and optimistic! I have the sailing bug and your article was JUST what I was looking for.

Christopher Gong

This is a great article for someone like me who is trying to learn to the sail from the beginning. I have a couple of questions I hope I can get answers from you. Thanks a lot.

If I take on-the-water training classes from a non-NauticEd affiliated training school , and ask the trainer to endorse/verify my on the water traing hours (say 32 hours) in my NauticEd logbook, do they usually will do this? If they are willing to, how is this gets done and what is the process involved.

If I plan to get ASA certification 101, 103 etc myself, is there a way that I can add my certificates for the ASA courses in my NauticEd resume? Seems to me that NauticEd resume only allows one to log in their sail trips and not anything else.


Useful information posted here!

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A Beginner's Guide to Sailing a Sailboat

Key Information for Beginners and Sailors

There are many ways to learn to sail:

  • You can just jump in a boat with a friend and try to learn from experience
  • You can sign up for a formal course at a sailing school
  • You can buy or borrow a small sailboat and do it all on your own

No matter which way works best for you, it helps to understand the boat and what's involved in sailing first before you're out on the water, where suddenly you might get into trouble.

The Basic Steps of Sailing

Sailing involves both specific knowledge and skills. The following are the basic steps of learning to sail- as much as you can learn while not actually on a boat. You don't have to follow this order; skip ahead if you already know some of the basics. If you're mostly new to sailing, you might want to proceed through these steps like chapters in a manual.

  • Understand Basic Sailing Terms. To get into sailing, you have to understand the words that are used to talk about the sailboat and the skills used to sail. Start here with a review of basic sailing terms. Don't worry about memorizing everything as many of these terms and concepts will become clearer as you read on about how to do it.
  • Learn the Parts of the Boat. Before you go on the boat, it's helpful to know the words used in different parts of the boat. Even if you have an instructor, he or she won't say "Grab that rope over there and pull it," but instead will say "Haul in the jib sheet!" Review the basic boat terms you'll need to know.
  • Start an Online Course. Now you're ready to learn more about what all those parts of the boat are used for. Here you can start an online learn-to-sail course by learning more about the parts of the boat along with a lot of photos, so you'll see what to do.
  • Rig the Boat. Read to go sailing now? Hold it a minute- you have to rig the boat first by putting on sails and making other preparations. Here again are a lot of photos of what to do on a typical small sailboat used by beginners.
  • Review Basic Sailing Techniques. OK, now you have the boat ready- so what do you do now to make it go? Manage the sails to go in the direction you want by learning basic sailing techniques.
  • Discover How to Maneuver. Sailing in a set direction is reasonably easy, but eventually, you'll have to change direction. That often involves tacking and gybing. Take a moment to learn what's involved in these critical maneuvers.
  • Recover From a Capsize. Now you've got the basics down. But did anyone ever tell you that small sailboats often tip over if the wind is gusting? Be prepared and carefully see how to recover from a capsize .
  • Dock or Anchor the Boat. Now you're out there sailing and you've got the boat under control. Learn how to go faster, dock or anchor the boat and use some of the equipment you've ignored so far. Take a look at some of these additional sailing skills.
  • Practice Tying Knots.  For thousands of years, sailors have used times where it is cold or raining by doing things like tying knots. Knots are important on a sailboat and you will need to learn at least some basic sailing knots to sail at all.
  • Sail Safely. At this point, plus practice on the water, you're good to go. However, it's good to remember that water is a dangerous place. Learn the basics about sailing safety. Staying safe makes it easier to keep having fun out there.

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Condé Nast Traveler

Condé Nast Traveler

The Best Places to Learn How to Sail, From the Greek Islands to the Florida Keys

Posted: March 21, 2024 | Last updated: March 21, 2024

<p>Sailing is one of the best ways to explore some of the most beautiful, <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/cruises-to-remote-destinations?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">untouched coastal destinations</a> around the globe. But from the outside, learning how to sail might seem like an intimidating—and expensive—pursuit.</p> <p>However, learning to sail isn’t as difficult as it might seem. And contrary to what some may believe, “sailing is for everyone,” Zeke Quezada, the Director of Communications at the American Sailing Association (ASA) tells <em>Condé Nast Traveler.</em></p> <p>“It is important to understand that anyone can sail, and it is really easy to learn,” Quezada says. “Sailing is not just for the affluent; head into a community sailing club at your local marina, and you'll have options to get out on the water for little to no cost.”</p> <p>While mastering the art of sailing takes consistent practice, hopeful captains looking for a crash-course to jumpstart their journey may consider a <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/best-new-cruises-in-the-world-hot-list?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">sailing vacation</a>. These educational charters allow you to fully immerse yourself in the <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/best-cruise-ships-gold-list?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">nautical lifestyle</a>—and you can earn official certifications along the way. On these types of trips, “you have a qualified skipper on board who is offering instruction, as well as advice on how to become a safe and confident sailor,” Quezada explains. “The best part is that you can have your family onboard, and everyone is having a vacation while you check off the bucket list item of learning to sail.”</p> <p>When planning your first <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/best-all-inclusive-cruises?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">sailing trip</a>, look for trips and schools that offer credentialed schools and instructors; organizations such as ASA, US Sailing, and the Royal Yacht Association are internationally recognized. By following these certification tracks, you can become licensed to sail a charter without a captain on board, also known as a “bareboat charter.” Though not required in some places, a bareboat certification makes it much easier (and safer) to <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/best-boat-rental-services?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">rent your own boat</a>.</p> <p>No matter which route you take, <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/galleries/2014-10-20/top-cruise-lines-readers-choice-awards-2014?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">sailing</a> is a lifelong skill that will open doors to a community of people passionate about getting out on the water and protecting the oceans. “Most importantly, you will learn how to sit back, turn off the phone, and feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face,” says Quezada. “You might start listening to Jimmy Buffet as well.”</p> <p>Below, we’ve rounded up the best places around the world for learning how to sail—including destinations in <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/best-hotels-united-states-canada-gold-list?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">North America</a>, <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/best-places-to-go-in-europe-2024?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Europe</a>, <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/best-places-to-go-in-asia-2024?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Asia</a>, and <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/best-places-to-go-in-australia-new-zealand-and-the-south-pacific-2024?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Australia</a>—plus, the sailing courses and trips to book in 2024.</p><p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

Sailing is one of the best ways to explore some of the most beautiful, untouched coastal destinations around the globe. But from the outside, learning how to sail might seem like an intimidating—and expensive—pursuit.

However, learning to sail isn’t as difficult as it might seem. And contrary to what some may believe, “sailing is for everyone,” Zeke Quezada, the Director of Communications at the American Sailing Association (ASA) tells Condé Nast Traveler.

“It is important to understand that anyone can sail, and it is really easy to learn,” Quezada says. “Sailing is not just for the affluent; head into a community sailing club at your local marina, and you'll have options to get out on the water for little to no cost.”

While mastering the art of sailing takes consistent practice, hopeful captains looking for a crash-course to jumpstart their journey may consider a sailing vacation . These educational charters allow you to fully immerse yourself in the nautical lifestyle —and you can earn official certifications along the way. On these types of trips, “you have a qualified skipper on board who is offering instruction, as well as advice on how to become a safe and confident sailor,” Quezada explains. “The best part is that you can have your family onboard, and everyone is having a vacation while you check off the bucket list item of learning to sail.”

When planning your first sailing trip , look for trips and schools that offer credentialed schools and instructors; organizations such as ASA, US Sailing, and the Royal Yacht Association are internationally recognized. By following these certification tracks, you can become licensed to sail a charter without a captain on board, also known as a “bareboat charter.” Though not required in some places, a bareboat certification makes it much easier (and safer) to rent your own boat .

No matter which route you take, sailing is a lifelong skill that will open doors to a community of people passionate about getting out on the water and protecting the oceans. “Most importantly, you will learn how to sit back, turn off the phone, and feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face,” says Quezada. “You might start listening to Jimmy Buffet as well.”

Below, we’ve rounded up the best places around the world for learning how to sail—including destinations in North America , Europe , Asia , and Australia —plus, the sailing courses and trips to book in 2024.

Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel

<p>The <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/where-to-eat-stay-and-play-in-the-british-virgin-islands?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">British Virgin Islands</a> and <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/sponsored/story/americans-can-leave-their-passports-behind-to-reconnect-with-this-caribbean-paradise?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">US Virgin Islands</a> are some of the best training grounds for novice sailors “because of their line-of-sight sailing, predictable wind, and sailor-friendly destinations,” Quezada says. “In the BVI, you can learn to sail and have a beach vacation simultaneously.”</p> <p>If you’re looking to get your bareboat license, there are several ASA-certified sailing schools in the BVI and US Virgin Islands. <a href="https://cna.st/affiliate-link/3qWb9ebJmvAykTPuCAMuQmJCtNYHeP2tSqKHGQsjySq9oFNgP2ZxWtPwMfQ1ybGrtkKCtJzV7opXbFBSY5mDCFjrp52g2NQpAj9jsLpxDsf5377Szsdu1s1PN2BMK689VmZDm32YeqrJv" rel="sponsored">Offshore Sailing School</a>, one of the world's preeminent sailing institutions, offers fast track courses for all levels of sailing. Alternatively, charter a captained catamaran, one of the most popular ways to explore the Caribbean.</p><p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

The Virgin Islands

The British Virgin Islands and US Virgin Islands are some of the best training grounds for novice sailors “because of their line-of-sight sailing, predictable wind, and sailor-friendly destinations,” Quezada says. “In the BVI, you can learn to sail and have a beach vacation simultaneously.”

If you’re looking to get your bareboat license, there are several ASA-certified sailing schools in the BVI and US Virgin Islands. Offshore Sailing School , one of the world's preeminent sailing institutions, offers fast track courses for all levels of sailing. Alternatively, charter a captained catamaran, one of the most popular ways to explore the Caribbean.

<p>Warm temperatures, calm turquoise waters, and consistent easterly winds make the <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/florida-keys-top-resorts?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Florida Keys</a> one of the best places to learn to sail in the US. Stay at the Key Lime Sailing Club and cottages resort on Buttonwood Sound in Key Largo and take lessons at the <a href="https://www.americansailingacademy.com/">American Sailing Academy</a>, located onsite.</p> <p>Alternatively, outdoor education organization Outward Bound, which offers program scholarships, is hosting a <a href="https://cna.st/affiliate-link/qsSkLvaohicBddXbkpp7ZBHEu2SDmRAGX7rTf64KAq5GUxjxyWPzxsFMxbAMz6YphwMz6xt9dgSVV4XR31RJRTH6jYN9DE6mqEPeVdN2bbGJKsLDeQw5SUDzTkqMLYTSKBWv98LLAdwKXt2rej3M8Jqb4k3De3VxZ7x2QRsCgawU9mqt3STTuErv" rel="sponsored">Florida Keys sailing excursion</a> for adults in March/April 2025. Participants will live on a 30-foot open sailboat for slightly over a week learning beginner, intermediate, and advanced skills in chart and compass navigation, small boat seamanship, weather observation, and anchoring.</p><p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

Florida Keys

Warm temperatures, calm turquoise waters, and consistent easterly winds make the Florida Keys one of the best places to learn to sail in the US. Stay at the Key Lime Sailing Club and cottages resort on Buttonwood Sound in Key Largo and take lessons at the American Sailing Academy , located onsite.

Alternatively, outdoor education organization Outward Bound, which offers program scholarships, is hosting a Florida Keys sailing excursion for adults in March/April 2025. Participants will live on a 30-foot open sailboat for slightly over a week learning beginner, intermediate, and advanced skills in chart and compass navigation, small boat seamanship, weather observation, and anchoring.

With its calm, clear waters and warm Mediterranean climate, the Ionian sea offers ideal conditions for beginner sailors. Quezada recommends sailing down the western coast of Greece and the island of Corfu, where <a href="https://cna.st/affiliate-link/6hMwZ5F1cAhMhgQn9oATrfJ1oJx97a24hTE6Qo4fLhtNC2ZfEUUnmLx6yMnoUWfrSM5zpWoXaff7kEmbGaxZ3JXsEvihZsbDUt8x3vz5bLPy6GfPQ7wZp9paasQsh1CZrvALbk" rel="sponsored">Fairwinds Sailing School</a> offers “learn to sail” vacations from April to October. For a route closer to Athens, join a flotilla and hop between the <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/best-greek-islands-to-visit?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Argo-Saronic Islands</a> in the Aegean Sea, but be aware that the Meltemi winds, which are especially strong during July and August, can make for trickier sailing conditions in this region.<p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

Greek Islands

Sail through crystal clear waters between a whopping 971 uninhabited islands in the Sea of Cortez, located between the <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/a-five-day-road-trip-through-central-bajas-artsy-towns-and-pristine-beaches?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Baja peninsula</a> and mainland Mexico. <a href="https://www.nautilussailing.com/destinations/sailing-lessons-in-mexico/">Nautilus Sailing</a> offers liveaboard courses on catamaran and monohull ships for sailors looking to earn their ASA 101, 103, 104, and 114 certifications from January–June and October–December. The curriculum covers sailboat terminology, engine operation, docking procedures, sail trimming, navigation rules, anchoring, weather, and maritime safety, among other skills. Plus, expect to encounter some stunning marine life, including sea turtles, whale sharks, dolphins, and humpback whales.<p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

Sea of Cortez, Mexico

<p>There’s no better way to experience a quintessential <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/best-weekend-getaways-in-new-england?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">New England</a> summer than by sailboat. The sailing season in the Northeast runs from April to October, with ASA and US Sailing accredited schools located in major metropolitans like <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/destinations/new-york-city?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">New York City</a> and <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/destinations/boston?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Boston</a> as well as coastal enclaves like <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/where-to-eat-stay-and-play-in-newport-rhode-island?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Newport</a> and <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/where-to-eat-stay-and-play-on-cape-cod?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Cape Cod</a>.</p> <p>For adults seeking a basic introduction to the sport, US Sailing offers <a href="https://cna.st/affiliate-link/23Up7xC9e31HocNiQh7E27Hs6kzMckiAViXvFFU5aT4K4Csu7pYNbgHddZ2oxhqUv3r8VzUyKK5bRAZc8ACfz8izupmhBKjDiKZepiZniraGgpqtv9vXLMfD71PHrRaTu1kuwU6iZUACRTv1kgzAbA5M6dsLrMY" rel="sponsored">“first sail”</a> lessons in dozens of locations up and down the Eastern seaboard. Pull on a striped sweater, pack a bottle of rosé, and you’re good to go!</p><p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

New England

There’s no better way to experience a quintessential New England summer than by sailboat. The sailing season in the Northeast runs from April to October, with ASA and US Sailing accredited schools located in major metropolitans like New York City and Boston as well as coastal enclaves like Newport and Cape Cod .

For adults seeking a basic introduction to the sport, US Sailing offers “first sail” lessons in dozens of locations up and down the Eastern seaboard. Pull on a striped sweater, pack a bottle of rosé, and you’re good to go!

<p>Croatia’s <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/croatia-road-trip-along-dalmatian-coast?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Adriatic Coast</a> is home to a vibrant sailing community with picture-perfect weather conditions. Beginner sailors will appreciate the gentle winds of Dubrovnik, the Split Islands, and <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/sailing-kornati-islands-croatia?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Kornati National Park</a>, whose sheltered coves and bays supply calm and predictable winds. Enjoy incredible natural wonders only accessible by boat, like the famous Blue Cave.</p> <p>Student sailors can earn beginner, intermediate, and advanced ASA certifications aboard 8-day <a href="https://cna.st/affiliate-link/5562jUBkjoEKArhzrbgC62GDyQqQ2hWgRB2cRmcNaRdd2si9Y7MuUne2GffU3tDsKABSfiqXvEk5G8nz6cTbskLAwu7Pj31ETNPzEGPPG6L1qqaSqAQe7KY6aDe11Qx7TADrodLEMe1UVNnQLyAkGkiX9UiyC8yrZpAiAApG9SKSpD9RiRpXhWLXzUE5W4AuVJk5tS1CE" rel="sponsored">learn to sail vacations</a> in July, August, and September 2024. Hosted by American Sailing partner Sailing Virgins, the catamaran and monohull ships—each a minimum of 40 feet with 3-5 cabins—visit the <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/the-most-beautiful-islands-in-croatia?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Croatian islands</a> of Brac, Korčula, Šćedro, Komiža, Vis, and Hvar.</p><p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

Croatia’s Adriatic Coast is home to a vibrant sailing community with picture-perfect weather conditions. Beginner sailors will appreciate the gentle winds of Dubrovnik, the Split Islands, and Kornati National Park , whose sheltered coves and bays supply calm and predictable winds. Enjoy incredible natural wonders only accessible by boat, like the famous Blue Cave.

Student sailors can earn beginner, intermediate, and advanced ASA certifications aboard 8-day learn to sail vacations in July, August, and September 2024. Hosted by American Sailing partner Sailing Virgins, the catamaran and monohull ships—each a minimum of 40 feet with 3-5 cabins—visit the Croatian islands of Brac, Korčula, Šćedro, Komiža, Vis, and Hvar.

The <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/best-beaches-in-thailand?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Gulf of Thailand</a> offers lovely year-round sailing conditions, making it an accessible and exciting destination for both beginner and advanced sailors. Most sailing schools and marinas in Thailand are based in Pattaya. <a href="https://sailingschoolthailand.com/sailing-courses/zero-to-hero-info/">Island Spirit Sailing Schoo</a>l offers an eleven-day “zero to hero” course that combines crew and skipper training, including land-based and overnight sea lessons.<p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

Gulf of Thailand

Located in Northeast Australia, the <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/all-the-new-places-to-stay-in-australias-whitsunday-islands?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Whitsunday Islands</a> are a year-round sailing mecca and idyllic gateway to the <a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/story/great-barrier-reef-model-for-destinations-threatened-by-climate-change?mbid=synd_msn_rss&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=syndication">Great Barrier Reef</a>. Brisk southeast trade winds blow throughout the winter season, attracting sailors from across the country to annual sailing races hosted on Hamilton Island and Airlie Beach. For beginner sailors, Mainstay Sailing offers <a href="https://www.mainstaysailing.com.au/#courses">introductory courses</a> certified by the internationally-recognized Royal Yacht Association out of the Coral Sea Marina.<p>Sign up to receive the latest news, expert tips, and inspiration on all things travel</p><a href="https://www.cntraveler.com/newsletter/the-daily?sourceCode=msnsend">Inspire Me</a>

Whitsunday Islands, Australia

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  1. ASA's Free Online Sailing Course

    A: No, the course is fully self-contained. You can start the course at any time and do some or all of it at a time. Start Now! Learn to sail online with ASA - "Your First Sail" is a short, fun, online sailing course designed to familiarize you with the world of sailing.

  2. Learn To Sail with the American Sailing Association

    Learn to Sail. Your dream to learn to sail is close to becoming reality. Find a school, take a course and set off on your new adventure. ASA has everything you need to sail confidently and safely and you can start right now. We have compiled a list of tools and resources that will help you learn the basics of sailing before you get out on the ...

  3. ASA Online Courses

    Online learning allows the sailor to manage new knowledge from home. Not all sailing knowledge can be obtained through online instruction but much of the theory and some of the instruction is available through online courses. Take a course that is hard to find in your area or supplement your knowledge with these ASA approved online courses.

  4. Learn To Sail Online with American Sailing

    Learn how to dock a sailboat under sail, or under power, in a variety of different scenarios. Sailing legend Peter Isler walks us through the process using animations, illustrations, and live-action footage. Understand the techniques and skills required by both skipper and crew in order to make your docking experiences safe and easy.

  5. Best Online Sailing Courses, Certificates, & Free Online Courses

    Skipper Course. A comprehensive online sailing course for beginner to intermediate sailors to learn how to sail large sailboats (keelboats) 26 ft (8m) and above. If you want to learn to sail or improve your sailing skills then the Skipper Large Sailboat Online Course is right for you. Estimated time: 20 hours.

  6. Online Intro to Sailing

    Josh MandelAmerican Sailing Member for over 20 years. This online sailing course introduces the fundamentals of sailing including important vocabulary, safety skills, and how sailboats work. You will understand the basics of how sailboats are able to use the power of the wind to travel even though you have never stepped foot on a boat before.

  7. eSail Sailing Simulator

    For beginners you learn how to sail a 36′ sailing yacht including raising the sail, tacking, gybing, reefing, mooring and anchoring.For experts you can use the Quick Start tutorial then dive straight into the challenges.. You can then explore the waters surrounding the Shearwater Islands and seek out features such as the wreck of the Princess Zara, and join challenges such as sailing races ...

  8. Learn to Sail Online- Catamaran Sailing Masterclass

    Jonathan M Augelli. The best learn to sail online with Nautilus Sailing's award-winning instructors in the comfort of your own home. Gain knowledge from sailing educators who have trained over 4,000 students. This masterclass contains 36 lessons in easy to digest sessions.

  9. The Best Way to Learn to Sail (With or Without Boat)

    Basic sailing techniques: There are a few basic sailing techniques that every sailor should know. These include tacking (turning the boat into the wind), jibing (turning the boat away from the wind), and trimming the sails (adjusting the sails to catch the wind). You should also be familiar with the points of sail, which describe the different ...

  10. Learn To Sail with eSail

    Learn To Sail with eSail. Includes a complete sailing course - 'Learn Yachting with eSail' with 17 detailed tutorials. Sailing skills such as reefing, mooring, charting and anchoring are included. Works to support practical and theory training courses from organisations such as US Sailing and the RYA. Includes challenges to master your ...

  11. How To Learn To Sail: Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide

    7 easy steps to get into sailing: Focus on learning the theory first, focus on practice second. The essential sailing skills are sail trim, navigation, and boat safety. Start out using (free) online resources or Sailaway simulator. After that, gain experience by taking at least a couple of sailing lessons.

  12. Chart Your Course

    EMBARK SUCCESSFULLY. 1. Get SKILLS Gain the skils, experience and formal certifications to sucessfully embark on your sailing journey. 2. Get EXPERIENCE You deserve an incredible adventure, award-winning instructors, sexy new sailboats and a fun learning environment. 3. Go SAILING Enjoy sailing with friends & family in exotic destinations.

  13. American Sailing

    Join us aboard Arabella, a 157-foot mega yacht, to explore all the sights of Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, and Cuttyhunk. SEATTLE, WA • SEP 18-22, 2024. On-The-Water Sailing Clinic. Master racing trim, helming, and boat handling with practical on-water training and shoreside seminars taught by s easoned coaches.

  14. Learn How to Sail: A Step-by-Step Guide to SAILING

    Join me on a comprehensive sailing lesson. I teach you the basics you need to know to begin sailing, from vocabulary and parts of the boat to getting underwa...

  15. 9 Ways to Learn to Sail for (Practically) Free

    Here are some great ways to learn how to sail on the cheap: Two free online courses by NauticEd. The Skipper Rank course from NauticEd. The Sailing Basics course from Udemy. Playing Sailaway - the Sailing Simulator. Taking just two sailing lessons. Taking a 1-day sailing course. Becoming a ship's mate.

  16. International Yacht and Maritime Training

    IYT operates more boating courses with more government approvals through more schools, in more countries and in more languages than any other boating organization in the world. We are proudly ISO 9001:2015 approved. International Yacht Training Worldwide is the global leader in International Certificate of Competence, Superyacht Crew training ...

  17. Online Sailing Course

    Learn to Sail Online A Fast Way to Prepare for Your Course or More Sailing. The Offshore Sailing School Online Learn to Sail Course covers what you learn in the OSS 101 - Learn to Sail Course.Produced in 2013 by Offshore Sailing School founders Steve and Doris Colgate and the BoatUS Foundation, our sailing lessons online are a great tool for beginners just getting into sailing or those who ...

  18. Learn to Sail

    By learning to sail with a US Sailing-certified instructor, you'll learn the sailing skills that you need to be a safe, confident, successful sailor. Over 1500 Smallboat Instructors and Coaches are certified by US Sailing each year and are ready to teach you to sail at your local sailing school, yacht club, or community sailing center.

  19. RYA Sail Cruising Training

    The courses in the RYA Yachtmaster training scheme will help you learn to sail and build confidence, become a useful crew member and even learn how to skipper a sailing yacht and manage it's crew. ... Cruising Level 1 - An entry level course focusing on the principles of sailing a yacht. Can be run in conjunction with the Basic Skills course ...

  20. How Do I Learn To Sail?

    This is step one in your journey to explore the world under sail. The foundation for all of your sailing education begins with this course. ASA 101 - Basic Keel Boat Sailing. Able to skipper a sloop-rigged keelboat of approximately 20 to 27 feet in length by day in light to moderate winds (up to 15 knots) and sea conditions.

  21. 10 Steps to Sail a Sailboat for Beginners

    Take a look at some of these additional sailing skills. Practice Tying Knots. For thousands of years, sailors have used times where it is cold or raining by doing things like tying knots. Knots are important on a sailboat and you will need to learn at least some basic sailing knots to sail at all. Sail Safely.

  22. New Sailor Resources from the American Sailing Association

    The American Sailing Association has many great online resources to help you on your journey to learn how to sail. Start with our FREE Online Sailing Course and learn how a sailboat works, the common commands used to steer one and some basic sailing terminology. Watch ASA's Sailing Made Easy and Knots Made Easy videos that teach you some of ...

  23. The Best Places to Learn How to Sail, From the Greek Islands to ...

    Sail through crystal clear waters between a whopping 971 uninhabited islands in the Sea of Cortez, located between the Baja peninsula and mainland Mexico. Nautilus Sailing offers liveaboard ...

  24. Bodies of two children recovered after sailboat capsizes, search

    A search began over the weekend for the two children, ages 3 and 5, and their father, 32-year-old Bill Salnik of Little Suamico, after they went sailing Saturday. Officials say the three left ...

  25. Intro to Sailing: Online Course

    Sailing is a sport that requires knowledge of new terms and concepts before you ever step foot on a boat.. A New Online Course for Beginners. This course is designed to be a: Introduction for those interested in sailing; Preparation for new ASA 101 students; Refresher for sailors getting ready for ASA 103; You'll start by learning to identify ...

  26. Secrets of Successful Cruising

    Join Julie Capelli, of Pelagic Cruising Services, as she breaks down tips for mastering the secrets of successful cruising. Learn essential skills from sailing basics to self-sufficiency, and gain insights on boat selection and preparation. And don't miss the opportunity to hear directly from the author, transformed full-time sailor from landlubber, at the Annapolis Sailboat Show October 11, 2024!